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CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM Continuatio’ Mediaenalis 202 The Fall of Acre 1201 BREPOLS @ PUBLISHERS EXCIDIT ACONIS GESTORVM COLLECTIO MAGISTER THADEUS CIVIS NEAPOLITANUS YSTORIA DE DESOLATIONE ET CONCVLCATIONE CIVITATIS ACCONENSIS ET TOCIVS TERRE SANCTE RBC Hovorns with contributions by A, Foty and D. C. Nicoue L E215). 2,202 CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM. Contato Mediaeuals ‘pun sb apis Vnivesioram University Awtwiames ‘eye Usavansrarr Baus ~ Univensirere Gen Kernourxs Uxivinseat Lives Unive Caruouqut ne Lovvats ‘Ris Beas Geos Drcursca_ Lue De Coxssck ‘Alien Deaouiz Jean Goossins Mths Lasinnicts “waeun Marc Vax Uvirancie Pal Veeoeves 5 i THE TEXTS AND THEIR AUTHORS. The fll of Acre, on Friday, May 18,129, after a four four sy long soe, marke the end of Crier domination i the Holy Land; by that te it bad led fo hunched years The few tes and fortress that il remained in Christian hands () Selon, Beyrouth, Tarr and Adit had to be given up, and rently,» decade ltr the nual land of Around cg Ts fs. All the general Historic of the Crates, of cure, de ‘with this fina period; however, mow of them do this quite Summarly. The pages RObriche devoted to thee desma ‘months and day wal in gret deal (, ate il very tefl More recently, two schoas have dealt more specially with the se elf and it aftermath, Erwin Sickel in his diversion ‘Der Fall yo Aon. Ueangen sum Abtingen es Krew 2 elokens om Ende des 13. Jando () and Mane-Late FavreaLile in her pnetaig study The lary Oden al the Kis Jou 1898, pp. 105-10 Sr” Ayo, tn Riss reat of Tada ar hry ben and ‘Bonen Gs i per Peep Ss tt se en {EEE he qc tae Ad fo wepeon ‘er to er wal a Sh wal Sk) {Go} a om the gay eins mos a epi ancma sec Erp hoe map nr cope he Frege to ioe mip Jooby, Sl Skea 179 ee below xp of he Chistian popu fom the Holy Land). They al Id we the ro Latin text cid inthe present volume’ the third main soure, the Old French soled "Templr of Tye that ently been sete by Laura Minerva (mya oe {ound two good reasons for undertaking cial eto of te ‘oo Latin sources Fits, sentimental one ~ my farewell to CGrosade ties Having entered that rain through the gate ‘of Ace inthe company of gene James of Vite, | want leave through thxe very sate gates ~ in the fim conviction that Ace, te, will ot ill again More practically it wat high time thatthe wosk was done. ‘The ewa hither exsang efi tions are hard to use and present snertaly established, alan result unreal, texts, and those Few cholars who di we het Ive shown an uncommon mesure of perseverance by wore ing the way through an indigestible mas of not seldom it ‘eligible Lain), ies sme Fur oe Beene re eta seco iasad Mere a (Another eon fr ning them a is givn by ML Bae ‘Whe, Sa das mae Tong Hi mayen ngs 1974.28 9108 "Dre be Shnen wurde ne on Ae ‘open peihen” An toe who proves many on eg {ice a they of Acre Lael on uci fama 1297, ae ‘atthe eon by FDeyeh Sega 8) doe ‘unocrips (CPC. Just snd. On, Co Ene a ange {9 PO ae fo sumeros So tempt bse belo of foes ‘ton Dey ition & bn on oy seo mana, one ene Son a ew ld sera verso ‘Aneto it vr of Itt be pubes by GA Newson nthe Aine PO 2 ie pete) Sts ah aco to aya semen, Kev dee 3th, a re Somme with he eat Dey Sion pp. ele eof ng elo, ee he ext amt noon weet) Pied way Si iy Sele) Lae at 1873) an CL Getto De nl edn oa) Oat sey own Decne a ap Aerdat .1? ind Prat CCM 1, Bn, p38 ee Me Grote’ tex, Wil wrote acu in ee bee a en Se, aa feeetee roe eat IvTRODUCTION 7 “The xi Acs was plished by Marne the ith vo= Ime (1724) oF is Amplisina Coli, columns 757-78, Until now, this has remained the only complete edition, an older — and occsionlly more raiable one presenting only ex trace). Although reprinted anasaticly in 1968, and thes somewhat ear to comm, the ter il remand unchanged Martine knew no ewer han three manuscript, wo ofthe in Pari, sz the one owned by the Collage de Nava (my N), ‘one in the hibrary of the abbey of Suit-Victor (= V) and the ‘hied ne in chat ofthe abbey of Saint Jcgues in Lge (= 1) All three have survived, and lean add cnly one more mano ‘erp inthe Econ, = E). Martine vised Saint Jcgucs for foro weeks (), earting Angus 2, 1718. He doc not mention ‘he manuscript, but there canbe no doubt that he ued it neatly ‘excusvely to od the text. His choice was an enily reason Sbleone ~ why wa equally unforenat, Flexplan later on The other ext pled in the prowent volume, det 4 ote tain magier Thadeus, wat ft mmenoned in 1847 (), Asoo ‘ond manip (= B)srfced few yes ater in the Catage ‘ft exraobnary Colton Splend Mamerips fred M. Gigli Lib, the Exanet Colleton (2), Landon 1859, s8¢300 by Sotheby and Wilkinson, . 118, ne. 538. The manusenpe svar bought by the Bich Miscum ais Aditona 2280, ‘Thdews was then published im fll and forthe fw dime by Coun Paul Rant in Geneva, 1873, in ited edition of 300 copes under the tle Mags Thai Neapolitan, Hoi de dese lene nei (9) cris Anucn e c e Sce f i an 3a, Spa Ons Petr pp eh Stan! tic ened meh oe Grn te ange ca 909, Tanda 60 and wh Wee prod on more thn coe onion 231-23 and 240, nd IWS "Campa te ce of Bos Alga rodeo othe (Gite of eteqaaly sng De cnt ant ee Gre, opp toa Ba id Bovine, 2. 1724p, 172185, © byt Beimann the ge r ie dee extant pare LT dre ‘Bounced wed ent 80 Jr BEEING”, Te mans he TONE SES Tipo ale ai. Aon ome cma oa AD. M.CCXCI, ops ens sine guingeisnonagits ds 1 emer mie prion aie codon marron Mat Brom Tainensige Athos, in lcom ton. Rat we smeitoius horn, aot © mention the fact that was lngely his generous financial support that enabled the “Soc de ‘Oren atin” eo lead such an stveexitence — unl 188, dat is, when Rint did, and the Socité didnot outlive him for long (). But etang was noth forte. In fires to Rant the copies of the to manascrpes with which fe had t0 make do were mae by loa correspondents (9. He was well sate ‘ftir poor qual, though, since he ended his Preface with the words: “Quant aux corectons pronelle de eit eh Jes aurienepa évidemment re pot nombreues, pusgue pl seus pastes demeurent encore, sno tout 3 ft inimeligibly, dumoinsextémementobscut; mace rem exréme n'a employé gu avec cette moderation u'exige e respect di tout teat pblié en én prince” (pp. XXU-XXUD, To make thing wore no only Rae's rt apparatus rodimentary, but he nether identified noe, apparently, atten even recognize mpl bibl allio, thereby breaking up phrases in way that ads even more tothe reader's confusion than Thadeu if- Sale shetorcal style does. How far allthis could lead off he fight wack may be shown by one example, where Rian not oly fie to recognize the Tower ofthe Germans, but manage ‘to create a forte out of the adjective fr. In the presen ‘itn, ines $2126 above ote 3), which del withthe Te tonic knight, rea as follows: (x donut se [donnus sue om. ‘Rion pine slit) in gu sc its mars atc ‘om ims prowinchat forts (tower. loy and strong {prs Aaron ingrs,cw vinau ii maise et iit poe, ga quidem alte pach a porum, bv x pre etiam (p28) pins: in gusts crc is mars age pie ais prenincs fos qu, prs, Agana ings cm er 1170 dota me 6861 tt ion 1170 neti nce ruc ry er orig dy fic Cn at Ea 2 i wd of hex.) ee an oO swat nt rier ro ance me whch apa icore 0 iinet, aie viet pa ogi ins pata ‘poten, bean sepa (, and he expats tis page by SSying (pSV): ub erent 5 defndre une tour “ie it rae” cn fore qui "mi, ex en parte qua adios patcbt od portum, obviam se prebcba dans la tou est pas impos be de reconnatre Ia Tour ronde ot Tour dy rou ent mais Je fort st plus dificil 3 denier He then tentative en fies this fore as "Tun des deux ouvrages guavas fe bit en 128 a comtewe de Blot" The above al the more prt ble, since both tat ate our best Latin sources for what hap ened immediately before and daring the sege and the acta fallof the cry (9. Each of them