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Kamakshi V. Gopal Ph.D.

Jacek Kowalski Ph.D.2 Slope analysis of Auditory
Brainstem Responses in
children at risk of central
auditory processing disorders

Department of Speech and Hearing The method of slope vectors was used to quantify Auditory
Sciences, University of North Texas, Brainstem Responses (ABR) obtained from nine normal
Denton, USA; 2Department of children and nine children at risk for central auditory
Physics, University of North Texas,
Denton, USA processing disorders (CAPD) with language impairment, for
monaural and binaural stimulation conditions. Slopes thus
KEY WORDS: obtained were subjected to K-Means Cluster Analysis.
auditory brainstem responses, central Distinction between the two groups was obtained only for
auditory processing disorders, slope binaural stimulation conditions, wherein all normal children
vectors, orphological analysis, cluster
technique were grouped under cluster 1 with higher slope values and 6
out of 9 CAPD children were grouped under cluster 2 with
RECEIVED/ACCEPTED: lower slopes. The results suggest that there may be several
July 30, 1998/September 22, 1998 subcategories among children who are found to be at risk for
CAPD. One of the subcategories may comprise children who
Kamakshi V. Gopal, Ph.D., exhibit poor ABR morphology, especially during binaural
Department of Speech and Hearing stimulation conditions, which could be due to binaural
Sciences, University of North Texas, interference.
P.O. Box 305010, Denton TX 76203-
5010, USA. Tel: ‡ 940 565 2262, Scand Audiol 1999;28:85–90
fax: ‡ 940 565 4058, e-mail:

Introduction ABR waveform morphology refers to the

clarity, resolution and definition of the ABR
In our previous article (Gopal & Pierel 1998), (Schwartz et al. 1994). The ABR morphology is
which compared Auditory Brainstem Response influenced by factors such as the stimulus
(ABR) waveforms between normal children characteristics, recording montage, anatomical
(control group) and children at risk for central variants, hearing loss and neuropathology
auditory processing disorders (CAPD group), we (Jacobson & Hall 1994). Morphological analysis
noticed that the grand average ABR waveform of ABR waveforms has not received wide
of the control group differed morphologically attention. For the most part, interpretation of an
from that of the CAPD group (Fig. 1). Individual ABR waveform is based on subjective criteria,
data indicated that monaural and binaural ABR such as clarity of the waveform. However, when
recordings from a majority of the children in the an ABR waveform does not match the clin-
control group exhibited sharp peaks, while a ician’s expectation of normal appearance despite
number of subjects in the CAPD group displayed normal latency and amplitude values, the mor-
shallower and less peaked waveforms. This phology is judged to be poor (Hall 1992). The
difference was observed in spite of no significant morphological pattern of an ABR varies with
differences between the two groups in hearing age, maturation and pathological conditions
sensitivity, middle ear function, IQ, and ABR even when stimulus and recording conditions
latency and amplitude values. are controlled. Typically morphological analysis
 1999 Scandinavian University Press
86 KV Gopal and J Kowalski

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of an ABR wave-

form with peaks labeled I–VII. The inset shows
Fig. 1. Grand average of right ear, left ear and quantities used in calculations of average ascending
binaural ABR waveforms of the control group and the and descending slopes of the i-th wave.
CAPD group.
score compared with the score obtained from the
of ABRs is limited to the presence or absence of better ear.
waveforms. If reliable and valid methods of Jerger et al. (1993) described binaural inter-
morphological analysis are developed, gross and ference as a condition in which the poorer ear
subtle alterations in ABR waveform morphology response may hinder the better ear response,
may lead to identification of differences in the leading to reduced binaural performance scores.
brainstem responses among subjects. They further postulated that this condition could
In a normal auditory system, binaural auditory be the result of a peripheral or central disorder
stimulation provides greater loudness (Haggard leading to binaural interference. Binaural inter-
& Hall 1982) and better speech understanding ference, if central, could explain to some extent
(Harris 1965, Dirks & Wilson 1969, Kaplan & central auditory processing disorders.
Pickett 1981, Nabelek & Robinson 1982). In this article we have used slope vectors to
Speaks (1975) has indicated that binaural hear- quantify the differences in ABR waveform
ing is superior to monaural hearing because of morphology between monaural and binaural
stronger and more abundant contralateral path- conditions in normal children and children at
ways. Several studies have shown that, with risk for CAPD, and further classified the slopes
binaural stimulation, the amplitudes of various using the K-Means Cluster Analysis technique.
auditory evoked potentials are enhanced com-
pared with those evoked by monaural stimula-
tion (Ainslie & Boston 1980, Debruyne 1984,
Kelly-Ballweber & Dobie 1984, McPherson et
Material and methods
al. 1989, McPherson & Starr, 1993, 1995, Jiang Our data consisted of ABR waveforms obtained
& Tierny 1996a). These studies have also shown from two groups of children between the ages of
that the binaural amplitude is smaller than the 7 and 13 years. The control group consisted of 9
algebraic sum of the two monaural responses in normal children and the experimental group
people with normal hearing. (CAPD group) consisted of 9 children at risk
Not all people exhibit binaural advantage with for CAPD. All children were screened for
binaural stimulation. There is behavioral data, normal hearing, normal middle ear function,
primarily from speech discrimination test scores normal IQ and normal ABR thresholds. Children
and electrophysiological data obtained from in the experimental group had failed the SCAN
ABRs and middle latency responses indicating or the SCAN-A test and were considered to be
that in some individuals auditory binaural at risk for CAPD (Keith 1986). These children
stimulation brings about interference (Arkebauer also had low academic performance as reported
et al. 1971, Hood & Prasher 1990, Jerger et by their parents and/or teachers. They were
al. 1993, Silman 1995). These studies have diagnosed with moderate to severe language
reported that in certain cases, during binaural impairment associated with auditory processing
stimulation conditions, the presence of the difficulties by certified speech-language pathol-
poorer ear input interferes with the better ear ogists, and were enrolled in language remedia-
input, leading to a substantially poorer binaural tion therapy for a period of 2–3 years. Children

