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Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 135101 (12pp) doi:10.1088/0957-4484/25/13/135101

Mechanism of antibacterial activity of

copper nanoparticles
Arijit Kumar Chatterjee, Ruchira Chakraborty and Tarakdas Basu
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Kalyani, Kalyani-741 235, West Bengal,


Received 14 August 2013, revised 18 December 2013

Accepted for publication 15 January 2014
Published 28 February 2014

In a previous communication, we reported a new method of synthesis of stable metallic copper
nanoparticles (Cu-NPs), which had high potency for bacterial cell filamentation and cell
killing. The present study deals with the mechanism of filament formation and antibacterial
roles of Cu-NPs in E. coli cells. Our results demonstrate that NP-mediated dissipation of cell
membrane potential was the probable reason for the formation of cell filaments. On the other
hand, Cu-NPs were found to cause multiple toxic effects such as generation of reactive oxygen
species, lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation and DNA degradation in E. coli cells. In vitro
interaction between plasmid pUC19 DNA and Cu-NPs showed that the degradation of DNA
was highly inhibited in the presence of the divalent metal ion chelator EDTA, which indicated
a positive role of Cu2+ ions in the degradation process. Moreover, the fast destabilization,
i.e. the reduction in size, of NPs in the presence of EDTA led us to propose that the nascent
Cu ions liberated from the NP surface were responsible for higher reactivity of the Cu-NPs
than the equivalent amount of its precursor CuCl2 ; the nascent ions were generated from the
oxidation of metallic NPs when they were in the vicinity of agents, namely cells, biomolecules
or medium components, to be reduced simultaneously.

Keywords: copper nanoparticle, membrane depolarization, reactive oxygen species, lipid

peroxidation, protein oxidation, DNA degradation
S Online supplementary data available from
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction widely utilized as cheap and effective materials for sterilizing

liquids, textiles and also human tissues for centuries [2].
Gradual development of different antibiotic-resistant bacterial Therefore, metallic Cu-NPs may be a promising antibacterial
strains has nowadays made it imperative to research new drugs agent in future. But the most challenging task in this direction
or materials with a wide spectrum of effective antimicrobial is the synthesis of stable metallic Cu-NPs, since they undergo
activities. Recent studies on nanomaterials elicit that different
rapid oxidation to Cu2+ ions in air or aqueous media. We have
metallic and metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) may have very
recently developed a method of synthesis of Cu-NPs, which
promising and potent roles as antimicrobial agents. Such NPs,
due to their large surface to volume ratio and crystalline remain stable in ambient condition for about a month [3],
structure, trigger biological responses different from those and their bactericidal activity on both Gram-negative and
produced by the traditional ionic form of the metals. Moreover, Gram-positive bacteria is much higher than those prepared
metallic NPs were found to have (a) 7–50 times less toxic effect and reported by others [4–6]. However, to use them as a
to mammalian cells than their corresponding ionic forms and substitute for antibiotics or as an antibacterial sterilizing agent,
(b) prolonged effect as a source of elements in an organism [1]. investigations on (a) the molecular mechanisms of bacterial
Of the different metals, copper and its complexes have been cell killing and (b) the mode of NP action in cell killing need

0957-4484/14/135101+12$33.00 1 c 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd

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Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 135101 A K Chatterjee et al

