Kim 2018

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Received: 3 January 2018    Accepted: 27 March 2018

DOI: 10.1111/pim.12531


Proliferation of prostate epithelia induced by IL-­6 from stroma

reacted with Trichomonas vaginalis

J.-H. Kim1,2 | I.-H. Han1 | Y.-S. Kim3 | C.-S. Noh4 | J.-S. Ryu1,2

Department of Environmental Biology and
Medical Parasitology, Hanyang University Summary
College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is characterized by the proliferation of stromal
Department of Biomedical
and epithelial cell types in the prostate, and interactions between the two types of
Science, Graduate School of Biomedical
Science & Engineering, Seoul, Korea cells. We demonstrated previously that proliferation of prostate stromal cells was
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular induced by BPH epithelial cells in response to Trichomonas vaginalis (Tv) infection via
Biology, Hanyang University College of
crosstalk with mast cells. In this study, we investigated whether IL-­6 released by the
Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Department of Internal Medicine, Hallym proliferating stromal cells in turn induce the BPH epithelial cells to multiply. When
University Han River Seongshim Hospital, culture supernatants of the proliferating prostate stromal cells were added to BPH
Seoul, Korea
epithelial cells, the latter multiplied, and expression of cyclin D1, FGF2 and Bcl-­2 in-
Correspondence creased. Blocking the IL-­6 signalling pathway with anti-­IL-­6R antibody or JAK1/2 in-
Jae-Sook Ryu, Department of Environmental
Biology and Medical Parasitology, Hanyang hibitor inhibited the proliferation of the BPH epithelial cells and reduced the
University College of Medicine, Seoul, expression of IL-­6, IL-­6R and STAT3. Also, epithelial-­mesenchymal transition was de-
Email: tected in the proliferating BPH epithelial cells. In conclusion, IL-­6 released from pro-
liferating prostate stromal cells induced by BPH epithelial cells infected with Tv in
Funding information
Basic Science Program through the National turn induces multiplication of the BPH epithelial cells. This result provides first evi-
Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), Grant/ dence that the inflammatory microenvironment of prostate stromal cells resulting
Award Number: NRF-2017R1A2B4002072;
Ministry of Science; ICT from Tv infection induces the proliferation of prostate epithelial cells by stromal-­
epithelial interaction.

cytokines, inflammation, prostatic hyperplasia, protozoan infections

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N BPH is the most common age-­related disease of the male, oc-
curring clinically in about half of all men at 70 years of age, but the
Trichomonas vaginalis (Tv), the cause of trichomoniasis, a common cause is not known.8 Prostatic inflammation, including activation
infection of the urogenital system, is the most prevalent sexu- of inflammatory cells and production of cytokines, appears to be a
ally transmitted protozoan. The World Health Organization esti- major cause of BPH and prostate cancer.9,10 Inflammatory mediators
mates that more than half of the new 276.4 million Tv infections are secreted by the prostatic stroma consequent upon ageing, and
each year are male. 2 The majority of infections are nonsymp- the levels of these mediators are sufficient to increase the prolif-
tomatic in men and remain undiagnosed and untreated, which erative rate of both epithelial and stromal fibroblasts.11 Although
has been hypothesized to result in chronic persistent prostatic inflammation may play a role in the development of benign prolif-
infection. 3 Tv has been observed in the prostate tissue of some erative diseases of the prostate, for example BPH, the connection
patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate between inflammation, Tv infection and prostate enlargement is not
cancer, and in the urine of patients with prostatitis.4-6 Also, Tv fully understood.
elicits acute and chronic inflammation within the parenchyma of Stromal-­
epithelial interactions play key regulatory roles in
the prostate gland.7 prostate development and in homeostasis in the adult prostate.12

Parasite Immunology. 2018;40:e12531. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd  |  1 of 9
2 of 9       KIM et al.

