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British International School of Cracow

From the Head of School students, parents and teachers who attended these
Dear All,
I should not forget about BISC Krakow International
3rd May 2023 was National Constitution Day to
Day prepared by Primary students and
commemorate the very first constitution in Europe
teachers. Each class was hosting one country and
and 2nd in the world proclaimed on 3rd May, 1791
the visitors could become familiar with the history,
in Poland. You could see white – red flags all over
geography and food of Japan, China,India,
the country. On Saturday 6th of May, King Charles is
Italy,France, Mexico and Poland, blessed with
set to be crowned alongside the Queen at a lavish
ceremony in Westminster Abbey. The King beautiful, sunny whether on Plac na Groblach
ascended the throne after the death of his mother, Stadion.
Queen Elizabeth II, in September last year, making My words of gratitude goes to the Mums from PTA
him the oldest new monarch in British history. who came up with great range of cookies and sweet
May 2023 will also be remembered as exam session and spicy finger food which constituated another
time for our Year 11 and IB2 students who sit their successful Easter Bake’A’Cake sale. Great job done
final exams for IGCSE Cambridge and IB and almost 1000pln collected which will go towards
respectively. The BISC community wishes them all charity and BISC activities. My sincere
good luck. congratulations.
I would like briefly to recall all major events which And yet, finally our newest musical production
took part in March/April 2023. The Great „TARZAN”; will be shown at Musical Theatre
VARIETE located at ul. Grzegórzecka 71, on Saturday
Knowledge Bowl organized by International School
3rd June and Sunday 4th June 2023 at 6pm.
of Krakow gathered 12 teams from five
You can buy your tickets using the links below
international schools including ISK, BISC Krakow,
Embassy Int School ,Wroclaw International School English version:
and American School of Warsaw. Our Team A
(Vinnie Guillot, Zofia Strzyżewska, Stanisław performed-in-english
Kwieciński (jun) and Tomasz Koszek) came fourth Polski:
and Team B (Ayush Gunjikar,Adam Boczar, Andries goscinnie/tarzan-musical-w-jezyku-angielskim
Rheeder, Tan Kayra) placed into the top ten. The We’d love to see you all there!
participants have to prove their knowledge in Remaining
various areas of Chemistry, Biology, Physic, Sincerely Yours
Literature, History, Politics, Computers and Film.
Congartulations to you all. Dr. Stanislaw Kwiecinski
We all enjoyed three big cultural events, Y7 and
Year 8 Drama productions led by Ms Chris
Riley , IB and IGCSE Art exhibitions arranged at the
Zofia Weiss Gallery conducted by our Art Teachers
Ms Jowita Skalska and Ms Marta Mleczko and last INSIDE THIS ISSUE
but not least, the Music Salon conducted by Mr THE HEAD OF SCHOOL MESSAGE Page 1
PHOTOS Page 2 - 3
Jorge Mahlgaes and Mr Matteo Zolli where Primary
PRIMARY NEWS Pages 4 - 6
and Secondary artists could impress the audience TARZAN CAST SPECIAL Pages 7– 8
with music played on drums, piano, guitar, ukulele IB NEWS Page 9
and vocal. My words of gratitude go out to all SCHOOL CALENDAR Page 10

BISC NEWSLETTER - 4th May 2023 Pg 1

From the Head of School

It’s exam time!

BISC NEWSLETTER - 4th May 2023 Pg 2

From the Head of School

BISC NEWSLETTER - 4th May 2023 Pg 3

Primary News
FS1 News Year 1 News
In Maths, Year 1 have been learning how to tell
the time on the digital and the analogue clock. For
history, we have been creating a timeline of
significant global events.
Year 1 represented
China on
International Day at
BISC. The children
worked very hard;
creating a Chinese
dragon, Chinese
lanterns and
Chinese hats. They
also created a
Last week was fantastic and filled with excitement billboard of
as we welcomed students back to school after information on
spring break. The China by collecting
children and and learning about
teachers have different aspects of
been preparing Chinese culture and history .
for BISC
Day and it was
great to be a
part of it (FS1
represented France and FS2 Poland). We also had
a visit to the dental
office, an exciting and
interesting adventure
for FS1 and FS2
children. At the dental
office, we met Dr. Making our Chinese
Tomaszewska dragon.

(Grzesiu’s mum) who

was eagerly waiting to
meet us and to show us
all sorts of dental tools,
and told us how to take
a good care of our teeth.
We also planted some
beans and sunflowers
and now we are
watching them grow.