to be done. Although the mechanisms behind the biocidal dye to the membrane made it fluorescent, finally measuring
activity of metallic nanostructures are not yet fully understood, any alteration of cell membrane potential from the change in
three hypothetical mechanisms are the most accepted and fluorescence intensity of the bound dye.
reported in the literature: (1) accumulation and dissolution To carry out the experiments, synchronized cells of E. coli
of NPs in the bacterial membrane changing its permeability, K12 [20] were freshly grown up to the log phase (i.e.,
with subsequent release of lipopolysaccharides, membrane OD600 nm = 0.2 or cell number of about 108 cells ml−1 ) in
proteins and intracellular biomolecules and dissipation of Luria–Bertani (LB) medium [21]. The grown cells were then
the proton motive force across the plasma membrane [7–9], treated with 3.0 and 7.5 µg ml−1 Cu-NPs (the minimum
(2) generation of reactive oxygen species (ROSs) or/and inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal
their corresponding ions from NPs, with subsequent oxidative concentration (MBC), respectively) for 1 h, centrifuged at
damage to cellular structures [10–13], and (3) uptake of 8000 rpm for 5 min, and the cell pellets were re-suspended in
metallic ions derived from NPs or of NPs as whole into starvation buffer (SB) [21]. As negative and positive controls,
cells, followed by depletion of intracellular ATP production cells alone (i.e. cells treated with nothing) and cells treated with
and disruption of DNA replication [14–17]. There are few 7.5 µg ml−1 CuCl2 (the precursor of the NPs) respectively were
reported studies, particularly on the mechanism of bactericidal also taken. The subsequent steps of cell labeling by fluorescent
activity of Cu-NPs. Raffi et al [4] and Ruparelia et al [5] dye and spectrofluorimetric (Perkin Elmer-LS50B) and flow
suggested that Cu ions originating from the NPs may interact cytometric (Beckton Dickinson FACS Calibur) measurements
with phosphorus and sulfur-containing biomolecules such of intact cell membrane potential were made according to the
as DNA and protein to distort their structures and thus method described previously [19].
disrupt biochemical processes. In another study, Wu et al [18]
also reported in favor of the involvement of Cu ions for 2.2. Estimation of the production of reactive oxygen species
the antibacterial activity of mesoporous copper-doped silica (ROSs) in E. coli cells
xerogels, where the increase of the copper concentration from
The extent of ROS production in bacterial cells was es-
1 to 5% in the gel was found to cause 99% cell killing
timated using the chemical 20 ,70 -dichlorodihydrofluorescein
in gradually reduced time from 24 h to 1 h, respectively.
diacetate (DCFH-DA) as a visual indicator to look inside the
Although, these studies hypothesize few probable modes of
cell, according to the spectrofluorimetric method described
bacterium–Cu-NP interaction, a detailed and systematic study
previously [22]. The basic principle of the assay was that
(both in vivo and in vitro) is much needed. The present study
the DCFH-DA could easily cross the cell membrane and
deals with the more organized and methodical investigations
was hydrolyzed into DCFH by cellular esterase; subsequent
on the mechanistic pathway behind the Cu-NP-mediated
oxidation of DCFH by intracellular ROSs produced highly
occurrence of bacterial filamentation and cell killing as well
fluorescent DCF, which was measured by a spectrofluorimeter.
as the mechanism of functioning of Cu-NPs as a strong
Therefore, the extent of DCF fluorescence intensity gave a
antibacterial agent. Our experimental results reveal that the
quantitative measurement of ROS generation within cells.
filamentation is caused by the NP-mediated depolarization of
Log phase grown cells, prepared as described in
the cell membrane, whereas the cell killing is caused by the
section 2.1, were treated with 3.0 and 7.5 µg ml−1 Cu-NPs
NP-mediated ROS generation in cells, which results in cellular for 1 h, centrifuged and suspended in saline (8.0 gm l−1
lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation, and DNA degradation; NaCl, 0.2 gm l−1 KCl). The negative and positive control
for all these effects of Cu-NPs, the prime effector is the nascent experiments, as described in section 2.1, were also done. The
Cu2+ ions, originating from the oxidation of the metallic probe (1 µl of 10 mM DCFH-DA) was added to each of the four
Cu atoms of the NPs. sets and incubated for 2 h at ambient temperature in the dark.
The fluorescence of each sample was then measured in the
2. Methods spectrofluorimeter with excitation and emission wavelengths
of 485 and 530 nm, respectively.
This study was conducted using the widely studied Gram-
negative bacterium E. coli. All the experiments were done 2.3. Assay of lipid peroxidation in E. coli cells
with synchronized cells, prepared as described in our previous
study [3]. When such cells were allowed to grow in fresh To estimate the extent of lipid peroxidation of the cell mem-
medium, all the cells grew similarly and divided at the same brane, the spectrophotometric technique of thiobarbituric acid
time for a number of generations. (TBA) assay, described previously [23], was employed. The
basic principle of the assay was that the lipid peroxida-
2.1. Determination of membrane potential of intact E. coli cells tion, or in other words the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty
acids, produced malonaldehyde (MDA), which reacted with
The membrane potential was determined by both spectrofluori- TBA, producing a chromophore with absorption maximum
metric and flow cytometric methods, using the fluorescent dye at 532 nm. Therefore, the level of chromophoric absorption
3,30 -diphenylthiocarbocyanine iodide, as described in detail in intensity at 532 nm was a quantitative measurement of lipid
our previous study [19]. The basic principle of the methods peroxidation.
was that the incorporation of the dye into cell membrane was Log phase grown cells in saline (prepared as described
potential dependent and the binding of the non-fluorescent free in the preceding experiment) were divided into four parts:

Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 135101 A K Chatterjee et al

