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Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60

Lifetimes and dissociation pathways of the quasi-bound states of

the Na· · ·FH van der Waals molecule
F. Mrugała a, P. Piecuch b,1,*, V. Špirko b,c, O. Bludský c
Institute of Physics, N. Copernicus University, Grudzia̧dzka 5, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 18223 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Received 5 January 2000; accepted 15 February 2000

The highly reliable potential energy function for the ground electronic state of the NaFH system based on the ab initio multi-
reference configuration interaction calculations [M.S. Topaler, D.G. Truhlar, X.Y. Chang, P. Piecuch, J.C. Polanyi, J. Chem.
Phys. 108 (1998) 5349; V. Špirko, P. Piecuch, O. Bludsky, J. Chem. Phys. 112 (2000) 189] is used to calculate the energies,
widths, and dissociation pathways of the quasi-bound states of the Na·· ·FH van der Waals molecule. Although emphasis is
placed on the quasi-bound states resulting from vibrational excitation of the HF fragment in the complex, the bound states and
the quasi-bound states, in which the HF fragment is not excited, are investigated as well. The study focuses on assessing the
reliability of the earlier stabilization calculations [V. Špirko, P. Piecuch, O. Bludsky, J. Chem. Phys. 112 (2000) 189] by
performing independent close-coupling calculations for the outgoing scattering waves of the NaFH system. The probabilities of
decay of the Na· · ·FH ro-vibrational resonances into various Na ⫹ HF…v; j† channels provide new insights into the dynamics of
dissociation of the Na· ··FH complex. 䉷 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Quasi-bound states; van der Waals complexes; Close-coupling approach; Stabilization method; Ro-vibrational states

1. Introduction [3] and in the studies of the effect of complex forma-

tion on the high-frequency monomer modes [4]. The
It has been amply documented in the literature that lifetimes of quasi-bound states of vdW molecules and
the ro-vibrational spectra of van der Waals (vdW) state-to-state cross sections for dissociation of these
molecules can provide essential and very accurate states into states of monomers may provide detailed
information about the nature of intermolecular inter- information about intermolecular potentials. In the
actions. Although the majority of spectroscopic case of reactive complexes, which are precursors of
studies of vdW complexes focus on important low- chemical reactions, the lifetimes and dissociation
frequency motions [1,2], there is a growing interest pathways of quasi-bound ro-vibrational states
in the predissociation pathways of quasi-bound states may provide detailed spectroscopic information
about the dynamics of elementary chemical
* Corresponding author. Tel.: ⫹1-517-355-9715; fax: ⫹1-517-
We have recently studied the bound and quasi-
E-mail address: (P. Piecuch). bound ro-vibrational states of the Na· · ·FH complex
Internet: [5]. This very weakly bound system (bound only
0022-2860/00/$ - see front matter 䉷 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0022-286 0(00)00586-X
44 F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60

by 0.065 eV [5–7] or 0.076 eV [8]) is believed to tional problem with the stabilization method of
be the precursor of the photo-induced charge Mandelshtam et al. [25,26], we provided [5] the strong
transfer or “harpooning” [9,10] occurring in the evidence for the existence of long-lived ro-vibrational
electronically excited states of the complex, i.e. resonances corresponding to excitation of the H–F
[8,11,12], fragment in the complex to vr ˆ 1 and 2. According
to our stabilization calculations [5], the lifetimes of
Na…FH ⫹ hn ! ‰…Na…FH†ⴱ Š‡ ! ‰Na⫹ ……FH†⫺ Š‡ many vr ˆ 1 states of Na· · ·FH are in a nanosecond
regime. At least some vr ˆ 2 states have lifetimes in a
! NaF ⫹ H; (1) subnanosecond regime. By performing infinite-order
perturbative calculations based on the adiabatic
where the asterisk indicates an electronically separation of vibrational motions to define the unper-
excited complex and the double-dagger designates turbed problem [27,28], we demonstrated that the
an intermediate between reactants and products. long-lived resonances of Na· · ·FH are precisely those
Although recent quantum-scattering calculations that are bound in the adiabatic approximation. The
[13,14], based on accurate potential energy metastable states of Na· ··FH, which are not bound
surfaces (PESs) [8] that were obtained using the in the adiabatic approximation, are usually character-
multi-reference configuration interaction method ized by much shorter lifetimes.
with single and double excitations (the MRCISD There are two purposes of the present work. First of
approach; precisely, the MRDCI variant of the all, we would like to complete the earlier studies
MRCISD method [15–17]), indicate that the domi- [5,24] by providing information about dissociation
nant channel in the photo-induced Na…FH ⫹ hn pathways of the quasi-bound states of Na· ··FH.
process is photo-dissociation into reactants, Thus, we calculate the probabilities of decay of the
vr ˆ 0 and 1 states into the Na ⫹ HF…v; j† channels,
Na…FH ⫹ hn ! ‰…Na…FH†ⴱ Š‡ where v and j are, respectively, the vibrational and
rotational quantum numbers of the isolated HF
! Na ⫹ HF or Naⴱ ⫹ HF; …2† molecule. Calculations are performed using the
close-coupling approach [29,30] to the scattering
the same calculations indicate that there may be a states of the NaFH system. The second purpose of
possibility of improving the yield of products of this study is to verify the accuracy of our stabilization
reaction (1) by exciting the Na· · ·FH complex calculations of the vr ˆ 1 quasi-bound states of
vibrationally prior to electronic excitation. It is Na· · ·FH [5], which were based on the variational
well-known that the ground-state Na ⫹ HF ! NaF ⫹ treatment of the ro-vibrational eigenvalue problem,
H reaction also does not proceed without vibrational exci- by performing completely independent close-
tation of HF [18–23], which is a consequence of the coupling calculations of energy positions and widths
rather high energy barrier on the ground-state PES of the Na· · ·FH resonances. The stabilization method
of NaFH (1.26 eV [8]). used in Ref. [5] and the close-coupling approach to
Our recent calculations of the quasi-bound states of scattering states used in the present work are so
Na· ··FH [5], and a significant enhancement of the unrelated that the agreement of the results of both
infrared absorption line strengths corresponding to calculations can be used to argue that the information
the vr ⬎ 0 ← vr ˆ 0 transitions, when compared to obtained in these calculations is trustworthy and can
the isolated HF molecule [24] (vr is the quantum serve experimentalists in their studies of dynamics of
number for the H–F motion), suggest that one can Na· · ·FH. Indeed, in the stabilization method
contemplate an experiment in which the excitation employed in Ref. [5], the eigenvalues of energies of
of the H–F fragment in the complex prior to electronic resonance states are obtained by repeatedly calcu-
excitation is used to change the dynamics of the lating the eigenvalues of the ro-vibrational Hamilto-
Na…FH ⫹ hn process in favor of charge transfer, nian, while varying the size of the coordinate box in
Eq. (1). Indeed, by performing accurate calculations which the molecule is contained. A plot of the eigen-
combining the variational approach to the ro-vibra- values as a function of the size of the box (the
F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60 45

