Kinetics of Curvilinear Translation. Dynamic Equilibrium

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Kinetics of Curvilinear Translation.

Dynamic Equilibrium
1. The kinetic equations of curvilinear translation are obtained from the
equation of motion for the center of gravity of any body, i.e.,
R = Wa/g. It is convenient to resolve this equation into
components which are normal and tangent to the path. Calling the
normal axis N and the tangential axis T:

Wan Wv2 Wat Wat

N = = T = =
g gr g g

The bar signs which refer to the motion of the center of gravity can
be omitted from these equations because all particles in translation
have identical values of acceleration as well as displacement and

L h 
Wv2 r Wv2
gr r gr
Conical pendulum Force polygon
2. Dynamic equilibrium is created by applying the centrifugal inertia
force acting radially outward from the center of the path.

3. The inclination  of the cord with the vertical is:

Wv2/ gr v2
tan  = =
W gr

From which the inclination  is independent of the weight.

Substituting r = Lsin reduces to:

cos2  + v2 cos / gL – 1 = 0
from which the value of cos , and hence  may be obtained.
4. The tension T is also obtained from the force polygon.

W = Tcos or T = W / cos

5. The distance traveled by the bob in one revolution is 2r at a

constant velocity v, whence the period or time for a complete
revolution is:

t = s / v = 2r / v = 2  r / g tan
6. Since tan = r / h, we have:

t = 2  h / g

7. As the angle  decreases, the value of h approaches the limiting

value L so that the maximum time for a revolution becomes:

tmax = 2 L / g

1. Using the following data:
W = 200N v = 2.500m/s L = 0.600m
a–θ b–T c–t

2. A rod 3m long rotates in a horizontal plane about a vertical axis

through its center. At each end of the rod is fastened a cord 1m
long. Each cord supports a weight W. Find the speed of rotation n
in rpm to incline each cord at 30o with the vertical.

3. A weight concentrated at the end of a cord forms a conical pendulum

for which the period is 1sec. Find the velocity v of the weight if the
cord rotates inclined at 30o with the vertical.

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