Death Is Peace PDF

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I wrote this for myself to remind me for the last time of how hard I’ve fought to stay
This might not interest you but if you must read it, read it till the end because it is
the reason I did what I have to do and why I will do what I need to do to end this
excruciating misery
Around July 2017 I had my first ever biliteral surgery for hernia (A disorder in which
a part of the body protrudes abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part,
especially of the abdomen)

During the surgery at Kubwa general Hospital in Abuja, the surgeons tampered with
the major veins that supply blood from my heart to my legs and by 2019, I could
barely walk properly without the help of a compression socks. Throughout 2019 and
early 2020, I became a very well known figure in UCH because I kept visiting UCH
Ibadan, for medical help but none came.
This damaged veins became varicose veins with possibly of becoming gangrene
which will lead to amputation, of which I’m scared it is already the case right now.
In January 2021, when school resumed, I started visiting UCH on a weekly basis
and sometimes twice or thrice a week. I didn’t get any help still.
I couldn’t open up to anyone what I was going through but I summoned courage on
a fateful day to approach Professor Fadoju (former Dean of the Faculty of Education)
in his office when the pain became severe. I took off my trousers and showed him
what I was carrying around and he gasped and immediately asked me to put it in
writing and address it to the Dean of Students, Professor Abiona. I wrote and the
Dean of students asked me to take the letter to director of University Health services
(Jaja) after minuting on it. The Director sent me to the NHIS, NHIS, gave me more
letters to present a UCH. Still UCH did not render me any form of medical help.
Before now, UCH has subjected me to various rigorous and expensive tests and
scans of which many were not covered by the NHIS. I carried out these series of test
and scans with promise of a correctional surgery which never came. There are two
types of correctional surgeries that this case requires, which are: venous stripping
and Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA), but none was carried out.
Dr. Bayewu of Cardio Thoracic Unit (CTSU) the consultant in charge of my case
did try his best to see that I get the necessary attention before he went on leave but
as soon as he left, the CTSU never got back to me and they also stopped picking my
calls. Me that I’m dying.
Dr. Adekanmi the Head of Radiology department did me a great harm by his mode
of approach and the way he takes the complex situation as though it’s nothing. He is
the one to get the patients for RFA ready and call in Dr. Ninalowo the interventional
radiologist from Lagos to carryout the RFA procedure. He didn’t till date.
So, between August and September I ran out of personal money from all my major
sources of income such as my crypto trading wallet and the savings I had from my
mom. I could no longer carryout more tests and scans, keep buying compression
socks, and to buy drugs. So I stopped going to UCH to seek for medical help and to
look elsewhere or just wait for the worst to happen to me.
I had met Mr. Ishaq along wema at Iwo road while I was about traveling home in
March 2020. He seems to know me from UCH because he explained to me what was
wrong with my health. He promised to help me resolve my case locally without me
visiting the hospital anymore. We exchanged contacts, I boarded the bus and
travelled home. I never called him neither did he.
From September of 2021, my desperation for survival took me to unimaginable
places for traditional help but instead they just took money from me and did nothing
to better my situation. It was at this point again that I remembered Ishaq. I called
him and he came to meet me at UI main gate. This became our meeting point for
few weeks. He brought herbal mixtures, balms and ointments which I paid for using
money that was entrusted to me for the production of package. I did all the evil and
ungodly things he asked me to do. Nothing changed. No healing. No recovery.
I had to survive by all means and I must not have my leg amputated. So, i sent a
WhatsApp message first to former Dean of the faculty, Professor Fadoju who asked
me to reach out to the current Dean, Professor Fakolade and Dr. Gbadamosi (sub
Dean UG) to seek for help and for them to help me contact Dr. Ninalowo in Lagos
to help me.
I did everything humanly possible to survive. Professor Fakolade referred me to Mr.
Adeleke, the Head of Social Works in UCH. Mr. Adeleke is a very loving father. He
took up my case as though I were his own child. For the past two or three weeks
there’s still no way forward in UCH. Just like they’ve been telling me there’s no date
or preparations for the procedure yet, is the same thing they’re telling the Head of
their Social Works. I’m not surprised. I just wanted to try one last time even though
I knew that they were not going to acknowledge Mr. Adeleke or My Dean who sent
him in order for me to get quick medical response.
When Dr. Adenigba, one of the radiologist that carried out a scan on me twice told
me during one of the sessions that I will need nothing less than a million naira to
have the producer done, my spirit totally left me. There’s no where I could get such
money even though I’ve spent almost that amount through the traditional
intervention, scans and tests from different people and from different hospitals such
as lifeseed hospital where I had an appendicitis surgery in October of this year. So I
kept trying a lot of unbelievable things to get more money to rescue myself. Even
though I was doing all this shady things, I kept attending School of Disciples (SOD)
in one of the parishes of RCCG to build my faith in Christ and I guess God has
separate plans for me. Just that I can’t believe He is seeing me going through life
this way.
This is the truth of the matter
That I spent money gotten legally and illegally to address my health concern.
All the monies I’ve made through crypto trading and from the NUESA purse for the
production of packages went into all my medical needs at different points and
Honestly, to say thank you is the least I could do to appreciate those who later knew
what I was going and decided to assist me even in the most uncomfortable way
1. Hon. Ayinde Bolaji
2. Ogbonna Kene
3. Adeyemi Musa
4. Osho Taoheed
5. Usman Paul
6. Grafixpluz
I'm deeply sorry for all the pressure I brought on you and my entire team. You did
not deserve what you went through.
Packages produced by grafix plus were 500 shirts and 1000 books and bags. This is
only known to I and grafix plus.
Even if I don’t harm myself today, I’ll still be dying soon because I’m twitching in
pains right now from my ankle to the lower limb upto my lower abdomen. Death is
sure inevitable.
I have a lot of things to say to myself in this letter but there’s no strength in me and
I will carry them in my heart to the other side
Honestly, if there is anything else I could do to have my health back, I will do it
without minding the consequences. But for now, the damage and pains I’ve brought
to myself and others is enough. Let me take a bow and let peace, tranquillity and
decorum reign.
My joy is that
I’ve experienced genuine love from people especially my family, educators and non
educators, management staff and lecturers and the feeling is good
I’ve been able to serve as the President of NUESA UI by bringing up new and
innovative programs to the faculty. Even though I accomplished all these by wearing
compression socks with severe pains, I’m still very happy.
These are the lovely memories I’ll be taking with me
Bro Goody, remind my mom how much I love her and please buy her nice things.
At this point, to DIE IS PEACE for me. I don’t wish myself death but rest from pains
and distress. And by the time you read this uninteresting message to myself to this
point, I must have given myself this peace and freedom I so much desire.

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