to two parts 3.0 and 7.5 µg ml−1 of Cu-NPs were added grown cells of E. coli K12 were divided into two parts: to
separately, to one part 7.5 µg ml−1 of CuCl2 was added, one part 7.5 µg ml−1 of Cu-NPs was added and to the other
whereas the fourth part was treated as control and nothing was part 7.5 µg ml−1 of CuCl2 was added. Both the parts were
added. All four cultures were incubated for 1 h at 37 ◦ C with allowed to incubate at 37 ◦ C. From the Cu-NP-treated cells
shaking. 1.0 ml of each culture was centrifuged; the cell pellet aliquots of 1.5 ml were withdrawn after 30, 60 and 120 min,
was suspended in 100 µl of SDBME buffer [24]. 100 µl of and from the CuCl2 -treated cells an aliquot of the same volume
cell extract was mixed with 200 µl of TBA–trichloroacetic
was withdrawn after 120 min of incubation. From each aliquot,
acid (TCA)–hydrochloric acid (HCl) reagent (15% TCA and
genomic DNA was isolated and subsequently electrophoresed
0.375% TBA dissolved in 0.25 N HCl) and heated for 15 min in
for 1 h in 1% (w/v) agarose gel, using Tris–acetate–EDTA
a boiling water bath. After cooling, the flocculent precipitates
were removed by centrifugation at 12 000 rpm for 10 min. The buffer.
absorbance of the supernatant was measured at 532 nm in a
UV–vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, UV-1800), to estimate 2.6. UV-spectrophotometric study on DNA–Cu-NP interaction
the level of lipid peroxidation according to
The surface plasmon resonance property of Cu-NPs was used
LPO activity = {(absorbance × total volume)}
for this in vitro study. Here, Cu-NP solution was titrated
× {(time × sample volume × molar extinction coeff.
with DNA and the spectrometric study was carried out at
× protein concentration)}−1 nM/mg/unit. (1) 298 K. Cu-NP solution was taken in a cuvette along with a
The protein concentration in the cell lysate was assayed by reference cuvette containing gelatin and CuCl2 (the precursor
the Bradford method [25] and the value of molar extinction components of the NPs) in the same amounts as present
coefficient of the chromophore was known to be 1.56 × in the test cuvette. DNA solution from the prepared stock
105 mol−1 cm−1 . was then added stepwise (0.5 µg in each step) in both the
sample (containing Cu-NP) and reference cuvettes and mixed
2.4. Estimation of protein oxidation in E. coli cells thoroughly by turning the cuvettes upside down several times,
and after each step of DNA addition the Cu-NP spectrum was
The level of protein oxidation in the bacterial cells was mea-
recorded. DNA has negligibly small and constant absorbance
sured according to the method described previously [26]. The
in the wavelength region of 500–700 nm, which was due
basic principle of measurement was that the protein carbonyls,
to scattering, but as it was added to both the sample and
products of protein oxidation, were known to react with dini-
trophenylhydrazine to form a stable dinitrophenylhydrazone reference cuvettes the contribution due to the scattering of
product, of which the 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) absorbed UV DNA in the Cu-NP spectra was automatically eliminated.
light at 370 nm. Thus, the extent of protein oxidation was The binding interaction was analyzed from the Hill plot
proportional to the intensity of DNP at 370 nm. of the absorbance data [29]. For any biomolecule–ligand
Cell lysates were prepared as in the case of the lipid interaction, the Hill equation was represented as log[θ/
peroxidation study. The lysates were centrifuged at 12 000 rpm (1 − θ )] = γ logK b + γ logCf , where K b is the binding con-
for 10 min at 4 ◦ C. To the supernatants, 20% cold TCA stant, γ is the Hill coefficient, Cf is the concentration of free
was added and kept at −20 ◦ C for 1 h for precipitation. ligand and θ (fraction of macromolecule bound to ligand) =
The precipitates were made sticky by centrifuging further (A0 − AI )/(A0 − AR ), where A0 , AI and AR are the
at 12 000 rpm for 15 min at 4 ◦ C. To each sticky pellet (absorbance)575 nm of Cu-NPs in the absence of DNA, at any
0.4 ml of 0.2% 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) in 2 N DNA concentration and at the DNA concentration for which
HCl was added and incubated in the dark, with vortexing at
the maximum binding took place, respectively. The plot of
intervals of 10 min up to 1 h. The protein hydrazone derivatives
log [θ/(1 − θ )] versus log Cf represented the Hill plot. The
were extracted through precipitation by 10% cold TCA. The
values of K b and γ were determined from the intercept on the
precipitate was treated with ethanol–ethyl acetate (1:1 v/v)
and the hydrazones were re-extracted by 10% cold TCA. x-axis (where log Cf = −logK b ) and the slope in the region
The resulting precipitate was dissolved by vortexing in 6 M of the intercept, respectively. The importance of γ was that it
guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl), kept at 37 ◦ C for 15 min characterized the nature of cooperativity, that is, γ < 1, γ = 1
and again centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 2 min to remove the and γ > 1 signified a negative cooperative, non-cooperative
undissolved fragments. The OD value of the supernatant was and positive cooperative nature of the binding, respectively.
measured at 370 nm.

2.7. Determination of the NP size

2.5. Study on DNA degradation in E. coli cells

In order to observe the fate of DNA (degraded or not) in The average hydrodynamic size of the NPs was determined
E. coli cells, genomic DNA was first isolated as described using a particle size analyzer (Malvern, Nano ZS). With the
by Wilson [27] and the isolated DNA was then subjected measurement of size, the instrument also determined the count
to electrophoresis in agarose gel according to the method rate of the NPs, i.e. the number of particles studied (to measure
described by Sambrook and Rusell [28]. Here, log phase the average size) per second of investigation.

Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 135101 A K Chatterjee et al

Table 1. Membrane potential of Cu-NP-treated E. coli cells measured spectrofluorimetrically.

Cell alone Cell + 7.5 µg ml−1 CuCl2 Cell + 3 µg ml−1 Cu-NPs Cell + 7.5 µg ml−1 Cu-NPs
−184.5 (±12) mV −159.8 (±13.5) mV −104.3 (±10.8) mV −76.5 (±9.5) mV

