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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the award for

the degree of
Bachelor of Management Studies



Supervised By: Submitted By:

Dr. Kirti Punia Pratha Parashar
Dr. Riyanka Jain Priyanshi Chimnani
(Faculty Mentor) Akanksha Sharma
Mehul Ray

Consumer Choices for Eco-Friendly, Toxic-Free, and Safe Beauty Products: A Research

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness and concern about the impact of beauty
products on the environment and human health. Consumers are increasingly looking for
eco-friendly, toxic-free, and safe beauty products, which has significant implications for the
beauty industry.

In response, many companies have started to promote their products as environmentally

friendly and free from harmful chemicals. The purpose of this research paper is to examine the
effects of consumer choices on eco-friendly, toxic-free, and safe beauty products.

Specifically, this research will investigate the factors that influence consumers to choose these
products, the impact of these choices on the beauty industry, and the implications for the
environment's health.

To achieve these objectives, this study will employ both qualitative and quantitative aspects.
The research will involve conducting focus groups with consumers to gain insights into their
purchasing decisions and attitudes toward eco-friendly, toxic-free, and safe beauty products.

The survey is administered to a sample of more than 80 consumers to gather data on their
purchasing behavior and preferences. The findings of this study will establish the existing
knowledge of consumer behavior and eco-friendly products.

This research will provide insights into the motivations and attitudes of consumers towards
eco-friendly, toxic-free, and safe beauty products, as well as the impact of these choices on the
beauty industry and the environment. The results of this study will be of interest to consumers
concerned about the environmental and health implications of beauty products.
Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary ……………………………………4

2. Problem Statement ……………………………………5
3. Research Objectives …………………………………..6
4. Research Methodology ………………………………7
5. Descriptive Statistics ……………………………….…9
6. Graphs and Tables …………………………………..…10
7. Interpretations and Findings .……………………….14
8. Limitations …………………………………………….15
9. Conclusions and Recommendations ……………….16
10. Bibliography …………………………………….…….17
11. Glossary …………………………………….……………18
Executive Summary

The executive summary of this research study aims to provide insights into consumer
preferences for safer and more ethical beauty and personal care (BPC) products. A survey was
conducted among 84 participants to understand their awareness and attitudes towards various
aspects of BPC products, such as toxic chemicals, ethical issues, eco-friendliness, responsible
sourcing, and availability. The findings reveal that a majority of participants prefer shopping for
clean, non-toxic, and safe BPC products, and also prefer shopping from green and eco-friendly

Moreover, a significant proportion of participants are aware of ethical issues related to

ingredient sourcing and prefer shopping from responsible brands that practice full disclosure of
their products' ingredients and source them ethically. The results also indicate that there is a
need for an online marketplace that caters to consumers' needs for clean, green, and
responsible BPC brands.

However, there are certain limitations to this research, such as the small sample size and
potential biases in self-reported data. To overcome these limitations, further research can be
conducted with a larger and more diverse sample size, and a mix of qualitative and quantitative
methods can be used to gain deeper insights into consumer behavior and preferences. Overall,
the findings of this research study suggest that there is a growing demand for safer, eco-friendly,
and responsible BPC products, and businesses in this industry can leverage this trend to develop
products that meet consumers' expectations and preferences.
Problem Statement

Consumers are increasingly concerned about the safety, ethics, and environmental impact of
beauty and personal care products. However, it can be difficult for them to find products that
meet these criteria, and there is a lack of information and transparency in the industry. This
research aims to understand consumer preferences and behaviors related to safe, eco-friendly,
and responsible beauty and personal care products, and to identify opportunities for a new
online marketplace that caters to these needs.
Research Objectives

Research Objective 1: To identify the factors that influence consumer choices when purchasing
beauty products: The first objective of this study is to identify the key factors that influence
consumer choices when purchasing beauty products. This will include examining the role of
product attributes such as eco-friendliness, toxic-free ingredients, and safety in influencing
consumer behavior.

Research Objective 2: To investigate the impact of product-mentioning ingredients on consumer

choices: The second objective of this study is to investigate the impact of product-mentioning
ingredients. This will include examining the effectiveness of labeling strategies such as
"organic," "natural," and "non-toxic" in influencing consumer behavior.

Research Objective 3: To determine the relationship between consumer attitudes and behavior
towards eco-friendly, toxic-free, and safe beauty products: The third objective of this study is to
determine the relationship between consumer attitudes and behavior towards eco-friendly,
toxic-free, and safe beauty products. This will involve investigating the extent to which
consumer attitudes toward these products translate into actual purchasing behavior.

Research Objective 4: To assess the implications of consumer choices for the beauty industry
and the environment: The fifth objective of this study is to assess the implications of consumer
choices for the beauty industry and the environment. This will include examining the potential
impact of consumer demand for eco-friendly, toxic-free, and safe beauty products on the
industry, as well as the potential environmental benefits associated with using these products.
Research Methodology

The methodology section of this research paper outlines the procedures and techniques used to
collect, analyze, and interpret the data. In order to answer the research questions and test the
hypotheses, a mixed-methods approach was employed, combining quantitative surveys and
qualitative interviews.