Proliferation induced by interactions between prostatic epithelial incubated with and without Tv were named TCM (Tv-­conditioned
and stromal cells is related to the development of BPH, and bidi- medium) and CM (conditioned medium), respectively.
rectional stromal-­epithelial interactions have been reported in the
prostate gland.13 Similar interactions have been investigated in cor-
2.2.2 | Other conditioned media
neal disease where soluble cytokines and growth factors secreted
by corneal stromal cells contribute to the proliferation and differen- HMC-­1 mast cells were incubated with TCM and CM, in the same
tiation of corneal epithelial cells.14 way, yielding conditioned media MTCM and MCM, and prostate
IL-­6 is a potent inflammatory cytokine with diverse func- stromal cells (WPMY-­1) were incubated with MTCM, MCM, TCM
tions in numerous cell types and one of the mediators of chronic and fresh medium, yielding W-­MTCM, W-­MCM, W-­TCM and W-­CM,
inflammation in prostate cancer. It is known to regulate a respectively. Final concentrations of the conditioned media used for
variety of complex cellular processes such as proliferation, dif- various assays were adjusted to 10% with cell culture medium.
ferentiation and gene activation.17 Expression of IL-­6 and the
IL-­6 receptor has been detected in BPH and/or prostate cancer
2.3 | Measurement of cytokine level
tissue.18,19 Sutcliffe et al have hypothesized that IL-­6 induction
by Tv in normal prostate epithelial cells triggers a signalling cas- Cytokine concentrations of conditioned media (MTCM, MCM, TCM,
cade through the proto-­o ncogenes, PIM1, c-­M YC and HMGA1, CM) containing inflammatory mediators were measured by ELISAs
which ultimately leads to prostate carcinogenesis. 3 We reported (BD Biosciences, San Diego, CA, USA) according to the manufac-
previously that IL-­6 produced by Tv-­infected prostate epithelial turer’s instructions.
cells induced epithelial-­m esenchymal transition (EMT) via NF-­k B
and JAK/STAT3. 20 Although the role of IL-­6 in the chronic in-
2.4 | Proliferation assays
flammation in prostate cancer has been described, the involve-
ment of IL-­6 in epithelial cell proliferation in BPH has not been The proliferation assays were performed using CCK-­8 assay
examined. and wound-­h ealing assay as previously decribed. 21 To measure
We reported previously that BPH epithelial cells stimulated by the proliferation of cells, CCK-­8 assay and wound-­h ealing assay
Tv caused inflammation and induced the proliferation of prostate were used. The CCK-­8 assay is a sensitive colorimetric assay to
stromal cells by activating mast cells. 21 In this study, we show that determine the number of viable cells. CCK-­8 reagent (Enzo Life
inflammatory mediator(s) (especially IL-­6) released from such prolif- Sciences, NY, USA) was added to each well 2 hours before obtain-
erating stromal cells induced by Tv infection induce the proliferation ing spectrophotometric readings according to the manufacturer’s
of BPH epithelial cells. This result is the first evidence that stromal-­ directions. The amount of the dye generated is directly propor-
epithelial interaction plays a role in prostatic epithelial cell prolifer- tional to the number of living cells. For wound-­
h ealing assay,
ation induced by Tv. BPH epithelial cells were seeded at 2 × 105 cells/well on 24-­well
plates and cultured in BPH-­1 medium for 24 hours. The medium
was changed to serum-­f ree medium for another 24 hours. The cul-
2 |  M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS
tured BPH epithelial cells reached confluence and were wounded
by scraping across the surface of the well with a sterile micropi-
2.1 | Parasites and host cells
pette tip. The cells were washed immediately, and the wells were
Trichomonas vaginalis (Tv) isolate T016, human BPH epithelial cell line filled with 1 ml of control (serum-­f ree) medium or 10% conditioned
(BPH-­1), human mast cell line (HMC-­1) and human prostate stromal medium (W-­MTCM, W-­M CM or W-­CM) for 48 hours. Before and
cell line WPMY-­1 were cultured as described in our previous study.21 after incubation, at least ten different fields of the wounded area
All the cells were incubated in 5% CO2 at 37°C. of each sample were photographed with an inverted microscope
(Leica, Las software). Wound areas were calculated using ImageJ
2.2 | Preparation of conditioned media

