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Welcome to The Low
Calorie Food List Guide
Welcome to the Low Calorie Food List Guide! I'm glad that you've chosen to
download this resource. If you've already checked out the low calorie food
swap guide that I sent you earlier, then you're already on your way to learning
how to cut hundreds of calories from your daily intake without having to
resort to restrictive measures.

By combining both guides, you'll gain the knowledge and tools needed to
achieve sustainable weight loss and maintain your desired results. My mission
is to help you succeed in your fat loss journey by providing you with all the
necessary resources, tools, and advice.

I understand that losing weight can be a daunting task, but my goal is to

make it as enjoyable and stress-free as possible while eliminating all the
guesswork for you. I'm here to show you how to achieve your dream body
without sacrificing your lifestyle, resorting to extreme diets, or depriving
yourself of your favourite foods.

My approach to weight loss is based on sustainable methods that will help

you keep the weight off for good and this guide will help you with that.
You'll be able to examine your current food choices and discover alternative
low calorie options that you'll enjoy just as much. Both this guide and the low
calorie food swap guide work together to help you make informed food
choices and achieve your weight loss goals.

If you have any questions or concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate
to contact me at I'm here to support
you every step of the way, so don't be afraid to reach out. Let's make your
weight loss journey a success together.
How to use this Guide
This guide compares the lowest and highest calorie items across five different
food categories, including vegetables, fruits, protein, fiber, and sauces.

By providing you with the calorie count of every food item within each
category, you'll be able to easily reduce your calorie intake by swapping
higher calorie options for lower calorie alternatives.

Using this guide is simple. Let's say you typically rely on potatoes as your go-
to carb source. You can easily find the potato on the list and see its calorie
count per serving. From there, you can explore other foods within the same
category to see if there are any lower calorie options that you enjoy just as

For example, you might discover that pumpkin has four times fewer calories
than potatoes. You still love the taste of potatoes, but by swapping them out
for pumpkin, you can reduce your calorie intake without sacrificing flavour or
feeling hungry.

This guide is designed to make it easy for you to make informed food choices
and reduce your calorie intake without feeling deprived. With the help of this
guide, you can sustainably lose weight and keep it off for good. So go ahead
and explore the different food categories, find your favorite foods, and start
swapping in lower calorie alternatives.
Protein sources ranked by protein content per 100g


Whey Protein 82
Casein Protein 82
Powdered Peanut Butter 45
Parmesan Cheese 38
Bacon 37
Chicken Breast 31
Turkey Breast 30
Beef Liver 30
Tuna 28
Pork 27
Extra Mature Cheese 25.4
Lamb 25
Chicken Liver 25
Cod 24
Sea Bass 24
Bison 24
Chicken Thigh 24
Halibut 22
Shrimp 22
Kangaroo 21.4
Beef Steak 21
Ham 21
Salmon 20
Trout 20
90% Beef Mince 20
Barramundi 19
Duck 19
Reduced Fat Cheddar 17.6
80% Beef Mince 17
Beef Sausage 15.6
Feta Cheese 14
70% Beef Mince 14
Whole Egg 13
Oysters 12
Cottage Cheese 11
Egg Whites 11
0% Fat Greek Yoghurt 10
Non-Fat Cottage Cheese 10
Greek Yoghurt 4.9
Skim Milk 3.3
Whole Milk 3.1
Protein sources ranked by calories per 100g


Skim Milk 33
Egg Whites 52
Whole Milk 60
Non-Fat Cottage Cheese 72
0% Fat Greek Yoghurt 73
Barramundi 92
Kangaroo 98
Cottage Cheese 100
Halibut 110
Shrimp 120
Cod 124
Sea Bass 124
Greek Yoghurt 131
Tuna 132
Beef Steak 134
Trout 141
Whole Egg 143
Ham 145
Turkey Breast 147
Chicken Breast 165
Chicken Liver 168
90% Beef Mince 176
Chicken Thigh 177
Beef Liver 194
Oysters 199
Salmon 208
Reduced Fat Cheddar 240
Pork 242
Bison 242
80% Beef Mince 254
Feta Cheese 264
Lamb 294
70% Beef Mince 332
Duck 337
Casein Protein 350
Beef Sausage 395
Whey Protein 412
Extra Mature Cheese 416
Parmesan Cheese 431
Powdered Peanut Butter 450
Bacon 541
Vegetables ranked by calories per serve


