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Candon National High schoolp

Senior High School

School Year 2022-2023, Second Semester

   Activity Sheet
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Topic: Concept Paper

Name:________________________________________________ Date Received:___________________

Grade and Section:______________________________________ Date Returned:___________________
Parent’s Signature:______________________________________ Date Checked:____________________

Task I.Concept Paper (Page 16)

Directions: Read the statements carefully and write the correct answer on the space provided.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Task II. Ways of Explaining a Concept

Directions: Read and analyze the statements for each concept. Determine how each concept is developed by writing the letter of your answer on
the space privided before each item. Pick your answers from the choices inside the box.
A. Clarification B. Definition C. Explication

A. Millennial
1. Millennial is a person who was born in the 1980’s or 1990’s.
2. Millennial, also referred to as generation Y, is generally agreed to include people born in the early 1980s through
the early 2000s. Like all generations, there is no definitive beginning and end; it is the societal and cultural
circumstances of a time period which define it.
3. Known as 'Millennials' or Y-Generation
The children of 'The Great Recession'
Outcasts of a once 'Great Nation'
Now feel angst, fear, and deep depression

The speaker explained that millennials are result of yesterday’s generation. He wanted to impress that millennials
are now suffering from the works of generation before them. He uses the word “outcast” to emphasize that there’s
a big difference between the millennials now and the generation before them. That’s why millennials are
deppressed because they deserve better than experiencing the failure of the generation before them

4. Gadget is an electronic device with a practical use.
5. “When referring to software, gadget is another name for a widget.” The writer wanted to express that gadget has
been widely used and has been called by many other names which are related to it.
6. The remote control your brother rigs up to the Christmas tree is a gadget, and your camping tool that folds out into
various knives, corkscrews, and scissors is another kind of gadget. The original spelling was gadjet, and it's
thought to have originated in the 1850's as sailors' slang, meaning any mechanism or ship part that either lacked a
name or whose name had been forgotten. It may be rooted in the French gâchette, "piece of a mechanism."
C. Pandemic
7. Pandemic is an occurrence in which a disease spreads and affects a large number of people throughout the world.
8. “In 2010, the W.H.O. defined a pandemic as “the worldwide spread of a new disease” that affects large numbers of
people.” W.H.O wanted to emphasize that pandemic is a result of a worldwide disease and is affecting a large
number of people.
Pandemic is an outbreak or “a sudden rise in the incidence of a disease” and typically is confined to a
localized area or a specific group of people. Should an outbreak become more severe, and less localized,  it
D. Online may be characterized as an epidemic. If it broadens still further, and affects a significant portion of the
population, the disease may be characterized as a pandemic.There have been a number of pandemics since
the beginning of the 20th century: the H1N1 pandemic of 2009, the Spanish flu of 1918/19 (which did not
10. Online is controlled
originate in Spain),by asorwell
connected to another in
as flu pandemics computer or to
1957 and a network.
1968, and now the COVID-19 pandemic of 2019/20.
11. When
the bestto known
a hardware device, online is
pandemics is the Black a description
Death, a of whenwhich
plague a connection
spread isacross
made Asia
with another deviceinorthe
and Europe
middle ofWhen a device
the 14th is online, it can send information to and receive information from the other end of the
connection. For example, if your printer is online, you can send a print request to it; if it's offline, you cannot.
12. “ You might say, "I need to go online and check my email," or "I don't know if she's still meeting me — she hasn't
been online all day." Or you couldPARTS OF CONCEPT
describe somethingPAPER
that's available or readable on the Internet, like a news
A. Title Page
story, as being online. While theD.Literature
officially describes aG.Methodology
connection to any computer network, it's almost
always used these days to mean
B. Introduction "on the Internet." The word online has
E.Objectives H.Timelinebeen around since 1950. The writer
wanted toofsay
C. Statement thethat the word online
Problem has been
F.Research widely used even I.Reference
Questions before, and is now commonly used by todays
generation specially when connected to a server. It can now impress different ideas.
Task III.
Structures/Parts of Concept Paper
Directions: Read the scrambled parts of a sample concept paper, then identify which components are the given parts. Write the letter of your
answer before each item.

