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Significance of the Study

The study on how social media addiction affects the wellness of Grade 11
students in National College of Science & Technology (NCST) has significant
implications for different stakeholders, including students, teachers, parents, school
administrators, and future researchers.

The following are the ones who will be benefited by this study:

Students. For Grade 11 students at NCST, this study can provide important insights

into the negative impact of social media addiction on their mental health, academic

performance, and decision-making abilities. The findings of this study can help students

understand the importance of healthy social media use and how it can contribute to their

overall wellbeing and academic success. It can also raise awareness of the potential

dangers of social media addiction and encourage students to make informed decisions

about their social media use.

Teachers. For teachers, this study can help them understand the impact of social media

addiction on students' academic performance and overall wellbeing. The findings of this

study can inform the development of evidence-based interventions that promote healthy

social media use and academic success among Grade 11 students. Teachers can also

use the findings of this study to develop lesson plans and activities that help students

understand the importance of healthy social media use.

Parents. For parents, the study can help them understand the negative impact of social

media addiction on their children's mental health, academic performance, and decision-

making abilities. The findings of this study can help parents promote healthy social

media use and identify signs of social media addiction in their children. It can also
encourage parents to have open and honest conversations with their children about

social media use and its potential dangers.

School Administrators. For school administrators, the study can inform the

development of evidence-based interventions that promote healthy social media use

and academic success among Grade 11 students. The findings of this study can also

contribute to the development of policies and guidelines that promote healthy social

media use among students. The study's findings can also help administrators evaluate

the effectiveness of existing interventions and identify areas for improvement.

Future Researchers. For future researchers, the study can serve as a basis for further

investigation into the impact of social media addiction on the wellbeing of Grade 11

students. The findings of this study can help researchers develop new research

questions and hypotheses that can deepen our understanding of the problem and

contribute to the development of evidence-based interventions.

In conclusion, the study on how social media addiction affects the wellness of
Grade 11 students in NCST has significant implications for different stakeholders. The
findings of this study can help promote healthy social media use, academic success,
and overall wellbeing among Grade 11 students, and inform the development of
evidence-based interventions and policies. The study can also contribute to the
advancement of knowledge in the field and guide future research in this area.

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