02 - 2 - Attachment. Research Plan

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Research Plan                 

1. Your Name: Hamidullah ‘‘Zormaty’’

2. Title of Research Plan: Investigation on impact of Professional Development workshops on

pedagogic efforts of professional literacy teachers (A step toward contemporary teaching

methodologies in Afghanistan)

2. Content of Research Plan:

*It must be 500 words at least and no more than 700 words [Minimum 1 (one) page and Maximum 3 (three) pages.]

Afghanistan is a conflict zone from past few decades which has brought also serious disruption to
education. Education is a critical element in rebuilding shattered societies and restoring stability to
areas affected by conflict. It can heal the psychological wounds of war, curb youth unemployment,
deliver decentralisation and democracy, build peace and promote economic and social development.
However, for the rehabilitation of educational framework again in Afghanistan, Ministry of Education
launched a program called NESP (National Education Strategic Plan) by the cooperation of UNESCO
and other international organisations in 2009. The National Literacy Strategy (NLS) takes into
consideration the literacy goals set in NESP, according to which 60% of adult literacy will increase by the
end of 2020. Throughout this strategy, lifelong learning and non-formal education will extend in rural
and far areas of Afghanistan conducted by professional literacy teachers. These professional trainers
could manage cultural and traditional aspects, analyse, understand students’ needs, use academic
tools in linguistic and numerical proficiencies (including reading, writing and calculation skills) and drive
other pedagogic aspects effectively.
Unfortunately, ministry of education is still far from its goals in (NLS) plan to achieve mentioned statistic
(60% of adult literacy) by the end of 2020 due to insufficient professional literacy teachers. On the other
side, students taught by teachers in community schools especially in far areas who are not involved in
the design of professional development activites. In addition to this, for getting positive outcomes of
NLS (National Literacy Strategy) it’s necessary to provide professional development workshops to train
professional literacy teachers. Professional Development workshops will help them to manage NLS
strategic goals successfully. The core components of professional development are; knowledge of new
teaching methodologies used in developed countries, a match to teacher needs, a match to school
needs, teacher involvement in the design of professional development activities, active participation
opportunities, long-term engagement, and high-quality instructors.
This research will propose impact of Professional Development workshops on pedagogic efforts of
professional literacy teachers, and provide positive feedback on teacher’s long term professional
development workshops for the enhancement of quality education in the field of literacy education.

Signature of Applicant:
After completion of my research, I’m going to work on this project as a Master of literacy Education and
human resource Professional Development specialist in MOE, Afghanistan.
Research Objectives: the main objective behind this research project is to help Afghanistan
educational system, especially in the field of literacy education and human resource development. Also
I’ll work individually and in group with professional literacy teachers, professional development
providers and school administrators to boost pedagogic efforts in Afghanistan and will provide them
professional development long term workshops for their capacity building to meet present needs of
Furthermore, I’ll utilise my knowledge and skills achieved in Japan during my Master studies to give
place for new teaching methodologies in Afghanistan National Educational Strategic Plan (NESP) so
that the set goals can be achieved.
Expected Outcomes of the Research: My research plan will maintain all the indispensable missions
which has positive impact on National Literacy Strategy (NLS). This plan will help the ministry of
education, UNESCO, UNICEF and JICA who always support our education system to improve
education quality in all, by arranging Professional Development workshops to train professional literacy
Research Methodology: The research is a qualitative and comparative case study approach in which
methods like data collection and analysis; literature review of academic books and journal articles, site
visits and interviews will be use in Japan.
Conclusion: Through the research we found that having high quality teachers is important for the
enhancement of quality education. We cannot improve schools without improving the skills and abilities
of the teachers within them. As an Evaluator in my previous job and as a Responsible of Employment
Services Department in current job, the knowledge and expertise of professional development studies
for effective pedagogic management and contemporary teaching methodologies are required in my job.
As a Master of literacy education and human resource development specialist, I’ll work for the
improvement of literacy education in Afghanistan by organizing professional development programs for
professional literacy teachers to respond the issue of teacher deficiencies.

[1] Ministry of Education, Deputy Ministry of Literacy Education, National Education Strategic Plan
(NESP III), 2017-2021
[2] UNESCO, National Literacy Strategy, MOE, 2013

Note: You could bring changes to this research planx

Signature of Applicant:

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