A Position Paper About Mobile Payment

___________1. “Leveraging on Mobile Payment Methods to gain Competitive Advantage by local based businesses”
___________2. 4. Does perceived risks influence the use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local based
5. Does M-Payment characteristics (mobility, reachability, convenience, and compatibility) influence the use
of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local based businesses?
6. Does personal innovativeness influence the use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local
based businesses?
___________3. Porter, M. E. (2011). Competitive advantage of nations: creating and sustaining superior performance. simon and schuster.
Namada, J. M. (2018). Organizational learning and competitive advantage. In Handbook of Research on Knowledge
Management for Contemporary Business Environments (pp. 86- 104). IGI Global. Budree, A., & Williams, K. H. (2013,
September). Factors influencing the uptake of mobile banking in developing countries: A case study of M–Pesa in South
Africa. In Proceedings of 22 nd Internafional Business Research Conference (pp. 9-10).
___________4. It is estimated that more than 5 billion people have access to mobile phone devices and that out of this figure about a third
of the population is based in local areas. Further, the village-based businesses do not have immediately access to the
money banking system as they are located kilometers away. Porter (2011) notes that in order for businesses to achieve and
sustain superior performance, they must be able to implement ystems that are competitively superior. Budree and Williams
(2013, September) and Namada (2018) established that the areas with large number of low-income earners experienced
uptake technological advancements and businesses in these locations are not keen on leveraging on technology. The
will therefore be intended to identify the salient factors that local businesses can apply in leveraging on mobile payment
methods to gain competitive advantage.
___________5. The study intends to use cross sectional survey design in determining the leverage on mobile payment methods to gain
competitive advantage by local based businesses. The study will sample 478 local based businesses registered in Kenya
out of a population of 4 thousand which are mainly registered and operated in village area settings. The study will collect
both primary and secondary data, and the quantitative data generated will be analyzed using descriptive statistics which wil
l include percentage distribution, mean and the frequency counts. The qualitative data from the study will undergo
transcription and reported in themes and sub-themes.The relationship between the independent and dependent variables
be explained through multiple regression.
___________6. The research paper seeks to achieve its general objective of leveraging on mobile payment methods to gain competitive
advantage by focusing on the following specific objectives:
1. To determine the influence of perceived risks on the use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by
local based businesses.
2. To determine the influence of M-Payment characteristics (mobility, reachability, convenience, and compatibility) on the
use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local based businesses.
3. To assess the influence of personal innovativeness on use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by
local based businesses.
___________7. The project is expected to be completed in 17 weeks with the following indicated as the activities durations for every
section of the research project:
Research Section Duration
1. Title 1 week
2. Introduction 1 week
3. Need for this Study 2 weeks
4. Background 3 weeks
5. Objectives 1 week
6. Research Questions and or Hypothesis 1 week
7. Research Methodology 2 weeks
8. Data analysis interpretations and discussions 3 weeks
9. Summary conclusion and recommendations 2 weeks
10. Reviewing work for final submission 1 week
___________8. Mobile payment methods have popularity with big businesses operating in large towns and cities across the world. These
payment methods enable the business customers to access their cash at the point of sale and do not need to have
physical money to complete their transactions. This study will therefore help in understanding the mobile payment methods
preferences for the local based business and how and why these preferences have failed to prevail. The research will
therefore address that gap that is1 viewed as the low uptake of mobile payment methods by the local based businesses
which are essentially operating in remote
areas. This concept builds upon the various insights that have been undertaken by various researchers in the business and
information technology field to bridge the gap of strategic implementation of information technology systems in business to
gain competitive advantage.
___________9. Several studies have concluded that mobile payment methods is one of the major factors put in place by businesses in
Gaining competitive advantage, however this has also, not been achieved in remote areas. As a result, Onyango et al.
(2014) in their study on mobile phone technology and the evident performance of micro and small enterprises, concludes
there is an impact on the use and implementation of mobile phone technology to achieve the full business performance. In
order, therefore to achieve competitive advantage, Porter (2011) advises that the strategy implemented should be geared
towards achieving full potential competitively. Many scholars therefore agree that there is a significant relationship between
mobile payment methods and gaining competitive advantage to sustain an improved performance. Most also argue that the
mobile payment method of use will be dependent on the location and nature of need. The handbook by Namada (2018)
that the concept of organizational learning must be down- trotted to the local businesses to learn which mobile technology
suits their operations and how this technology can be leveraged to achieve competitive advantage. The literature and
conclusions from the scholars however fail to answer specific questions that related to leveraging on mobile payment
to gain competitive advantage for local based businesses. Most of the studies were focused on businesses and companies
towns and cities with the area of interest majoring on performance whether competitively or not. This study will therefore be
focused on the factors of consideration for leveraging on mobile payment methodsto gain competitive advantage by local
Topic: Concept Paper (Week 2)

Directions: Make a Concept Paper using your research title in your Practical Research 1 or PR2 subject. Write an Introduction,
Statement of
the Problem, and Value of the Study to expound your concept. You will be graded using the criteria provided below.
Write your answer at the back.
CRITERIA 5 4 3 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor

Content is thorough, accurate, -Content is comprehensive, - Content is not -Content is

Content & persuasive and relates to a accurate, and persuasive. comprehensive and /or incomplete.
Development specific purpose. - Major points are stated persuasive. - Major points are
- Major points are specific, stated clearly and are well supported. - Major points are not clear and /or
clearly, and are well-supported. - Research is adequate, timely addressed, but not well persuasive.
- Research is primary. and addresses course concepts. supported.
-Course concepts are focused - Content and purpose of the - Research is inadequate or
with clear succinct writing. writing are clear. does not address course
- Content is inconsistent
with regard to purpose and
clarity of thought.
-Concepts of paragraphs are filled -Concepts of the paragraphs -Structure of the paragraph Organization and
with details of support for thesis are clear and easy to follow is not easy to follow. structure detract
and topic sentences. - Paragraph transitions from the concepts
- Paragraphs flow into each other need improvement. of the paper.
with connective concepts. - Concepts are - Concepts are
& Structure
disconnected disjointed and lack
transition of

-Correct grammatical - Rules of grammar, usage, -Paper contains few -Paper contains
Mechanics construction are followed; free of and punctuation are followed; grammatical, punctuation numerous
typos and correct punctations. spelling is correct. and spelling errors. grammatical,
-Strong use of correct language - Language is clear; sentences - Language lacks clarity or punctuation, and
structure and clear technical display consistently varied includes the use of some spelling errors.
vocabulary. structure. jargon or conversational - Language uses
tone; lacks professionalism jargon or
-Language is not
-All references are from relevant, -Most of the references are -Most of the references are -No references
peer-reviewed sources. from peer-reviewed sources. not from peer-reviewed or
-All sources are current (within 5 -Most of the references are sources. -None of the
years) or classic references. current (within 5 years) or or references are not
classic references. -Most of the references are from peer-
Citations not current (within 5 years) reviewed sources.
or classic references. or
-None of the
references are
current (within 5
years) or classic

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