13 - Project Unit 3 - Planning Sheet

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Nombre: _______________________________________________________ Período: _______

Project Due Date: _____________________________ Today’s Date: ______________________

Project Planning Sheet
Mi Rutina Diaria (a speaking/presentational project)

I am going to use at least these reflexive These are the conjugations for the reflexive
verbs in my project: verbs in my project:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Add to your reflexive verbs and reflexive pro- Add a sequencing word to some of your sen-
nouns a time, frequency, or duration word. tences. (first, then, next, later, finally)
(at a specific time, in the morning, afternoon,
or evening, sometimes, never, always)

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Now, combine your reflexive pronouns, reflexive verbs, time, frequency, duration, and se-
quencing words all together to form sentences. This will give you 5 slides of the 8 required



Nombre: _______________________________________________________ Período: _______
Project Due Date: _____________________________ Today’s Date: ______________________


Please note:

· 20 points will be taken off for obvious use of a translator.

· 5 points per slide will be taken off if you are missing slides (8 total).
· 1 point per picture will be taken off if you are missing pictures (1 picture per slide).
· 40 points will be taken off if you do not record your presentation using Screencastify or
Screencast-O-Matic (you only submit the PowerPoint slides).
Slide # ✔️Picture? Information/Complete Sentences
1 Title Page w/ Picture Summarizing Your Daily Routine
“Un Proyecto por _____ __________”

✔️Checklist Check off when you have completed each task.

Nombre: _______________________________________________________ Período: _______
Project Due Date: _____________________________ Today’s Date: ______________________

I used some sequencing words like first, next, then, last, etc.
I specified at what time I do some various activities. (A la…, a las…)
I used some frequency words like sometimes, always, never, etc.
I used at least 5 conjugated reflexive verbs in my project.
I used at least 5 vocabulary words (not reflexive verbs) in my project.
I highlighted or made bold the reflexive verbs and vocabulary words in my
I demonstrated one example in which I correctly used a direct object pronoun
(DOP). This slide will need to have 2 sentences: 1 introducing the object and 1
replacing the object with a DOP.
I have at least one sentence per slide and on one slide I have two sentences.
I have one picture for each slide.
I used proper capitalization, accents and punctuation in my sentences.

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