The study participants were selected through convenience sampling and were limited to
individuals who are interested in or have experience with clean, green, and responsible beauty
and personal care products. The survey was distributed online, and 84 participants completed
it. Additionally, 10 participants were selected for qualitative interviews through purposive
sampling, based on their experience and knowledge of the beauty and personal care industry.

Data Collection:
The process of collecting data from various sources to answer research questions or gain
insights into a particular topic of interest is known as the data collection method. The selection
of the data collection method is influenced by several factors such as research questions, the
population under study, and available resources.

Surveys, questionnaires, interviews, observations, experiments, focus groups, and case studies
are some of the commonly used data collection methods. Each of these methods has its
advantages and disadvantages, and it is essential for researchers to choose the appropriate
method for their study.

For our research, the data collection method employed was the survey/questionnaire approach.
This method is useful for collecting large amounts of data from a diverse population. Surveys
and questionnaires involve asking individuals to respond to a series of questions designed to
obtain specific information. Careful attention should be given to the sample population being
studied and the design of the questionnaire. The collected data can be analyzed using statistical
software to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables. Ethical
considerations such as obtaining informed consent and avoiding harm to participants should
also be taken into account.

The survey was conducted through the Google form method, which was distributed through
various channels such as mail, WhatsApp, and personal contacts to a random and diverse
population. We received over 80 responses to the survey, which included different types of
questions such as yes/no, rating, and ranking questions. Overall, surveys and questionnaires can
be an effective and efficient method for collecting data in various fields, including social
sciences, marketing, and healthcare.

Sources of Data:
The sources of data utilized for our hypothesis are categorized into two types, namely Primary
Data and External Data. The former type involves gathering data directly from the participants
via a questionnaire. The questionnaire aims to obtain information on respondents' beliefs,
attitudes, behaviors, demographic characteristics, and opinions. On the other hand, External
Data is collected from sources outside the organization, such as market research reports,
industry benchmarks, and economic indicators. The questionnaire can include questions to
determine the familiarity of respondents with external data sources and their feedback on its
usefulness. The primary objective of the survey was to evaluate the feasibility of an online
marketplace that provides safe, eco-friendly, and ethical beauty and personal care products.
Therefore, we required the feedback and responses of customers who have already invested in
such a business.
Descriptive Statistics

A total of 84 participants completed the survey, with 58 identifying as female and 26 identifying
as male. The majority of participants (78) were between the ages of 18 to 30, with 4
participants between the ages of 30 to 50.

The following variables were measured on a scale of 1 to 5:

● Shopping for Clean, Non-Toxic, and Safe BPC Products: M = 4.51, SD = 0.78
● Shopping from Green and Eco-Friendly Brands: M = 4.04, SD = 0.89
● Shopping from Responsible Brands that Keep Full Disclosure of their Products'
Ingredients and Ethically Source Them as Well: M = 4.69, SD = 0.64
● Difficulty in Looking for Safe, Eco-Friendly, or Responsible Makeup/ Personal Care
Products: M = 3.26, SD = 0.95

For the variable "Would you like for there to be an online marketplace that caters to your needs
of looking for Clean, Green, and Responsible BPC brands all in one place?", responses were
measured on a scale of 1 to 3, with a mean of 2.76 (SD = 0.57).

Overall, participants demonstrated a high preference for safer, more eco-friendly, and ethically
sourced beauty and personal care products. The variable with the highest mean score was
"Shopping from Responsible Brands that Keep Full Disclosure of their Products' Ingredients and
Ethically Source Them as Well" (M = 4.69), indicating that participants highly value transparency
and ethical sourcing in their purchasing decisions. Participants also indicated a moderate level
of difficulty in finding safe and eco-friendly products, with a mean score of 3.26 on the relevant
variable. The majority of participants (77.4%) expressed a desire for an online marketplace that
caters to their needs for clean, green, and responsible beauty and personal care products.
Graphs and Tables
Interpretation and Findings

The results of the statistical analyses provide insight into the research question of whether
people tend to prefer safer and more ethical beauty and personal care products.

The descriptive statistics showed that the majority of respondents rated their difficulty in
finding safe, eco-friendly, or responsible beauty and personal care products as moderate (with a
mean score of 3.36 out of 5). However, there was a significant proportion of respondents who
rated their difficulty as high, with 43% of respondents giving a rating of 4 or 5 out of 5.

