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Season 1 – Episode 12 – "The Jerusalem Duality“

The characters…


Penny Leonard

Howard Raj

After watching the episode, answer the questions below:

a) What would the new Sheldon be like?

b) Who is Dennis Kim?
c) Why did Dennis lose a year?
d) What is Sheldon going through?
e) What is Howard working on?
f) What kind of girl do they need?
g) What does Raj feel bad about? __________________________________________________________

True or false?

Dennis comes from South Korea. ( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE

Sheldon lost his direction in research. ( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE
The letter said all with daughters 14-16 come to work and party. ( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE
Kim is rather unhappy. ( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE

Who said what?

“And he’s only fifteen years old.” ________________________
“So do you. Except for your tendency to end sentences with prepositions.?” _________________________
“Sure. Raj, hug Howard.” _________________________
“It would blow up.” _________________________
“Then our problem would be solved.” _________________________
“I really don’t understand your objections, Professor Goldfarb,” ________________
“Maybe we’re too smart. So smart it’s offputting.” _________________________

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