gives vied impression of the ‘ormous prycologil impact of the event in Europe, where both tens were writen within» fe month ofthe earstrop, sing the question of who was spon forso erasing 2 de fest, and answering by puting the blame squarely on the ley Order, on the people of Ace sl, nd on then the ‘West who, n spite of thr exalted potions, led v0 miserably fiom both a spccal and » matt point of view. Even 2 sqsrter of century ler, Dante, inhi fo, ll complains ‘houe thos who Elle avenge the Bl Of the ty: ete ata ier ei. 2739). "Neer the completely nay ‘mous author of the Excidium (nor the otherwise eqaly tinknown magiter Thadeus were preset, bat both base dhe accounts on thove af eyesiteses, and guarantee the vera fof dee series sara dives dese. sono atone ae ‘vida ssp (Exe 1, 10-11): pot he en ab his per ‘nae sep 16 rama, ssa dip Seren tan ea ‘ols deena iste (740742), ~ um ho cata gia (03, ew words frei ie $25, Rint, owing i mae sc Em il es pn whe yak (04 The "NsgSbnger Corinne dot ow her ex ta anna tvs aay see cr fs ciao Palen’ Depress) oF » INTRODUCTION ho pia svi ston si lis temas decane wei tel prin expla (Thee 378-381; pow ex Chri ‘niin niet yum prio, aan {Gp thereon, lac inaiper mension, tnt (patron ci ci [= infidetibn) cocrber ‘xp, gus i i. (95-702): pro ps motos hi Tha, mpi Sri deen, vive v0 expresion de (96-08. ‘he mane ofthe Excidium do not ascribe the txt to ange; thre ofthe second text are fr more explicit. Rant, ‘without much conviction, though, chought its author Thad might have been ate (1334) bishop of Caf, «town om the Blick Se. Apar foes minor orthographic varacon ll six manos preset the txt under the tile Imp (hye futapr myn Tale vom Nepoliamm de dotnet con ‘alti concamatione M,conwolacione M*] ("cvs Aw ois tists. There i, hoveever, 2 colophon. to, ‘which though probably oe added by the author him fond inal my complete manip, and added by me wo the main ext ines 16R-1610.Though quite explicit pees A dficay with regard the dating ic contains. This show i ‘exin the presen edion: Fata fut pada yori « pred ma sie Tha incite Mean in i dain line denen farina rine, indo guts, de mene rons All mam ‘exp (th the sol exception f the incomplece MP, which has ease) fv bet i adnan ne uina (mess Db) ad Min ce (de mone Desai). The words in de have cersnly been ‘mised for inde with or without a szoke ove the) had the alos is work on Desert one wou ave pect the moc solemn dating in igi sinc Nicht Bat the ith indtion must be corre. Bch the year 121 andthe ‘month December are unasalable readings, W's hardly likely ‘the Thades a cis of Naps wring in Mesina, would have ‘Bes according tothe ins Romans (December 25 0 January XAG Eau cas mola 191, Se een 1) (). All other indictons started September 1,9 oF 28, and in Messina they most likely ed the Greek. indicton, which changed on September I. So Decerber, est stil inthe ye 121, was alesdy quite corey intone ons But printing ‘na agaist the conser of ll he mane ede 4 word ‘oCexplnation, ‘There simply ino way the plral rem ean posibly be defended, and the unanimous reading ofall mani Scripts must be a cuious misinerpreation of a the dcherype. Even so, | have checked with my leamed frend Hans Eberard Mayer, who has ees erally thousands of dite documents, bathe too could ealy back me up in ejecting the Seer “hades in prticlar wat learned man ~ not only his Lat nity there to prove st but abo the fice hate zepeatedly ‘quoted, both expitely and imply Jnchim of Fee (7) nd, without naming them, Macrobis (1069), Boethie (130 1318, 1403-1408 and Orosias (12901297) He cerainly knew howto use figures of theta speech agen ds eke Inga (5, pres ree nbs. eprom (647-518), and how expres dep felings laguetly: dsc sng how the patsarch dl his wemost wo save ab many wretches as pomable, only co cause the overloaded ship to caine with ‘hem all downing, he writs: a nium gundam piston, ‘im rie oct rian galt dima, pate tts est, ftriitats pecs se psu poste “eri Cu quien agus apie cae nace dn (Crd etp pofe pie timate cats at (ulin proportion pond, es elt orcs navel caper us mpl canta ia a pan cap. 050-387). ere {bly Thadeus was athe same ime given to writing exception ally long and complicated pass, the contraction of which a AAO Mask te ny hos toa eee Lye ead oie gate ee eee Saree pee g eee Soe ee 2 inernopuction mst hve requted t many sills 8 takes to read them (*) — ‘onl pate tere eto te fe La Hiply meammended by Horace I therfore al the mo eee ects hs acy ofthe Lan Lnguge hed tan wilco grade ching him vd he Es (96-497, sl tas nw ing fom experience that the survival ofa sal entity sure founded by ences depen ons srngth more tan on any thing ele emphatilly cxprenes hi appr ary Sidon prereset oe mi pci, pte rc iets inc, ‘my, prove meant, pi aur (57-90); ico prio, ter ec somper dies os moral se [Nether Thades nor the author of the Excidu was an eye wines, bu the information they pas oni sich sw indicate welhinfomme sours. Cusiouly enough, the author of the Excdum, tough having been informed of the wer dere: tim oft cy (ignores thee othe defender ofthe Fem le fonts: Deis quien, un care Temp omanent, pes In potion defend, mit eater guider, os ot tgp ctr pr sani (gun oe pti even). Pat hc ae bi, ui per mare spins hans Saag ing 6h od fl ton a sre (20 fi te end of 132 or te Kegon a Grn ples Wiliam of Boon abe. veto fos Tae em nd oth Gar, gh te ates ee: Po Snead 1 ht tie wok? ink Pt Sg ow SER Labonte dx sting tnown Gol ioe is Stee mor pws acmpton = han pn ele al 2) Sf 53 ia pl, el ees ui crn Trap espns TS ‘oc 43) the ee of (i pases Vt, Va {Ch eg ee INTRODUCTION s feng, is equips Sarena quan sede cits tem (l, 736-782). The Excdium givers deta deseription of the events leading upto the ge (nat and of the ge sei): Thadeus doesnot, but spreads much no ls valuable in formation over a much drawn-out, td unfortunately hesely rhetorical, complaint unbrs Chit lia al For both texts, the ube sidance for the reader: thve ofthe Exc, plac before {ch of the two suai and repeated as headings over the ‘atius capers, bl ng to the orginal text; hos in Thadew Ianative were not, T dink, provided by the author hima Since they snerupt (long) pra more than once hey seem to have been added in the argos, but evenly in an ely Stage ofthe manascrpe rani, since they ar found i all bat one (B) of my complet maser ‘Whar disingushes both works moti the diferent ay in which dey report sme cvents. There nothing to indate thatthe author of the Excidiam had any personal connection with ‘Outremer, but Thadeus had been thre (96-897) — we don’t know where or for how long.” Therefore ts ceaialy not just 3 question of tle that the Exciium, although espe ally che Erne nara contains several dificult passages, is a ely a mater-of-ic accoun (3), wheres Thadeus sounds very rich pessonally affected and uninhibited in exprening he song Felngs pro atl contr, 2 charcterstic which may well xpi the fact tha intrest in his work sens to have been ‘more widespread and has sted longer tha inthe Exc, In spite of its formidable defense, the seg of Acre aed for only sx weeks ©) ~ dere isa striking parallel with the sege of 94 days tom deol 2 he is bere pet 8) op in dar lil oul oe aoctene ts Menge Ticket cece ae a here GSE a Sy rng a ct Soar eer 4 mropucion Antioch in 1268: strong wal were not scent to sve for tre frm epure, thee oi the cae of ces ke Sahyoun Gf Sf Bat win was to blme for this mitigated der, tid who i ing singled ut for appreciation? Both the Exedum and Thadevs have nothing bur prise for held periarch of era, Nicola de Hanapes, andar nit tin thee abhorence of Mohammed and Moslems n general And ofthe sn nis Satacens in patel (*) fn ewo oc Sins, however, Tadeus finds words to recommend certain tae even nthe: 699-613 and 452). Thadews in partic [apts wd picture ofthe dred brutality of che Saracens once unleaed asin the