2.2.1 | Production of BPH-­1 cell 2.5 | Immunofluorescence for localization of IL-­

conditioned medium 6 receptor
BPH-­1 cells were seeded at 1 × 105 cells/well in BPH-­1 medium in To observe the expression of IL-­6 receptor on the surface of BPH-­1
the wells of 12-­well plates (Corning, NY, USA). After 24 hours, the cells, we used an immunofluorescence assay. IL-­6R expression was
medium was changed to serum-­free medium and the cells were identified by detecting glycoprotein 130 (gp130), which forms one
cultured for another 24 hours to stabilize. The cells were then in- subunit of the type I cytokine receptor in the IL-­6 receptor fam-
cubated with or without live Tv in a ratio of 1:10 for 6 hours, and ily. BPH-­1 cells were seeded at 1 × 105 cells/well on sterile cover
supernatants were collected, filtered through 0.2-­μm filters (GVS, glasses in 24-­well plates and cultured in BPH-­1 medium. After over-
IN, USA) and stored at frozen. The supernatants of the BPH-­1 cells night incubation, the medium was changed to control (serum-­free)
KIM et al. |
      3 of 9

medium or 10% conditioned media (W-­MTCM, W-­MCM, W-­CM) extraction solution (iNtRON Biotechnology). Cell lysates were
and cultured at 37°C for 24 hours. The cells were washed immedi- scraped, and protein concentrations of the lysates were meas-
ately, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 minutes at −20°C and ured with the Bradford assay. Equal amounts of protein from
blocked with 0.1% normal goat serum for 1 hour. The cover glasses the lysates were denatured in 5 x protein sample buffer (ELPIS
were then incubated with anti-­gp130 antibody (1:500, rabbit poly- biotech, Daejeon, Korea), separated by SDS-­PAGE on 12% po-
clonal, Cell Signaling Technology; 2 μg/mL) overnight at 4°C, and lyacrylamide gel and transferred to Immun-­B lot® PVDF mem-
then washed and stained with Alexa 594-­labelled goat anti-­rabbit branes (Bio-­R ad, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong). The membranes were
lgG (#A11012, 1:500, Invitrogen, CA, USA) at 37°C for 1 hour. probed with the following primary antibodies overnight at 4°C:
The cover glasses were mounted in Vectashield mounting medium anti-­I L-­6 R antibody (1:1000; Bioss, Boston, MA, USA), p-­S TAT3
(Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA) with DAPI to visualize nuclei. antibody (1:1000; Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA), anti-­b cl-­2 an-
Fluorescence was measured with a confocal microscope (Leica, Las tibody (1:100; Oncogene Research Products, CA), anti-­
software). antibody (1:500; Abcam), anticyclin D1 (phospho S90) antibody
(1:500; Abcam), antivimentin antibody (1:1000; Cell Signaling),
anti-­E-­c adherin antibody (1:1000; Cell Signaling) or β-­a ctin poly-
2.6 | Reverse transcription PCR (RT-­PCR)
clonal antibody (1:10 000; Abcam). The plates were incubated
Levels of mRNA in W-­MTCM-­treated BPH epithelial cells were with goat anti-­rabbit IgG polyclonal antibody (1:10 000; ADI-­
measured by RT-­PCR. The cells were seeded at 2 × 105 cells/well SAB-­3 00-­J, Enzo) for 1 hour at room temperature. The blots
on 24-­well plates (Corning) with BPH-­1 medium. After overnight in- were visualized using Chemiluminescent Sensitive Plus HRP
cubation, the medium was changed to conditioned medium (10%). Microwell and/or Membrane Substrate (SurModics, MN, USA),
After incubation for another 1 hour, the cells were collected and and signals were measured with a Chemi-­D ocⓇ (Bio-­R ad, CA,
mRNA was extracted. Total RNA was extracted using Tri-­RNA rea- USA).
gent (Favorgen Biotech Corp, Kaohsiung, Taiwan) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. RNA samples were reverse-­transcribed
2.8 | Statistical analysis
to cDNA using Maxime RT preMix (Oligo (dt) 15 Primer) (iNtRON
