Gohst Story

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19 October 1945
There was a 4 year old girl named: Wanda. Wanda was playing in a playground and thought: ‘’I want a doll
for my birthday!’’ Because her birthday is exactly at the end of this month, so with Halloween. She went to
her home, said it to her parents and asked: ‘May I go to the toyshop?’ ‘No’ sad her dad ‘’Because your
grandparents will come in about 20 minutes.’’

20 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔱𝔢𝔰 𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯
DINGDONG, Grand pa, Grand ma! Wanda was running to the door, she opened the door and there they are.
Wanda let them in and asked ‘’Dou you want to see the environment?’’ and yes they wanted that and
Wanda leaded them through the environment. They walked in the shopping street. Wanda saw across the
street the toyshop. She said ‘’Come, I will show you the toyshop.’’ When they were crossed the street,
Wanda saw the best doll ever and said that to her grandparents.

Finely it was Wanda’s birthday and she gets the doll she saw in the in toyshop.
The next day she played fulltime with her new doll.

When Wanda was 14 years old her doll was disappeared. She asked to her mother ‘’Do you know where my
doll is?’’ and her mam said ‘’No I don’t know where your doll is. Do you know where the biggest kitchen knife
is?’’ but Wanda didn’t know where the knife is. That evening she looks to the news at the TV and the
presentation man said that there a tank was stolen from a military base and 10 man killed by a tank and 2 were
stabbed whit a knife and that they are now in the hospital in South Dakota (where Wanda lives).

Wanda want to know more about the people that are killed and the murderer. She went to the place where the
people have been murdered. When Wanda was by the place where the accident was happened she saw one of
the hair clips of here doll and she saw too a blood trail, that leads here to a dilapidated house.
Wanda saw through the window here own doll and a army of other dolls whit guns and knives. She saw too the
tank and Wanda screamed not verry hard but the dolls heard here. The dolls get to outside and runs after
Wanda. Wanda runed for here life, but it was to late. She was bin shot in here leg and then killed by a knife.
The dolls will make a human free world whit only toys.

Hou will it go on whit the dolls and the world? I will never know. Because they are standing in my back yard!

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