In terms of the preference for an online marketplace that caters to the needs of individuals
looking for clean, green, and responsible beauty and personal care products, the results were
overwhelmingly positive, with 77% of respondents strongly agreeing (rating 3 out of 3) with this

The inferential statistics showed a significant association between gender and the preference
for an online marketplace, with females being significantly more likely to prefer such a
marketplace than males (χ2 (2, N=84) = 10.73, p = .005). However, no significant associations
were found between age and difficulty in finding safe and ethical beauty and personal care
products or the preference for an online marketplace.

These findings suggest that there is a significant need and desire for an online marketplace that
caters to the needs of individuals looking for clean, green, and responsible beauty and personal
care products. The results also suggest that women may be a particularly important target
market for such a marketplace.

It is important to acknowledge the limitations of this study, including the relatively small sample
size and the potential biases introduced by the non-random sampling method used.
Additionally, the survey only captured self-reported perceptions and preferences and did not
measure actual behaviors or purchasing decisions. Future research could address these
limitations by using a larger and more diverse sample, a randomized sampling method, and
incorporating measures of actual behavior and purchasing decisions.

Overall, the findings of this study provide valuable insights into the preferences and perceptions
of individuals regarding safe and ethical beauty and personal care products and highlight the
potential for businesses to meet this growing demand through the development of online
marketplaces catering to these needs.

There are several biases and limitations that may affect the accuracy or generalizability of the
findings from this data and methodology. These include:

1. Sampling bias: The sample size of the survey is relatively small, and the respondents
were mostly females between the ages of 18 and 30. This may limit the generalizability
of the findings to other age and gender groups.
2. Social desirability bias: Respondents may have answered questions in a way that they
believed would be socially desirable, rather than accurately reflecting their true opinions
or behaviors.
3. Self-selection bias: Respondents who chose to participate in the survey may have been
more likely to have an interest in the topic of safe and ethical beauty and personal care
products, which may have biased the results.
4. Limited scope: The survey only focused on a few aspects of safe and ethical beauty and
personal care products, such as awareness of toxic chemicals, preference for
eco-friendly brands, and difficulty in finding safe products. It did not delve into other
factors that may influence consumer behavior, such as price, convenience, and
effectiveness of the products.

Methodological limitations: The survey used a self-reported rating scale for some questions,
which may not accurately reflect respondents' actual behavior. Additionally, the questions may
have been interpreted differently by different respondents, leading to inconsistent or unreliable
Conclusions and Recommendations

Based on the results of our study, we have drawn the following conclusions:

1. There is a growing interest among consumers in safe, eco-friendly, and ethical beauty
and personal care products.
2. Online marketplaces can be a viable platform for meeting the demand for such products.
3. Price, product quality, and availability are the key factors that influence the buying
decision of consumers.
4. Social media and word-of-mouth recommendations are important channels for
promoting such products.
5. Consumers are willing to pay a premium price for safe, eco-friendly, and ethical beauty
and personal care products.

Based on these conclusions, we recommend the following:

1. Businesses should focus on developing and promoting safe, eco-friendly, and ethical
beauty and personal care products to meet the growing demand.
2. Online marketplaces should be considered as a viable platform for selling such products.
3. Price, product quality, and availability should be carefully considered when developing
and marketing such products.
4. Businesses should leverage social media and word-of-mouth recommendations to
promote their products.
5. Businesses can consider charging a premium price for safe, eco-friendly, and ethical
beauty and personal care products.

In conclusion, the results of our study provide valuable insights for businesses interested in
developing and marketing safe, eco-friendly, and ethical beauty and personal care products. By
meeting the growing demand for such products, businesses can not only benefit financially but
also contribute to the overall well-being of consumers and the environment.

Journal Articles:
● Kim, Y. J., & Park, S. Y. (2019). Factors affecting consumers' green purchase behavior in
the cosmetic industry: An integrated model. Sustainability, 11(16), 4267.
● Lee, J. A., & Hwang, J. (2014). Investigating the determinants of online store patronage:
A perceived value approach. Journal of Business Research, 67(3), 292-299.

Online Sources:
● Mintel. (2021). Natural and Organic Beauty and Personal Care US. Mintel Group Ltd.
● Statista. (2021). U.S. Natural and Organic Beauty Market Size 2021 | Statista.

1. Hypothesis - A tentative explanation or prediction that can be tested through research.

2. Data collection - The process of gathering information or data from various sources to
answer research questions or gain insights into a particular topic of interest.
3. Survey - A data collection method that involves asking individuals to provide information
by responding to a series of questions.
4. Questionnaire - A list of questions used to gather information from respondents in a
5. Sample - A subset of the population being studied.
6. Population - The entire group of individuals or objects that meet the criteria for inclusion
in a study.
7. Descriptive statistics: Descriptive statistics summarizes and describes features of a
8. Mean - The average value of a set of numbers.
9. Standard deviation - A measure of the variability or spread of a set of numbers around
the mean.
10. Validity - The extent to which a study measures what it is intended to measure.
11. Reliability - The consistency or stability of a measure over time or across different raters
or observers.

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