Biotechnology, Sungnam, Korea). The cDNA was used as a template Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS statistical
for subsequent PCR amplification using gene-­specific primers. The software, version 21 (IBM, Chicago, IL, USA). The Mann-­
following primers were used: human IL-­6R forward 5′-­ACC AGA Whitney U test was used to compare results, and P val-
CCA GAC CAG ACA CC-­3′, reverse 5′-­A AG GCC AGG GTC ACA ues < .05 were considered statistically significant. The data
TAC AG-­3′; human IL-­6 forward 5′-­TGG CTG CAG GAC ATG ACA are expressed as means ± SEMs of three to four independent
ACT-­3′, reverse 5′-­ATC TGA GGT GCC CAT GCT ACA-­3′; human N-­ experiments.
cadherin forward 5′-­T TT GAG CTT GGC ACT CCT TT-­3′, reverse 5′-­
GGC TAC TGG CTC TCA GTT GG-­3′; human fibronectin1 forward
3 | R E S U LT S
5′-­TGT GGT TTG GAA CTG GTT GA-­3′, reverse 5′-­CCA GGA ACA
TGT GAC AGT GG-­3′; human cyclin D1 forward 5′-­GAG GAA CAG
3.1 | Growth of prostate stromal cells induced by
BPH epithelial cells infected with Tv via crosstalk
TGC-­3′; human Bcl-­2 forward 5′-­TCC ATG TCT TTG GAC AAC CA-­3′,
involving mast cells
reverse 5′-­C TC CAC CAG TGT TCC CAT CT-­3′; human FGF2 for-
ward 5′-­ CCG TTA CCT GGC TAT GAA GG-­3′, reverse 5′-­ACT GCC We first tested that cytokine production by BPH epithelial cell
CAG TTC GTT TCA GT-­3′; GAPDH forward 5′-­GTC AGT GGT GGA line (BPH-­1) incubated with Tv for 6 hours. IL-­6 , CXCL8, CCL2
CCT GAC CT-­3′, reverse 5′-­AGG GGT CTA CAT GGC AAC TG-­3′. and IL-­1β were higher than when incubated in the absence of Tv
Target mRNA was amplified using Maxime PCR PreMix (i-­StarTaq) (Figure 1A). Similarly, CXCL8 levels in supernatants of the human
(iNtRON Biotechnology) by Mastercycler (Eppendorf, Germany) for mast cells (HMC-­1) incubated with TCM were higher than in those
RT-­PCR, and the PCR products were separated by agarose gel elec- incubated in control epithelial cell supernatant (Figure 1B). The
trophoresis. The bands were visualized with StaySafe Nucleic Acid data in Figure 1C show that when prostate stromal cells (WPMY-­1
Gel stain (RSS01, RBC, Banqiao City, Taiwan) and identified using an cells) were incubated with the various supernatants described in
ExcelBand™ 100 bp+3K DNA Ladder100 bp DNA Ladder (DM2300, Methods, only MTCM (mast cells incubated with TCM) induced
SMOBIO, Hsinchu city, Taiwan). GAPDH was used as an internal them to multiply. This indicates that mast cells exposed to some
control. factor(s) released by Tv-­s timulated epithelial cells in turn release
some factor(s) including cytokines that induces the growth of stro-
mal cells. This confirms our previous finding 21 that the inflamma-
2.7 | Western blot analysis
tory microenvironment induced by Tv-­infected BPH epithelial cells
Cells seeded at 2 × 10 5 cells/well on 24-­
w ell plates with caused proliferation of prostate stromal cell via the intermediary
BPH-­1 medium were harvested and lysed in PRO-­P REP protein of mast cells.
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F I G U R E   1   Growth of prostate stromal cells induced by BPH epithelial cells infected with Tv via crosstalk with mast cells. A, Cytokine
levels in the supernatants of cells of the BPH epithelial cell line (BPH-­1) incubated with and without Tv for 6 h. The supernatants of BPH-­1
cell incubated with and without Tv were designated TCM (Tv-­conditioned medium) and CM (conditioned medium), respectively. B, CXCL8
levels in the supernatants of cells of the human mast cell line (HMC-­1) incubated with TCM and CM. The supernatants were named MTCM
(mast cells incubated with TCM) and MCM (mast cells incubated with CM, respectively). C, Growth of prostate stromal cells (WPMY-­1 cells)
incubated with the indicated supernatants was measured by CCK-­8 assay after 72 h. The left axis refers to IL-­6, CXCL8 and CCL2, and the
right axis to IL-­1β. *P < .05

