Communication Process

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Basic Model of Communication

The Communication Cycle
Sender - holds an idea that needs to be conveyed as a message
Message - any idea delivered by the sender to receiver in any form
Receiver - decodes the conveyed message
Channel - medium or means through which the message is transmitted
Noise - also known as barrier that affects the message from being sent, received or
Physical - noise from the environment such as beeping
Semantic - different understanding of the meaning of the message sent which
considers language, culture or handwriting
Psychological - depends on one concepts or mentality towards the message or the
speakers such as prejudices, narrow mindedness, and biases
Physiological - relating to physiology/ relating to the human's functioning like being
Situation - the time and place in which communication occurs like language of students in
the classroom to language they use at home
Feedback - receivers message that he or she sends to the source and the response of the
Linear Communication Model - one way model
Shannon and Weaver - first to present the Linear Model of Communication
Interactive Communication Model (Lorente, et al., 2017) - two linear model filed up into each other
Transactional Communication Model
- focusses on the noise or the barriers or the interference in communication as well as the time
Communication Principles
 Serve as the fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for effective
 When people are aware of these it becomes the guide
 involves symbols (an arbitrary representation of something else)
 requires meaning
o Social construction of meaning involves the way in which symbols
 meaning and medium are interconnected
 is culture related because the diversity of cultures establishes various assumptions and takes
different knowledge for granted. Ultimately, culture influences communication while
communication creates and reinforces these cultural influences
 Involves frames (basic forms of knowledge that provide a definition of a scenario, either because
both people agree on the nature of situation
 is both presentational and representational because it is never neutral
 Is a transaction (even more sophisticated way to see communication or the construction of
shared meanings or understanding between two or more individuals)

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