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Slope analysis of ABRs 87

in the control group had no reported difficulty at where Vi,max is the maximum (peak) potential
school, obtained normal scores on the SCAN/ observed in the i-th wave, Vi,l and Vi,r are the
SCAN-A test and had no speech-language potentials at the immediately preceding (left)
problems. and succeeding (right) minima, and Dti‡ and Dti‡
The basic instrumentation and procedures are durations of the i-th wave ascent and descent
adopted in the collection of ABRs have been (see inset in Fig. 2). We will call ri‡ and riÿ the
described in our previous article (Gopal & Pierel ascending and descending slopes of the i-th
1998). In brief, signed consent forms from wave. Each wave is then represented by an
subjects and their parents were obtained prior ordered pair (ri‡ , riÿ ) and a selected subsequence
to any testing. ABR recordings were made in an of n waves from a waveform is characterized
electrically shielded sound-treated room. Gold in terms of a 2n-dimensional slope vector
cup electrodes were placed on the vertex, nape with components (r1‡ ,r1ÿ ,r2‡ ,r2ÿ ,…,rn‡ ,rn‡ ). The
of the neck and forehead. Acoustic stimuli selected sequence may not include all observed
consisted of alternate clicks presented at 55 dB waves but it is always assumed that the
above the monaural ABR threshold, delivered components of the slope vector are chronologi-
through headphones at a repetition rate of cally ordered.
11.1/s. ABRs were recorded on a Modular The proposed reduced description of an ABR
Instruments Inc. system using standard protocols waveform is clearly invariant with respect to
for right, left and binaural stimulation condi- uniform re-scaling of the ABR potential values
tions. Computation of a reduced representation and conduction times. This reflects an assump-
of an ABR waveform by slope vectors is tion that much of the essential informational
described below. content of an individual ABR signal is predomi-
Consider an ABR signal with its typical nantly encoded in the instantaneous increase
sequence of constituent waves labeled in a and decrease rates and not in absolute value of
standard way as waves I to VII based on Jewett the ABR potential and conduction times which
& Williston (1971) nomenclature. may vary from individual to individual. Accord-
Assume that basic characteristics of the i-th ingly, the slope vectors of two individuals with
wave (i = I, II … VII) are its average rates of similar auditory processing features should be
increase, ri‡ , and decay, riÿ , defined as: represented as two close points in the slope
vector space. A possible classification scheme
Vi;max ÿ Vi;l ÿ Vi;max ÿ Vi;r into two or more types of ABR responses may
ri‡ ˆ ; ri ˆ
ti‡ tiÿ then be based on one of the well-developed
clustering algorithms, where each cluster in the
Table I. (A) Mean right ear ABR slopes for peak I descending, and peaks II through V for ascending and
descending conditions. (B) Mean left ear ABR slopes for peak I descending, and peaks II through V for
ascending and descending conditions. (C) Mean binaural ABR slopes for peak I descending, and II through V
for ascending and descending conditions. Note: peak I ascending slope was not calculated since it was difficult
to identify the correct trough preceding peak I in many cases
Groups I des. II asc. II des. III asc. III des. IV asc. IV des. V asc. V des.
Control 0.469 1.016 1.018 0.780 0.910 0.804 0.552 0.612 0.947
CAPD 0.425 0.470 0.450 0.400 0.613 0.678 0.600 0.459 0.711

Groups I des. II asc. II des. III asc. III des. IV asc. IV des. V asc. V des.
Control 0.544 0.733 0.741 0.690 0.720 0.647 0.452 0.658 1.025
CAPD 0.381 0.613 0.512 0.600 0.615 0.660 0.363 0.418 0.859

Groups I des. II asc. II des. III asc. III des. IV asc. IV des. V asc. V des.
Control 0.739 1.662 1.613 1.494 1.754 1.022 0.761 0.592 1.473
CAPD 0.545 1.210 0.585 0.732 1.007 0.878 0.644 0.780 1.373

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Scandinavian Audiology Vol 28 No 2 1999
88 KV Gopal and J Kowalski