stabilization diagram) is used to extract the complex representation [8], to the following functional form,
resonance energies, X
V…r; R; u† ˆ V 0 ⫹ C…a; b; g†{exp‰⫺a1 …r ⫺ rr †Š}a
a ;b ;g
e ˆ Eres ⫺ iG=2; …3†
 {exp‰⫺a2 …R ⫺ Rr †Š}b Pg …cos u†
where the real part (Eres) is the position of the reso-
nance and G is the width (i is the imaginary unit). The X
ˆ Ul …r; R†Pl …cos u†; (5)
lifetimes of quasi-bound states, t , are then estimated l
through the relationship
where V0 ; C…a; b; g†; a1, a2, rr, and Rr are the adjus-
t ˆ É=G; …4† table parameters and Pg (cos u ) designate the
Legendre polynomials. In order to improve the quality
where É ˆ h=…2p† and h is the Planck constant. On the of PES, additional MRDCI calculations were
other hand, in the close-coupling approach, a system performed along the one-dimensional cuts of the adia-
of coupled one-dimensional Schrödinger equations in batic potential through the vdW minimum, corre-
the scattering coordinate is solved for the continuum sponding to fixing one of the three Jacobi
states of the Hamiltonian, which formally describe the coordinates at its equilibrium value, while allowing
scattering of Na from HF. The resulting collision-time the remaining two coordinates to vary over the entire
delay matrix provides information about the energy range. The details of these additional MRDCI calcu-
positions and widths of quasi-bound states and lations can be found in Ref. [5], whereas the details of
branching ratios for decay of these states into various the original MRDCI calculations used to construct a
Na ⫹ HF…v; j† channels. 2 × 2 diabatic representation of the lowest two 2A 0
The paper is organized as follows. The ground-state states of NaFH are described in Ref. [8].
PES of the NaFH system is briefly discussed in Although the PES described in Ref. [5] could
Section 2. The stabilization and close-coupling basically be used in the present study, we decided to
approaches and the relevant computational details refit it. The reason for refitting the PES again is
are described in Section 3. The results of our calcula- primarily related to the fact that the close-coupling
tions are discussed in Section 4, and Section 5 calculations for scattering states require that the elec-
summarizes our findings. tronic potential V…r; R; u† can be given the following
V…r; R; u† ⬅ V…r; R; r^ ·R†
2. Potential energy surface
ˆ VH–F …r† ⫹ VNa–FH …r; R; r^ ·R†;
In describing the PES of Na· ··FH, which is used in
the stabilization and close-coupling calculations and ^ is the intermolecular potential
where VNa–FH …r; R; r^ ·R†
in solving the corresponding ro-vibrational problem, obtained by subtracting the diatomic potential,
we use the internal Jacobi (or scattering) coordinates:
the H–F distance r ⬅ 兩r兩 (defining the high-frequency ^
VH–F …r† ˆ lim V…r; R; r^ ·R†; …7†
stretching coordinate), the distance R ⬅ 兩R兩 between
Na and the center of mass of HF (defining the vdW ^ (as usual, r^ and R
from V…r; R; r^ ·R† ^ are the spherical
stretching or scattering coordinate), and the angle u angles of the Jacobi vectors, r and R, respectively).
between two Jacobi vectors, r and R (defining the This form of the potential, Eq. (6), is essential for the
bending or internal rotation coordinate). correct description of the boundary conditions for
The PES for the ground electronic state of the scattering states (coupled equations for partial scat-
NaFH system was described in our earlier paper [5]. tering waves used in the close-coupling calculations
It was obtained by refitting the adiabatic potential, should automatically decouple for R ! ∞; cf. Section
resulting from fitting highly accurate MRDCI ener- 3 for further details).
gies of the lowest two 2A 0 states to a 2 × 2 diabatic The PES reported in Ref. [5] can be given the form
46 F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60

Fig. 1. The PES for the ground electronic state of the NaFH system obtained by refitting the earlier MRDCI data [8] augmented with new
MRDCI energies [5] to Eq. (5), where C…a; b ˆ 0; g† ˆ 0 for g 苷 0: The angle u used for plotting the PES is fixed at the value corresponding to
vdW minimum.

of Eq. (6), but only approximately [we can always try b , and g equal 6, 6, and 9, respectively, and 4 para-
to extract the diatomic potential VH–F …r† from a given meters a1, a2, rr, and Rr]. These parameters are listed
potential V…r; R; u† by studying the limit described by in Table 1. In constructing the new fit, we considered a
Eq. (7) for a fixed value of u assuming that, for suffi- wide range of almost 5000 nuclear geometries, with
ciently large R values, the potential V…r; R; u† is energies up to 13,500 cm ⫺1 above the vdW minimum.
virtually isotropic]. In order to obtain the rigorous The differences between the fitted and calculated
decomposition of the total electronic potential MRDCI energies were usually 5–10 cm ⫺1 or smaller
V…r; R; u†; Eq. (5), into VH–F …r† and VNa–FH …r; R; r^ ·R†; for energies up to ⬃1000 cm ⫺1 above the vdW
we must impose the following condition on the coeffi- minimum (this includes all bound and vr ˆ 0 quasi-
cients C…a; b; g†; bound states). For energies up to 4500 cm ⫺1 above the
vdW minimum, including the important vr ˆ 1 quasi-
C…a; 0; g† ˆ 0; for g 苷 0; …8†
bound states, they usually were about 10–20 cm ⫺1.
so that V…r; R; u†; Eq. (5), does not depend on u for The overall quality of the new fit is as good as in
R ! ∞: The above condition has not been imposed on the earlier work [5]. For example, the standard devia-
the potential reported in Ref. [5] and, in consequence, tion of the new fit is as small as in the case of the fit
V…r; R; u† of Ref. [5] is only approximately indepen- described in Ref. [5] (ca. 60 cm ⫺1).
dent of u in the limit of infinite R. This had no effect All essential features of the ground-state PES of the
on the stabilization calculations performed in our NaFH system are accurately reproduced by the new
earlier study [5], which were based on enclosing the fit. In particular, the geometry of the vdW minimum,
NaFH system in the coordinate box along the vdW re ˆ 0:9207 A;  Re ˆ 2:4720 A;  ue ˆ 58:92⬚; and the
stretch coordinate R, but would cause problems in the binding energy of the Na· · ·FH complex, 0.079 eV
close-coupling calculations of quasi-bound states below the Na…3s 2 S† ⫹ HF…X 1 S ⫹ † asymptote, agree
reported here. very well with the original results reported in Ref. [8].
Thus, we refitted our earlier PES using the func- The slight disagreement with the binding energy
tional form described by Eq. (5), in which the coeffi- reported in Ref. [5] (0.065 eV) is a consequence of
cients C…a; b; g† satisfy the condition (8). The refitted the fact that the earlier potential reported in Ref. [5]
PES, shown in Fig. 1, involves 125 parameters [121 does not satisfy the condition (8). The new fit predicts
coefficients C…a; b; g† with the maximum values of a , the existence of the saddle point at almost the same
F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60 47

nuclear geometry and at almost the same energy as the values of Rmax is the well-known Sutcliffe–Tennyson
 R ˆ 1:981 A;
original diabatic fit [8] (r ˆ 1:630 A;  Hamiltonian defined in the body-fixed molecular
and u ˆ 81:6⬚; energy ⬃ 10; 200 cm⫺1 above the frame [34]. This Hamiltonian, designated here by
Na ⫹ HF asymptote). HSTJ …r; R; u†; which parametrically depends on the
rotational quantum number J, after integrating over
the bending coordinate u and neglecting small
3. Dynamics of the Na ⫹ HF system below the Coriolis terms, reduces to an effective operator HST ⬅
0 0
reaction threshold: stabilization and close- 储具qk兩HSTJ …r; R; u†兩q k 典储; which operates only on func-
coupling calculations of the vr ⱕ 1 quasi-bound tions of the radial variables r and R. We obtain,
states of the Na···FH molecule
具qk兩HST 兩q 0 k 0 典 ˆ ⫺É2 dq;q 0 dk;k 0
3.1. Stabilization calculations "
1 22 1 22
× ⫹ ⫺ q…q ⫹ 1†
In the boxing variant [31,32] of the stabilization 2m2 2R2 2m1 2r 2
method [33], which we used in our earlier study [5] ( )
and use in this work (primarily to obtain new energy 1 1
positions resulting from refitting the earlier potential), 2m2 R2 2m 1 r 2
the energy positions and widths of resonance states #
are obtained by repeatedly calculating the eigenvalues J…J ⫹ 1† ⫺ 2k2

of the Hamiltonian, while gradually increasing the 2m 2 R 2
volume of the configuration space accessible to a X
molecule (defined by the coordinate box). As ⫹ dk;k 0 gl …q; q 0 ; k†Ul …r; R†; (9)
mentioned in the Introduction, the complex energies l

characterizing individual quasi-bound states are

obtained by constructing the plot of eigenvalues of where q labels the basis functions describing internal
the Hamiltonian regarded as functions of the boxing rotation [the associated Legendre functions 具u兩qk典 ⬅
parameter (the stabilization diagram). The quasi- Q qk …u†Š; k describes the coupling between the internal
bound states are then stabilized as the basis functions and external rotations (k is a good quantum number
sample the outer regions of the interaction potential, only when the Coriolis coupling terms are neglected),
whereas the eigenvalues corresponding to the true m 1 and m 2 are the appropriate reduced masses (m 1 for
continuum states decrease monotonically. This can HF and m 2 for the motion of Na relative to HF), and
be seen in the stabilization diagram, which, in the gl …q; q 0 ; k† ˆ 具qk兩Pl …cos u†兩q 0 k典 …10†
case of the long-lived quasi-bound states, is always
characterized by the very small variation of the eigen- are the Gaunt coefficients [35] describing the coupling
values of the Hamiltonian in some finite regions of between different bending states.
values of the boxing parameter and by the rapid For each value of Rmax, the eigenvalue problem for
HSTJ …r; R; u† or H , Eq. (9), is solved variationally by
changes in the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian in
some other regions of values of the boxing parameter, diagonalizing the matrix representing H ST in a basis
resulting in a series of avoided crossings between set consisting of products of eigenfunctions corre-
different energy curves constituting the stabilization sponding to uncoupled one-dimensional Schrödinger
diagram (see Ref. [5] for examples of stabilization equations describing the low- and high-frequency
diagrams). stretching motions. As in our earlier work [5], the
In the case of the ro-vibrational resonances of basis set functions for the r and R dependencies are
Na· · ·FH, the natural choice of the boxing coordinate obtained by solving the corresponding one-dimen-
is the scattering (or vdW stretching) coordinate R. The sional Schrödinger equation numerically (i.e. on a
size of the coordinate box along R is designated by dense grid of points along the r and R coordinates)
Rmax. The Hamiltonian used to obtain the energies of using the Numerov–Cooley procedure [36]. Since the
the ro-vibrational eigenstates of Na· ··FH for different numerical basis functions obtained in this way are
48 F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60

