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2022 6th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA)

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering (PCCOE), Pune, India. Aug 26-27, 2022

FRNDY: A Women's Safety App

P. Premi K.S. Savita N. Millatina
Department of Computer and Department of Computer and Department of Computer and
Information Sciences Information Sciences Information Sciences
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Positive Computing Centre Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
2022 6th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) | 978-1-6654-8451-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCUBEA54992.2022.10010815

Perak, Malaysia Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Perak, Malaysia Perak, Malaysia

Abstract— Women's security has always been a major Index, Malaysia continues to fall behind in terms of legal
concern, and numerous potential solutions have been discussed protection and economic gender equity [5]. Some of the most
regarding how technology can be used to address the issue. prevalent crimes against women in Malaysia are similar to
Currently, the rapid rise in smartphone usage has made it those in other countries, including sexual harassment,
possible to integrate personal security efficiently and effectively domestic abuse, and workplace discrimination against
with the help of hardware and software. Existing security women. Malaysian government profiles reported that police
methods necessitate some form of human input and the use of took allegations seriously and efforts were made to raise
only pre-selected contacts. When it comes to tragic occurrences
awareness, but as long as women do not report crimes,
involving women, the number is frighteningly high. Problems
offenders will be able to escape or feel encouraged to
can arise from a variety of situations, including women
walking on the street after work, going to the supermarket, or
continue their behaviors [4].
a variety of other reasons when they are alone. There has been Numerous preventative measures have been implemented
a spike in women-related crimes in Malaysia as well. by the government to put an end to these misbehaving
Therefore, to enhance women's safety in Malaysia this project activities, but they have had no effect on the increasing rate
suggests a mobile application that can come in handy for of these crimes and have remained unaffected [4]. Thus, it is
women who find themselves in dangerous situations. When the sensible to provide an application that assists women in
need arises, a single click on this application will recognize the
efficiently and effectively overcoming this issue. In today's
location using GPS and will send a message to the registered
society, the number of people who own smartphones has
contacts containing the location URL, as well as call the first
registered contact to assist the user in a difficult situation. increased rapidly, and thus a smartphone can be used
Authentication of their identity is also mandatory for this effectively for personal security or other types of protection.
application. The primary goal of this study is to ensure and The number of horrifying accidents has reawakened many to
enhance personal safety. As a result, the primary goal of this the vital importance of addressing safety concerns, and as a
project is to make it easier for users to get assistance promptly. result, a slew of applications has been developed to provide
In addition, a security pin is used as the login password to women with protection systems via their phones [6]. The
verify the user's identity and prevent an anonymous or primary goal of the woman safety alert system is to provide a
malicious attack. This project makes use of the agile quick medium of contact for assistance. This includes the
methodology to make certain that testing is carried out in each nearby police stations, relatives, or other nearby users
module. It creates opportunities to reevaluate the development through the use of alert messages and location tracking.
lifecycle to make sure the entire project fulfills the outcome Additionally, this application can be enhanced in the future
and operates well. After several iterations of refinement and through the use of smart gadgets such as accessories and
debugging, the final system is deemed bug-free. smartwatches. A single click on this application recognizes
the location of a location by using GPS and sends a message
Keywords—Women safety, Android application, Smartphone containing the location URL to the registered contacts, as
I. INTRODUCTION well as calling the first registered contact to assist the person
in a difficult situation [6].
In today's society, women play critical roles not only at
home, but also in politics, economics, and nation-building. When confronted with a potentially life-threatening
Women's safety has long been a critical and sensitive issue in situation such as kidnapping, mugging, or robbery, the victim
our society. World Health Organization (WHO) reported that has very little time to choose the best way out. Seeking help,
close to one out of three women worldwide have been a on the other hand, is the most effective method that the
victim of assault be it physically, emotionally, or sexually victim can do in severe circumstances. The impact of this
[1], [2]. There is not a single day that goes by without violence includes injury, death, depression, PTSD, sexually
hearing of an attack on a girl or a woman. Females being transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancy which then
murdered, molested, and raped is now a recurring headline leads to abortion [7]. Due to the growing safety concern,
all across the globe. Women's safety is a problem mobile applications are being developed to include personal
everywhere, be it in underdeveloped, developing, or safety measures. As of the point of this writing, researchers
developed countries [3]. However, the numbers are only focused on women in Malaysia as a scope. Therefore,
significantly high in low- and lower-middle-income this research would be on discussing how to minimize the
countries [1]. Violence against women is a serious act. To crime rates related to women and enhance women's safety in
add salt to the wound, these crimes are frequently justified by Malaysia as well as spread awareness of the ever-increasing
blaming the victim [4]. Despite being ranked the fifth safest crime rates against women.
country in the Asia Pacific region by the 2018 Global Peace