defences. Both athors extol the curag of the cwo Grand Masters, Guillasme de Bes of the Templars and Jean de Villers of che Hospital, a well tof “Machie de lemon, marshal of the Hospital ~ sch in tek ing const to their subordinates (7). The Teutonic knights (SIM) are highly pried by Thad; King Henry I of Cy~ rs, who wither fom the bate to er thi ind ee mk om May 15,165.14). Soke pte ying tat he ‘Anooy- ta fe thr ofthe Ex) mar he gt I for mo or an ‘Scie imorec (47m 3 tery to fre eC) es Tae Inder nth peop be (2) inte Earth Gr ase ae conan cd mie tect ak coy a ‘Ses En pl ipeo mery Saca A Pa ee Tap cass th fil of he ec cere Jey ino dt Scr ae ily wed odie the eds of the pal rd Te i i ft Rae ats eee empoy the ern mn naar, b gran xs heb sacl th eendcae cence pecan acme eerste es ees ene fanaa tay ec Hi i i == INTRODUCTION 6 crsczed hanly in dhe Excidiam, much ls so by Thadeus ‘who finds an excuse for him (58-592) (Neither author has Anything good to say about Jen de Gray, constable ofthe Kingdom of Jerusalem, nor does the Excidi have any symp thy for Onoa de Granon, commander of the English cont sent, let alone for che European mercenaris who were mai responsible for breaching the ere (which wa the ulimate ‘ane of the siege: Thadeus bears a grodge aginst the mer- ‘chant: instead of boycoting the enemy they provide him with All he needs, and he tll an amasing, and revealing, ancdote from dhe ime he himself ied in he Holy Land, about hele stern in which they were eld by che Saracens inspite of dee ‘wef. These enemies were no fools, and knew exactly swith what kindof peopl they ere dling and how to andle them. So when the merchant oceasonaly compsined about Sighs or il weatment, and threatened to lve algethe, dee teading purses knew beter, and replied that even if they would tear oat one of thee eyes, no daub that they woul r= turn wih dhe remaining one, and cotineeading (91-896). "The various communities living in Acte ate cael by Tha deus 0), bt for both auhors all Crisis on either side of the Mediterancan are equally giky ofall Kind of ungodly bear ior and thus equally blame fora catatopie the cccrence ‘of which, according to Thades, had alteady been propheszed Tong before, notably by Dani, Se John and Jouchian of Flore (Goh Comore nov ar ees tetaent). No suprnngy, both op Be 1 me bce whee tam de She Bae teres er erat wey ne Se Leeeth od seemed Sirhan ons Gome ett eomaoeree Se ee “a s INTRODUCTION ex end with vibrant exhorutons to redress the stwstion in ‘beHlaly Lind seks to Bodh texts () we ae quite well informed about ‘guage andthe evens lealng up #0 i But how much we Beiithowe liked to be beer aoquaneed with the layout of Gide re! There ave very few medieval Latin outers ine Sead wtich are of any we for a rious stu ofthe topography SSS anhincture of whatever place they are concerned with () The Excdhum vepotelly mensions the pons Sant) Antal, srhere the enemy font his way n, but Teas usin che dark T'S whee to look fori; Thadeus mentions 2 cemetery (i Coty Sona saci: 165) and provides ur with 3 Few wel- (Gone dra abou he mighty Templar forrs 3x wells about the Tower ofthe Germans. But in general those who might fave gen ch weil pracical information did not, or could fot wre, nd hove who could were more interested in rheto- ‘ethan nach peosrian matters ~ and the author ofthe Exo ‘Som and Thadeas ae no exceptions. Foranately, we have a ew medieval maps. and studies bred on them ("and thanks 2) Ed The 2: a ink mc, ise scan nb Saou ce por Vor fil met cee me pn @ a Simei alr i Ome pon Ca a SED Ane he Temptic of Ty above. Bere eanytctenar year Se id da ry hihoin Bakr 2d Ko roto wo ths text wan pbb! by D. Prog, Fe ite mad) Pre Fpl ny ae Car recs we sey pte cere seein once they me hd nd he te» prepared fer ‘gator tp eine te emt barcxtp nk ase In view of the spectacular dicoveres made by thet aca Sr en nent dy tam iil Sreesanth het tcopenty a i gin ay LS ee Sects tee oer tint clirgee Ai ble Occ ae (fen reso Joan Pawel INTRODUCTION ” +o the spend excavation of the impresive remain ofthe Hom Palle ores we cana let grap something of the Splendor OF thitcenh-cenury Acre; but om the whole, there ae enor ‘mous gaps in out knowledge, and thse gap, Um sory to 5, ‘he present econ won't be ale ofilln ether mira Gora Giese aah oe Ebi sh coon felarmerray tena aes fe ical a rae il nt he ieee lea ea ee {Stee ei an le ieee sabe Rt ptt soma op ote THE MANUSCRIPTS AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE TEXTS In two manuscripts of th (N and) and in al those of Thadeus the texts have been copied in cos the Hitois Ones of James of Vitey Si that work ae quite numerous Thad expected, by fallow tack as wel as I could, chat 1 would alo stumble pon Sh tional copics ofboth the Excidum and Thadeus. On fut eae however, Ihave been disappointed, and fly expe somes to be hidden under the cover of the isons Ontmal, nab logues ~ as was the case withthe manuscripe N. and with one 3 the Leters (Vd) oF James of Vitry hms The four copies ofthe Exciium used in the preset ition are cealy to be dstibuted into two groups, equal quatty though not in quality: VN and LE. This last group was te ‘adel for at least one of to Old French translations known 0 ‘exist, vz the one (a) studied by Vitor Le Clee in til vale able contibuion £9 the Hise litenaie dels Frou 20,1842 Pp. 79.98, Editions ofthese Old French texts ae curently dex consideration a the Ecole des Charts, but | have checked them concurrently with the Latin texts (9). To facia the ‘ask of any fare editor ~exonine ais! ~ have aed ee 25) Sent maa, CCM 17, p, 523, abo p44 43 [eomne $3 ey ah Centr. rat to sa Vile, Grand Privo Stes Languedoc by Jom Vem 2h Ge the Howes, nd Sar ly ses he vt tly woumdcl Tht hu becn ied ys Clas pO {Bis fpwed ir) yt rain Of te ‘sriniy ween bys Pesta sates om dere sh nd critical apparats,rgiterng 2 great numberof readings ‘mostly from Land fom E (at 3 group, they figure in the fs Sid cont rh tee Ro: ted fete Cra, ogee (Sl eM ee Jie Sf jonnin Pced oko ee Shot Silo ieee megs et Sn aa tig a grades eer ec a Sao eben eee roy ASE aS Be ite Rott ty rasa ein te ak ey Uae nea er io TT a ‘though eclevant forthe constitution ofthe ex, provide a dar pictue of n how many ways the text came to be anand ‘ch single manuscrpe. One more general observation: Both N and E were writen by singularly ignorant sctbes, wo ne dom produced appalling nonsense ‘V2 Pans, BN, be. 14379 (Ssine-Victor: Léopold Dell, fm: tan dee manus atin comeros dl be Naina ‘munis 82-18613, Paris 1869 (sepine 1979), p. 11). Ween in Notthem France inthe early frst quater ofthe Heh century, 157, 370% 255 sam, 2 cohtmng of 53 lines exch, The Bech dium te very int ex dhe manasrit contains: Eid Ae ‘aon domi MCC: onagin (i) prime gestonin olen iam inp (€ 1) Explicit Exc Acois gosto clei (E67). Odhor text in the’ manscrpt are (a) Ademulpus of Anaghi, Super Ait apsolom (Le Clerc, ea pp. 798 . Daunou, Hiss hari dele France 21, 1847, pp. 28-2, and especially L. Delis, Le Cabin des mots 2, 187, p 210 (and n_ 8: Adenslf ded in Saine-Vicror in 1289 and Ie put of his brary tothe abbey) and (b) Averros, Denis and De tani o,f Astellas, cles dept G, Lacombe pe ror, Rome 1989, pp. 540-541. V is by far the mint ele of all the manuscripts of the Excidinn, and ha ako ben wed by Le Clere the bast of his tudy quoted above. A copy of vas made, a late athe Teh centry, in what nove mm 14359, equally fom Ssint-Victor (Delisle, Inet, IN: Pari, orginally Collie de Navarre, now ibliothgue de Arsenal 1157: Catlgue gia Arenal 2 186, pp. 313314 French, waten towns the middle ofthe Lith catty, 17 ‘Fed har days ansing or wh exit muncy fom he por andr Frsene of con forte crude bt ey for he ow re Aisin singe ie or own tr, et Tity Can and ion the theme of te recovery of the Hay Lad a the feat ne Tas fur pt ue Nr Sis el ver pope ea ae mn ue i nic and how pathy bot ako How Sng. dat whe he sat ‘heir and te Ron enon of te El pl he fap ‘Som of os hora nd splot orp tn the ae a hohe lat srpi shoal ng t eo 8 ‘ime note ch the casa gun ws amen fore ‘Sd ple for men to come and we $24 «230 mm. 42 ines pr fli. The text ofthe Exim fon £3845 (6 3" alin, hele Dr capone ct desta tats Azo): allows James of Vitrys Hera Otis well 2s pat of bis Hisona Odie J. F Hinmebuseh, 1972 1. 