Table 1
The parameters C…a; b; g† defining the potential energy function V…r; R; u†; Eq. (5), for the ground electronic state of NaFH (in cm ⫺1), used in
this paper. The remaining parameters characterizing V…r; R; u† equal: a1 ˆ 1:15 A  ⫺1 ; a2 ˆ 1:37 A
 ⫺1 ; rr ˆ 0:92 A
 and Rr ˆ 2:47 A

a b g C…a; b; g† a b g C…a; b; g† a b g C…a; b; g†

1 0 0 ⫺431053.165 3 3 1 ⫺8055.999 2 3 4 20791.839

0 1 0 244060.753 1 5 1 2060.010 1 4 4 6163.361
2 0 0 3045963.145 0 1 2 77746.435 0 5 4 ⫺809.809
1 1 0 ⫺1512991.029 1 1 2 ⫺562950.156 5 1 4 ⫺14977.809
0 2 0 ⫺22642.263 2 1 2 1479513.408 4 2 4 15850.609
3 0 0 ⫺7270876.519 3 1 2 ⫺1863553.472 2 4 4 ⫺5397.423
2 1 0 3586158.698 2 2 2 55446.858 1 5 4 510.489
1 2 0 21920.407 4 1 2 1147572.940 0 6 4 127.442
0 3 0 16365.775 3 2 2 ⫺99933.443 1 1 5 18181.747
4 0 0 8022123.387 2 3 2 5682.782 0 2 5 6986.664
3 1 0 ⫺4089703.974 5 1 2 ⫺278286.495 2 1 5 ⫺61752.442
1 3 0 ⫺5437.773 4 2 2 45545.675 1 2 5 ⫺30615.606
0 4 0 ⫺7404.471 3 3 2 ⫺4514.441 0 3 5 ⫺3795.902
5 0 0 ⫺4263328.436 1 5 2 ⫺349.109 3 1 5 63187.378
4 1 0 2258973.955 0 6 2 184.400 2 2 5 60495.750
2 3 0 ⫺10548.986 0 2 3 12361.882 1 3 5 4937.298
1 4 0 4241.534 2 1 3 ⫺92356.753 4 1 5 ⫺19913.483
0 5 0 1724.143 0 3 3 ⫺3841.303 3 2 5 ⫺50880.488
6 0 0 896577.314 3 1 3 289904.292 1 4 5 ⫺3260.463
5 1 0 ⫺485722.315 2 2 3 ⫺138342.116 0 5 5 768.215
4 2 0 ⫺2335.007 1 3 3 33221.263 4 2 5 13480.856
3 3 0 4771.359 0 4 3 ⫺5239.100 2 4 5 2014.629
1 5 0 ⫺654.133 4 1 3 ⫺289333.327 1 5 5 ⫺190.889
0 6 0 ⫺108.499 3 2 3 193822.727 0 6 5 ⫺146.575
0 1 1 ⫺147282.081 2 3 3 ⫺34539.077 0 1 6 ⫺3016.439
1 1 1 885325.358 0 5 3 1473.678 1 1 6 9813.662
0 2 1 32130.767 5 1 3 92608.022 2 1 6 ⫺6765.135
2 1 1 ⫺2006657.112 4 2 3 ⫺69029.198 2 2 6 ⫺4500.326
1 2 1 ⫺88127.897 3 3 3 4493.873 0 4 6 1405.608
0 3 1 ⫺23908.991 2 4 3 5241.361 3 2 6 5502.554
3 1 1 2169812.407 1 5 3 ⫺1249.092 1 4 6 719.483
2 2 1 134180.537 0 6 3 ⫺159.319 0 5 6 ⫺915.199
0 4 1 14937.877 1 1 4 26549.008 3 3 6 ⫺2035.601
4 1 1 ⫺1136579.327 0 2 4 ⫺24451.354 0 6 6 158.938
3 2 1 ⫺102144.218 2 1 4 ⫺49399.110 0 1 7 ⫺650.338
2 3 1 27117.971 1 2 4 51333.519 1 1 7 592.692
1 4 1 ⫺12068.771 0 3 4 12629.976 2 3 7 ⫺1042.506
0 5 1 ⫺2812.615 1 3 4 ⫺34465.672 3 3 7 872.468
5 1 1 233705.956 4 1 4 37183.464 4 1 9 832.893
4 2 1 25777.863 3 2 4 ⫺41086.152 5 1 9 ⫺712.313
2 4 9 7.823

equivalent to many more analytic functions, which are stretch coordinate R to get the converged description
often used in algebraic approaches to an eigenvalue of practically all vr ⱕ 1 quasi-bound states [5].
problem (e.g. eigenstates of harmonic oscillators), it is Without using the numerical basis functions for r
sufficient to use 4 numerical functions for the high- and R (particularly for the latter coordinate), we
frequency stretch coordinate r, 15 analytic functions would have significant problems in saturating the
[associated Legendre functions Q qk …u†] for the bend, energy positions and widths of the vr ˆ 1 resonances
and as little as 60 numerical functions for the vdW with the basis set, since the basis set for R must be
F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60 49

large enough to provide us with a uniform description where

of the ro-vibrational problem over a wide range of 1 ^2 1 ^2 ^
values of the boxing parameter Rmax. The bound ro- KNa–FH …R† ˆ P …R† ⫹ l …R† …13†
2m2 2m2 R2
vibrational states (which are an obvious byproduct of
the stabilization calculations) are much less and
demanding in this regard [5]. 1 2 1 ^2
Other details of the stabilization method used in the KH–F …r† ˆ p^ …r† ⫹ j …^r† …14†
2m 1 2m 1 r 2
present work can be found in the original papers by
Mandelshtam et al. [25,26] and in our earlier work [5]. are the kinetic energy operators for the R and r
Let us only recall that, after obtaining the functions motions, and VNa–FH …r; R; r^ ·R†^ and VH–F …r† are the
En(Rmax) that describe the dependence of the nth intermolecular and diatomic potentials defined by
eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian (9) on the size of the Eqs. (6) and (7), respectively. We use the notation,
coordinate box along R, we invert the functions in which P…R†^ ˆ ⫺iɅ2=2R ⫹ 1=R† and l… ^ R†
^ represent
En(Rmax) to obtain the new functions Rmax,n(E), from the radial momentum and the angular momentum
which we calculate the total phase shift f (E). The operators corresponding to classical motion of the R
calculated phase shift is then fitted to a Breit–Wigner vector and p…r†^ ˆ ⫺iɅ2=2r ⫹ 1=r† and j…^ ^ r† are similar
function after subtracting the background phase shift quantities for the r motion; m 1 and m 2 are the appro-
f b(E), which can be approximated by a low-order priate reduced masses [cf. Eq. (9)].
polynomial. The energy positions and widths are Because of our interest in the dynamics of dissocia-
extracted from the formula tion of the quasi-bound states of Na···FH, we solve the
  Schrödinger equation, …E ⫺ H†C ˆ 0; where H is
E ⫺ Eres defined by Eq. (12), for the partial scattering outgoing
f…E† ˆ arctan 2 ⫹ f b …E†: …11†
G waves, C …⫹†JMp …E; gi ; r; R†; i ˆ 1; …; N open ; which are
the simultaneous eigenfunctions of the total angular
momentum operator J^ ˆ … j^ ⫹ l†
2 ^ 2 ; its z component
J^z ; and the spatial inversion operator I; ^ with the
3.2. Close-coupling calculations
eigenvalues J…J ⫹ 1†É2 ; MÉ; and …⫺1†J p; respectively.
The close-coupling approach and the numerical Each outgoing wave C …⫹†JMp …E; gi ; r; R† is labeled by
procedures used in the calculation of the quasi- the superindex gi ˆ …v; j; l†i ; where v, j, and l are the
bound states of Na· · ·FH are similar to those described quantum numbers representing a specific quantum
in Ref. [37]. Thus, we limit our description to the most state of the Na ⫹ HF system, from which the given
essential elements of the approach, which are relevant partial wave has evolved. We use the notation, in
to the present calculations. which v and j are the vibrational and rotational
We are interested in solving the Schrödinger equa- quantum numbers characterizing the ro-vibrational
tion, …E ⫺ H†C ˆ 0; for the continuum states of the state of the isolated HF molecule having energy
NaFH system, C , where H is the Hamiltonian for e…v; j† and l is the quantum number of the rotation
the relative nuclear motion. In order to describe the of Na relative to HF (labeling the eigenstates of
l^ ; because of the angular momentum addition
configuration of nuclei, we use the standard Jacobi
^ defined in the space-fixed
coordinates, …r; r^ ; R; R†; rules, the allowed values of l depend on the
laboratory frame [r and R are the Jacobi vectors intro- choice of J, p, and j [37]). Finally, we use
duced in Section 2 and …r; r^ † and …R; R† ^ are their N open ⬅ N open …E; J; p† to designate the number of
spherical components]. In these coordinates, the different g ’s that are possible for the given energy
Hamiltonian for the relative nuclear motion takes E, total angular momentum J, and parity p, i.e. the
the following form: number of open dissociation channels Na ⫹
HF…v; j† consistent with the angular momentum
H ⬅ H…r; R† ˆ K H–F …r† ⫹ KNa–FH …R† ⫹ VH–F …r† addition rules and energy conservation, ev; j ⬍ E:
In the close-coupling approach to the atom–diatom
⫹ VNa–FH …r; R; r^ ·R†; …12† scattering, we assume that we can use the finite basis
50 F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60

