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sound of silence haunts me

deep and heavy weight that I can't seem to shake
it fills my heart with dread
and yet I can't seem to break.

sound of silence speaks to me

a silent whisper in the night
it's a plea for understanding
a plea to set things right.

sound of silence calls to me

a reminder of the stillness of life
it's a reminder to be mindful
to listen and to strive.

sound of silence comforts me

a reminder of peace and serenity
it's a reminder to be calm
and to find the harmony.

everyone dream of world kindness

where no one is heartless
a world where humans and nature can be together
no harm, nor enemies with one another.

everyone dream of world happiness

where there is no jealousy or selfishness
a world where greatness exists
where there are no fights, no risks.

everyone dream of world love

where we would fly in the sky like doves
together forever, sharing our lives
being happy and loving, like dolphins that dive.

reputedly, peace is a fleeting dream

those who seek it, fighting, swimming upstream

raging chaos in a world bringing cruelty

chaotic people living with pride and arrogance will see
that the world is full of toxicity
people with enthusiastic desire but they show no humanity
how can they live in inhumane society?

each eye that sees, each mortal span

for the world of animals and the world of man
from infant quiet at mother's breast
to aged long necked bird
tomorrow and today all lives attest
to the life within this world.

every stomach be filled

acceptance be instilled
with terrorism end tale
let the humanity prevail

now, stop the wars, the time has come for world peace
nobody loses, everyone wins, hate will decrease
an ego can be a poisons’ thing for me and you
I hate to think of all the evil it can make us do

nor, because someone is different in any way

doesn’t make them less then on any day
it's not our place to make judgment or criticize
we have a right and a higher power so it’s no surprise.

now or never?
but how can we make the world a better place to live?
we can start by being kind and learn to forgive
I am no better then you and you are no better than me
each of us bleeds red so let us treat people equally.

imagine a world of silence and calmness

where all beings can live a life of ease
a world where there is no difference between the rich or poor
life being pleasant forever more.

i dream of no world hunger

where everyone could have food, for even the ones younger
a world of plenty to share
keeping the hunger out, and showing care.

i dream of a life with no more needs

where one day, things that we dream would truly become seeds
where a new day will grow
with no regret, nor sorrow.

i dream of world peace

where there will be a day we could relax by the trees
a world where the sun always shines. and the days go on forever
with no worries, no wars, no harm, no bad lives ever.

there's always something to be done

for which we may choose to walk or run
but oh, what bliss for a chance to stop
and let those heavy eyelids drop
in comfort muted sounds to gather
to quietness all around.

the world seems like a peaceful place

but it's not always such a grace
danger is there all around
beware it has an unknown bound

the onomatopoeia of raindrops landing

on bulbous leaves drum understanding
onwards leading toward comfort's dream
as birth right burden's sense recedes

you're surround by a soft blanket that keeps u warm

so peaceful and calm
where u feel no pain or harm.

you never feel hungry or weak

it's a place of satisfaction where u get all you seek
a timeless world without hate
a just a world where u wait
suddenly your blanket begans to fall
it becomes a crushing wall
the pressure began to rise
the space you once had become smaller in size.

you are twisted and turned upside down

now u feel pain all around
your head is pressed flat
you are pushed through a slat
your warm world turns cold
you've become a victim of something untold
you cry out in pain, but no one seems to care
all they seems to do is stare
you are wrapped in something warm but not as comfortable as before

your chest swelling up and fills your corep

from a world of peace you were torn
serendipity in serenity, you have just been born.

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