978-1-6654-8451-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 1

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The project aimed to study the existing mobile the existing gender hierarchy by restricting women's access
application for women's safety features and study the to public space through sexual misconduct as a form of
effectiveness of smartphones in the context of women's violence against women. Not only does it cause
safety. This study will primarily focus on women from urban psychological and physical harm, but it also creates a threat
areas in Malaysia. The study further emphasizes the of possible intimidation and intrusion for women who
importance of women's safety in Malaysia by using data sets occupy public spaces, including public transportation [11].
that are based on the statistics of women's harassment &
violence cases. The result of this study is an application B. Smartphone’s efficiency in enhancing women’s safety
made for women. This application allows women to reach Studies show that mobile technology is rapidly evolving
their destination safely while identifying safe and unsafe whereby mobile phone usage is increasing by 58%
areas. The development of this application also hopes to annually[12]. The majority of smartphones are used for
spread awareness of the increasing dependency on safety personal purposes. Modern smartphones have features such
applications. The success of this project brings forth as GPS navigation, different sensors, a high-resolution digital
meaningful help to those who are most likely to find camera, high-speed internet access, powerful processing and
themselves in dangerous situations which could lead them to capacity, and long-lasting battery life. Smartphones running
be a victim of sexual harassment or sexual assault. on the Android operating system now account for a major
Additionally, this project contributes to the achievement of portion of the global market, leaving other platforms in the
one of the Sustainable Development Goals, goal 5, which is dust. A personal safety triggering system is one of the many
to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls types of systems on the market.
[8]. Achieving equal rights and opportunities for women and Studies have proven that people using smartphones have
girls across the globe sounds simple but the process itself is increased rapidly and hence, a smartphone can be used
an uphill climb. United Nations also highlighted the need for efficiently for personal security or various other protection
giving women and girls the ability to live their life without purposes [6]. Women's security practices today fall into a
the constant weight of potential harassment and violence variety of categories, ranging from android applications
looming over them. By 2030, gender equality will require developed for mobile phones to fashionable apparel that can
immediate action to address the numerous root causes of be worn and carried in daily life. The most commonly quoted
discrimination that continue to limit women's rights in both type of violence that technology could protect against is
private and diverse societies. sexual or physical assault (57.2%), followed by cyber or in-
II. RELATED WORK person stalking (36.6%) and cyber or in-person harassment
(36.6%) (29.7%) [13]. Mobile phones, wearable devices,
A. Women's safety in public places applications, and social media were all used as protective
The meaning of urban life is best conveyed in a public technologies (18.4%). Most of the articles mentioned in that
place. People often come together in public places like the article discussed an individual's use of technology for
park or shopping malls every day and unfortunately, they protection, rather than the development of policy solutions
become victims of crime at times. A person needs to be able involving technology. The ability of smartphones to
to move around freely in a community to maintain a sense of empower women appears to be growing all the time. What
place and improve one's quality of life [9]. Several has become clear is that, after a boom in interest in mobile
environmental characteristics affect the safety of public technology for women between 2010 and 2018, this
places, yet it is safety perception that plays a significant role engagement appears to have diminished in recent years [13].
in making places appear safe or unsafe to people. Public United Nations also discussed the use of technology to
transportation, in particular, has long been a place where handle violence against women cases[14]. An increasing
women have been subjected to sexual harassment, and this number of countries around the world have change the
problem has not gone away. method of handling thses cases to mostly online. Many new
Violence against women and girls, especially sexual products on the market can help a stalked or abused woman
harassment in public places, is still largely ignored even discreetly which is vital if the abuser is an intimate partner
though violence in the private domain is now readily [13]. There might be a situation in which the person has to
recognized as a human rights violation [10]. Although not all travel alone a long distance at odd hours and perhaps even by
men are viewed pragmatically as perpetrators of violence public transport. They may still face dangerous situations. At
against women, all women are viewed as potential victims, such a time, having a personal safety application on your
which ultimately reinforces the dominant discourse of safety phone would be wise. It might also give the user a boost of
and protection [11]. When it comes to using public spaces, confidence in carrying on with their journey. The fast
women and men have distinctive methods from one another. advancement of technology has ramifications for women and
Women have traditionally been said to be more afraid of girls that are both good and bad.
urban environments than men are, in part because of the C. Existing Emergency Applications
differences in how men and women interact with and make
sense of these environments [9]. 1) bSafe
An application that allows the user to invite friends to
When a woman’s self-esteem and confidence are walk with them to avoid being alone on the way back home.
threatened by the possibility of sexual harassment in the If a user does not check in for a predetermined amount of
public setting, their abilities to complete their frequently time, the application will notify the user via an automated
necessary role as working women are harmed, and their alarm, and it will also notify their friends of the user’s
standing in the community is compromised, conserving the
current location. When the SOS alarm is activated, a 10-
established gender hierarchy. Theories about women's
relationships with space suggest that men seek to maintain second video will begin to record. Additionally, bSafe has a
Fake Call feature that is not available on the other