set, vanish at R ˆ 0; and asymptotically,

^ ˆ {F JMp …r; R†}
F JMp …r; R† ^ Nkˆ1 ; …15† …⫹†Jp m
k Ff …E; gi ; R† ! lf …kf R†df ;i
to describe the dependencies of the scattering waves
C …⫹†JMp …E; gi ; r; R† on all dynamically relevant coor- ⫺ H⫹ Jp
lf …kf r†Sf ;i …E†Š; for f ⱕ N ; …20†
dinates but the scattering coordinate R. We define the
^ in the usual way, namely
basis functions F kJMp …r; R† where H^ lf are the spherical Ricatti–Hankel functions
[38], of the lf-th order,

^ ˆ 1 x…vj† …r†YJMp …^r; R†;

^ 2m 2
F kJMp …r; R† … jl†k …16† kf2 ˆ …E ⫺ e…v; i† f †;
r k
where x…vj† …r† is the radial ro-vibrational function of and SJpf ;i …E† are the elements of the (partial) scattering
the HF molecule and YJMp ^ are the bipolar matrix SJp …E†; which describe all gi ⬅ …v; j; l†i !
… jl† …^
r; R†
harmonics of parity …⫺1† p [39] (i.e. the irreducible
gf ⬅ …v; j; l†f transitions, i; f ˆ 1; …; N open ; between
products of surface spherical harmonics depending on different channels g that are open for given E, J,
r^ and R^ coupled by the appropriate Clebsch–Gordan and p. Because of the angular momentum addition
coefficients). Since the basis functions F kJMp …r; R† ^ rules, the values of lf ˆ lf …J; p; jf † in Eq. (20) depend
must describe all open Na ⫹ HF…v; j† channels, we on J, p, and jf [37]. The components of the vector
require that N ⬎ N open : F…⫹†Jp …E; gi ; R†; corresponding to all closed channels,
In this basis set, the partial scattering outgoing i.e. the radial functions Ff…⫹†Jp …E; gi ; R† with f ⬎
waves, C …⫹†JMp …E; gi ; r; R†; i ˆ 1; …N open ; assume N open ; decay exponentially like H⫹ lf …i兩kf 兩R†:
the following form, The quasi-bound states of the Na· ··FH complex are
detected and characterized by analyzing the energy
C …⫹†JMp …E; gi ; r; R† dependence of the collision-time delay (or collision
lifetime) matrices QJp …E† [40], which are defined as
1 X N
ˆ F …⫹†Jp …E; gi ; R†F fJMp …r; R†; …17† follows:
R f ˆ1 f
d Jp
QJp …E† ˆ iÉ ‰S …E†Š† SJp …E†: …21†
where the N-dimensional vector of the radial dE
functions Ff…⫹†Jp …E; gi ; R†; i.e. F…⫹†Jp …E; gi ; R† ˆ In the case of the quasi-bound states of Na· · ·FH
{Ff…⫹†Jp …E; gi ; R†}Nfˆ1 ; satisfies the system of N studied in this work, which are predominantly the
coupled Schrödinger equations in the scattering Feschbach-type resonances, it is convenient to sepa-
coordinate R, rate out from the matrix QJp …E†; Eq. (21), the matrix
Qres;Jp …E†; whose elements are defined as follows [37]:
‰EI ⫺ HJp …R†ŠF…⫹†Jp …E; gi ; R† ˆ 0: …18†
f ;i …E† ˆ 具F …E; gf †兩PC P‰0;R∞ Š F…⫹†Jp …E; gi †典R ;
The matrix HJp …R† represents the Hamiltonian H,
^ i.e.
Eq. (12), in the basis set F JMp …r; R†; for i; f ˆ 1; …; N open ; (22)
HJp …R† ˆ R F JMp 兩H F JMp ; …19† where P‰0;R∞ Š denotes the projector on the interval
R ^
‰0; R∞ Š and R∞ is the range of the intermolecular
where 具…典r;R^ designates the integration over r and R ^ potential VNa–FH (VNa–FH ⬇ 0 for R ⱖ R∞ ). The
(all coordinates but R). The system of coupled operator PC is the projector on the components of
equations, Eq. (18), for the radial functions F…⫹†Jp …E; gi ; R†; which correspond to all closed
Ff…⫹†Jp …E; gi ; R†; is the essential element of the channels, i.e. …PC †f ;i ˆ df ;i 1…0† for f ⬎ N open
close-coupling approach, and we solve it by numerical …ⱕN open †; and 具…典R designates the integration
integration on a dense grid of R values. over R.
The radial functions Ff…⫹†Jp …E; gi ; R†; f ˆ 1; …; N; The two basic parameters of a quasi-bound state,
F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60 51

