Respiratory System - 19012023

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Demo on Respiratory System

Human breathing
Exchange mechanism in alveoli
• It is a series of exothermic process.
• Food is the source of energy.
• In this process in which food is converted to energy.
• It occurs in the mitochondria of cells.
• In this, body obtains and utilizes oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide.
• The released energy can be used as heat for movement, growth, reproduction, etc.
• Two types of respiration –
Difference between Breathing and Respiration
Aerobic Respiration

• It occurs in the presence of oxygen.

• It releases huge amount of energy almost

Aerobic respiration word equation:

glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + energy

Aerobic respiration balanced chemical equation:

Anaerobic Respiration

• It occurs in the absence of oxygen.

• It occurs during strenuous exercise.
• It builds up lactic acid and alcohol.
• It causes soreness in muscles.

Anaerobic respiration word equation (in mammalian muscle cells):

glucose → lac c acid + energy

Anaerobic respiration word equation (in yeast cells):

glucose → alcohol + carbon dioxide + energy
The alcohol produced is the basis of wine and beer production.
Uses of Aerobic Respiration in human
Anaerobic Respiration and its uses

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