37- ms), and although is exp it mentioned in the cata logue (Esp Exit Aoi etonan colina, the compl id not recognize the test: i ientistion as well ie having been one of Martine's manuicrps due to Rian’ gifted col Luhorstor Ch, Kohler in the Rene de Orem lan, 5, 1897, CChronigue, pp. 7-8. ‘Thereof the manwscrpe contains ‘works by Transmundas, se Sh J- Heathcote, The Later Cal leon atid e meer Tetras, papal notary el monk of (Chama the bie eh comary.n the Anata Cheon 1965, pp. 35-109, where the Arsenal manure i deseribed ot 78, but again without any mension ofthe Exidium. Several folios, cther whole or parts of ther, ae diicultt read di 0 fang ofthe ink (f.39/9", 0/40" and 43/43) TE: Branch, Biblothaque Royale Alber F, nt 12212, ar 7432 in the catalogue of Van den Gheyn (1, 1927, pp. 297- 258). Writen in Norther Pance or inthe Southern Nether- lands in the fist quater of the 14ch century, 22, 210 = 158 mam. wren im two cons of 32 lines cach. Ha aa fas eli! Ongialytn the Mew of Sustiereciad Lge ("i was sad By the monks themes i 1788 (£0 ‘nd up, fit in the collection of Don C-A. dea Sema y Sane ‘ander then a Sir Thomas Philipp’ in Cheam (nr. 6715), foen won eats Vin don Gheyn bought ir the Beth rary in 1898. That same year, he identifi the manasepe 3 the third one sed by Marne (Reve de’ On ln 6, p. 80 556) Originally it had been par of mach bigger volume, of wich de Exediom formed only the final parts flion CCI (CCXXI: whe works tht proceed are Ist i the algae (8D C, Mtns Den ft de mm ee eS pecan eo SOB pp Sep SE em shes ia os aie ar oi ares hi Seats Oras ee qinhede cra Spee ag en ore ‘ikiquement a pr oan Le Claloge ve Esehem ig je pes Pann a ble by Mon: Metso (above, 37). 1a is proce fee tee oly tae asters 27 Acs in as din MCC, moins pins. Gesell nd two small unconnected pieces, one an Old French von uated in Trial che other, in Latin, «prophecy of Merkin, bth Prine by Van den Gheyn, pp. 550-555 and 535-556, Barwemn E17" (CCXVI) and 18 one fli is missing, casng the low Ties 56 fer. 618 cides, Tac that already exe when Martie's copy was tude, Well-weitten ait ex iy Maree’ rlaace on L wat an undertandable one, Uni tately; however, es sib (or even bis mode! had a sooogiaad dency to comet ‘velgarn and evident errors and Tmntin that whenever L support reading of V instead ofthe (aly faulty) one of E or EN, we are dealing with eedent, though sound, corections. That docs not man that the quality of 8 text could in any way be compared with tht of Va fom and many of is (= Marne’) readings have been clined Geen my tex, which by the tame tok anomes « mdi “dus look. IE: Madd, Escorial, QUU2I, fist mentoncd in 1861 by Ewald (), now inthe Cat de lv Cis asd sR ea del Exon 3, 1913, pp. 03-408: 14h century, 129 288 210 mm. 35-38 (mol 36) ins per folio. This mane scrip, the only one {have been able to add to those arly known to Martine, contains James of Vtry, Histone Oneal (61-7, the Excdiam (7-91: Inept Exc tale Placed, srbe may have lef blank, ltr tobe filled in or ftherwise As for misreading epic cise in Thad ext are ver for ube (25) pie for pride (91-392); reading aloud may have eased confaion between asta and ite (0, MMM, 128: all manascrpes, 1582: PTM, 1600: M)sauto- ‘atin cused Peo write aa tla (5-52,inintvey ‘ig ua, then alsin that his mode presented bu or= geting to delete mam. Stupid errors occur in ney all an serps bur nowhere a feguenly a inthe dee Span ones M's incomplete, and its shortnes (136 (printed) Ines in al) ‘makes i ard to stablishits exact pce i dhe enum, Ba Certainly Belongs fo the rame group as Mand MP. So uns MP Presents a reading of oven, up to fine 136 the siglom ee oma this manucript wel, However, the occurence af Meni eaings may alo have been cased by he fic hata manvsct ws opi drctly on ‘one of the other, and xpeclly in cst of 0 clove elatonship fs thae Beweas Mand Mie important to be able to exch ny dice dependency. Evdendy, 140h century manscrips “annoe be copes of those dating fom the 15d entry. But al ‘tanuscrps present es one mon radon hich docs not occur it any ofthe others, thereby excluding any diet de- pendency. Since such solted variants are excluded from the ‘rca apparatus (with the exeption of those in B, as men (1) Sera ne 976, who (tion papi M nd M? have pp pes 28 INTRODUCTION “Tse ate the manips Ihave ben able to use to eb thetext of Tadeut tree. Now they mast be cased or, der to illwrate their importance andthe place they neeupy within the whole of the transmission of the text). Roughly speaking they fllinc two groups, one represented by tse ‘ansicripe only (8), the second by all the others together Bat ‘Stabs ther exace maa lationship sales cay than Sound. Le's tre wih che manssrpt inthe Brith Library Inspec of many shortcomings, Bis quitea od, and well-wee- ten, copy of an equally good carly model. and in spite of ‘own te dt (148) neater the archetype than any ofthe ther Imani Indeed, there are mumirous pasages where B te rents ether the orig text, orc, in cases where the cms Sent ofthe other manuscripts presents an equally posible tee ‘one which could well be oxginal That why nis, have, ‘mach s posible, stuck tothe text presented by B. There can temo dob that in a numberof cscs this has incvtbly Tl eo ‘aking the wrong choice, but cana east be defended: al ‘te cam none, Forte Same reason, the ctl appara ts all solited readings of B, even evident errors, except tho ‘which ae ut dp hep, Gosty related t0 Bs the Prague manuscript (2), sich 8 we have seen, was purchased in papal Avignon in 1362. In ‘many ees Band P present an denial reading diferent from ‘he one) ofthe other manuscipes. This comenss has beet geen the ic sas opposed to which sgham compres the manuscips T-MMM Among these, Mand Mare ein dovelytelited, and Ilse thei common readings at well ‘tei common omision of ines 1321-1383 under te sighs 4, Inded, no rationship isa clear a that berween M and ‘Mi which makes it all the more regreable that M? only ‘ch a sor fiagment. In one pasuge the common model of ‘MM? (isch vise in aera pecliar way. I ines 33- 10;esppreny wrote in acess, then, realizing it had made +4 make added the coretion lier or alias) cos without Rice Ik ofthe tex finda manages may im atts re 136 ths ston sul be cd at Oe ekesing or exponcting the fst word, And tht is how ie ‘now reads in Boch M and MP: in aceon al esos! ‘Such are the mai ines, but the dt are more complicated than that The manascpe tradition of Tae x characte by masive contamination, which, although bls the overall etre, doesnot, however, prevent real constitution ofthe text. Now, many an dential reading may no have been eke from a common model tall, but been cased by independent eating such a misnerpretation of abbreviations a se Pensions, eroncous inking of leer andl, and ses ‘of evident or supposed ers, by mor or les ects emend- tions. In some pages, whore words have been eft out ot Paced, a scribe may have lef blank, lr tobe filled in oF ‘there As for misreading, ypc in Thad ex ate ered for aber (225) or prvae for pnd (91-92); reaing loud may have cased confusion between exe and iat (1: MMM’, 1285: all manascrips, 1582: PTM, 160: M);a8t0- mats cased to write a tanta (51-52) instinctively ‘wets, the elzing that hi mode! presented but fore ting 0 delete sam Seid erors oct in ney ll an serps bor nowhere as Feguenly a inthe tree Spaces (Mii incomplete, and its shorts (196 (printed) ine in al) ‘makes