i.e. the energy position Eres and the width G , are earlier [5], since we mainly focused on the long-
obtained by fitting the function Tr Q Jp …E† [or lived vr ˆ 1 quasi-bound states, and for these states
Tr Qres;Jp …E†] to the following formula: it is sufficient to use 4 numerical basis functions for
the H–F stretch, 15 basis functions for the bend …q ˆ
G ⫹ 2r…E ⫺ E res †
Tr Qres;Jp …E† ˆ É ⫹ C: …23† 0–14†; and 60 numerical basis functions for the vdW
…E ⫺ Eres †2 ⫹ G 2 =4 stretch in order to obtain the converged values of Eres
The fitting procedure may start from determining the and G . The fact that we used the refitted potential,
maximum E0 in the resonance structure of Tr QJp …E† described in Section 2, had practically no effect on
[or Tr Qres;Jp …E†], followed by calculating the initial the calculated widths of the v r ˆ 1 resonances (within
estimate of the width through the formula G 0 ˆ the accuracy of the stabilization approach employed),
4É=Tr Qres;Jp …E0 †: By calculating a few additional so that we could concentrate on the energy positions,
values of Tr Qres;Jp …E† for the energies E around E0 which slightly changed compared to their earlier
(for example, at E ˆ E0 ^ G 0 =2†; we can determine values [5] (typically, by 5–10 cm ⫺1; cf. Section 4).
all parameters of the fit (23), including Eres and G . The As in the earlier work [5], we varied the boxing para-
stabilization calculations described in Section 3.1, or meter Rmax between 6.5 and 9.0 Å with the steps 0.005
even simple estimates of the resonance energy or 0.01 Å.
positions obtained from perturbative calculations for As in the earlier paper [5], the assignment of
the quasi-bound states [5], are extremely useful in quantum numbers to states that are bound in the adia-
identifying the maxima E0 in the resonance structure batic approximation was achieved by performing a
of Tr Q Jp …E†; particularly when the density of reso- two-step separation of the vibrational modes,
nances in a given energy range is large (as is the case followed by infinite-order perturbative calculations
for the vr ˆ 1 states of Na· ··FH). in which the zero-order problem is defined by the
The partial widths G i, for i ˆ 1; …; N open ; are deter- adiabatic approximation and the non-adiabatic
mined by fitting the individual diagonal elements of coupling terms between different vibrational motions
QJp …E† [or Qres;Jp …E†] to the formula, define the perturbation [27,28]. Let us recall that, in
the first step of this procedure, we separate the high-
Gi frequency H–F stretching mode from the low-
Qres;Jp …E† ˆ É
…E ⫺ Eres †2 ⫹ G 2 =4 frequency stretch and bend motions, obtaining a set
of smaller, two-dimensional effective problems corre-
⫹ Ci…0† ⫹ Ci …E ⫺ Eres †: …24† sponding to different quantum states of the H–F
For the rotationless …J ˆ 0† quasi-bound states of stretch. In the second step, we replace each two-
Na· · ·FH, the index i in the above expression can be dimensional problem in R and u by a system of
identified with the ro-vibrational state of the HF coupled one-dimensional Schrödinger equations in R
molecule, …v; j†i ; since, in this case, l ˆ j (cf. Ref. corresponding to different bending states, which can
[37]). Thus, the ratios G i =G; for i ˆ 1; …; N open ; give be solved variationally or using the close-coupling
us immediately the branching ratios for decay of the approach [5]. The quantum numbers for the high-
J ˆ 0 quasi-bound states of the Na· · ·FH complex into frequency stretch, the bend, and the vdW stretch,
various Na ⫹ HF…v; j† channels. resulting from the above procedure, are designated
Although in the above description, we focused on by vr, vu , and vR, respectively.
the close-coupling calculations for the quasi-bound The ro-vibrational states of HF, …v; j ˆ 0–jmax †;
used to define the basis set functions F kJMp …r; R†;^
states, information about the bound-states can be
obtained from these calculations as well. We refer Eq. (16), and to construct the corresponding close-
the reader to Ref. [37] for further details. coupling expansion (17), were the following: (0,0–
19), (1,0–19), (2,0–17), and (3,0–15). The energies
3.3. The remaining computational details e…v; j† and the corresponding functions x…v; j† …r† were
determined from the HF potential VH–F …r†; Eq. (7)
The stabilization calculations performed in this (the potential of HF extracted from the PES of
study were somewhat easier than those reported NaFH). The system of 74 coupled equations, Eq.
52 F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60

Table 2 Origin 2000 systems from Silicon Graphics (one

The energies of the bound ro-vibrational states of the Na···FH available to us locally, equipped with two 250 MHz
molecule (in cm ⫺1) with the rotational quantum number J ˆ 0:
The energies are given relative to the corresponding Na(3s 2S) ⫹
R10000 processors, and another one, located in
HF(X 1S ⫹; v ˆ 0, j ˆ 0) dissociation thresholds. For the variational Eagan, Minnesota, equipped with 128 300 MHz
and close-coupling calculations performed in this study, these disso- R12000 processors). We benefited from large
ciation thresholds are located at 2698.999 and 2699.015 cm ⫺1 above memories available to us and from using Silicon
the potential minimum, respectively. We use the notation, in which Graphics/Cray Scientific Library routines. Large,
vr, vu , and vR are the vibrational quantum numbers of the H–F
stretch (r), the bend (u ), and the vdW stretch (R), respectively
multi-processor computers turned out to be extremely
useful, since we could divide an effort equivalent to
vr vu vR E (VAR)a E (CC)b hundreds of diagonalizations of the ro-vibrational
Hamiltonian corresponding to different values of
0 0 0 ⫺443.669 ⫺443.648
0 0 1 ⫺338.081 ⫺338.081 Rmax into several independent calculations, which
0 1 0 ⫺266.773 ⫺266.752 could run in parallel on several processors. The
0 0 2 ⫺245.942 ⫺245.941 remaining calculations were performed on Pentium
0 0 3 ⫺168.741 ⫺168.747 PC computers.
0 1 1 ⫺163.979 ⫺163.969
0 0 4 ⫺102.898 ⫺102.898
0 1 2 ⫺77.167 ⫺77.159
0 0 5 ⫺51.455 ⫺51.494 4. Discussion of results
0 2 0 ⫺14.371 ⫺14.427
0 0 6 ⫺5.072 ⫺5.069 In order to test the consistency and correctness of
Numerically exact (i.e. saturated with the basis-set size) ener- our numerical procedures, we first performed the
gies obtained variationally using the Hamiltonian defined by Eq. calculations for the bound states. The results of
(9). The basis set consisting of 4 numerical functions for the high- close-coupling calculations were tested against the
frequency stretch, 15 functions for the bend, and 60 numerical variational approach based on the diagonalization of
functions for the vdW stretch was employed.
The close-coupling calculations using 74 basis functions
the Sutcliffe–Tennyson Hamiltonian, Eq. (9), with the
^ Eq. (16).
F kJMp …r; R†; basis sets that yield the converged bound-state ener-
gies. A comparison of the bound-state energies
obtained in variational and close-coupling calcula-
(18), arising for J ˆ 0; was integrated up to tions is presented in Table 2.
R∞ ˆ 25:5 A,  with the stepsize 0.01 Å. The saturation The results of both calculations agree to within
of the results of the close-coupling calculations, with 0.05 cm ⫺1 and, in most cases, the agreement is even
respect to the size of the basis set F JMp …r; R†;^ Eq. better (the ⬃0.01 cm ⫺1 differences). The bound-state
(15), was investigated by increasing the number of energies obtained here and those reported in Ref. [5]
^ up to 80. All our tests indicate
functions F kJMp …r; R† agree to within 10 cm ⫺1 or better, which is reasonable,
^ obtained
that the final set of 74 functions F kJMp …r; R†; since the accuracy of our previous [5] and present fits
from the HF ro-vibrational states (0, 0–19), (1, 0–19), of PES for energies below the Na…3p 2 P† ⫹
(2, 0–17), and (3, 0–15), gives the fully converged HF…X 1 S ⫹ † asymptote is 5–10 cm ⫺1. The only essen-
results. The collision-time delay matrices Q Jp(E) and tial difference between the present and earlier results
Q res,Jp(E), Eqs. (21) and (22), respectively, and their for the bound-state energies is the appearance of the
energy derivatives (helpful in searching for the reso- …vr ; vu ; vR † ˆ …0; 2; 0† state in the present calculation.
nance energies), were evaluated using the appropriate This additional state increases the total number of the
versions of the generalized log-derivative method J ˆ 0 bound states supported by the shallow
[30,41,42]. minimum on the ground-state PES of NaFH to eleven
All ro-vibrational, stabilization, and close-coupling (the number of bound states obtained earlier [5] was
calculations were performed using our original ten). This is a consequence of the fact that the refitted
computer codes. The most expensive part of the stabi- potential, described in Section 2, is characterized by
lization calculations, i.e. the construction of the stabi- the slightly deeper vdW well and by a better treatment
lization diagrams, was performed on the two different of the asymptotic …R ! ∞† region, compared to the
F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60 53

