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Ka’b bin Ashraf, a Jewish 

poet, was a thorn for the Muslims after their victory in the
Battle of Badr, using his poetic talent to cast a ‘spell’ on the Quraysh to fight and get
revenge on the Muslims after their defeat in the battle. He recited verses inciting the
Quraysh to get revenge on the Muslims, and they agreed to do so - Ka’b also
returned to Madinah to continue disrupting Muslim power in the state. After hearing
about his return, the Prophet (SAW) said to his companions, “Ka’b bin Ashraf has
offended Allah and his messenger. Who will rid me of him?” - to which Muhammad
bin Muslimah (who was later appointed the head of the mission), Ubbad bin Bishr,
Abu Naailah, Harith bin Aws and Abu Abs bin Jabr volunteered.

Muhammad bin Muslimah thought of a plan and sought the Prophet (SAW)’s consent
since it involved tricking Ka’b - to which the Prophet (SAW) gave consent.
Muhammad bin Muslimah then went to Ka’b, saying that the Prophet (SAW) came to
them asking for charity (he pretended that he was tired of the Prophet (SAW)). Ka’b
fell for the trick, and Muhammad bin Muslimah had gained Ka’b’s confidence. Next,
Abu Naailah came with a similar complaint that a few of his companions were
unfavourable of the Prophet (SAW) and needed Ka’b’s help - and Ka’b agreed to
meet them at a later date and was delighted because he thought that more and more
disenchanted Muslims through whom he thought could hurt the Prophet (SAW).

It was the 14th of Rabi’ul Awwal, and Ka’b was laying down with his new wife in his
fortress when the 5 muslims (armed with weapons) called out to him – he came down
ignoring his wife’s ‘stay safe pleas’ and the Muslim’s weapons as he did not think he
was their target. They set out on a stroll. Abu Naailah then complimented Ka’b’s
perfume and asked to smell his head. Ka’b obliged and Abu Naailah then bade his
companions to do the same. Abu Naailah then asked to smell one more time, and
then he held Ka’b’s head firmly and said to his companions: “Seize this enemy of
Allah!” The others instantly struck with their swords, but with no success - until
Muhammad bin Muslimah struck Ka’b’s abdomen with his axe and Ka’b died
screaming horribly - the sound to which Ka’b’s men lit torches at the top of the fort
but did not manage to find the 5 men who got away silently. Ka’b’s death greatly
demoralized the Jews - and the Muslims were safe from harassment for a while.

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