BISC NEWSLETTER - 4th May 2023 Pg 4

Year 2 News Year 4 News
In Science, Year 2 have started to look at Plants We’ve done so much since our last newsletter
and build on the knowledge we have from Year 1. update. Here are a couple of highlights: making
We first looked at the difference between wild and waffles, World Book Day and International Day.
garden flowers and went for a walk in our local
area to see which ones we could find. We will be
conducting an experiment to see how different
conditions may
affect a plant’s
growth; including
growing some in
dark cupboards,
some within
andsome with
different liquids such
as coca cola to see if
any liquid can be
used to make a plant

Year 3 News
This week we celebrated international day at
school. and Year 3 had Mexico to represent. The
class spent their time researching 5 facts about
Mexico such as it is the biggest consumer of Coca
Cola in the world, has more
pyramids than Egypt and
has the worlds smallest
volcano. They also built a
piñata and made their own
México! Year 6 News
Year 6 carried out many inquiries into India, its
geography, its history, its food and its clothing
traditions. Our work was on display at the
Day event.
Other children
were also
offered Indian

BISC NEWSLETTER - 4th May 2023 Pg 5

Year 6 also worked on trust and working together knowledge and experience by entering for the next
and in a safe and controlled manner created exam in MUSICAL THEATRE in December? If you
human pyramids have a solo in Tarzan did you know that you have
already completed the ‘own choice of song’ part of
the test? Wow! Also, were you one of the
amazingly talented students who took part in the
recent excellent showcase of Devised Theatre,
organised by Head of Drama Ms Riley, at the
Cultural centre? LAMDA have qualifications in
Devised Theatre, Improvisation and Mime plus
many more! This could be your chance to
supercharge your skills!

LAMDA definitely offers an amazing opportunity to

polish your communication skills, widen your
knowledge of theatre and build on your personal
confidence. The learning programme is based on
interactive fun games and practical exercises in
groups to effectively develop your talents as a
performer. Believe me, there is more in you than
you think! If learning a script makes you nervous,
Year 6 pyramids LAMDA even includes a Reading in Performance
test!) Students from all years with basic READING
SKILLS can enter for LAMDA.
The LAMDA programme is growing in Krakow and
will be starting again in BISC in August. Between
now and then, more details can be obtained from
Ms Riley or myself or the students mentioned
above who have already achieved LAMDA success.
Don’t miss out on the LAMDA experience this
Michael Thomas/ LAMDA Teacher/26.04.23
LAMDA success
A huge WELL DONE!! to the students who
achieved success in the recent LAMDA Acting
Performance exams. Marta is to be particularly
congratulated for gaining a top Distinction at
Grade 4 (especially as this was her FIRST LAMDA
exam) with a big round of applause also to both
Uliana and Anna-Marie for their respective Merit
awards. Well done too to Rishiv in Primary for
achieving a very commendable Pass mark in his
first Performance exam.
Hey, you! Yes, you! Are you one of the many
hugely talented students taking part in the eagerly
-awaited musical production of Tarzan? Did you Last week’s Golden
know that LAMDA (short for the London Academy Book entrants
of Music and Dramatic Art) has a qualification in
Musical Theatre? Why not build on your

BISC NEWSLETTER - 4th May 2023 Pg 6

Meet the Cast of Tarzan Special
Lada Bilenko / Kala
Hi, my name is Lada. I'm from IB1. I’ve loved to sing for as long as I can remember. I have been thinking about taking part in
a musical since I was in 7th grade. It was after our school took us to a performance, but I was always afraid.
I can say that my little dream will come true soon.
Who do you play in the show?
In this musical I play the role of Kala. She is a gorilla mother of Tarzan and the wife of the gorilla troop leader, Kerchak.
What made you audition for the show?
I'd rather say "Who" made me audition for this show. It was my mother, and I am very grateful to her for that. I love signing
but my English is not so good, so I was afraid I would not be accepted for the role. I also have a great deal of stage fright, so
the musical experience would definitely mean pushing my limits in many ways.
What has been the most fun thing about working on the show?
Acting itself turned out be real fun. Acting like a gorilla is even better, and interacting
with my classmates in the unusual roles and setting is very inspirational and often
What has been the biggest challenge for you so far?
There are many challenges, but the biggest one that comes to mind is pretending to
be serious and NOT laughing during rehearsals
especially when you have to cry or yell at someone.
What are you looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to starting the rehearsals in the theatre on stage so we can better
understand how the show will flow. I can't wait for our performance and the reaction
of the audience.
Favourite song in the show:
It is really hard to pick just one, as the musical is so versatile. "Son of Man" is
definitely a favourite as it is so energizing, but "Sure As Sun Turns To Moon " has its
own spot in my heart because this song is so romantic.