Table 3 The number of the vr ˆ 0 quasi-bound states stabi-

The energies Eres (in cm ⫺1) relative to the Na(3s 2S) ⫹ HF(X 1S ⫹; lized in the earlier study [5] and the number of the
v ˆ 0, j ˆ 0) dissociation threshold (2699.015 cm ⫺1 above the
potential minimum) and widths G (in cm ⫺1) and the dissociation
vr ˆ 0 resonances obtained in the present close-
pathways of the v r ˆ 0 quasi-bound vibrational …J ˆ 0† states of the coupling calculations differ (eight vr ˆ 0 resonances
Na···FH complex obtained in the close-coupling calculations with with J ˆ 0 were obtained here and ten vr ˆ 0 reso-
^ Eq. (16)
74 basis functions F kJMp …r; R†; nances with J ˆ 0 were obtained in Ref. [5]). It is also
quite difficult to establish the correspondence between
Eres G Branching into Na ⫹ HF(v ˆ 0, j) channels a
the vr ˆ 0 resonances obtained here and in Ref. [5],
jˆ0 1 2 3 4 since the vr ˆ 0 quasi-bound states are not bound in
the adiabatic approximation and no quantum numbers
0.074 ⬍1(⫺5) 1.000 – – – –
7.81 0.536 1.000 – – – –
that could help us can be assigned to them. For this
56.39 0.459 0.999 0.001 – – – reason, in Table 3 we list only the results of the
95.83 0.235 0.682 0.318 – – – present close-coupling calculations, which might be
100.54 0.617 0.353 0.647 – – – somewhat more trustworthy for the low-energy scat-
181.37 1.260 0.118 0.846 0.036 – – tering states near the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j ˆ 0† dissocia-
331.77 0.125 0.026 0.240 0.686 0.048 –
418.07 0.388 0.017 0.137 0.219 0.626 0.000
tion threshold than the stabilization calculations. On
the other hand, there are a few striking similarities
The decay probabilities obtained by calculating the ratios G i =G between the results shown in Table 3 and the energy
for all open channels i (see the text for further details).
positions and widths of the rotationless vr ˆ 0 reso-
nances listed in Table 4 of Ref. [5]. Let us briefly
comment on these similarities.
potential obtained in Ref. [5]. The number of rotation- The states in Table 3 with the energies Eres ˆ
less bound states obtained here is still somewhat 95:83; 181.37, 331.77, and 418.07 cm ⫺1 relative to
smaller than the number of the J ˆ 0 bound states the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j ˆ 0† dissociation threshold
resulting from the calculations reported in Refs. [539.50, 625.04, 775.44, and 861.74 cm ⫺1 relative to
[8,12] (fourteen bound states were obtained in Ref. the …vr ; vu ; vR † ˆ …0; 0; 0† bound state; cf. Tables 2 and
[12]). This might be related to the fact that the calcu- 3] seem to correspond to the quasi-bound vr ˆ 0 states
lations reported in Ref. [12] were based on the with the energies Eres ˆ 528:6 or 541.6, 619.8, 776.6,
complete separability of vibrational motions in the and 857.3 cm ⫺1, relative to the …vr ; vu ; vR † ˆ …0; 0; 0†
internal Jacobi coordinates and neglected terms that bound state, listed in Table 4 of Ref. [5]. For these
couple different modes (cf. Ref. [5] for additional states, the agreement between the widths obtained in
comments). It is, therefore, possible that some the stabilization and close-coupling calculations is
highest-energy bound states obtained in Ref. [12] quite good. Indeed, the close-coupling calculations
belong to the category of the very sharp resonances give 0.235, 1.260, 0.125, and 0.388 cm ⫺1 (see Table
located just above the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j ˆ 0† disso- 3) and the stabilization calculations give 0.267 or
ciation threshold. Resonances of this type are usually 0.181, 1.055, 0.170, and 0.527 cm ⫺1, respectively
characterized by the very small widths and are very (see Table 4 in Ref. [5]). However, there are other
similar to the lowest-energy vr ˆ 0 resonance shown vr ˆ 0 quasi-bound states listed in Table 3, whose
in Table 3. Different ways of performing the ro-vibra- energies are in the immediate vicinity of the Na ⫹
tional calculations may always slightly change the HF…v ˆ 0; j ˆ 0† dissociation threshold, which can
total number of the calculated bound states, if there hardly be identified with the states resulting from
are states in the immediate vicinity of the dissociation the stabilization calculations. Thus, at this point, we
threshold. can only conclude that the stabilization and close-
Although the main purpose of this study is the coupling calculations agree very well for all vr ˆ 0
calculation of the energies, widths, and decay prob- resonances, except for those whose energies are very
abilities of the vr ˆ 1 quasi-bound states, we should close to the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j ˆ 0† threshold. It is quite
comment, at least in a few words, on the results likely that we will never be able to obtain a good
obtained for the vr ˆ 0 resonances (see Table 3). agreement between the results of the stabilization
54 F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60

Table 4 They are, however, important for studies of the non-

The energies and widths (Eres and G , respectively, both in cm ⫺1) of reactive scattering of Na from HF at low collision
the v r ˆ 1 quasi-bound vibrational …J ˆ 0† states of the Na···FH
complex obtained in variational and close-coupling calculations.
energies [6,7] and they may be important in future
The energies are given relative to the corresponding Na(3s 2S) ⫹ spectroscopic studies of the Na· ··FH complex. It is,
HF(X 1S ⫹; v ˆ 0, j ˆ 0) dissociation thresholds. For the variational therefore, encouraging to observe that we can get a
and close-coupling calculations performed in this study, these disso- reasonable and fairly consistent description of many
ciation thresholds are located at 2698.999 and 2699.015 cm ⫺1 above of these states, using the close-coupling and stabiliza-
the potential minimum, respectively. The meaning of vr, vu , and vR
is the same as in Table 2
tion approaches.
When compared to many vr ˆ 1 states, the vr ˆ 0
…VAR† a …CC† c
vr vu vR E res G (VAR)b E res G (CC)c resonances are usually short-lived (their lifetimes are
of an order of 0.01 nanosecond [5]). As the results in
1 0 0 3526.11 0.004 3526.99 0.004
1 0 1 3640.36 0.012 3641.28 0.013 Table 3 indicate, the lowest-energy vr ˆ 0 resonances
1 1 0 3691.18 0.008 3692.01 0.012 dissociate primarily into Na and HF…v ˆ 0; j ˆ 0†:
1 0 2 3744.17 0.017 3745.02 0.016 With the increase of the resonance energy, the disso-
1 1 1 3801.56 0.025 3802.49 0.027 ciation pattern changes in favor of the rotationally
1 0 3 3836.75 0.012 3837.40 0.009
excited …j ˆ 1–3† states of HF. At the same time, the
1 2 0 3884.51 0.028 3885.55 0.030
1 0 4 3903.39 0.015 3904.11 0.010 range of j values that significantly contribute to the
1 1 2 3922.58 0.003 3923.10 0.003 decay of the Na…FH…vr ˆ 0; J ˆ 0† resonances into
1 0 5 3960.88 0.035 3961.46 0.027 the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j† channels increases, from a
1 1 3 3987.65 0.028 3988.25 0.026 single j value for the lowest energy states to 3–4
1 0 6 4011.58 0.009 4011.68 0.003
values of j for the higher-energy vr ˆ 0 resonances
1 2 1 4026.30 0.002 4027.01 0.005
1 x x0 4034.44 0.153 that we managed to identify and characterize.
1 y y0 4134.35 0.698 The energy positions and widths of the vr ˆ 1 reso-
1 z z0 4550.48 0.214 nances obtained in the close-coupling and stabiliza-
a tion calculations are compared in Table 4. The
Numerically exact (i.e. saturated with the basis-set size) ener-
gies obtained using the stabilization method and the variational existence of many long-lived vr ˆ 1 states (t of an
approach employing the Hamiltonian defined by Eq. (9). The order of a nanosecond) has been noticed in Ref. [5]
basis set consisting of 4 numerical functions for the high-frequency and firmly confirmed in the present calculations. Since
stretch, 15 functions for the bend, and 60 numerical functions for the the widths of the vr ˆ 1 quasi-bound states obtained
vdW stretch was employed.
b here, using the stabilization approach, are virtually
Numerically exact (i.e. saturated with the basis-set size) widths
obtained using the stabilization method and the variational approach (within the accuracy of the stabilization method) iden-
employing 4 numerical functions for the H–F stretch, 20 functions tical to those reported earlier [5], the widths resulting
for the bend, and 50 numerical functions for the vdW stretch. The from the stabilization calculations, which are listed in
results taken from Ref. [5]. Table 4, have simply been taken from Ref. [5], where
The close-coupling calculations performed in this study with 74
^ Eq. (16). a very thorough analysis of the basis-set dependence
basis functions F kJMp …r; R†;
of these widths has been carried out. On the other
and close-coupling calculations for the low-energy hand, the energy positions of the vr ˆ 1 resonances
resonances states, whose energy positions and widths are slightly affected by the new fit of PES obtained in
are extremely sensitive to tiny changes in the descrip- this work. Thus, the Eres values listed in Table 4 corre-
tion of the asymptotic part of the corresponding spond to the stabilization and close-coupling calcula-
outgoing waves. From this point of view, it is quite tions performed in this study. It must be emphasized,
interesting and encouraging to see that there is still a however, that the differences between the energies of
reasonable agreement between the results of the stabi- the vr ˆ 1 states obtained here with the refitted PES
lization and close-coupling calculations for the vr ˆ 0 and those obtained in Ref. [5] with the previous fit
states with higher energies. vary only between 1 and 8 cm ⫺1, so that they are
Clearly, the vr ˆ 0 quasi-bound states cannot be not bigger than the standard deviation of the fit of
very important for studies of the photo-induced PES in this energy region.
charge transfer in Na· · ·FH described in Section 1. The most striking observation is that the results of
F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60 55