hard to cab its exact plac in the mina, But ‘eranly belong othe ume group 3x Mand ME Sonics MP Proents a reading of owe, upto line 1365 che sghom yen= compas this manuscript well. However, the occurrence of identical readings may aso have ‘ben caused by the face that a manuscript was copied dtely on ‘ope ofthe oes and especially in cans of 10 love 3 reaonehip ss that berween Mand MP its imporan o be able wo exclade ny direct dependency. Eider, [4th century manuserips ‘annot be copes of those dating rom the 15h cencary. But all ‘manuscripts prosnt tes one mon addon which does not occu in any of he ater, thereby excluding any diet de- pendency. Since such solted variants are exclude from the Erte apparats (with the excption of those in B. as T mene (G1) Sea ine 976, whee fr (ati) pps, Mand Mh ave ee rn tioned above) (9, ist bere those ofthe other mance: P Stl 1150 et montis; 278-279 hasta muliaine inf 524 ingest cm vicar is; 662-663 mons met pre ee ENS fs nec, pg; 1457 148 for Ne a ce ee dat renars: MOL ph ge tates T4875 eae mum, M2 136- AbD; MO 70-71 bello eas: 17-818 epics af fam 853.854 nn Rodeo een probe; 937 npn 151 dc ait in In spite of its generally bad text, here are several pasages in sich rexing of Mie spportd by eke B or Por the ‘ther way round, where a reading of B oF P is ound sno other manus than M Some ofthese (swell cera readings fether manus) may be coincidental, more ot les obvious cretion, but not all of them, and n ich ss I an nly a sume that the source for dese readings mist have Been 4 mani Scie whow txt was lose wo that of Bor 2. The poor quality ‘ofthe manuscript tition a whole hs caused te not only ‘make several oreo of my own, bu to adopt few fron mune oxber than B. A good example ofthis is found in Hine 124, where for ger opi gem pont, only MP, of all ‘manos presents comin. Common sense? Peshaps so, but ‘fied By the source of the pasages Orosis! Another ‘compile cei the folowing one. The victorious Saracens, ‘mocking the Chritians for wortipping statues and images of Sin incapable of saving them fom deft, exclaim meme ‘pk Mecho sacs] sing veneer tla. (32- 50), where only T fill the gap with the inescapable word n> men). Other sch cases ate registered inthe cial apparts ae yg et ay mrt rnc ets ae Sm ara fare ey me fone ek (itary pied lk te ran scr ne i, aay SS 158 (TS Seniesa 38 a SMe te cio, gh ae atic aoe 57 (M), 298,375 and 649 (P), and 117,103, 1046, 1513 aso 1595-1596) (M. "The reading of ine 375, by the way. 4 Tather special one, Here the Grand Maser of the Templars Guillaume de Beaujeu is mentioned. Sine the ext was wrt in Menina by anative of Naples ao (12 and) 765: n Ca i San ue have adoped the speling Gaile (, 2 manuscript tha has nothing eae remotely Halt). On the Strength ofthe stemmatc evidence, convincing mending of one ruption at the ones mentioned above (and of Exam 662 B) ean only be the Beit of competing at mack stages) of the manuscript tranamission, Bur, ab Ihave put ‘hewhere (9 there is no tsion to roc any coretion nthe Smpled grounds ha it wie made by somone oer than yout= Sel, and is gute iclevan whether correction wat made by 2 modem or an anonymous medieval textual eri Before dcuing a few pasages which have puzaled me even ‘more than 50 many other, let me somite the manuscript ‘tansniion of magiter Thadew by way of the fllowing seemma, which has terved at dhe bas for the establishment of [7 TMM = 8 MeM=y, ‘One fina word abou the rubrics Tanner ofer proof oft, but judging fom ther wording do noe think they cranate frou Thadeus himself, but ater from soneone intervening at am ealy stage ofthe tasmision ofthe text, but after the ea tit ancotor of Bad come ina being, Sos al (comps) ‘manuscripts of he oder branch have them that rust have been before the text of P was copied, therefor sometime in the ise Ino the Th enti. Apart from being sel these rabrice prsent nothing worth mentioning here encept for one of (1) Ad 20,5, 2d the Venetians bat adeu tet speaks only of oe tied forte pad espn clei inks for abandoning the cy afer inal remo ead) he rob was Gena, to absolve hin own people fom Thal is exact knowlege he been driven ot of hed 22 consequence of the war of eS fw pasapes | find wey neg ition presents 4 precy mda 2s taketh thos pee safeguarding gud tet ep Bor instead of de B reds dev, Po vas One might be tempted asame an eon he tour dating the ruption afer coropon. The on found in in 67. The chien of Fore, without mening mov rusted bt que ee ally: — sop ad ave calls eras ince mim. The edison (=) does nor reper any variant, In allo Thadeas’ mansacrips the word imamation sacking a placed by a enigmatic ahs (P), sbisine (MM or ie ea (1). Only B. ra he archerype preente, at aso (and from the tae fle phlologeal acemen to conjecture namo ste of smamation tm the printed text of Joachi’s Coon) sad ht s mndeed what Thave prnted, bod because t makes we and ‘caus remains at lowe as posse to Thadew source. Rit p41) gone ab heim, but Ihave never een sch a ig TFeannot, however, ofer any explanation of dhe coup 1g something 9 be ami, lees 4 to anume dt $0) ELE R. Dan, Thewasow of te Amer Pipi Sl INTRODUCTION 3 ‘he original text had relly Bon that obvious no method, how= ver sound, wil ever be capible of dealing secesflly with ‘ich and every compton and here, 0, there te more ings in eave and earth than are dreamt of (Jour plop” Another passage whete Ihave been unable to reach quite 4 saying conclanon isthe following ne. In nes 446-467 the Temples are shel ci Ge ofthe heroic Grand Master. Inthe pst, plea ote Super Epona ants epi, ater ad propa ete Sod ras ils yo ow] ami pnd tet adc ep ‘ose eit enn cee ace ea favor () guia bene ton mag eae ma tenure cet ile et sited tt fone pote appt cre was Bi babe tous 459-167). ‘The om here isn the word Soins (465) This can only be the sme prom the Bana [= Caio lnier (9), the rule ofthese same Egypins that are mentioned in ine 440. "The same antapostion i fond in fines 3-315 eu soldat, regen Ep gig Bone preside, ba nie 465 the word duns ands rather fa from it subjects mare five lines up. and T have long been tempted to write <= run dina On the other hand though Thades i lly {Tite careful is developing bis lng sence thee leone eter Pssage whose sloppy consrucion recommends caution. In Fines 1015-122 one rade won vent nya gu devo tne vlt, mena ype neve tt le emi al pt for, esti, parts pe pa [= Sys] an Has als, ane mes Mal eninge, geo fins Tam Cpl ase von ppl chron’ liga, que do ex edema citi delineate a end il coi fee Coming back to the passage under dicuson, aough ‘ee gute conctvable thi even ch an exentil word 8 Bp tien (oF Agansonan oe inion ot Rtn hs disappeated severe though rater relucantly, have maintained daw mc, meaning ter ruler, nce the context makes i sufindy “ai St ment ds cn Boe ack omg 38) C139 pow amiga bre no the devi (© 8 ap dw cor a eH peo 3 Fh “ swrRoDUCTION clear that i is indeed ce enemy tha mea do nine an aryument the fat tare 2 mance tameminion chee ‘sized by 40 much inerfernce by eden esto to apparently took offence se tac paral ce ance that ope ‘minim slete could be sed apa ance of oe ‘ection by an editor. Sal. dc Sc rem ha» amped cme ruption Would have bere czy 20 mend ene wo anathe, Mats muds the sume season apps mie Bi. where have maintained compass ner sr teil of wenn Sonat (Cf topen.) and ape of Apc 13 1a copes ‘ns ann line 1076: Pa) et. accion whee Ins Poh: (= Dail 7. ‘A few more psuages sequins cnplanation of why Thane gc ‘he readings ofthe manasoape she bec he he co foe evn ee cup: md ng em (ir i Leviticus 25, 25 an jos 2 Sur = me ng eis, hades 15951857 sea nen pc Se 97,12) ais vin is conan Onis ME 4 the wording of in mc cman oP ip INTRODUCTION s {have already dscused the various abr of both the Exc dium and Thadews. The rubrics ofthe Exif an int fr pat of the text, eight end the ie matin hie the ‘Scond. These ate itraly repented isd the nntoe them ‘chen Six of them each mention to evens arated inthe hapter they head arn each cas the soon pars introduced by flowed by jut an ablasive, where one should expect e 4.) Even by medieval tandsds dhe ar highly unl onstactions and isnot spring dat pecially the Liege ‘manor () shoal have lt comet tem. Ta he Tubecs fal, st the way they weer inthe hts preceding ach of the two nats, then Godueed by the sign healing ofthe reat chapter: 1031-38 eh Vi) Quits persons fi noi obidio Acois Fra pro subnidio imperndo, et ono (VINE, oa 1 caso meni eves mnt (VE, om Nm to coun fsa coun e uous N) SUL313 earn (VE, om No) ease ‘ut tmnt (VE, aN, man) eorander) 1146 ch Egress soldat 3 Bailone vers Aconem et ‘mii eptem amiatorum ante Aconem Jum inmate, {600 (VN cum gests Lt gona E cor =, 31-3 th {sam Net deers Em goats) core) 11 (Ch. 10) Fracura mur Aconi,ecapone (VN capo LE) saad (1, 179 cap (VLE, oN) sone) 11.20. fh VD Congres perBdnum room seen ‘ecm mu facta, es ming (VN et rina eB) 11389440 mia is (VLE = 366567 E, om.) 1, 23h 1X) Conic ap (WNL, eer npantone E) (VLE ~ 530597 Eom N). 