Wiktor Dobrzyński / Professor Porter

Hey, I’m Wiktor. I’m a skater, glider pilot, a year 10 student and, recently, also part of the cast for this musical.
Who do you play in the show?
I play the fabulous role of Professor Porter. For many he is known as the English, slightly mad, scientist. For some, he is the
leader of the expedition, and for one lucky girl he is known as Daddy. He is a proud father, never shy to act in the stereotype
of one. He is always caring for his daughter, and eager to study the jungle.
What do you like about your character?
I love the way Porter talks. He has this posh British accent which suits him perfectly. Everything about him is so
civilized, especially the way he moves. Acting out his voice is so much fun!
What made you audition for the show?
I've loved acting from a young age. It’s instinctual to me to take part in a play like this. I auditioned for this show for the
same reason I auditioned for plays like Much Ado about Nothing or Midsummer Night’s Dream, I love being on stage!
What has been the most fun thing about working on the show?
Seeing people you walk by on a daily basis acting like gorillas. Oh, and seeing the whole
thing come together!
What has been the biggest challenge for you so far?
I would say singing both with an English accent, and the voice of a professor in his 50s.
I don’t sing in many songs but in the ones I do sing, it is one more thing to keep track
Favourite line by your character...
Hands down the greatest line ever written is, “HOMO ERECTUS? REALLY?” It’s even
better when you don’t know the context yet.
Favourite scene in the show:
My favorite scene is “Morning in the Human Camp” because I get to act out my inner
Brit and enjoy some tea in the jungle.
Favourite song in the show:
I like “Like No Man I’ve Ever Seen” because it’s the only proper song I sing, but my
favorite song is “Who Better Than Me” because I consider it to be the theme song of
the entire musical, and watching the boys hit the ear-shattering notes is very amusing!

BISC NEWSLETTER - 4th May 2023 Pg 7

Meet the Cast of Tarzan Special
Tom Koszek / Terk
Hi! I'm Tom. I am a music enthusiast, martial arts practitioner, IB1 student and now a member of the main cast for the BISC
Who do you play in the show?
In the show I play Terk, a crazy, sarcastic, full of himself gorilla that
happens to be Tarzan's best friend. You can't miss him!
What do you like about your character?
I love how over the top my character is. He exaggerates everything he says
with a swag that just can't be topped.
What made you audition for the show?
I always wanted to be in a BISC musical. From Year 5 till IB1 it was a
dream of mine. Through many auditions and many MANY singing lessons,
here we are.
What has been the most fun thing about working on the show?
100% acting like a gorilla. The way they walk, talk and act is so bizarre yet
so fun to imitate.
What has been the biggest challenge for you so far?
The biggest challenge so far for me has been belting the high notes of my
songs. Though with an amazing vocal coach by my side (Mr. Jorge), I'm
sure I can do it!!!
What are you looking forward to?
Favourite line by your character...
My favourite line from the show must be, "I HATE KNOTS!!!" This
happens in one of my favourite moments in the show.
Favourite scene in the show:
"Trashin' the Camp" is challenging but very rewarding and freeing whilst
acting. That's why I would say that is my favourite scene.
Favourite song in the show:
This is an obvious one for me, Terk's moment of glory, "Trashin' The Camp"! The name speaks for itself. ;)

Staś Kwieciński / Kerchak

Hi, my name is Staś. I’m an IB1 student and I enjoy basketball, going to the gym and spending time with friends.
And now a part of the BISC musical!
Who do you play in the show?
My role in the show is Kerchak. He’s a tough and big gorilla, an alpha male and the leader of the Apes. He has all sorts of
conflicts with Tarzan throughout the show, which you are soon to see.
What do you like about your character?
I probably like how Kerchak is respected by others and how he has full
leadership of the apes. I also like my costume a lot.
What made you audition for the show?
I wanted to audition to try something new in front of a big crowd as I thought of
it as an interesting experience that I’ll later look back on. I also enjoy acting and
getting into a different character.
What has been the most fun thing about working on the show?
I really love the atmosphere that we have during the rehearsals. It’s a lot of hard
work, but with a positive attitude
it makes the rehearsals amazing.
What has been the biggest challenge for you so far?
The biggest challenge has definitely been doing and
remembering all the different movements I need to be doing as a gorilla, as well
as hitting those high notes in my songs.
What are you looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to actually performing in front of the
audience and I’m really excited for how all the costumes and set designs will
Favourite line by your character...
My favourite line has to be, “You look good.” ;)
Favourite scene in the show:

BISC NEWSLETTER - 4th May 2023 Pg 8

IB News
IB2 complete their CAS
In order to pass the IB Diploma, students need to
take part in CAS activities over 18 months, some
individual and some in groups, inside and outside
school. The 8 CAS Learning Outcomes include
engaging with global issues, taking on new
challenges and working collaboratively. Students
plan out their projects and reflect on their learning
on blogs.
This year’s IB2 have now completed their CAS
programmes. During IB1 and IB2 they have:
 volunteered at the train station, made
soup, raised funds and collected supplies
to support local refugees
 supported people experiencing
homelessness through collections and
 co-ordinated the school’s Szlachetna
Paczka project
 distributed seeds and raised awareness
about pollinators
 translated for the Auchwitz museum
 clocked up many kilometers walking,
hiking, swimming, ice-skating, running,
sailing and cycling
 played volleyball, chess and tennis,
danced and lifted weights at the gym
 learned how to play the guitar, shoot,
cook new dishes, edit videos and speak
new languages
 designed their own individual projects to
investigate and support sleep and
mental health
 and more!

BISC NEWSLETTER - 4th May 2023 Pg 9

School Calendar

BISC NEWSLETTER - 4th May 2023 Pg 10

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