3. Results and discussion division [38, 39]. It was shown there that the membrane
potential modulated distribution of several conserved cell
Our earlier communication [3] indicated that the gelatin- division proteins such as MinD, FtsA and the bacterial cy-
stabilized Cu-NPs (synthesized by us) had high potential toskeletal protein MreB. Administration of the well known
for cell filament formation and subsequent cell killing. The protonophore carbonyl cyanine m-chlorophenyl hydrazone,
filament size was found to increase with increasing concen- which blocked proton motive force across the E. coli cell
tration of Cu-NPs up to 3.0 µg ml−1 (the MIC), above which membrane and thus dissipated the membrane potential, made
there was a gradual decrease in size. Above the MIC, the the cells filamentous [38]. This was further supported by
filament size could not increase due to NP-mediated cell the observation that indole, a bacterial signaling molecule
death. Filamentation is an anomalous growth of bacteria, and a protonophore, inhibited cell division in E. coli by
when cells continue to elongate with multiple chromosomal disrupting the trans-membrane potential [39]. Depolarization
copies and do not undergo septum formation, causing no cell of the cytoplasmic membrane was found to inactivate the ‘Min’
division [30]. It is a primary defense mechanism for cells under site selection system, preventing localization of the FtsZ ring
SOS such as stress response. The SOS response is known to and thereby inhibiting cell division [39]. We also investi-
play a role in exposure of E. coli cells to DNA-damaging gated if any depolarization of the E. coli plasma membrane
or DNA replication-interfering agents, by inducing about 30 occurred in Cu-NP-exposed intact cells, by both spectrofluori-
different proteins for damage tolerance [31, 32]. One of the metric and flow cytometric methods separately, as described in
SOS gene products, SulA protein, encoded by the gene sfiA, is section 2.1.
responsible for filament formation. SulA inhibited cell division Table 1 shows that the bacterial (E. coli K12) cell
by blocking the formation of the cell-septum-forming ring, membrane was depolarized by the Cu-NP treatment, and the
made of FtsZ proteins, and thus led to filamentation. SulA extent of depolarization was dependent on the concentration
interacted directly with FtsZ monomer, thereby preventing the of NPs used. The normal E. coli membrane potential was
polymerization and GTPase activity of FtsZ. By sequestering measured to be about (−)185 mV, which decreased to almost
FtsZ, the cell could directly link DNA damage to inhibit cell −105 and −75 mV when treated with 3.0 and 7.5 µg ml−1 of
division [33–35]. NPs, respectively; whereas a small drop of potential by about
In the present study, it was investigated whether the 25 mV took place when the cells were treated with 7.5 µg ml−1
SOS response was induced in Cu-NP-treated E. coli cells, by of CuCl2 .
observing if any SOS repair of the UV-damaged bacteriophage The flow cytometric results have been depicted in figure 1.
8 X174 [21, 36] occurred within the NP-treated cells. The The main three quadrants of the cell-representative dots were
result showed that no repair of the UV-inactivated 8 X174 took LL—lower left, LR—lower right and UR—upper right. The
place in cells treated with 7.5 µg ml−1 of Cu-NPs (MBC) for dots in the LL quadrant signified cells having negligible
3 h, indicating that at least the SOS DNA repair genes were not fluorescence (1–10 arbitrary units), i.e. unlabeled cells. On
induced in the E. coli cell by Cu-NP treatment (experimental the other hand, dots in the quadrants LR and UR signified
details and results are shown in supplementary section 1 cells with considerable fluorescence (10–104 arbitrary units)
available at and their extents of fluorescence and size were understandable
Moreover, when the cells of E. coli SulA mutant strain from the X - and Y -axis values, respectively. Table 2 represents
SG13109 [37] were treated with 2.5 µg ml−1 (sub-MIC) the percentage distributions of cells in different quadrants,
and 3 µg ml−1 (MIC) of Cu-NPs in LB medium, for each when the cells were kept under different conditions. Nearly
concentration of the NPs they were found to form filaments 100% of the control unlabeled cells were represented by
within 3 h of treatment, indicating that the SulA protein had the dots in the quadrant LL (figure 1(A) and table 2, row
no role in the cell filamentation on Cu-NP treatment (exper- 1). When the cells were labeled with the fluorescent dye
imental details and results are shown in supplementary sec- 3,30 -diphenylthiocarbocyanine iodide for 2 h, about 76.35%
tion 2 available at of cells acquired considerable fluorescence label and the
Therefore, the Cu-NP-induced cell filamentation was clearly remaining 23.65% cells did not (table 2, row 2); of the labeled
not a SOS-dependent process. cells, the major population (76%) was represented by the
dots in quadrant LR and a negligible minority (0.3%) of
3.1. Study to determine the membrane potential of
large-sized cells were represented by the dots in quadrant UR
Cu-NP-treated E. coli cells
(figure 1(B)). Table 2, rows 4 and 5, shows that when the
cells were treated with 3.0 (MIC) and 7.5 µg ml−1 Cu-NPs
Not much was known about the SOS-independent mode of (MBC), only about 36.56 and 21.89% of cells were labeled.
filamentation, until a few recent studies showed that the cell The decrease in the amount of labeling in the NP-treated cells
membrane potential had a determining role in proper cellular (by about 40 and 54.5% for the NP concentrations 3.0 and

Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 135101 A K Chatterjee et al

Table 2. Percentage distribution of cells in different quadrants of flow cytometric profiles.

Serial no Cells under different conditions Lower left (LL) (%) Lower right (LR) (%) Upper right (UR) (%)
1 Control (unlabeled) 99.60 0.22 0
2 Control (labeled) 23.64 76.04 0.31
3 7.5 µg ml−1 CuCl2 treated (labeled) 40.06 59.82 0.12
4 3 µg ml−1 Cu-NP-treated (labeled) 63.44 36.45 0.11
5 7.5 µg ml−1 Cu-NP-treated (labeled) 78.11 21.80 0.09

Figure 2. ROS generation in the Cu-NP-treated E. coli cells. The

shown values deviate within 5% from the corresponding average
values. The statistical significance of the increase in ROS production
in Cu-NP-exposed cells compared to that in untreated control cells
was measured according to the Student t-test method, where
p-values less than 0.5–0.001 were considered significant.
∗∗∗ = p < 0.001 and ∗∗ = p > 0.01.