1, 23.28 (dX) erom consi apione Aco is m= ‘apo (UN (Cn os Ny LE}, SOS) te ‘euperaon (Vm. NE et ios om. ‘The omiion of ene preposition might have been accidental ‘ot there canbe no dou thatthe ext of these ines tt Be ‘maintained, and no mended by inserting “de> no fewer than thirteen mes, On the contary in 179, have even stoned {he original format ie eur in Une Ut and pened cape {61 OF Seo.) 41 9 lips f preposition). Soe ber % ivtropuction tic ne> the various attempts at emendation show thatthe ne timinated readings do inde hak back tothe archetype Tn lines 1 264-266 representative ofthe asembled cz of ‘Ace, ais omni oars elation (i. ee below) oe fists, adres the patch lira mains C4825), aye ing (264266): par cgonhin nb vider ineuedeen bt. quam (Lo Bee): state igi, et noe oman moder vis cum iter boars, ston stn tae Sonnets, mono pei detnae cutis 276280. Tie the text at reads inthis edition. Inline 264, L prevent the oly ius reading ase denon but have kept the reading ofthe ser tree manuscripts taking ntoe + alae o mean san (1 314.315 and 420-91); im lines 276-27, mora he reading of VN, E has mediator, L msrion tn both exe ‘wellas in mos thes, Marne his followed L, Buin my ope sion, VN ave again preserved che original reading here thee oration Insti harks back to cligdon nis vider ina ‘emo, and tha is why I follow my wo best manwsrps here again instead of adopring L's dative moderato. Yer a ‘other passage where I maintain the text ast ocurs in all mam serps Thadeus 568-571: ond in with an ablative instead ‘of wih an accusative [Stes 4, IX, 18:3; Seeanng, Pala, 382982] (3): ob nota infamie Svitede (attraction: devin lant), gue in ti ris mala... ligulier rodent (ut 930-535): inn), Among the pasages where I i interfere with the text there are four which I would ike eo mention (). The fis isin Thee eu, line 53, where Ihave corected acide for wal, ‘which sno only incorrect, but has been inadverently rep from line 50: (cx splot pags) eel: no one who bit ‘ver becn in Acre (nd Thadeus himself ha lived in part S- ‘i: $9697 could posibly have put the sea atthe ete side ofthe ety. The second passage is inline 87.980; Hi ene tnt fii, gpa mere dos (= Ps 126, 2), whee all ‘the manuscripts have pam. In 1157 Ihave somjestrd (name io ts stead of the senseless a, which the eading of all manuscripts. And, fall, line 1202. The context evey Stel nte, Seabee wcx> and Tides 20 cries the ctiens of Acre and their leaders, who, 2 lng 34 the cy enjoyed prosperity, were ll too eager to paripate in A the dels provided by is wean and power, but who, ‘when the Gty’s formnes were revened we lagna fl fap npennt "That same feng is exprened a lle euler (1192-1195, where ie sid daa ators mane wi rian abe ioe lig wrt. Now, che pg | want to-explain the one in which the concomientcrmstances ate indicated: te iante versa bie. Such the text of B (1212), (ace) means Acre. The formula adverse apuly describe he dramatic ill, sick and dourton of the ‘ity. Ia (wm) a truant expresion sn the Vala (9, bot in thi context, and expel inked with abet bine storm of mafortune’™ or ‘fering’ tether inadequate Line handwriting beng wit ies, even fice peste es am unsure shout the readings of mos ofthe ther mans nt (ot wider) ina o tant TM mica MP Uti the orginal reading hat been te mat (= on) (, where at catty copys evidently iia with is Bibl; not ony ‘erpreted the ist lees, bac may’ well have thoughe ve miae ro bean ablative absolute {2 co Sweeny ch ons (8) CETRSETRS marie at 42,7. The egy emo me wore ot a THE LATIN USED IN THE EXCIDIUM AND BY MAGISTER THADEUS, AND. ‘THE TEXTS ORTHOGRAPHY ‘The Excidian's importance for historians csi ts ing vie able sure, bu its Latin (even moreso than that of mage “Thades) presents an aspect which also makes paral in ‘eretng for phlologiss, ae ha many features characteris of 2 Lain tha never ced to develop, influenced bythe personal input of indvideal_weters and non-Latin linguistic dle: ment (9. That doesnot mean that te author would have wet. fen without literary pretesione — far from it, asonance (4308-306 and I, 79-78), nelogisms and the frequent we fare words and constructions are there ss proof to the conta, tho they oie rend to obsare rather than clarify the Latin he, To quote hut a few examples: I, 168 centro for mil tary commanders I 437 Buhler ext aa: mais esi terion teribisina, sanguine fem stibmina, ‘olds idee; 107 vonamgu oven voi [State 4, X, 17-5, 1,212 oe conftimus nd 253-254 sven seria), SO eae ila resins [Stove 2. V, 3:20 compa on ike 43-46 tases is ech! ol in isi (Smyth my Silene eS. nob Septem ccna ce i Sapa Eitan er won ee ge its Ea Hn ie it parc sch toe {ieee dua ea rice de Sekepiptie eerie ob pte Th as loaning soe nae ca, cement oe na resi ed a et See rea se emetomer als er oe Screlothe prs dase ts hae corto be eee ies Ep yp io elie ateta bic taan ME Be ‘The Them iar Latin a bo age ‘he tnen an mao cee eplendcehant mone ab is mace lca poli cnn sole teen acs stelle ens nl poe rents ctu [e, 1 Mace, 6,39]: 619-620 ia ne des tons inline coli rewire, or the author's drawing on chansons de geste ines 1, 48-49 quoted above (note TS). Among the neologms sid rate words and sneacing | mention I, 12 and 184 mules, 114 adr (a contamination of anand exon, 185 mus ‘ial, 1,254 tomebndta and, 253-284 sta sarin spe ‘em Jalan: in te second "Nari! 30 = 78 etd pr tat 4 and pain) bina Fr ta 9091 toils nds a ‘neem Csimd preventing dco’) 93.94 meen “eva (a pastage already dco above), 9 rims male fone pecan, 281-282 pies cian ve vn ae cing, moving forwaed), 834335 ata ronan lao ‘ott (Ih 209 tide peste Chto ts de Ser ous ad I, 580581 Sel ait age, of. lo Tes 526-527 ‘Agus expt), 463 baa Sor bas eimai, 515-516 cone ‘oe akan Carell’). prop se non ait, comer, 551s for ams 558 seu cngroi, 58 lal. 399 in profora cvat[Seotz 2, VI 135) 637-68 ool vegans ‘moenem Croling. cf. bls (or bale) venga M325. 