Table 5
The decay probabilities for the vr ˆ 1 quasi-bound vibrational …J ˆ 0† states of the Na···FH vdW molecule into the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j† channels
resulting from the close-coupling calculations using 74 basis functions F kJMp …r; R†; ^ Eq. (16). The decay probabilities were obtained by
calculating the ratios G i =G for all open channels i (see the text for further details). The Na…FH…v r ˆ 1; vu ; vR † states below the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ
1; j ˆ 0† threshold (predominantly, the Feshbach-type resonances). The meaning of vr, vu , and vR is the same as in Table 2

(vr, vu , vR)

v j (1,0,0) (1,0,1) (1,0,2) (1,0,3) (1,0,4) (1,0,5) (1,0,6) (1,1,0) (1,1,1) (1,2,0) (1,1,2) (1,1,3)

0 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.012 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001
1 0.003 0.004 0.007 0.016 0.012 0.012 0.031 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.003
2 0.003 0.004 0.007 0.015 0.012 0.012 0.032 0.000 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.003
3 0.004 0.005 0.009 0.023 0.017 0.017 0.049 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.009 0.004
4 0.011 0.013 0.023 0.058 0.041 0.042 0.119 0.001 0.003 0.011 0.023 0.009
5 0.019 0.020 0.037 0.098 0.066 0.067 0.198 0.000 0.004 0.016 0.045 0.014
6 0.016 0.016 0.032 0.104 0.061 0.063 0.242 0.000 0.001 0.012 0.087 0.011
7 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.025 0.007 0.009 0.145 0.012 0.019 0.010 0.163 0.023
8 0.119 0.139 0.166 0.096 0.158 0.142 0.013 0.076 0.190 0.166 0.241 0.220
9 0.309 0.308 0.405 0.382 0.455 0.371 0.112 0.086 0.274 0.271 0.115 0.341
10 0.492 0.466 0.298 0.165 0.110 0.251 0.033 0.717 0.460 0.480 0.253 0.350
11 0.021 0.025 0.012 0.010 0.055 0.010 0.007 0.111 0.042 0.021 0.048 0.021
12 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.005 0.001
13 – – 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001

the stabilization and close-coupling calculations for states listed at the bottom of Table 4 and obtained in
the vr ˆ 1 quasi-bound states, which are bound in the close-coupling calculations [the …1; x; x 0 †; …1; y; y 0 †;
the adiabatic approximation (both calculations using and …1; z; z 0 † states]. We could not assign quantum
the same PES), are virtually identical (see Table 4). numbers vr, vu , and vR to these states, so that they
The energy positions resulting from both calculations are, most likely, not bound in the adiabatic approxi-
differ by 1 cm ⫺1 or less. The agreement between the mation. As in the case of some vr ˆ 0 resonances, we
widths obtained in both calculations is excellent as could not precisely determine which higher-energy
well. The fact that two entirely different mathematical vr ˆ 1 quasi-bound states identified in the earlier
formalisms, the stabilization approach, which is stabilization calculations [5] correspond to states
strongly tied to calculations of the ro-vibrational …1; x; x 0 †; …1; y; y 0 †; and …1; z; z 0 † obtained in the present
bound states, and the close-coupling approach, in close-coupling calculations (this is why we left blank
which we directly solve the Schrödinger equation spaces in Table 4). At this point, we can only spec-
for the continuum states, yield almost identical reso- ulate that the vr ˆ 1 state with the energy Eres ˆ
nance energies and widths gives credence to our 4550:48 cm⫺1 above the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j ˆ 0†
earlier prediction of the existence of the long-lived dissociation threshold [designated in Table 4 as
quasi-bound states of Na· ··FH corresponding to exci- …1; z; z 0 †; located at 4994.15 cm ⫺1 above the lowest
tation of the HF fragment to vr ˆ 1. bound state; cf. Tables 2 and 4] corresponds to the
It seems that the very good agreement between the vr ˆ 1 resonance, stabilized in the previous study
results of stabilization and close-coupling calculations [5], with the energy Eres ˆ 4995:7 cm⫺1 above the
is obtained only for the long-lived vr ˆ 1 resonances, (0,0,0) state (see Table 4 in Ref. [5]). The latter
which are characterized by rather small widths G and state has the width G equal to 0.345 cm ⫺1, and the
which are bound in the adiabatic approximation. state with E res ˆ 4550:48 cm⫺1 obtained in the
Larger differences between the calculated resonance present close-coupling calculations has G equal to
energies and widths are observed for the higher- 0.214 cm ⫺1 (see Table 4). Although the remaining
energy v r ˆ 1 states, which are short-lived and two states at the bottom of Table 4 [the …1; x; x 0 † and
which are, most likely, not bound in the adiabatic …1; y; y 0 † states] have energies that look very similar to
approximation. Examples of such states are the three energies of some high-energy v r ˆ 1 states reported
56 F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60

Table 6
Same as Table 4 for the Na…FH…vr ˆ 1; vu ; vR † quasi-bound states
with J ˆ 0 above the Na ⫹ HF(v ˆ 1, j ˆ 0) threshold

(vr, vu , vR)

v j (1,2,1) (1,x,x 0 ) (1,y,y 0 ) (1,z,z 0 )

0 0 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000

1 0.006 0.001 0.000 0.000
2 0.006 0.001 0.000 0.000
3 0.007 0.001 0.000 0.000
4 0.017 0.003 0.000 0.000
5 0.026 0.005 0.000 0.001
6 0.020 0.005 0.000 0.002
7 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.004
8 0.172 0.004 0.001 0.015
9 0.424 0.014 0.002 0.052
10 0.174 0.009 0.000 0.118
11 0.117 0.000 0.001 0.100
12 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.062
13 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.050
1 0 0.000 0.953 0.272 0.005
1 – – 0.723 0.044
2 – – – 0.036
0 14 – – – 0.008
1 3 – – – 0.462
4 – – – 0.039

in the previous stabilization study [5], the widths

obtained in both calculations differ too much to
make any reasonable claims at this point. The reasons
for the observed differences between the results of the
present close-coupling calculations and earlier stabi-
lization calculations for the short-lived vr ˆ 1 states Fig. 2. The probabilities of decay of the vr ˆ 1 quasi-bound states of
that are not bound in the adiabatic approximation [5] the Na···FH complex, which are bound in the adiabatic approxima-
will be investigated in the future. tion, into the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j† channels: (a) the …vr ˆ 1; vu ˆ
Interestingly enough, practically all vr ˆ 1 states, 0; vR † states with vR ˆ 0–6; (b) the remaining …vr ˆ 1; vu ; vR † reso-
which are bound in the adiabatic approximation (and
characterized by the well-defined quantum numbers vr,
vu , and vR), are located below the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j ˆ resonances: all or practically all J ˆ 0 quasi-bound
0† threshold (cf. Tables 4 and 5). The only exception is states …vr ; vu ; vR †; which are bound in the adiabatic
the (1,2,1) state, which appears to be bound in the adia- approximation, have energy positions located below
batic approximation in spite of the fact that its energy the Na ⫹ HF…v; j ˆ 0† threshold with v ˆ vr : This rule
seems to lie above the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j ˆ 0† seems to work for the vr ˆ 1 resonances and it clearly
threshold (this may be caused by several factors, e.g. works for all vr ˆ 0 states studied in this work [indeed,
the inaccuracies in our PES). The states that are not the vr ˆ 0, J ˆ 0 states, which have energies below the
bound in the adiabatic approximation [for example, Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j ˆ 0† threshold, are bound, so that
the …1; x; x 0 †; …1; y; y 0 †; and …1; z; z 0 † states in Tables 4 they are automatically bound in the adiabatic approxi-
and 6] have energies above the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j ˆ mation]. It might be interesting to look at other systems
0† dissociation threshold. It seems, therefore, that and other states of Na···FH to see to what extent this rule
there is a simple rule that applies to the Na···FH is general.
F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60 57