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applications discussed in this study. It is possible to use this
fake call function to make it easier for the user to get out of
a dangerous or uncomfortable situation by making a fake
call to themselves [15]. The interface of bSafe is as seen in
Figure 1.

Fig. 3. Prototype Development Flowchart

The methodology used in this study is divided into three

A. Research Planning and Analysis
Fig. 1. bSafe Application Interface Research on sexual harassment and violence against
women was conducted. Smartphone applications these days
2) RapidSOS+ are mainly made for Android or iOS platforms. The decision
A highly effective emergency application was created by has been made to develop an Android application due to it
three Harvard MBA students [15]. Similar to bSafe, this being an open-sourced Linux-based software stack. Android
application can also send out SOS alerts with a single touch, was also chosen due to statistics indicating that more users in
but more interestingly, it can call 9-1-1 on behalf of a loved Malaysia use Android smartphones compared to iPhones
one, transmitting their current location and information to the running iOS. Additionally, surveys on women's safety in
nearest police station or law enforcement booths. The user’s Malaysia have been conducted by authors. Data was
request can also be accelerated if necessary. Additionally, it gathered from a variety of sources, including from the
enables users to monitor their family members' safety via Malaysian Women's Aid Organization. Data collected was
GPS and to verify when they arrive at their destination. used to determine whether the project is feasible enough and
Figure 2 shows the interface of RapisSOS+. can be implemented successfully with the least amount of
B. Developing and Designing
The design and development stage required the authors
to download Android Studio, which is the official Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) for Android application
development. It is based on IntelliJ IDEA and requires
coding in XML, C++, and Java.
A. Data Gathering
A survey conducted on Microsoft Forms was carried out
to analyze women's safety in Malaysia. The data collected is
Fig. 2. RapidSOS+ Application Interface then summarized in a table. The respondents were given a
few scenarios and they were asked to answer the likelihood
III. METHODOLOGY rating of each scenario, from most likely to least likely to
experience. For example, from the results, we can see that
The data used in this study are collected from women about 50% of the respondents are very likely to feel unsafe
living in urban cities of Malaysia. The flow chart in Figure 3 when they walk alone in the streets. 34.4% of them feel that
depicts the entire prototype development process for it is very likely to encounter unwanted harassment from
FRNDY. During the development of this mobile application, strangers and 21.9% of them are worried that someone will
certain workflow constraints were applied. The authors physically attack or hurt them.
created a simple prototype from a quick design, but it can be
improved later on after user testing. This clearly shows that Malaysian women have been
exposed to sexual abuse or harassment which causes them to
think it is more likely for each scenario to occur. A part of
the data collected is shown in Figure 4.