by measuring glycoprotein 130 (gp130), which forms one subu-

3.2 | Proliferation of BPH epithelial cells in
nit of the type I cytokine receptor in the IL-­6 receptor family.17
response to conditioned media from the multiplying
When gp130 was visualized by immunofluorescence, expres-
stromal cells
sion was stronger in the W-­MTCM-­t reated cells than in the cells
To determine whether the culture supernatant (W-­MTCM) of pros- treated with W-­M CM or W-­CM (Figure 3A). The same result was
tate stromal cells proliferated with MTCM could activate BPH epi- obtained when IL-­6 receptor levels were assessed by Western
thelial cells, we first measured cytokine levels. When BPH-­1 cells blotting and RT-­P CR (Figure 3B,C). Binding of IL-­6 to IL-­6R/gp130
were stimulated with W-­MTCM, various cytokines (IL-­6, CXCL8, dimer induces phosphorylation of JAK, which in turn phosphoryl-
CCL2 and IL-­1β) and their mRNA was increased, and levels of these ates STAT3, and p-­S TAT3 and IL-­6 levels were also higher in the
cytokines were significantly higher than those induced by W-­MCM, W-­MTCM-­t reated cells than those in W-­M CM-­ or W-­CM-­t reated
W-­CM or medium alone (Figure 2A,B). Multiplication of the BPH-­1 cells(Figure 3B,C). Taken together, these data indicate that IL-­6
cells was also stimulated more by treatment with W-­MTCM than signalling molecules are strongly induced in the proliferating BPH
with other conditioned media such as W-­CM, W-­TCM and W-­MCM epithelial cells by treatment with W-­MTCM.
(Figure 2C,D).
Several factors, including growth factors, cell cycle regulators
3.4 | Blocking of IL-­6 signalling reduces the
and apoptotic factors, are involved in the regulation of cell prolifer-
proliferation of BPH epithelial cells
ation. 22-24 In this study, the transcript levels of FGF2, Bcl-­2 and cy-
clin D1 in the proliferating BPH-­1 were determined by RT-­PCR. The When IL-­6 binds to IL-­6R, JAK1/2 recruits signal transducers and
mRNA levels of these factors were significantly higher in the pres- activators of transcription (STATs) to the cytokine receptors. 25 To
ence of W-­MTCM than those in the presence of W-­MCM, W-­CM investigate whether interleukin-­6 is involved in the proliferation of
or fresh medium (Figure 2E). This suggests that cyclin D1, Bcl-­2 and BPH epithelial cells, IL-­6 signalling was blocked using anti-­gp130
FGF2 are involved in the proliferation of BPH-­1 cells. In summary, antibody or a JAK1/2 inhibitor (ruxolitinib). The proliferation of
these findings suggest that some inflammatory mediator(s) from the the W-­MTCM-­t reated BPH-­1 was significantly reduced by these
proliferating stromal cells induce the proliferation of the BPH epi- agents (Figure 4A,B). Moreover, levels of p-­S TAT3, bcl-­2 , FGF2, p-­
thelial cells. cyclin D1 and IL-­6 were also reduced (Figure 4C,D). This demon-
strates that IL-­6 signalling is involved in the proliferation of BPH-­1
3.3 | Expressions of interleukin-­6 signalling
molecules in the proliferating BPH epithelial cells
3.5 | Involvement of IL-­6 in EMT induction in the
IL-­6 expression has been reported to increase in inflamed BPH
proliferating BPH epithelial cell
tissue, and increased expression of IL-­6 receptor was found in
BPH and prostate carcinoma patients.18,19 In order to examine Epithelial-­mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a complex process that
the involvement of IL-­6 signalling in the proliferation of BPH-­1 refers to the transformation of epithelial cells into stromal cells. It is
in response to W-­MTCM, we investigated the expression of the integral to development, wound healing and stem cell behaviour and
interleukin-­6 receptor (IL-­6R). IL-­6R expression can be assessed contributes to fibrosis and cancer progression. 26 The upregulation of
KIM et al. |
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F I G U R E   2   Proliferation of BPH epithelial cell line (BPH-­1) stimulated with conditioned media of the proliferated stromal cells (W-­MTCM).
A, Production of cytokines by BPH-­1 stimulated with W-­MTCM (supernatant of WPMY-­1 prostate stromal cells incubated with MTCM). The
left axis refers to IL-­6, CXCL8 and CCL2 and the right axis to IL-­1β. B, mRNA levels of cytokines released by BPH-­1 incubated with W-­MTCM
were detected by RT-­PCR. Proliferation of BPH-­1 cells incubated with W-­MTCM was measured by CCK-­8 assay (C) and wound healing (D).
E, Cyclin D1 (regulator of cell cycle progression), bcl-­2 (anti-­apoptotic factor) and FGF2 (fibroblast growth factor-­2) were measured by
Western blotting. Media, BPH-­1 cells alone; W-­CM, culture supernatant from prostate stromal cells; W-­TCM, culture supernatant from
prostate stromal cells cultured with TCM; W-­MCM, culture supernatant from prostate stromal cells cultured with MCM (culture supernatant
from mast cells); W-­MTCM, culture supernatant from prostate stromal cells cultured with MTCM (culture supernatant from mast cells
activated with TCM); TCM, culture supernatant from BPH-­1 incubated with Tv. *P < .05