The fact that the rotationless vr ˆ 1 states, which izing the product HF…v ˆ 0; j† molecules and the
are bound in the adiabatic approximation, lie below quantum numbers characterizing the vr ˆ 1 quasi-
the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j ˆ 0† threshold and that the J ˆ bound states, which are bound in the adiabatic approx-
0; vr ˆ 1 states, which are not bound in the adiabatic imation (see Table 5 and Fig. 2). It seems that excita-
approximation, have energies above the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ tion of the vdW stretching mode (from vR ˆ 0 to 6)
1; j ˆ 0† threshold has an effect on the dissociation broadens the range of j values characterizing the final
pathways of the vr ˆ 1 states. The vr ˆ 1 states, Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j† channels and shifts the average j
which are bound in the adiabatic approximation, value towards j ˆ 0; from three values of j … j ˆ
decay into the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j† channels (see 8–10† that give the significant decay probabilities
Table 5). The remaining vr ˆ 1 states decay into the for vR ˆ 0 to about nine values of j … j ˆ 1–7; 9; 10†
Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j† and Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j† channels that essentially contribute to the rotational product
(see Table 6). distribution for vR ˆ 6 [cf. Table 5 and Fig. 2a]. Even-
These different dissociation pathways of the vr ˆ 1 tually, when vR ⬎ 6; so that the corresponding vr ˆ 1
states below and above the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j ˆ 0† states of Na· ··FH are no longer bound in the adiabatic
threshold have interesting implications on the approximation, we observe a significant redistribution
observed distributions of the final j values. Indeed, of the final j values, with j ˆ 0 or 1 being now the
since the vr ˆ 1 states of Na· · ·FH, which are bound dominant channels, since most of the energy released
in the adiabatic approximation, cannot decay into the in the decay of the Na…FH…vr ˆ 1; J ˆ 0† states,
Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j† channels, the large amount of the which lie above the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j ˆ 0† threshold,
vibrational energy stored in these states (ca. remains stored in the vibrationally excited, HF…v ˆ
4000 cm ⫺1) must partially be converted into signifi- 1; j†; molecules. It seems that excitation of the bend
cant rotational excitation of the HF product molecule. has a small effect on the final rotational product distri-
The results in Table 5 confirm this expectation (see, bution. Larger effect is observed only when excitation
also, Fig. 2). The rotationally excited HF…v ˆ 0; j† of the bend is accompanied by excitation of the vdW
molecules, with j as high as 9–11, are the dominant stretch [as in the case of the (1,1,2) state, which
products of the decay of the Na…FH…vr ˆ 1; J ˆ 0† dissociates into Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j† channels with j ˆ
resonances below the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j ˆ 0† 4–11; cf. Table 5 and Fig. 2b].
threshold. On the other hand, the lowest energy
Na…FH…vr ˆ 1; J ˆ 0† states, which are not bound
in the adiabatic approximation and lie above the Na ⫹ 5. Summary and concluding remarks
HF…v ˆ 1; j ˆ 0† threshold [the …1; x; x 0 †; …1; y; y 0 †;
and …1; z; z 0 † states in Tables 4 and 6] decay primarily A highly reliable analytical representation of the
into the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j† states with low j values potential energy function for the ground electronic
[e.g. j ˆ 0 in the case of the …1; x; x 0 † state, or j ˆ state of the NaFH system was used to evaluate the
0; 1 in the case of the …1; y; y 0 † state]. The HF…v ˆ energies and widths of the quasi-bound ro-vibrational
1; j† molecules with larger j values [e.g. j ˆ 3 in the states of the Na· · ·FH vdW complex. An emphasis was
case of the …1; z; z 0 † state] are produced only when the placed on a comparison of the previously published
energy Eres of a given vr ˆ 1 resonance is significantly [5] and newly obtained results of the stabilization
above the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j ˆ 0† threshold. This calculations with the results of the converged close-
resembles the decay patterns observed for the vr ˆ 0 coupling calculations. The probabilities of decay of
resonances, which decay into the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j† the quasi-bound states of Na· · ·FH into individual
channels with small j values only if their energy posi- Na ⫹ HF…v; j† channels were obtained using the
tions are just above the corresponding Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ close-coupling approach. Although we focused on
0; j ˆ 0† dissociation threshold [for other vr ˆ 0 reso- the quasi-bound states, in which the HF fragment in
nances, with larger energies Eres, the rotationally the complex is excited to vr ˆ 1; information about
excited HF…v ˆ 0; j† molecules are obtained]. the lower-energy vr ˆ 0 resonances and bound states
Finally, we would like to comment on the relation- was obtained and analyzed as well.
ship between the distribution of j values character- It was demonstrated that the converged stabilization
58 F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60

calculations, using the approach developed by values characterizing the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j† channels,
Mandelshtam et al. [25,26] and exploited earlier in into which the Na…FH…vr ˆ 1; J ˆ 0) states that are
Ref. [5], and the closed-coupling calculations, based bound in the adiabatic approximation decay.
on the ideas and algorithms described in Refs. In the future, we hope to be able to extend our
[30,37,41,42] and in Section 3 of this paper, lead to close-coupling calculations to vr ˆ 2 states, at least
virtually identical results for all bound and vr ˆ 1 to those vr ˆ 2 states, which are bound in the adia-
quasi-bound states, which are bound in the adiabatic batic approximation [below the Na…3s 2 S† ⫹
approximation. The results of the close-coupling HF…X 1 S ⫹ ; v ˆ 2; j ˆ 0† threshold]. Information
calculations for the vr ˆ 0 resonances, which do not about some of these states has already been provided
lie in the immediate vicinity of the Na(3s 2S) ⫹ in our earlier work [5], and we hope that this informa-
HF(X 1S ⫹; v ˆ 0, j ˆ 0) dissociation threshold, also tion will facilitate the close-coupling calculations for
turned out to be very similar to those obtained with the the vr ˆ 2 states. The close-coupling calculations
stabilization method. Larger differences between both become a lot easier, if the approximate energy posi-
types of calculations were observed only for the tions of the quasi-bound states of interest are a priori
v r ˆ 1 resonances above the Na…3s 2 S† ⫹ HF…X 1 S ⫹ ; known.
v ˆ 1; j ˆ 0† threshold and for the vr ˆ 0 resonances The detailed information about energies, widths,
in the immediate vicinity of the Na…3s 2 S† ⫹ and dissociation pathways of the vr ˆ 1 and 2 reso-
HF…X 1 S ⫹ ; v ˆ 0; j ˆ 0† threshold. nances provided here and in Ref. [5], particularly
The excellent agreement between the fully about the states, which are characterized by the longer
converged close-coupling and stabilization calcula- lifetimes, may play a critical role in assessing the
tions for the vr ˆ 1 quasi-bound states, which are feasibility of the experiment mentioned in Section 1
bound in the adiabatic approximation, means that and in Refs. [5,24] in which excitation of the H–F
we can rely on either method, if we are to provide stretching mode in the complex prior to electronic
the most essential characteristics (energy positions excitation of Na· · ·FH could be used to explore new
and widths) of these states. In particular, our earlier dynamical scenarios for the photo-induced charge
claim that there exist many long-lived resonances that transfer in vdW molecules. Information about the
correspond to excitation of the H–F mode in the vr ⬎ 0 quasi-bound states may also be useful in accu-
complex to vr ˆ 1 has now a very solid support in rate state-to-state description of the ground-state
the form of the results of very accurate close-coupling Na ⫹ HF ! NaF ⫹ H reaction [22,23] (for the
calculations. experimental studies of this reaction, see Refs. [18–
We noticed that practically all vr ˆ 1 states of 20]). The vr ˆ 0 resonances are essential for the
Na· ··FH, which are bound in the adiabatic approxima- understanding of the non-reactive scattering of the
tion, have energies below the Na…3s 2 S† ⫹ Na atoms from the HF…v ˆ 0; j† molecules [6,7].
HF…X 1 S ⫹ ; v ˆ 1; j ˆ 0† dissociation threshold. The fact that we now have a reliable theoretical
The vr ˆ 1 states above the Na…3s 2 S† ⫹ methodology at hand that allows us to extract reason-
HF…X 1 S ⫹ ; v ˆ 1; j ˆ 0† threshold are not bound in ably accurate information about the ro-vibrational
the adiabatic approximation. Clearly, a similar remark resonances of the Na· ··FH vdW molecule means
applies to the vr ˆ 0 resonances, which must necessa- that, in the future, we may be able to provide a great
rily lie above the corresponding Na…3s 2 S† ⫹ deal of information about the dynamics of other
HF…X 1 S ⫹ ; v ˆ 0; j ˆ 0† threshold (otherwise, the complexes formed by the alkali and alkaline-earth
vr ˆ 0 states would be the bound states). metal atoms and halides, which have recently been
We demonstrated that the vr ˆ 1 quasi-bound studied in several laboratories [11,43–59].
states, which are bound in the adiabatic approxima-
tion, decay into the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 0; j† channels with
large j values. The states above the Na…3s 2 S† ⫹ Acknowledgments
HF…X 1 S ⫹ ; v ˆ 1; j ˆ 0† threshold primarily decay
into the Na ⫹ HF…v ˆ 1; j† channels. The excitation One of us (PP) would like to thank Profs Henryk
of the vdW stretching mode increases the range of j Ratajczak and Austin Barnes for the invitation to
F. Mrugała et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 555 (2000) 43–60 59

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