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Zerimar A.




I. My name is Zerimar A. Dulnuan or “Ze” for short because that’s what’s my friends used to call
a. My birthplace is at Lagawe, Ifugao on October 19, 2002.
b. I have 2 siblings 1 little brother and a sister. Our grandmother lives with us. My father
passed away when I was 2nd grade and my mother is a midwife. The little brother is on 8 th
grade and my sister is in 12th grade incoming freshmen.
c. Traumatic especially when my father died, took me years before to overcome. My
childhood is completely a mess I was like being lonely looking for attention like creating a
loud sounds, being naughty, and doing things to be appreciated.
II. School Life
a. I started studying at the age of 7 on elementary grade. My elementary life is pretty fun
before my father died I was transferred to the school where is my mother’s hometown,
got bullied then gathered few friends that helped me with all, until I pass 4 th grade then
got transferred again on 5th grade that I joined on sport’s like badminton then I finished
6th grade.
b. High school life is amazing that I met true friends that they are the ones that changed
me forgetting the trauma and me being me. Joining on sports like wrestling, arm
wrestling and weightlifting. This was the first time that I have crushes, only crush. It’s
great that my friends are treating me like their own brother and they are always there to
support me, brings me joy and happiness.
c. College life is pretty tough that I am now a sophomore studying BS nursing the difficulty
is levelling up every year, stress, anxiety, and depression. This stage where we focused
on our goals and dreams that I can’t even think having a girlfriend because of too much
pressure. I still have a long way to run that my aims is to be a registered nurse
III. Famous Years
a. My talent is dancing where in high school I used to compete in our school in folk dance
and wins first place but now I can’t perform because of focusing on my studies but I’m
practicing my vocal voice for singing.
b. What’s makes me stand out is being a funny person and when I started joining into
c. Interesting facts about me is that I’m good on online games, cheerful, night owl, anime
lover, MNHWA reader, favorite color is bloody red, favorite food adobo, and can listen to
any of your problems any time but I will just listen. I loved being alone I can all things
that I loved to do and it bringing peace all the time.
d. My important accomplishments is when I we wins the folkdance first place at our school,
wins bronze medal when competing on wrestling then wins gold medal for competing
for arm wrestling. Get’s my first touch screen phone with my own hard work then being
open with my mother is greatest accomplishment to me.
IV. Conclusion
a. Hi! My name is Zerimar Dulnuan 20 years old living currently at the dormitory of the
school NLAC born on October 19, 2002 I have a single parent and we are 3 siblings
including me I’m the eldest child and currently a sophomore studying BS Nursing and
aims to be RN soon.
b. It’s hard to enjoy like when I was a teenager when your at this level sometimes I want to
bring back fix everything and enjoy the rest of my years before it ends. This
autobiography made me realize that when I examine my self and my method of thought,
I come to the conclusion that gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for
abstract and positive thinking.

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