Watercress 34g 4
Radish 30g 5
Celery 40g 6
Cherry Tomato 34g 6
Mushrooms 36g 10
Rocket 40g 10
Broccoli 30g 10.5
Sugar Snap Peas 30g 13
Brussels Sprouts 42g 15
Courgette 100g 15
Cucumber 100g 15
Carrots 46g 16
Asparagus 75g 17
Cabbage 75g 17
Lettuce 100g 17
Okra 80g 18
Pumpkin 100g 20
Swede 56g 21
Beetroot 50g 22
Tomato 123g 22
Spinach 100g 23
Cauliflower 115 26
Turnip 120g 26
Fennel 87g 27
Kale 100g 29
Leek 100g 30
Peppers 114g 32
Black Olives 30g 35
Green Beans 100g 35
Aubergine 100g 36
Butternut Squash 100 41
Onions 100g 41
Artichoke 120g 51
Parsnip 100g 70
Peas 100g 80
Broad Beans 85 94
Corn 100g 100
Sweet Potato 114g 103
Baked Potato 173g 161
Vegetables ranked by calories per 100g


Watercress 11
Courgette 15
Cucumber 15
Celery 16
Radish 16
Lettuce 17
Tomato 18
Cherry Tomato 19
Cauliflower 20
Pumpkin 20
Turnip 21
Asparagus 22
Okra 22
Cabbage 23
Spinach 23
Rocket 25
Kale 29
Mushrooms 29
Peppers 29
Fennel 30
Leek 30
Broccoli 35
Carrots 35
Green Beans 35
Aubergine 36
Swede 36
Brussels Sprouts 38
Butternut Squash 41
Onions 41
Sugar Snap Peas 43
Beetroot 44
Artichoke 47
Parsnip 70
Peas 80
Sweet Potato 93
Baked Potato 97
Corn 100
Broad Beans 112
Black Olives 115
Fruits ranked by calories per serve

Rhubarb 51g 11
Strawberries 36g 12
Raspberries 30g 15
Blueberries 28g 16
Apricots 35g 17
Limes 67g 20
Cherries 30g 21
Blackberries 50g 22
Lemon 84g 24
Watermelon 85g 26
Plums 66g 30
Cantaloupe 100g 32
Grapes 50g 34
Clementines 74g 35
Honeydew 100g 36
Figs 50g 37
Peach 100g 41
Pineapple 83g 41
Kiwi Fruit 69g 42
Gooseberries 100g 46
Tangerines 88g 47
Cranberries 110g 51
Grapefruit 123g 52
Redcurrants 100g 57
Mango 100g 61
Papaya 145g 62
Lychees 100g 64
Dried Prunes 30g 69
Nectarine 156g 69
Oranges 140g 69
Blackcurrants 112g 71
Pomegranate 100g 80
Banana 100g 94
Apples 182g 95
Passion Fruit 100g 96
Goji Berries 28g 98
Dates 35g 100
Pears 178g 101
Guava 165g 112
Persimmon 168g 118
Raisins 43g 129
Sultanas 43g 131
Fruits ranked by calories per 100g