of the cell membrane; however, the extent (about 16%) was

significantly less than that in the Cu-NP-treated cells.
Thus, both the spectrofluorimetric and flow cytometric
results clearly signified that the exposure of E. coli cells to Cu-
NPs caused cell membrane depolarization in a concentration-
dependent manner, and this dissipation of membrane potential
was the most probable basis of cell filamentation.
Figure 1. Flow cytometric analysis of membrane potential of intact
E. coli cells: (A) unlabeled control cells; (B) labeled control cells; 3.2. Study to estimate the ROS production, if any, in
(C) cells treated with 7.5 µg ml−1 CuCl2 ; (D) cells treated with Cu-NP-treated E. coli cells
3.0 µg ml−1 Cu-NPs; (E) cells treated with 7.5 µg ml−1 Cu-NPs.
The hallmark of metallic NP-mediated bacterial killing was the
ROS production and the consequent cellular damage. Again,
7.5 µg ml−1 , respectively) with respect to the amount of
metals such as copper act as catalysts in Fenton-like reactions
labeling (about 76%) in the NP-untreated control cells implied
to generate ROSs such as O2 • , OH• etc [40]. Therefore, an
that Cu-NPs caused dissipation of the E. coli plasma membrane
experiment was performed to study the ROS production, if
potential because the dye binding to the cell membrane and any, and its extent in the Cu-NP-exposed E. coli cells. The
the consequent generation of fluorescence was membrane experimental result clearly demonstrated the generation of
potential dependent. The cells with depolarized membranes ROSs in Cu-NP-treated cells, and the extent of ROS production
were populated in quadrant LL (figures 1(D) and (E)), finally was dependent on Cu-NP concentration (figure 2). Compared
increasing the cell population there by about 40 and 54.5% to the level in the untreated control cell, the ROS level in
compared to that in the case of control labeled cells (about 3.0 and 7.5 µg ml−1 Cu-NP-treated cells was almost 1.8
23.5%). Moreover, it is also found from figure 1(C) and table 2, and 2.5 times higher, respectively. Although the presence
row 3, that when the cells were treated with 7.5 µg ml−1 CuCl2 of a small amount of ROS (about 20% over the amount in
(the principal ingredient of the NPs) there was depolarization control cell) was found in the CuCl2 (7.5 µg ml−1 )-treated

Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 135101 A K Chatterjee et al

Figure 3. Lipid peroxidation level in the Cu-NP-treated E. coli cells. Figure 4. Protein oxidation level in the Cu-NP-treated E. coli cells.
The shown values deviate within 4% from the corresponding
average values.
3.4. Study to estimate protein oxidation, if any, in
Cu-NP-treated cells
cells by the copper ions, the amount was highly insignificant
with respect to that in the NP-treated cells. This significant At the cellular level, exposure of proteins to ROSs was
production of ROSs might cause free-radical-mediated cellular known to modify amino acid side chains with consequent
damage by Cu-NPs, which motivated us to study the extent alteration of the protein structure [42]. These modifications led
of cellular lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation and DNA to functional changes that disturbed cellular metabolism. As
damage, because these were generally the most obvious effects Cu-NP treatment generated considerable ROSs in E. coli cells,
of ROS production. it was necessary to determine whether the protein oxidation
phenomenon occurred in the Cu-NP-treated E. coli cells. Our
3.3. Study to estimate lipid peroxidation, if any, in experimental result demonstrated that treatment of E. coli cells
Cu-NP-treated cells with 3.0 and 7.5 µg ml−1 of Cu-NPs for 1 h made the cellular
The lipid peroxidation phenomenon refers to oxidative degra- protein carbonyl level or oxidized protein content about 25
dation of polyunsaturated lipids, causing three in vivo dam- and 50 times respectively that in the untreated control cells
aging consequences to the cellular plasma membrane, namely (figure 4). This suggested that, besides lipid peroxidation,
decrease in membrane fluidity, increase in membrane leakiness protein oxidation was also a probable reason for the cell killing
and damage in membrane-bound proteins, ultimately leading by Cu-NPs. Figure 4 also shows that the exposure of the cells
to toxicity and cell death [41]. Of the different reactive oxy- to 7.5 µg ml−1 of CuCl2 made the protein oxidation level
gen species, singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals remove a eight times that of the control cells, implying further that the
hydrogen atom from a methylene group on a polyunsaturated bactericidal effect was specific to NPs instead of only copper
fatty acid, leaving an unpaired electron on the carbon atom. ions. It should be mentioned here that the repair of damage to
The carbon atom then rearranges itself to a conjugated diene, proteins was limited to the reduction of oxidized derivatives
which reacts with oxygen to form a peroxy radical [23]. of the sulfur-containing amino acid residues; no other kind
Our experimental result on lipid peroxidation, depicted in of repair of protein oxidation was reported. Oxidized proteins
figure 3, implied that on exposure of the cells to 3.0 and were better substrates for proteolytic digestion, and E. coli has
7.5 µg ml−1 Cu-NPs for 1 h their lipid peroxidation levels
specific proteases that selectively degrade oxidized proteins,
were respectively about 35 and 50 times that in the untreated
finally killing cells [43].
control cells. On the other hand, bulk copper salt (7.5 µg ml−1
of CuCl2 ) caused a small increase in lipid peroxidation by only
eightfold. This result suggested that high lipid peroxidation, 3.5. Study to investigate whether DNA damage occurred in
i.e. high level of oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, in Cu-NP-treated cells
E. coli membranes might be one of the initiating events
for Cu-NP-mediated bacterial killing. Moreover, very little Free radicals were known to attack both the base and the
increase of lipid peroxidation (only eightfold) by ionic copper sugar moieties of DNA, producing lesions such as single and
of bulk CuCl2 signified that the NPs, not the copper ions, had double-strand breaks, adducts of base and sugar groups, and
a specific effect on bacterial killing. Unsaturated fatty acids cross-links to other molecules blocking DNA replication [44].
are known to be essential and irreplaceable components in Therefore, an experiment was performed to investigate the fate
biological membranes [41]. Changes in fatty acid composition of DNA in the Cu-NP-treated bacterial cells. Figure 5 clearly
altered the physical properties of the lipid bilayer, affecting demonstrates the degradation of genomic DNA isolated from
membrane fluidity and thus indirectly regulating the activity the Cu-NP-treated E. coli cells. The intact DNA band in lane 1
of integral membrane proteins. signifies that no degradation of genomic DNA occurred in cells

Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 135101 A K Chatterjee et al

