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TSLB 3132

Comparison For
Policies in Inclusive
Shahirah & Balqis of TESL 2
National Centre for Educational
Everyone has the right to quality
Restructuring and Inclusion and inclusive education, training have advocated that the approach
developed a definition of and life-long learning be ‘rights-based’ as well as ‘needs-
inclusion in education in 1995 to maintain and acquire skills that based’
Providing to all students, enable them to participate fully in all people participate fully in and
including those with significant society and manage successfully enjoy the benefits of the social
disabilities, equitable transitions in the labour market and economic development
opportunities to receive Promoting equity, social cohesion in an attempt to recognise, accept
effective educational services, and active citizenship is one of the and include individuals with
with the needed supplementary strategic objectives for special needs in the mainstream
aids and support services, in age cooperation in education and education system, a practice that
appropriate classrooms in their training was once neglected, on the basis
neighbourhood schools, in order has established ‘inclusive of the prevailing medical
to prepare students for education, equality, equity, non- discourse, prejudice and stigma
productive lives as full members discrimination and the promotion to recognise the education of
of society. of civic competences’ as priority individuals with exceptionals
areas for European cooperation in through Special and Inclusive
the field of education and training. Education practices.
Thank You!
May you have a good day

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