mesenchymal markers and downregulation of epithelial markers are stromal tissues has shown.5,6 Mitteregger et al hypothesized that
features of EMT. To examine whether EMT was detectible in the BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia may be associated with chronic reten-
epithelial cells exposed to W-­MTCM including IL-­6, the expression of tion of Tv in the prostate gland.5 Prostate growth associated with
EMT markers was examined. Expression of mesenchymal markers Tv infection has been studied by two groups; Twu et al found that
(vimentin, N-­cadherin, fibronectin) increased and that of epithelial Tv macrophage migration inhibitory factor caused inflammatory re-
marker (E-­cadherin) decreased in the BPH epithelial cells, and this sponses, prostate cell growth and invasiveness in both a BPH-­1 cell
was prevented by pretreatment with IL-­6R antibody or ruxolitinib line and a prostate cancer cell line,31 and in our previous study, we
(Figure 5). These observations indicate that EMT occurs in the W-­ reported that BPH epithelial cells stimulated with Tv induced the
MTCM-­treated BPH-­1 cells and that IL-­6 is involved in the EMT. proliferation of prostate stromal cells via crosstalk involving mast
cells. 21 In the current study, BPH-­1 cells incubated with Tv were
shown to induce the proliferation of prostate epithelial cells by
4 | D I S CU S S I O N acting on prostate stromal cell via mast cells. Therefore, this study
provides the first experimental evidence that stromal-­epithelial in-
Clinical BPH is an extremely common disease in older men. 27,28 It teractions play a role in the prostatic epithelial proliferation induced
is an immune inflammatory disease, 28 and although the causes are by Tv infection.
unclear, 29 chronic inflammation and an abnormal wound-­
healing The prostate stroma composed of smooth muscle cells, fi-
procedures are known to play major roles. broblasts, endothelial cells, macrophages, mast cells and undif-
Trichomonas vaginalis (Tv) is generally known as a surface-­ ferentiated cells. 32 Human stromal prostate cells participate in
dwelling parasite, but their capability to invade in submucosa and the development of BPH by secreting several pro-­i nflammatory
6 of 9       KIM et al.

F I G U R E   3   Expressions of interleukin-­6 signalling molecules in the proliferating BPH epithelial cells. A, Expression of IL-­6 receptor
(gp130) on the surface of BPH epithelial cells stimulated with W-­MTCM was observed by fluorescence microscopy. B, Expression of IL-­6R
and p-­STAT3 in BPH epithelial cells incubated with W-­MTCM was measured by Western blotting. C, IL-­6R and IL-­6 transcript levels in BPH
epithelial cells incubated with W-­MTCM were measured by RT-­PCR. Media, BPH-­1 cells alone; W-­CM, culture supernatant from prostate
stromal cells; W-­MCM, culture supernatant from prostate stromal cells cultured with MCM (culture supernatant from mast cells); W-­MTCM,
culture supernatant from prostate stromal cells cultured with MTCM (culture supernatant from mast cells activated with TCM)

F I G U R E   4   Blocking of IL-­6 signalling

reduces proliferation of BPH epithelial
cells (BPH-­1). Pretreatment of BPH-­
1 cells with anti-­gp130 antibody and
JAK1/2 inhibitor (ruxolitinib) reduces their
proliferation compared with incubation
with W-­MTCM alone (A and B). C, The
production of p-­STAT3, bcl-­2, FGF2 and
p-­cyclin D1 by the BPH epithelial cells
was also reduced by the IL-­6R antibody
and JAK1/2 inhibitor. D, Levels of IL-­6
transcripts in the BPH-­1 cells were also
lowered by anti-­gp130 antibody or
ruxolitinib. Media, BPH-­1 cells alone;
W-­MTCM, culture supernatant from
prostate stromal cells cultured with
MTCM (culture supernatant from mast
cells activated with TCM). *P < .05 vs
media. †P < .05 vs W-­MTCM