1.0, it confirmed that the binding between DNA and Cu-NPs

was positively cooperative in nature. The spectrophotometric
study of Cu-NP–DNA interaction was also performed at 310 K.
From the Hill plot analysis, the values of K b and γ were
found to be 1.36 × 105 M−1 and 2.393, respectively, at 310 K.
Since (K b )310 K > (K b )298 K , it signified strengthening of the
NP–DNA binding interaction with the rise of temperature.
These values of K b at two different temperatures, 298 K
(say T1 ) and 310 K (say T2 ), were put in the places of K 1
and K 2 , respectively, in the well known van’t Hoff equation:
K2 −1H 1 1
ln = − (2)
K1 R T2 T1

to find out the value of the thermodynamic parameter (1H ),

i.e. the value of the enthalpy change in the Cu-NP–DNA
interaction. The value was calculated to be −6.5 kcal mol−1 ;
Figure 5. Agarose gel electrophoretic pattern of the chromosomal the negative value of the enthalpy change clearly implied that
DNA isolated from the Cu-NP-treated E. coli cells. the NP–DNA interaction was exothermic in nature. Moreover,
the values of 1G (change in free energy) at temperatures 298
exposed to CuCl2 for 2 h. On the other hand, the smear-like
and 310 K as calculated from the thermodynamic equation
band pattern in lane 2 implies chromosomal degradation in
E. coli cells when treated with 7.5 µg ml−1 Cu-NPs for 1G = (−)RT ln K b (3)
only 30 min. Moreover, incubation of the cells with NPs for
1 h caused such an extensive cleavage that many short DNA were found to be −5.19 and −6.35 kcal mol−1 , respectively,
fragments went out of the gel during electrophoresis and so the and the negative value of 1G (at each of the two said
total intensity of the smear in lane 3 was less than those of the temperatures) implied that the DNA–Cu-NP binding reaction
bands in lanes 1 and 2. In the case of the cells incubated with was a spontaneous phenomenon.
NPs for 2 h, DNA was fragmented into such small pieces that
most of the pieces left the gel in the running time, as observed 3.7. Study to investigate the mechanism of DNA degradation
from the DNA profile in lane 4. It can therefore be concluded by Cu-NPs
that in vivo chromosomal DNA degradation in E. coli started
within 30 min of treatment with Cu-NPs (7.5 µg ml−1 ), and Here, an in vitro experiment was performed to investigate
more degradation took place with increase of the NP exposure whether the degradation of DNA was caused either by the
time. Cu2+ ions leached from the oxidized NPs or by the Cu-NP-
induced generation of ROSs (singlet oxygen and hydroxyl
3.6. Spectrophotometric study on DNA–Cu-NP interaction radicals) or by the Cu-NPs themselves, by adding different
radical scavengers and a Cu-ion chelator to the DNA–Cu-
In order to investigate whether the Cu-NP-induced DNA NP reaction mixture. This study was done with pUC19
degradation in E. coli was due to direct interaction of the DNA. As scavengers of singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals
NPs with the chromosomal DNA or due to some secondary tris(hydroxyl methyl) amino methane and DMSO were used,
interaction, a spectrophotometric study was performed. Since respectively, and as a chelator of copper ions EDTA was used.
the E. coli DNA was circular and supercoiled, this in vitro The DNA band patterns and their intensity distributions under
study was done with circular, supercoiled plasmid pUC19 different reaction conditions have been presented in figure 7
DNA [28] of size 2.68 kbp. Here 0.5 ml of fivefold diluted and table 3, respectively. It is clear from the DNA band
Cu-NP solution was placed in a 1.0 ml quartz cuvette and was profiles in lanes 1–4 of figure 7 that Cu-NPs caused severe
titrated with purified pUC19 DNA. degradation of plasmid DNA when incubated at 37 ◦ C for
From the absorbance spectra of Cu-NP solution titrated different times. Measurement of the intensity of the bands in
with different concentrations of DNA at 298 K, it was seen that lane 1 demonstrated that about 81.5% of the purified control
the plasmon peak of Cu-NPs at 575 nm decreased gradually DNA was in the native, circular, supercoiled, compact form
with increasing addition of DNA (figure 6(A)), which indicated (also called replicative form I or RFI) and moved faster than
some interaction between DNA and Cu-NPs. When the binding the remaining 18.5% of the DNA, which was nicked (cleavage
isotherm of DNA–NP interaction was plotted from the data of of a phosphodiester bond in a single strand of DNA) and so
the spectrophotometric results, the isotherm looked sigmoidal non-supercoiled or large relaxed circular—also called RFII
in shape, signifying the cooperative mode of interaction DNA. Lane 2 of figure 6 and row 2 of table 3 show that
(figure 6(B)). From the Hill plot (figure 6(C)), as discussed within 5 min of incubation with Cu-NPs almost 90% of the
in section 2.6, values of the binding constant (K b ) and the Hill RFI DNA was converted to singly nicked RFII DNA (about
coefficient (γ ) were found to be 1.22 × 105 M−1 and 2.704, 66%) and doubly nicked (single nick in both the strands)
respectively, at 298 K. As the value of γ was greater than linear RFIII DNA (about 25%). It is known that, although

Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 135101 A K Chatterjee et al

Figure 6. Spectrophotometric data of Cu-NP–DNA interaction. (A) Change in the absorption spectrum of Cu-NPs (1 mM) with the stepwise
addition of pUC19 plasmid DNA at 298 K; (B) the binding isotherm of the NP–DNA interaction at 298 K; (C) Hill plot of equilibrium
binding between Cu-NPs and DNA at 298 K.

