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My philosophy of education 

is that all children are unique and must have a

stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally,
emotionally, and socially. It is my desire to create this type of atmosphere
where students can meet their full potential

My educational philosophy is that I believe all students are capable of

They all do not learn at the same rate, but with different methods and
strategies it is  
possible. Students should not be thought of as mindless individuals just
waiting to be  
filled with knowledge by their teachers. Quite the opposite; students
should be viewed as  
individuals who can contribute to the classroom, sharing and gaining
knowledge from  
each other. Students need guidance and not just lecture only. An
education is not solely  
academic; the teacher must also educate her students mentally by
teaching them the skills  
needed to solve problems and socially by teaching them the skills
needed to communicate  
and work productively with others. Students must be able to function in
the real world  
which not only requires academic knowledge but social skills as well. I
believe teachers  
should not be alone in educating students but that parents, families and
communities need  
to work together to support and enrich the lives of their children, who
are the future.  
Teachers need to use various methods/approaches in order to reach
every student.  
I believe teachers who only use one method to teach should not be in
the classroom.  
They obviously are not reaching all of their students because we know
that not all  
students learn in the same way. Teachers must reach visual learners,
auditory learners  
and kinesthetic learners. Varying methods of teaching will create an
interesting and fun  
environment and will help all students succeed. I plan on using several
different methods  
of teaching, including hands on, technology based, cooperative learning
groups and group  

My philosophy of education
In this paper I am going to write about my philosophy of
education which reflects my own vision and it is slightly
inspired by educational philosophies and schools of
thoughts which I relate to the most. In the light of my
philosophy I am going to discuss the values, curriculum,
teaching methods, student's evaluation methods,
classroom management, and the role of both
the teacher and the students. Also, I'm going to sum up this
paper by discussing where my philosophy could be found
in action. The importance of stating a philosophy makes
our voiced heard and our views expressed as future
educators. A philosophy reflects what kind of person I am
and how I think but in the end of the day it’s a subjective
matter. First of all, it's quite important to point out that once
philosophy is not fixed as individuals change their
philosophies in different aspects when their overall outlook
of life changes as well. For instance, I used to believe in
humanism; I argued that goodness is a natural tendency,
therefore; we are nurtured to think and act badly by
upbringing and surrounded environment. However, when I
did more research I become little skeptic about this …show
more content…
To produce learners able to participate fully in their
societies, meet their fullest potential, thinking critically and
creatively and have a sense of accepting opponent views,
Learners has to be treated equally and a variety of subjects
and options has to be provided. In addition, they should get
involved in the world behind classroom walls (real world)
and they should be given the freedom of self-expression
and choice. The teacher role is to make students feel
needed and worthwhile and help them define their
essence. Because the choices students made are for
intrinsic reasons, student's behavior will be increasingly

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