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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Dimataling District
Purok 5, Kagawasan, Dimataling, Zamboanga del Sur
Grade 11- Statistics and Probability

Name:___________________________________Grade & Section:___________________

Directions: Read the questions carefully and write your answer on the separate sheet
________1. The choice of one-tailed test and two-tailed test depends upon ? Q4_melc1_rem
A.Null hypothesis B. Alternative hypothesis C. Composite hypothesis D. None of these
_________2. Which of the following is a statement about a population developed for the purpose of
testing? Q4_melc2_rem
A. Hypothesis B. Hypothesis testing C. Level of significance D. Test-
_________3. What is the first step in the hypothesis testing procedure? Q4_melc3_rem
A. Draw conclusion.
B. Choose the level of significance.
C. State the null and alternative hypotheses.
D. Determine the test statistic and compute it.
_________4. Which of the following is TRUE? Q4_melc4_und
A. the alternative hypothesis represents the conclusion for which evidence is sought
B. the statement of the null hypothesis never contains an equality increase in the risk of Type I error also increases the risk of a type II error
D. the computed test statistic is also known as the critical value
_________5. Which of the following is a Null Hypothesis test formula? Q4_melc5_rem
A. Test statistic B. Population statistic C. Variance statistic D.Null statistic

_______6. Mr Rumpole believes that the mean income of lawyers is now more than Php 65 thousand
per year. Which is the correct set of hypotheses to test this belief? Q4_melc6_und
A. H0:μ ≥ 65 000; H1: μ < 65 000
B. H0:μ ≤ 65 000; H1: μ > 65 000
C. H0:μ = 65 000; H1: μ ≠ 65 000
D. H0:μ < 65 000; H1: μ ≥ 65 000
_________7. When the null hypothesis is rejected, which of the following is true? Q4_melc7_und
A. There is sufficient evidence to back up the decision. C. The conclusion is guaranteed.
B.There is no sufficient evidence to back up the decision. D. The conclusion is not guaranteed.
_________8. The type of test is defined by which of the following? Q4_melc8_rem

a. Null Hypothesis b. Simple Hypothesis

c. Alternative Hypothesis d. Composite Hypothesis

_________9. If the null hypothesis is false then which of the following is accepted? Q4_melc9_und
A. Null hypothesis B. Positive hypothesis C. Negative hypothesis D. Alternative
_________10. Type 1 error occurs when ____________. Q4_melc10_und
A. We reject H0 if it is true C. We accept H0 if it is true
B. We reject H0 if it is false D. We accept H0 if it is false
_________11. Which of the following describes the separating point between the region and the null
hypothesis is rejected and the region where it is not rejected? Q4_melc11_rem
A. Critical value C. Acceptance region
B. Critical region D. Significant region
_________12.If a Null Hypothesis is accepted, then the value of Test statistic lies in the ___________.
A. Rejection region C. Acceptance region
B. Critical region D. Sample region
_________13.A manufacturer of car batteries claims that his product will last at least 4 years on
average. A sample of 50 is taken and the mean and standard deviation are found. The test statistic is
calculated to be -1.656. Using a 5% level, what is the conclusion? Q4_melc13_und
A. there is sufficient evidence for the manufacturer’s claim to be considered correct
B. there is insufficient evidence for the manufacturer’s claim to be considered correct
C. there is sufficient evidence for the manufacturer’s claim to be considered incorrect
D. there is insufficient evidence for the manufacturer’s claim to be considered incorrect
________14. What is the first step in the hypothesis testing procedure? Q4_melc14_rem
A. Draw conclusion.
B. Choose the level of significance.
C. State the null and alternative hypotheses.
D. Determine the test statistic and compute it.

______________15. “A teacher computed that the mean percentage of score of Grade 8-Integrity on
their 50-item test in Mathematics is 72.50.” What type of data is illustrated on the situation?
a. Bivariate c. trivariate
b. Multivariate d. univariate

______________16.Which of the following shows of the scatter plot of the data below? Q4_melc16_und

Order of period of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
the subject
Grades 85 84 87 88 90 81 80 85

__________17. From the scatterplot shown on the right, which of the following is a valid observation?
A. as the value of x decreases, the value of y increases
B. as the value of x decreases, the value of y decreases
C. as the value of x increases, the value y remains the same
D. there is no relationship between x and y
__________18.Among the following statements , what ideas validate the true one ? Q4_melc18_ana
A.Perfect correlation happens when other variables are controlled like we do in our
B.The direction of the line tells the direction of correlation that exists between the variables.
C.Direction of the correlation indicates the closeness of the points to the trend line.
D.The relationship between two variables can also be described in terms of its strength

_________19. What other way would you choose among the charts below that can be used BEST to
present the correlation between two variables? Q4_melc19_app
A. bar graph C. pictograph
B. line graph D. scatter plot

__________20. Jeny and Camille are preparing relief goods to serve at an evacuation center. The more
relief goods they prepare, the more people they will be able to serve. What choice to make representing
the dependent variable? Q4_melc20_app
A. Jeny and Camille
B. evacuation center
C. number of relief goods prepared
D. number of people they will be able to serve
__________21. How do you determine the slope from an equation of a regression line? Q4_melc21_ana
A. Look for the constant.
B. Look for the numbers, then divide.
C. Look at the number after the plus sign.
D. Look at the number attached to the x-variable.

__________22. If the equation of the regression line is 𝑦 = 6 + .234𝑥 , how would you explain
its interpretation? Q4_melc22_ana
A. Every unit of change in the value of 𝑥 , the value of 𝑦 also changes at 6 units on
B. Every unit of change in the value of 𝑦 , the value of 𝑥 also changes at 6 units on
C. The slope of the line is .234
D. Every unit of change in the value of 𝑥 , the value of 𝑦 also changes at 234 unit on
__________23. Suppose a study found that spending time with friends or family decreases the amount
of stress someone is feeling and allows them to perform better on tests. In the given statement, which
data was used to evaluate the dependent variable? Q4_melc23_eva
A. total number of tests
B. spending time with friends or family
C . spending stress with friends or family
D. amount of stress someone is feeling
__________24. With the following scenarios , what explains best on how a meaningful regression
analysis is? Q4_melc24_cre
A. There is no linear relationship between the variables
B. Correlation will be done after the regression analysis
C. There is a strong negative linear relationship between the variables
D. The value of 𝑟 is not significant
Answer Key

1. b
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. a
6. b
7. a
8. c
9. a
10. a
11. a
12. c
13. a
14. c
15. d
16. a
17. b
18. c
19. d
20. d
21. a
22. d
23. d
24. c



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