Rhubarb 22
Lemon 29
Limes 30
Watermelon 30
Cantaloupe 32
Strawberries 33
Honeydew 36
Peach 41
Blackberries 42
Grapefruit 42
Papaya 43
Plums 45
Clementines 46
Cranberries 46
Gooseberries 46
Nectarine 47
Oranges 48
Pineapple 49
Raspberries 50
Apricots 51
Blueberries 55
Pears 56
Tangerines 56
Redcurrants 57
Apples 58
Mango 61
Cherries 62
Kiwi Fruit 63
Blackcurrants 64
Lychees 64
Guava 67
Grapes 68
Persimmon 71
Figs 74
Pomegranate 80
Banana 94
Passion Fruit 96
Dried Prunes 245
Dried Dates 280
Raisins 297
Sultanas 307
Goji Berries 352
Sauces ranked by calories per serve

Hot Sauce 20g 4

Hot Chilli Sauce 20g 4
Salsa 20g 6
Reduced Sugar Ketchup 20g 8
Gravy 20g 10
Mustard 20g 12
Reduced Sugar Barbecue 20g 15
Low Fat Mayonnaise 20g 16
Balsamic Vinegar 20g 17
Sriracha Sauce 20g 18
Ketchup 20g 20
Mushroom Sauce 20g 23
Garlic Sauce 20g 30
Cranberry Sauce 20g 33
Barbecue Sauce 20g 35
Plum Sauce 20g 35
Tartare Sauce 20g 35
Clam Sauce 20g 40
Chili Sauce 20g 45
Sweet Chili Sauce 20g 45
Alfredo Sauce 20g 90
Chimichurri 20g 100
Hollandaise Sauce 20g 100
Pesto 20g 120
Mayonnaise 20g 134
Sauces ranked by calories per 100g


Hot Sauce 20
Hot Chilli Sauce 20
Salsa 30
Reduced Sugar Ketchup 40
Gravy 50
Mustard 60
Reduced Sugar Barbecue 75
Low Fat Mayonnaise 80
Balsamic Vinegar 85
Sriracha Sauce 90
Ketchup 100
Mushroom Sauce 115
Garlic Sauce 150
Cranberry Sauce 165
Barbecue Sauce 175
Plum Sauce 175
Tartare Sauce 175
Clam Sauce 200
Chili Sauce 225
Sweet Chili Sauce 225
Alfredo Sauce 450
Chimichurri 500
Hollandaise Sauce 500
Pesto 600
Mayonnaise 670
Fiber sources ranked by fiber content per 100g

Chia Seeds 34g 480

Navy Beans 16g 350
Oat Bran 15g 246
Popcorn 15g 390
Dried Figs 10g 252
Rolled Oats 10g 367
Black Beans 9g 136
Lentils 8g 115
Avacado 6.5g 161
Raspberries 6.5g 50
Green Peas 6g 85
Whole Wheat Bread 6g 250
Artichokes 5.5g 55
Edamame 5g 120
Fiber sources ranked by calories per 100g

Raspberries 50 6.5
Artichokes 55 5.5
Green Peas 85 6
Lentils 115 8
Edamame 120 5
Black Beans 136 9
Avacado 161 6.5
Oat Bran 246 15
Whole Wheat Bread 250 6
Dried Figs 252 10
Navy Beans 350 16
Rolled Oats 367 10
Popcorn 390 15
Chia Seeds 480 34
Have any Questions?
Congratulations on finishing the Low Calorie Food List Rankings Guide! By
now, you should have a better understanding of how many calories are in the
foods you eat daily.

Remember, the purpose of this guide is not to force you to eliminate high-
calorie foods from your diet. Instead, it aims to present you with alternative,
lower-calorie options that you may enjoy just as much.

For example, if you're a fan of potatoes but are conscious of their high calorie
content, you can check out the rankings guide and find that pumpkin has
significantly fewer calories per serving.

By making this simple swap, you can reduce your calorie intake and achieve
your fat loss goals while still enjoying your food. It's crucial to find
sustainable, long-term approaches to fat loss.

This guide's primary purpose is to help you find ways to decrease your calorie
intake while still enjoying the foods you love. Remember, sustainable fat loss
success is all about finding the right balance.

If you have any questions about the guide or anything related to your fat loss
journey, please do not hesitate to contact me at I am here to provide guidance and
support every step of the way.

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