95.496 and 510), 613-648 ah us pci dae non part, othe analogy of mam ose dae 675 sation, 796 ta de (i ‘whe hunting) cman et The onhography ofthe Excdiom present ie one would fot expect to Bind in any other Ite medicral Latin tet. bat contary to most manwsenpes of magiter Thadeus (ough not Pand 7) instead of css quite common. Along wit hss (ovo) (I, 322323; alo Thades 261) one finds be 268), besa (U, 787-78), et. Disiation (mera, ob ‘nium, sibeitone) frequent (‘The city and i inhabianes are. without exception, led As and Amr ested ofthe ‘more usal form ae, which i abo Thadeus spelling: I, 73 ‘nd 108 opis (*) and the adverb opi. in all manoserps the ‘Eequently wed tle of mana pelle ndsciminataly 6 mak i) Se 0. Prin, 2 Pini ar si AMA pS 3 Spe (a) Ge Sm muna, CCM 17, p54 James of Viy). esa tacts) hare early dope Pee eat e's oa (eet) berth emtcrps pee oth cis mad shou (al Thads 93)" Oter form ike ote Son ae, 4nd, 199 extn [THLL 5, col. 1966: 45), onc {0-259 Ae al ve ind ory nd y for aay Cypm nd Son bu ia) 2 and 9pm) (ra Thad ee md 1c. 704 oat), 1.8 eas bony Lc say wees dpe, Thee ines neta, 9, 99 an 20 9 ine of min I, 19 fob snd I 76 pope ao oo fn {Sioe 3 (UI, 5-3 36 fbn 34a te 52640453 cning cement Finally 12) tu shins dries 53 ssn Pcs (Mita sche Winech (och) I, el 5186) {have no opted Sek 687) for ear (o only ost (Tae 138: amg 96 prem, bt woul’ want osppren any mention of thee scan Rearing morphology there re quite a ew forms orgie te, Fist of 348 lin [THLL 3, col 128125). Avivo many tent th occurence of abatives ending on tated isnot ae 113 pnt 1314 cnet, 10 anda (© naan 4 resent 736 fet I, 28-259 pr cn the I, 79 pr ion); Thaders 59: anion (be on) “Atong verbal forms Iron 1,74 (21337 and 1,319 pen, 13 nar (nd Thad 83 1 18 coming M176 desi, 4195 ad 672 come {6pm marr and is; ao manips MMP (9). m The 53, where 2 have onsen, and PM oe ten in MO0-43 onset BTM), 207 coreg 3210211 stones CTs 68 ota), M55 62) dress ines so) gu). 1,252 cnt and 785 asm. Number [See Vl Pn we tne an bt ware ct a items ah ag te femee en. ar 2 Cui bas rubies) rad "MMP cen aliens & 1 and 2] ace gen met pint in il pom (386397) He gues mond 10k eet ally mention I, 280 uaa a he compartive of anda 1, 31 ‘anata she pla of ama (= guna), andthe genitive sr fC), 412 wi Lc, 385 eh ‘And now othe verb! In ie I, S71 one read wo dit csi 523 comer (armen), 88-89 gt eo = se, fone cng of enka 2 i, 88m st ra Jr, 787-788 (cone) peri hei, 08 fo ices (709% exhaoing, noe ‘ecoming exe), sd ‘here gute asking ee in the very Bt ine of Thad (satin an mew if cap. = fet (450, ae to flow” Latham, p. 13894). A deponent asd a re panive [Stee 4 1X72] amples per athe pes, 254 455), active verbs oda deponents [Set IX, 7] 1 18 ven Nadie colons itt a 1, 494498 snes Somes mas ac mats ppg and rally, menon 1 147-148 al gr. entree 5 ‘end, LMS46 soma gue hoe compat rian and 1032.34 ‘oar i ora com cen (1 Car. 10, 283) Conard with 3 double “eave ote I, 30-31: Comin ia lente ct vet [la 5, 16,44 altro, ‘th active an in Thad 109-1109" Stee de Dn ters fee tata, quoi wt mae ‘ers bk ip ren, al eda (= be ‘no anu ee (10 ho omen Thode (15614 the eas aban cm nia ne to Joes cts dein, ak ‘Much regarding the use and formation of prepositions and aves [Sto VI. 164 ca alo be found in her text, sch {SL 114 exmin Bde dpi and S44 de por tar) 69 dopoesex ps [ef TALL 5, col 1100" 27 ey: Ss, 13) veto) cme ot (2 Ce Commodi, Cm poem 310: ne New "33)"The Se” grammaran Rem d'Aoxe dl go ok vou 81 op ah compo Faced wih the ta tc en Be | | e INTRODUCTION is ot cep 1s el ates pa ae Teas rr = i elralifaomn tired tahoe eciee rice accra cake ea, eect orclagy ies a 57h la mt il deco) nget Meghan eG sng) ne Oy, a (he te (98 oe ns Ss ad Pe Eps os pepe Peay ice co ad vo was Sat Pe pric occ, Voces Soa, IMME, Net Seas Rng». Sta a ree ae ee hoc ey fal lpn oncom pn capct ee eras oe meen pip oyrirbllatgd sleeper ee erento isl an Uh, ha cic ha ben ee BID pean pape oe Bee he fee a fy a ute Demerpe LE wen Cesesed ies pd Meee ens Cem eof foci, the god empl stead i i nn nd Sg Oe ee ccs te | gpa dese cette wee Teepe oe fed aie Cy Se Soho Fre at wn Hower, oy wa Wireman Win of Tye (Yeon wo Sed hs pce bi on fd Seinen an ea S805, Te Sem hneot headaches es ike, Continence od 1 rvTRopUCTION s TL ov wt se manque. sade [Nosbers Shutnche Foren, pr 256] 1, 354-386 Aud prado Seva que min enon a ii ides aged med Cepia 78-788 Ali nobiisina race ut ol tim ae (6 sow) at pte iat test GA.) {a in Thadews 364-365 cx hs ue ga! ota sper ci ‘umpc angi, nominative aol $9540 Sal he ‘kendo nents poi. ex abveso Cris. Plonastc use of ‘the enlcconjncton qui found 1 48-46 muse. ever {is of a demonstrative in 1327-329 Qui cu cdr Aoi eon (pli poem men cas. i dba «pees, It 57299 Cd dh i oc ead, 98-69 De his ples emo Tadew 9-57 in. itis ii fn Toe ass ies 59-6 crite ipsam oer aie ti dit emdom 1358-1300 gle pean, qu infere x m= ‘ena tart, nov am. cnponar (also 708-70 con, prone more llr and 1387-1988 si psn. apd os ae sera), pleomasticwse ofa negation inl, 142-144 uo ane mo ine pen ata on ma. peat fc le penonanen ofan adver a1, 272-275 on revi in di- ‘on at gui. mitt sd Thaeus 360-565 gun pis og pons fe. 2 Reg 6,21], The use of the genitive ofthe r= fexive pronoun (ai) ise of the posesive, which i quite Common in almost every text, aso abundantly preset ete: ‘xm ta irate (48), a eno (284 and 319), a orem, 295296), ui ane dane (UH, 28), solercia cer vgoe (731), bu a ono pf (UH, 09-810), ‘Lenin (I, BU-B12), Thaes S152 se tla, 6 ‘gan te, cali thew of ih [Norberg, Sytstiche For “changer, ps 167, Labede, Syma, p. 396396 in Thae lear he fxe pec ib dtm. fit eam (6524659) and ern tam grove ita 8 a inp. conumeion (1114 1116. "To conclude this chaper, I'd like to draw attention to few more puticlas Fry, two constructions few: . 187- 191 Cue fry que abet ea commons. and 1, 297-301 amor om i maleate emai idea Teh renin in 8 ma men Instead of nang, and, especally striking, nv ements, where the under biblical ext (Dent. 32,17 as vi mentsqu. Then, i Thadews 472, mo instead of moe w [Stoee 41x, 10035]; Exeiom I 93-3 394 gc pes. fet (ew L) whi another paraphrase ofa lblel mal A ‘le, Momo! ln ci, 1988p. 124-30)" the ndings inset of sts Stow. VIM, 425, Paks Thm. 58] mann lps 49) and hes {[Fickermann, p. 35) in Il, 552-553 and 609: magnis, que dixina, precip od mages pros epee ee ho SH and 8-69 tm gents (i engi) pe peo ing pte ope finaly Uns ow; the dest minty with he Exim, a Tha deus des ot hk ct roms ng tre word sad soa semaine haley uted (fn OA a ‘mm leriindan pinnae eh however s doe dler. Alo the word dye sa fa: 1, die teapot pa bp (95-40), non gue vs tom pos coon Sig meld ag amas 021922: lage od sl pena np owing) rs (10 spe mena (ihned) gegen (417-1409), oman in borne cases ound nes M2 ‘i milo ha cs he cuore oa) hen inst item, rt mon ex soy pn ‘lpi th ots page, 108 97 Sean ‘sts ee bse mane (etna undo), oman ti mp 666 in, 1575 1580 Et ge ‘abo oot petra) ees an jee tak, hee, yon to fe sen deiven out by incon Any few ome Sa eam: 6672 pcs cpt. pun. pe ‘un awn. 111 n> ffi gf iat hin (A lise, Mo! lain ht, p14 30), 8) Vel An 9: dpm age ngs 7 ar Seal fi opr of en nd 62 {he mls ofc lar amc nc air he be Betis na 1284-1200 fi comm. tanga tp fri elspa ir ony free oa a 463-1471 Agerson onus pein Hemes Heaa nde iis agi, nd 1476-140 sr. demain Ye i haber, en en cod | ei ionic The onhography of Thdeus i harder wo esas than tat ofthe Exciium Since the textual ualiyof any given mani Serpe docs notin itself guarantee the authenicty of ortho- trphy, Ihave checked the speling of each word in all mans ‘crip both for corroboration and inorder to discover posible trend In the end {have manly adopted the orthography of . ‘which is nor only one of the olds, but ako one of the Best ‘manuscripts: in mont cies, however, the spelling of Pisa ‘Supported by other manips (7). 