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As an additional service to guests with children, the Hotel will provide

Babysitting service upon request giving at least 3 hours advance notice.
Hotel will endeavor to provide properly screened Baby Sitters and ensure
that standards, policies and guidelines.
Babysitter in a Hotel Generally a housekeeping staff who has specialized
training in child caring service or in some places only those certified
babysitters who have license on babysitting, should provide such
babysitting service. Generally a guest calls for babysitter and then the total
babysitting procedure starts. Even some hotel calls for professional
babysitter after getting request from guest.
Procedure of Babysitting in Hotel
1. A pool of Baby Sitters will be maintained from among employees who
will register with the Housekeeping Department on their availability.
2. The Executive Housekeeper will screen all prospective Baby Sitters
before they are included in the Pool.
3. When a call is received in the Housekeeping for a Baby Sitter, the Order
taker will take down the following information:
a) Name of Guest
b) Room Number
c) The time the Baby Sitter is needed and for how long
d) Age of child e) Special instructions.
The coordinator will advise the guest of the rates and if meals and transport
are to be provided.
4. The above shall be entered into the Baby Sitting Form and the name of
Baby Sitter to be assigned will also be listed.
5. The coordinator will call the guest to confirm her request for a Baby
6. A babysitter should come 10 to 15 minutes prior to booking time.
7. An outsider babysitter should not be sent to guest room alone. A duty
manager or housekeeping manager should escort him or her.
8. Whenever a Baby Sitter is sent to the guestroom, a form will be filled up
in duplicate to be presented by the Baby Sitter to the guest. (Sample
9. The coordinator shall advise Security and Assistant Manager of Room
No., Name of Baby Sitter and Period of Baby Sitting.
10. Rates for Baby Sitting shall be in dollars XYZ Per hour or a fraction
there of.
11. Meals will be provided by the guesd if the Baby Sitter works six (6)
hours or more. Taxi fare will also be provided if the Baby Sitter is required
to work beyond 11.00 pm.
12. Baby Sitters will abide by the following rules:
a) The Baby Sitter should be neat and well groomed.
b) The Baby Sitter shall wear her ID on her person.
c) The Baby Sitter shall confine herself and the child in the room unless the
guest gives her permission to bring the child outside the room.
d) If permission to bring the child out of the room is given, the Baby Sitter
shall only bring the baby to areas within the Hotel premises and must
ensure the safety of the child. The Baby Sitter should not bring the child to
the back of the house.
e) The Baby Sitter shall advise the Housekeeping office of her and the
child’s whereabouts if they leave the room. She should continuously advice
the Housekeeping office whenever she and the child change locations in
case she is needed.
f) The Baby Sitter should not use the telephone in the guestroom for her
personal use.
g) The Baby Sitter should ask the guest if she should answer the phone and
what to tell the callers in case they ask for them.
13. Payment will be made directly to the Baby Sitter and she should
acknowledge receipt of payment on the copy of the guest.

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