cytokines and chemokines, which recruiting immune cells to Stromal-­epithelial interactions play a key regulatory role in pros-
the prostate and inducing their own proliferation. 8 The stro- tate development and in the maintenance of the adult prostate in
mal microenvironment is a critical determinant of benign vs health and disease.12 Siejka et al reported that bidirectional stromal-­
malignant growth. Microenvironmental factors such as infec- epithelial interactions occur in the prostate gland; when superna-
tion and wounding may alter cellular equilibria leading to BPH tants of prostate stromal cells (or BPH epithelial cells) were added
or prostate cancer. 29 In this context, our data indicate that the to BPH epithelial cells (or prostate stromal cells), proliferation was
inflammatory response induced by BPH epithelial cells stimu- in both cases increased.13 In addition, interactions between stromal
lated by Tv induces the proliferation of prostate stromal cells and epithelial cells contribute to the regulation of proliferation and
via mast cells, and these inflamed stromal cells then liberate differentiation of corneal epithelial cells.14
factors that stimulate the proliferation of BPH epithelial cells IL-­6 is a well-­known biomarker not only in prostatic inflamma-
via IL-­6 signalling. tion but also in other types of inflammation.33,34 IL-­6 is expressed
KIM et al. |
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F I G U R E   5   Involvement of IL-­6 in
EMT induction in the proliferating BPH
epithelial cell. EMT induction in BPH
epithelial cells treated with W-­MTCM
(A and B). Inhibition of IL-­6 receptor
and JAK signalling reduced EMT (C and
D). Mesenchymal markers (vimentin,
N-­cadherin, fibronectin) increased and
epithelial marker (E-­cadherin) decreased in
the proliferating BPH epithelial cells, and
this was prevented by pretreatment with
IL-­6R antibody or ruxolitinib

in both stromal and epithelial cells in BPH, and is produced in re- were involved in the proliferation of BPH epithelial cells through
sponse to infections of prostate epithelial cells by pathogens such as IL-­6 signalling.
Propionibacterium, Mycoplasma and T. vaginalis. Recently, Tv in- In conclusion, IL-­6 released from proliferating prostate stromal
fection of prostate epithelial cells was suggested to trigger prostate cells induced by BPH epithelial cells infected with Tv in turn in-
carcinogenesis by inducing IL-­6.3 Also, IL-­6 induced EMT in normal duces multiplication of the BPH epithelial cells. This result for the
prostate and BPH epithelial cells. 20,38,39 Upon IL-­6 binding, the IL-­ first time provides evidence that the inflammatory microenviron-
6R/gp130 dimer induces phosphorylation of JAK1,3, which in turn ment of prostate stromal cells resulting from Tv infection induces
phosphorylates STAT.40 In this study, expression of IL-­6 was found the proliferation of prostate epithelial cells by stromal-­e pithelial
to increase in proliferating BPH epithelial cells, so IL-­6 may play a interaction (Supplementary Figure 1).
critical role in the proliferation of these cells.
EMT may be classified into 3 subtypes. Type 1 EMT involves
the transition of primordial epithelial cells into motile mesenchy-
mal cells and is associated with the generation of diverse cell types This research was supported by Basic Science Program through
during embryonic development and organogenesis.41 Type 3 EMT the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the
occurs in carcinoma cells. Type 2 EMT involves the transition of Ministry of Science and ICT (NRF-­2017R1A2B4002072).
secondary epithelial cells to resident tissue fibroblasts and is associ-
ated with wound healing, tissue regeneration, and organ fibrosis.43
Also, type 2 EMT is induced in response to inflammation, especially
during wound healing and tissue regeneration, but stops once in- None.
flammation is reduced.43 McNeal has suggested that the initial le-
sion in BPH is not in the stroma but is due to abnormal growth of
the epithelium caused by EMT.44 In our previous studies, EMT of
normal prostate epithelial cells was found to be induced by Tv in- J.-S. Ryu
fection, and IL-­6 signalling via NF-­kB and JAK/STAT3 was shown to
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Ryu J-S. Proliferation of prostate epithelia induced by IL-­6
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