Table II. Grouping of ascending and descending slopes for right ear, left ear and binaural ABRs using K-Means
Cluster Analysis in normal children from the control group (numbered 1–9) and children at risk for CAPD
(numbered 10–18)
Data selected for cluster analysis number Data points (subjects) in the cluster
Right ear ascending and descending slopes 1 1, 3, 8, 9, 12, 15
2 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18
Left ear ascending and descending slopes 1 1, 3
2 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Binaural ascending and descending slopes 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15
2 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18

partition contains responses of the same type, fashion. We obtained the best, though not crisp,
and where distant clusters correspond to radi- partition of our small database for nine-dimen-
cally different responses. sional slope vectors for peaks I through V for
Furthermore, we restricted analysis to cluster- binaural ABR waveforms. With subjects num-
ing techniques used in the bi-partition problem, bered 1 to 9 in the control group and 10 to 18 in
i.e. an optimal subdivision of a general multi- the CAPD group, all subjects from the control
variate data set into two, distinct groups. For this group were lumped by the algorithm in the same
we analysed lumped slope vector data from all cluster. The complementary cluster was com-
18 subjects (9 normal subjects and 9 subjects at posed of six children from the CAPD group.
risk for CAPD) with a widely used K-Means Three children from the CAPD group were
Cluster Analysis algorithm, a standard compo- misclassified as “normal” (i.e. put into the first
nent of many statistical software packages. This cluster).
cluster algorithm was applied to ascending and
descending slopes obtained for left ear, right ear
and binaural ABRs from all 18 subjects. Chil-
dren from the control (normal) group were
assigned a number from 1 to 9. Children from Jerger et al. (1993) presented case studies
the CAPD group were assigned a number from exhibiting behavioral and electrophysiological
10 to 18. auditory binaural interference. In their electro-
physiological measures, they did not show any
evidence of interference in the auditory brain-
stem responses. However, middle latency re-
Results sponses showed binaural interference. Jerger et
Representation of ABR waveforms by slope al. (1993) have also discussed a similar effect in
vectors indicated that children in the control the visual system. Although binocular stimula-
group generally had higher slopes than children tion is believed to provide improvements in
in the CAPD group. There were however, people with normal vision, it is shown to bring
several exceptions when individual data was about binocular rivalry in patients with strabis-
analysed for all the different conditions. Table I mus, congenital cataract or astigmatism, leading
shows group mean ABR slopes obtained for to amblyopia. Hence, in people with amblyopia,
right ear, left ear and binaural stimulation binocular responses bring about poorer re-
conditions. A total of 27 conditions comprising sponses compared with monocular stimulation
peak I descending slopes, peaks II through V due to binocular interference or binocular
ascending and descending slopes from both inhibition.
groups, were used for further analysis. Analysis of group data from monaural and
Table II depicts the results from K-Means binaural slopes for ascending and descending
Cluster Analysis performed on monaural (right conditions, showed that 23 out of 27 conditions
and left) and binaural ascending and descending had lower slopes for the CAPD group compared
slopes. Results indicated that for the right and with the normal group. Based on the slope vector
left monaural conditions the cluster analysis analysis, in any given case, the slope gets lower
failed to group the data in any systematic when the amplitude of the peak potential is low,

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Slope analysis of ABRs 89

or if the duration of the wave ascent and descent binaural interference, which may be contributing
is lengthened. Inspection of our data set suggests to their auditory processing difficulties. Further-
that both factors, i.e. reduced amplitude of peak more, these children may be identified by their
potentials and increased time duration of waves poor ABR morphological characteristics exhib-
may have contributed towards the low slope ited during binaural stimulation condition. These
values obtained in the CAPD group. differences, if replicated, may lead to further
In sensory evoked potential recordings the exploration of CAPD subgroup differences using
initial positive response is thought to reflect other methodological analyses.
excitation of neurons produced by input from the Morphological analysis proposed in this paper
lower centers. The later negative response is a based upon bi-partition of slope vectors, looks
result of the elaboration of excitatory input in the promising as a diagnostic tool. We believe that
surrounding area followed by inhibition (Martin clustering techniques, if applied to a sufficiently
1985). In ABRs a decrease in the amplitude of a large lumped database obtained from both
peak potential may occur due to: groups, may give a useful diagnostic algorithm.
When two large, well-separated clusters are
1. a decrease in the number of neurons con-
formed in the data set, any new data point can
tributing to the response;
be assigned to one of the groups by simply
2. fewer fibers conducting the volley;
comparing its distances from both clusters in the
3. a decrease in synchrony of active neurons;
slope space.
4. a decrease in the field potential generated in
the auditory pathway (Boettcher et al. 1993,
Jiang and Tierny 1996b).
It is interesting to note that reduced slope
values in the CAPD group were obtained for Acknowledgement
ABR waves I through V. We speculate that the Supported in part by a faculty research grant
reduced ABR slopes observed in our CAPD from the University of North Texas, Denton,
group could most likely be due to one or more of Texas.
the following reasons:
1. reduced number of auditory nerve cells
synchronously firing in response to the References
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Scandinavian Audiology Vol 28 No 2 1999
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