8 coastant in wing ¢ Inher ll, or mos ofthe oder writ: would have rete ina pleasantly homogencous orthography if had lowed T, but | consider it more Hkely that serie systematilly went ‘by his own habit than chat only T would have preserved ll the ‘original spelings. fn esence, hs means thatthe ertography ‘St magiser Thadeas even snore motley than tha ofthe Exc ‘ium. In cases where P has abridged or contacted words, oF vbr it lealy gos again a acemable pater, 1 have, where posible, fllowed the coma of the majority ofthe other manips, ce pepo eer ais sr hk aso Gabe Nog) For the ling emt too ee iver aaeerre aha SEG athe Shae ine “ell re ‘Onde Se la) inner dcp a Grins an thee fry re meant, such» Tae 9 One pre ‘hm ht 27 ome Onl jet atoctatefeblibus st fidelium mugitbus amentand ransuinpive ed scat a divers dive fudine feolunes geworum rea tarntione dupli, corda pie pungent, faci tame continen- Prima igiur narrtio ext de his que ante Aconis obi andere fide lib lgerecapient rem evenerunt, secunda narratio est de his que ad obidio nem Aconis ein absidion ects excidio acederunt 1, Quomodo soldanas defidavie Aconem. I, Mandstum soldi we Aconenses miterent cidem cos qui treugas infegerant,puniendos TV. Quomodo Aconcnss per nuntiossllempnes se soldano excusiverne spe ta pentione 2s V, Responso sldani ad nintios super data excusatione ab cise, VI. Relationeresponsionis a munis fea, comsilum quod Jrabuerant Aconenss sper tesponsione soldan. VIL Quomodo patnarchs commendavit Aconenses super responsione et cons datisab ede. VIL. Quibus peronis fait notifieta obsidio Aconis Fatura pro subsidio impettando, ct ordnatone custodarum me~ ium vias et munition eorundern . Quomodo soldanus deidavit Aconcm eve, lms, ince cco ts vide quomoc bi iebus tbulaio ct angustia invenerunt.Aconem nimi fhe nimirum, quia non fait indie tribulations et angustic ui console ear x om ct c. Sane sold ‘aus Babilonis Tripoli cvtatem famosisimam, 9 quibus- dum cvibuscinsdem into fede proitional cum sldano, vinbus sus expugmaset in qua fee quinguaginta mia ho- ina using sexs non ol or lan cone tea naturam abusibus Sarracenorem ex puers, quos log ‘on icethominibus, misrabiiterceciderunt marque civ Sern Art heel be te Ragen Rie terete 3239 cotinine cae e ome a) a tage tats com turribus,palacis et domibus, eceis ac omabus this ciusdem edifis fundus ever, Aconenses per ters Seldanieisdems sollempniter directs non ltt eundem sol- anor cu tota sui vie cvitatem Aconis post anni te wolutionem obsewurem, idque smile quod Teipolk nuper Faecum fest de eset civibus eiudem cum deflation ne terpositione polisitus se faetrum, ns septs ct iit tem, dictam olim Tholomeidam, mune autem Aconem, ‘quam contra voluntatem suam suorumgue predeeeworam ‘hagas tenucrant,extimplo toaliter et sine stimulation > s sue ederent volunat 1 Treugarum facto, que fait Aconis excidt casi, Porro aliquanei temporisemenso spat, postguam capita nei Acons de consent totus univers cum soldane, median te donorum pluraltatedivesorum, prefatam defdationem ‘ximentum, teugaeinisent pacifica wsque ad duos anno, ‘duos menses, duas cbdomadss, dos dies & dass horas, de ff voramento uerimaue walla uxt motem Saracenonum, Spplicucrint ad portam Aconis Geciter mill sexcenti tam petegrini quam solidari, viel pugnatores ex pare summi pontilics in subsidium cere sate mis, ut divebant. Qui ‘um estimarent seipos cre illo, eo quod Aconenses re ‘ima Sc the cal appr The Old Fees ent) ode he ‘aga LE esas Rehr, ott pee EgrGh tS segminr’Row th he seo Tisai Nchooen LE | 34 vat VE, cat, LE "Ge cxmeten V evemencs EN pe a, eet Sentgete ne anapeNce fe ok NN Sem Nena Aco param Ne expe esi as pd es, deca sepio Aconensibus destinavit,quaru als exit © ‘int Aconemscs, indignatio nostra super vos 6 spe nibus vest prophete David. quas semper ue modo populo nosere magestat subiccto: sper fine Bas fimus, dues favie spines turbulent ramody ua ruperant ase moors ct amarisimi dolor Laromareorensam gute Fiionc ipsum laudabiexeutes popula nossa tous oder _— OO TV. Quomodo Aconenss per nuntiossollempnes e sldano excisaverint super ua petiione pitancorum alghi ac univers quedam pay sepa a probaresrguments factum huusmodh, onc exe ths explons, uti tenga remancrnt mend, gu log Bi cum etdem in hoe facto se lngere sine hese ade tata tempore memoria quinn set comsucudines ap {St quod inter ips debent tener nis andem de mob transmarinispinipbus vel ex pact alicia eorundem ae quem contingercetranfetare, ol trugasinfeingre com Pacere: “postqunsgitr gui mi sunt ex pare sun Ponti gui capa exist ots Christianity cups yor Therant de nostro consens, qui potiorem in cv partes obtinemus, infringe low same in facto laudable mur fovere, in quantum possums, et ewer Nolte igtars nobis diene, ne tandem nobis id acidat quod Tiplte nis iam vidists non dit xt ~ peoptr eorum dom Cvenie, vel fran nequando invita irom pee (228) a=, CE: nr aa Se ie re a Tans <8 4A 3 1218 gp ep ‘ptm prt ah, ce eo 13S NE iad comatose Say coe VN tp nt atc EnV 138 score P18 ow “er eo rus de via just, maxime cum in brevi ad modicum conci- {amen aliorum i alos ie Furor concitats iam valet inca esc. Il ergo, simulantesapprobate omnia que univers ‘complacuit ordnanda,largisime obtolerunt ca cum opor- tent, aque de sure costco ivitatstenentar ad eas ea stodiam et defensionem diligenter exercee; se cor lenge stabat a promisio, i volunasrecaletranspotuiset. Non er go sanits consium pronssvisuin cst et apiendum, nis ‘quod, cum sciane ceetsime quecumguesoldano ex parte Sorum propeer hoc offerrctur, cits id dumtaxat quod a requir postulaio, eundem nallaenas accepturam, ideo Tent uniforms, quas ecua ext vette responsonis Inylaritas, nos admonent et inergune wt consium ve Lote pe ain mea. Wa he ah tg om es CF ge bc Ges ir Maer Ke MES ‘om lento Oi. oem pt ont, Sele io ain sear ha o 36 Roce he mance O98), 6) I, 7M, SEB SA Lge VL stp Ngee serum laudable, deo et hominibus acepesbile cum to- tis cure vigilancia prosequamner, Et vos quidem con ‘Mantes estore, quia slam domini videbitis sper vo advenie 1 Ec dita beneictone quibet a propria remesvit, Ill. Quibus personis fut noiicataobsidio Aconis tara pro wbaidioimperrando, et ordnatione custodiaram me tum ita et munitone corunder, Notificaverun gitar Aconenss summo pontifc et ais 25 iam predicts penis, soldanum tempore pretax cvitee tem Aconis obsesuram, verum ct sbi vicinis cvtatius, terse inslis maiimss in prinipum suits cristiano. rum divine, ut, quantum optarent in necessitate sue artic Toad sui tuitionem ab pss Aconensibus obuineresubsidiam, so) jn sbi anearam ini tribultionum eam impie inerends su salem algual subsidio militar dignarentur stents Subvenite. Inter quos vir precanis rex Cype cu eeents nilitibus prtum Aconis pedtentim navigio petit cum ais ‘mults miiibus, uosiasule urhegue maritme, que cum ss Acone quodim ingo sevituis mato vant federate et sit invicem tenentur ministae, in Aconis sabsiiam eanamie= runt. Qui cum vis Aconis corum quilt ad partem ‘menium evitats ex aniquo abi debitam defensur ac defor sionisaptizudinem paraturi perrexerunt, portantesibidem ‘9 lapidescuinsiber quanta, baleas et quatells,lanceas et EXCIDIUM ACONIS @) a falear, cases e lores, camata et propuncta, euta com clipes et aia quorumeumave armorum genera, quibus me- him propugeacula et porearum antemuraa ordine spect bul veils cum propras municrunt. Quod ub feta et, func omnium civitatem habtantam et qvorumcumgue bi ‘dem adventicioram in amis nsractorum crter nancen- tum quit et octodecim ula peditum repererant, de ‘pbs quatuoecustodas supra mena ordinantes preter por farum custodas, que de ture certs debebantur persons ui- lie earum dos ex pis magis pei in all negocio recto= tes prefecenant ce quamlibeecstodiam in duas partes divic ‘lentes singulas singulis rectors ordinaverane gubersn- ‘4s Diem precerea nauralem, qui ex vignti quatuor hors ‘consist atrlogice, in tes parte ad secutam custodiam ine tere divserunt, ita ut quatur custodiaram quatvorrecto= ‘rs cum media parte costodiarum sibs subiecta ab ort sols ‘gue ad nonam dic horam, ali guatuor cum aia parte eo Sodiarum a nona die hora dsque ad quintam nocts hora, HHerum quatuor prim rectors a quints noes hors usque ad sols orm, ct sie deincep, de sis, wt dictum es, subaitis rmigerenibos miro, trees e ports cvitats, ail quos et {qua an fuerant deputat, uxta necesita emergentem a= ‘culam ad ttslam providerent custo, Harum autem ‘istodirm uinam rest tanquam eapitaneus univers sepe 3 574 ba Ct ee Br 8: ‘eps mde R025039) dep 8 pe ce ison cos cent (pant Sagan eda St decent TES aa tar Ma iene grea Ps insta ate poet a a get pie S88 eye stn Realy oa ocr eee oe pt

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