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Ranji C.


1. Define communication.
Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information -- in other words,
talking or writing, and listening or reading. Good communicators listen carefully, speak or
write clearly, and respect different opinions.

2. Why is an effective communication important in an organizational setting?

Effective communication may contribute to organizational success in many ways. It: Builds
employee morale, satisfaction and engagement. Helps employees understand terms and
conditions of their employment and drives their commitment and loyalty.

3. What should administrators know about communicating?

It is necessary to communicate the information upon which decisions are based. And hence,
decisions are to be conveyed, along with an apt explanation. Communication is a two-way
process, following an organizational structure that takes into account the hierarchy of
administrative posts

4. Describe the communication process.

The communication process is the steps we take in order to successfully communicate.
Components of the communication process include a sender, encoding of a message,
selecting of a channel of communication, receipt of the message by the receiver and
decoding of the message.

5. What are signs that show communication is achieved?

1. You’re an active listener.
2. You’re transparent.
3. You ask questions.
4. You are clear and concise.
5. You take criticism.

6. What are the barriers to an effective communication?

Many barriers to effective communication exist. Examples include filtering, selective
perception, information overload, emotional disconnects, lack of source familiarity or
credibility, workplace gossip, semantics, gender differences, differences in meaning between
Sender and Receiver, and biased language.

7. Enumerate the steps to overcoming communication barriers.

1. checking whether it is a good time and place to communicate with the person.
2. being clear and using language that the person understands.
3. communicating one thing at a time.
4. respecting a person's desire to not communicate.
5. checking that the person has understood you correctly.
8. What are the benefits of good communication?
1. Creates better relationships
2. Helps handle conflicts better
3. Builds empathy
4. Increases self-awareness
5. Builds trust

9. List down the guidelines to effective communication for administrators.

1. Administrators need to clarify their ideas before communicating.
2. Administrators need to examine the true purpose of each communication.
3. Administrators need to consider the total physical and human setting.
4. Administrators need to consult with others, when appropriate, in planning
5. Administrators need to be mindful, while communicating, of the overtones as well as the
basic content of the message.

10. What are the responsibilities of the receivers of information?

The receiver begins to interpret the symbols sent by the sender, translating the message to
their own set of experiences in order to make the symbols meaningful. Successful
communication takes place when the receiver correctly interprets the sender's message

11. How can a person become a good listener?

1. Face the speaker and have eye contact
2. “Listen” to non-verbal cues too
3. Don’t interrupt
4. Listen without judging, or jumping to conclusions
5. Don’t start planning what to say next
6. Show that you’re listening

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