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Liwanag, Darynne Aisley R.


Reading & Writing


by Amador Daguio

I. Identify the Characters, Setting, Plot (Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action), Point of View, Theme, Tone, Style, and
Conflict in the story.

A. Characters:

1. Awiyao- Man who left her wife (Lumnay) because they can’t bear a child after 7 years of marriage.
2. Lumnay- Former wife of Awiyao.
3. Madulimay- New wife of Awiyao.

B. Setting:

1. Village- This is the place where the wedding ceremony of Awiyao and Madulimay happened.
2. House of Lumnay- Where Awiyao met Lumnay to invite her to the venue to dance and this is the place where they
made an agreement.
3. Mountain- Where Lumnay remembering the blissful moment they she had with Lumnay.

C. Plot:

1. Exposition- On the wedding night of Awiyao and Madulimay where the villagers were happy and the sound of
gangsas spreads around the area, Awiyao was uncomfortable knowing that he still loves his former wife.
2. Rising Action- Awiyao went to Lumnay’s house to apologize for what he did. As their conversation deepened,
they made an agreement where in if Awiyao couldn’t nake it with Madulimay, he will come back to Lumnay
where they will both vanish from the life of their tribes.
3. Climax- There was a voice that calls out to him from outside. Awiyao leaves Lumnay and he returned to his
4. Falling Action- Lumnay watched the blazing flame and the dancing women. Reminiscing the moments she had
with Awiyao for the 7 years of their marriage. She is also trying to understand where did it went wrong?
5. Conclusion- She decides to go to the mountain at the top of the village. She reminisces the happy moments while
they are still together.

D. Point of View:

1. The Pont of View of the story is Third Person Point of View. The author tells the reader what happened in the

E. Theme:
The theme of the story is love and marriage. This story allows us to understand that not every relationship will work
until the end. There is no perfect relationship there is always a problems and challenges, but you have to choose
someone whom you will be with in this imperfect love.


- The tone of the author while narrating the story is careful. The author is being careful on the words he will put in
the story. To avoid misunderstandings, conflicts, and complications that he might face once the story was
published or out for public readers.


- The style that the author used in the story is the narrative style. The author used the narrative style because he
narrates what happened to the characters.


- The story faced a Person vs Society conflict. Awiyao and Lumnay faced the problem of their tribe which is a man
should have a son so that his name won’t disappear. In the story Awiyao had to leave Lumnay because they can’t
bear a child, no matter what they do to appease Kabunyan (God of Igorots). They both had to suffer because of
their belief.

2. List down at least 3 issues in the story.

- Unwritten rule.
In the culture of Awiyao, there are some beliefs that could affect a relationship between two people.
Wherein, a person might give up something important for the sake of his tribe. The unwritten rule is a man should
have a child.
- Awiyao hurt Lumnay.
Awiyao and Lumnay made a deal. If Awiyao still couldn’t make it with Madulimay, he would come back
to Lumnay. For me, Awiyao should have done better. Lumnay waited for Awiyao to come back, but he didn’t.
Awiyao would have returned to Lumnay and tell her that he made it with Mdulimay.
- Unwanted marriage.
Awiyao had to marry someone that he doesn’t even love. He used Madulimay for his belief.

3. List hifalutin or difficult words. Give its definition by consulting the dictionary and give 1 example.


- A musical instrument performed by a variety of Cordilleran ethnic groups. To meet the desired pitch when
playing, the instrument is tuned differently and comes in various sizes.
Examole: The sound of gangsas surrounded the village while they are celebrating their wedding.

- A blazing piece of fire, such as coal.
Example: There is something in the embers of fire.


- In a manner that is comfortable, warm, or well-protected.

Example: The room of his mother was snugly.


- A little waterfall, usually one of many that cascade down a stony slope in phases.
Example: The water cascades over the sand.


- Capable of providing a resonant, deep tone.

Example: The sound was loud, bold, and sonorous.


- Shout and persistently (of a group of individuals).

Example: The child clamored for attention.


- Bad-tempered and sulky: gloomy.

Example: Chelsea was sullen for days.


- Loss of water from plant cells.

Example: She was unhappy when she saw her plants wilting.

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