Table 3. Percentage of intensity distribution of pUC19 DNA in different conformations, as measured by the 1D gel analysis software in
Typhoon 9210 (GE Healthcare).

Lane no Experimental conditions RFI (supercoiled) (%) RFII (nicked circular) (%) RFIII (linear) (%)
1 DNA alone 81.5 18.5 —
2 DNA + Cu-NPs (5 min) 9.44 65.87 24.69
4 DNA + Cu-NPs (15 min) 9.7 58.09 32.21
3 DNA + Cu-NPs (30 min) — 62.45 37.55
5 DNA + Cu-NPs + 0.2 M Tris (O2 •− scavenger) 16.79 61.03 22.18
6 DNA + Cu-NPs + 0.2 M DMSO (OH• scavenger) 7.3 70.4 22.3
7 DNA + Cu-NPs + 20 mM EDTA (ion chelator) 59.35 40.65 —
10 DNA + CuCl2 (30 min) 68.74 31.26 —

the molecular weights of all three forms of DNA–RFI, RFII of relaxed circular RFII [45]. After 15 min of incubation,
and RFIII, are the same, their gel electrophoretic mobilities more DNA degradation took place, converting gradually singly
are different depending on their compactness: supercoiled RFI nicked circular RFII DNA to doubly nicked linear RFIII
moved faster than linear RFIII, which again moved ahead DNA, as observed from lane 4 of figure 6 and row 3 of

Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 135101 A K Chatterjee et al

table 3. Lane 3 shows that at 30 min of interaction between

pUC19 and Cu-NP the RFI band was completely abolished
and both the RFII and RFIII bands became less intense;
this result together with the DNA profiles in lanes 2 and
4 implied that with increasing the time of interaction RFI
converted to RFII, which then degraded to RFIII, and finally
further degradation of RFII and RFIII occurred, to such a
high extent that most of the smaller DNA fragments went
out of the gel during electrophoresis and some comparatively
larger fragments produced faint smears, observed in the lanes.
Lanes 5 and 6 represent the DNA profiles when the DNA–NP
interaction was carried out in the presence of tris(hydroxyl
methyl) amino methane—a scavenger of singlet oxygen—and
DMSO—a scavenger of hydroxyl radical, respectively; with
respect to the percentage of RFI DNA in lane 1, those in lanes 5
and 6 were only 9 and 20% respectively, as observed from
column 3 of table 3. Therefore, the band patterns of lanes 5
and 6 clearly signified that the scavengers had no significant Figure 7. In vitro degradation of pUC19 DNA by Cu-NPs in the
inhibitory role in the Cu-NP-induced DNA degradation, i.e. the absence and presence of free radical scavengers and a copper-ion
Cu-NPs did not degrade DNA through the production of ROSs chelator.
such as singlet oxygen or hydroxyl radicals. Instead of the
in mind that strong chelation of the Cu2+ by EDTA might
radical scavengers, when the copper-ion chelator EDTA was
cause more and more leaching of the ions from the NPs and
added to the DNA–NP reaction mixture (lane 7), degradation
thus ultimately reduce the size of the Cu-NPs with time. For
of RFI DNA was found to be significantly inhibited by almost
this, EDTA at a final concentration of 20 mM was added to
73% (comparing the values of column 3 in rows 1 and 7 of fivefold diluted Cu-NPs and the size of the NPs was measured,
table 3), signifying that the DNA degradation effect of Cu-NPs as described in section 2.7, at different intervals of time. The
was mostly Cu2+ ion mediated. Lane 9 shows that when results represented by figure 8 show that the size and the count
fivefold diluted Cu-NP was used little DNA degradation took rate of Cu-NPs decreased gradually with the time of incubation
place; therefore, comparison of the band intensities in lanes with EDTA. The decrease of both the parameters reached
3 and 9 indicates that Cu-NPs degraded DNA molecules in saturation at nearly 30 min of incubation. The size of the
a concentration-dependent manner. If the ion-mediated effect NPs was found to decrease from 62.5 to 23.4 nm, whereas the
occurred, the CuCl2 (the main precursor of Cu-NPs) should count rate decreased from 282.5 kcps (kilocounts per second)
also have the DNA degradation property. However, rows 1, 3 to 130.5 kcps. These results suggest that the Cu-NPs became
and 10 of table 3 indicate that 1.0 mM CuCl2 in 30 min caused highly destabilized in the presence of EDTA due to gradual
only about 16% cleavage of RFI, whereas 1.0 mM Cu-NPs leaching of Cu ions from the NP surface, with simultaneous
in 30 min caused complete abolition of RFI. Therefore, the chelation of the ions by the EDTA. As a consequence, not
prime outcome of this experimental result was that, although only did the size of the core particle decrease fast, but almost
the copper ions appeared to be the main effector for DNA half of the initial particles were abolished (as observed from
degradation, the nascent ions released from the NPs with their the decrease in particle count rate), when kept in the presence
oxidation were perhaps more effective in DNA cleavage than of EDTA for about 30 min only. On the other hand, the NPs
the copper ions present in already ionized CuCl2 . alone in suspension were highly stable and their size (about
60 nm) remained unchanged. Therefore, binding of the Cu ions
3.8. To study the effect of EDTA on the size and count rate of to the chelator EDTA caused more leaching of ions from the
Cu-NPs NPs. Similarly, when the NPs and DNA were in the same
place, Cu2+ binding over DNA resulted in more release of
The result of the previous experiment 3.7 suggested that the ions from NPs and consequently more degradation of DNA.
nascent copper ions released from the NPs were responsible This was further supplemented from our experimental results
for the heavy DNA degrading effect of the NPs. In the presence on the gradual dissolution of the NPs in the defined growth
of DNA, the oxidation of metallic copper atoms of the NPs medium, named MOPS (3-(N -morpholino)propanesulfonic
to Cu2+ was expected, with the simultaneous reduction of acid) medium [46]. Since the MOPS medium was composed
DNA by receiving the electrons liberated from the copper of MOPS buffer supplemented with different amino acids,
atoms. These Cu ions perhaps came out of the NP assembly nucleotides, vitamins and a carbon source, incubation of the
in nascent form and acted upon the phosphodiester bonds NPs in this medium also caused a decrease in size of the
of DNA, and possibly, with the gradual engagement of the particles with time; however, the rate and the extent of decrease
Cu ions due to binding with DNA, more ions were leached out were small (figure 8(B)). It is also found from figure 8(B)
of the NPs. To check this possibility, the physical state, i.e. the that, as soon as the NPs were added to the MOPS medium,
size and count rate, of the Cu-NPs in the presence of the their size increased from about 60 to 185 nm, indicating
divalent metal ion chelator EDTA was investigated, keeping formation of some binding complex of the NPs with the

Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 135101 A K Chatterjee et al

Figure 8. (A) Decrease in size and count rate of Cu-NPs with time of incubation in presence of EDTA; (B) decrease in size of Cu-NPs with
time of incubation in MOPS medium. The red point signifies the size of Cu-NPs in water.

organic macromolecules present in the medium; the size of and a single type of Cu-NP synthesized by us were sufficient
the large complex particles reduced gradually from 185 to enough to draw any generalized conclusion on the pathways
125 nm when incubated in MOPS medium for 12 h. The high of cell killing and NP action. Here, it should be empha-
chelating property of EDTA for divalent cations Cu2+ justified sized that the results of our previous study [3] showed that
our results of lower rate and lower extent of size reduction of similar antibacterial effects of the Cu-NPs also occurred in
NPs in the presence of different organic molecules than in the Gram-positive bacteria B. subtilis and S. aureus, besides the
presence of EDTA. Gram-negative E. coli. Since E. coli is known to be a widely
studied organism, and most of the fundamental molecular
mechanisms of DNA replication, gene expression, mutation
4. Conclusion
etc were established using E. coli as a biological tool, the use
of E. coli as the single organism in our study, to understand
In this study, investigations were carried out to unravel the
the fundamental basis of bacterial cell killing by Cu-NPs,
mechanism of bacterial filament formation and cell killing by
was justifiable enough. In this study, regarding the use of
the action of Cu-NPs and also the mechanism of the action
our synthesized Cu-NPs only, it should be mentioned that,
of Cu-NPs. Bacterial cell filamentation was known to occur
although there are different methods, namely laser irradia-
by the action of an external agent, when the agent either
tion [47], γ -irradiation [48], thermal decomposition [49, 50],
induced an SOS-like stress response in cells or dissipated the
thiol-induced reduction [51], reduction in micro-emulsions
cell membrane potential. Our experimental results revealed
and reverse micelles [7, 52, 53], vapor deposition [54], the
that the Cu-NP-mediated bacterial cell filamentation was not
sono-electrochemical process [55], flame spray [56], chemical
due to the induction of the cellular SOS response, but due
reduction [12, 57, 58] etc, of synthesizing Cu-NPs of different
to the depolarization of the cell membrane. Our results also sizes and stabilized by different agents, our goal of innovating
demonstrated that the treatment of E. coli cells by Cu-NPs a new method of synthesis of Cu-NPs was to prepare very
at the MBC caused an increase in the cellular ROS level by stable NPs, stabilized by the highly biocompatible gelatin, so
2.5-fold, compared to the level in the NP-untreated control that they can be used in future as a substitute for antibacterial
cells, and this NP-mediated overproduction of ROSs resulted agents. In our previous study [3], it was reported that our
in considerable lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation and DNA NPs were encapsulated by the stabilizer gelatin molecules,
degradation, finally killing the cells. ROS inhibitors such as which was expected to be advantageous for interaction of
DMSO and tris(hydroxyl methyl) amino methane were found the particles with cell membranes and their subsequent entry
to have little effect on the Cu-NP-mediated in vitro DNA into the cell cytosol. Therefore, in the present study emphasis
degradation, justifying the view that the degradation was a was given exclusively to our synthesized NPs, to investigate
ROS-independent phenomenon. However, the degradation was the mechanism of their antibacterial role. However, studies
highly inhibited in the presence of divalent metal ion chelator are in progress in our laboratory to understand the following
EDTA, indicating a positive role of Cu2+ ions behind the important points: (1) the mode of physical interaction between
process. The findings on the faster decrease in size as well as the NPs and the cell membrane, (2) the mode of interaction
the count rate of the NPs in the presence of EDTA signified between the NPs and cell medium organics, (3) NP-mediated
that the nascent Cu ions liberated from the NPs were more alteration of the different physical and chemical characteristics
reactive than the already present Cu ions in the precursor CuCl2 of the cell membrane, (4) localization of the NPs in cells,
solution. The release of nascent ions was facilitated by the (5) whole protein expression behavior of the NP-treated cells
oxidation of metallic NPs with the simultaneous reduction of and (6) whether the nascent ion specific effect of our Cu-NPs
the agents such as cells, biomolecules or medium components for bacteriotoxic potency was also true for Cu-NPs of different
in the vicinity of the NPs. sizes, prepared by other methods etc. Finally, an important
On this mechanistic study, questions may be raised of point of emphasis is that our unpublished results on cupric
whether the use of a single type of bacterium such as E. coli oxide NPs indicated that the mechanism of antibacterial action

Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 135101 A K Chatterjee et al

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