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user interface of mobile applications is primarily geared
towards the users. The user interface for mobile applications
will require the user to log in or register. Figure 7 consists of
the login pages for the FRNDY application.

Fig. 4. Scenario likelihood chart

The respondents were asked about the types of objects or

devices they carry with them during dangerous situations and
the bar chart in Figure 5 shows that only about 19 of them
carry things such as personal alarms, pepper spray, etc.
Meanwhile, the other respondents stated that they do not
carry anything with them. This could make them more
vulnerable to heinous crimes. Nowadays it has become a
necessity for a woman to carry self-defense objects wherever
they go. Fig. 7. User Interface – Main menu

The welcoming page of the application displays the

application name, “Frndy” and explains to the user what
Frndy is and how to use it. It gives a brief explanation of the
features that are available within the application to new
users. Once location services have been turned on, the user
can see their location on the screen. The pink button in the
middle allows the user to allow SOS mode when the
situation arises. It is then triggered by shaking their
Fig. 5. Self-defense or precaution measure chart
smartphone. The contact button allows the user to add
followers where the followers will be able to see the user’s
live location and the following button will let the saved
B. Proposed System contacts know that the user is being followed. Meanwhile,
Figure 6 illustrates the data flow of the proposed system. the fake call button allows users to receive a fake call from
the application which allows them to use it during
threatening situations. Figure 8 illustrates the SOS mode in
the application.

Fig. 6. Data flow for the FRNDY application

As shown above, information from the user such as

location is tracked by the GPS function built-in in the user’s
smartphone. With the help of Google Map’s API key, the
system will be able to share the user’s current location with
the saved contacts. The information also can be used to Fig. 8. User Interface – SOS mode
perform the application’s functions such as fake calls, heat
maps, and call SOS due to any emergency. When shake is detected, SOS mode is activated and the
screen will straight away display a button to call 999, the
C. Implementation
emergency hotline in Malaysia. However, to prevent
A system prototype was developed based on the results accidentally calling due to unintentional shakes, the user
of the survey analysis. It consists of a web, a mobile will be given the option to cancel the call. If the cancel
application, and an Internet of Things (IoT) device. The web button is clicked, then the process is terminated
application will be used by both the police department and automatically. Next, if the user clicks the human icon on the
the Women Organization Center to track and manage rape main menu, they will be led to their profile page where they
cases and keep victims informed. For the time being, the can update their profile picture, password, and PIN. When

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the user updates their details here, it will also be updated in It is believed by the authors that the day is not too far away
the Firebase database for the application. when a specialized application like FRNDY will be able to
ensure complete safety for women on the go.
D. Impact and contribution
Although there are numerous emergency applications, the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
majority of them require payment to unlock additional The authors are grateful to the university administration
features. For example, rapidSOS+ requires an annual for their emotional and financial support. We would like to
subscription fee of $49.99 US dollars for the family packet express our appreciation to the anonymous reviewers for
and $29.99 US dollars for the individual packet. Women can their constructive feedback.
access immediate assistance through FRNDY if they
encounter a problem or are in a difficult situation. Users can REFERENCES
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NFC. Fingerprints or NFC tags can be used by users to
check in more quickly and easily. In addition, the interface's
user-friendliness and the navigation steps on the page can be
improved and refreshed to keep users interested at all times.

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