Java Assignment

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Java Programming Assignment 1

1. Explain the features of Java.

2. Write a short note on Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
3. What are various Logical operators available in Java?
4. Explain the use of break statement and continue statement with respect to loops.
5. Explain Constructor overloading in Java with examples.
6. Explain final keyword in Java.
7. What is an Array? How to declare an Array in Java.
8. What is Inheritance? What are the different types of Inheritance.
9. Explain with example Method overriding in Java.
10. Write a short note on Wrapper classes.

Java Programming Assignment 2

1. Explain what is a String? Also explain various methods of String class.

2. Explain try-catch block with example.
3. What are Abstract methods and Abstract classes?
4. How to create a Java package? Also explain import statement w.r.t packages.
5. What is an Interface? How it is different from a class?
6. Write a short note on FileInputStream and FileOutputStream class.
7. What are the various states of a Thread?
8. What are the different ways of creating Threads in Java? Explain any one with
9. How to declare a Vector in Java? List the various methods of Vector class.
10. Write a short note on PriorityQueue.

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