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SA - 130

Seat Total No. of Pages : 3


Third Year of Three Year Law Course (Semester - V) and

Fifth Year of Five Year Law Course (Semester - IX) (CBCS)
Examination, January - 2023
Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act (Paper - I)
Sub. Code : 74823/74859/67363/67333/51098/51123
Day and Date : Wednesday, 18 - 01 - 2023 Total Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 01.30 p.m.
Instructions :
gyMZm … 1) Attempt any four questions from Q.No. 1 to 7.
àý H«$_m§H$ 1 Vo 7 _Yrb H$moUVohr Mma àý {bhm.
2) Q.No. 8 is compulsory.
àý H«$_m§H$ 8 A{Zdm`© Amho.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb AmH$S>o nyU© JwU Xe©dVmV.
4) In case of ambiguity in the Marathi question or ambiguity in the words/
terms used in the Marathi question, the corresponding English
question shall be considered.
àíZn{ÌHo$_Ü`o _amR>r ^mfoVrb àíZm_Ü`o H$mhr g§{X½YVm Agë`mg AWdm `mo½`
eãX CnbãY Zgë`mg B§J«Or àíZ J¥hrV YaUoV `oB©b.

Q1) Explain Decree and Order. Elaborate the distinction between Decree and Order.
hþHy$_Zm_m d AmXoe `m§Mr ì`m»`m d Ë`m§À`mVrb \$aH$ ñnï> H$am.

Q2) Explain the relevant provisions under the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 relating
to parties to the suit. [15]
{XdmUr à{H«$`m g§{hVm 1908 Zwgma Xmì`m_{Yb njH$mam§À`m g§~§{YV VaVwXr ñnï> H$am.

Q3) Define Pleadings and discuss the rules of pleadings. [15]

dmXH$WZmMr ì`m»`m {bhm d Ë`m g§X^m©Vrb {Z`_ ñnï> H$am.

SA - 130
Q4) Explain Ex-parte Decree and elaborate what remedies are available to the
Defendant. [15]
EH$V\$s© hþHy$_Zm_m åhUOo H$m`? d Ë`m g§X^m©V à{VdmXrg CnbãY Agbobo Cnm` `m§Mr MMm© H$am.

Q5) Explain the concept of execution of decree. Discuss the various modes of
execution of decrees. [15]
hþHw$_Zmå`mÀ`m A§_b~OmdUrMr g§H$ënZm d A§_b~OmdUrÀ`m {d{dY nÕVr ñnï> H$am.

Q6) Write a note on provisions relating to suits by or against Partnership firms.

^mJrXmar g§ñWm§Zr qH$dm Ë`m§À`m {dê$Õ Ho$boë`m Xmì`m g§X^m©Vrb VaVwXtMr MMm© H$am.

Q7) Explain Legal Disability under the Indian Limitation Act 1963. [15]
_wXV A{Y{Z`_ 1963 A§VJ©V d¡Y {Z…g_W©Vm `mda MMm© H$am.

Q8) Explain the following OR Answer in one/two sentences (Any 5) :[5 × 2 = 10]
Imbrb àíZmMo ñnï>rH$aU qH$dm CÎma EH$/XmoZ dmŠ`mV {bhm. (H$moUVohr 5)
a) Meaning of Caveat.
""'gmdYmZ nÌ'' `mMm AW© gm§Jm.
b) Meaning of Injunction.
""_ZmB©hþHy$_'' `mMm AW© {bhm.
c) Mention the maximum adjournments that can be granted by the court to
a party during the hearing of the suit under order 17 subrule (1) of CPC,
{XdmUr à{H«$`m g§{hVm 1908 À`m AmXoe 17 Cn{Z`_ (1) AÝd`o Xmì`mÀ`m gwZmdUrXaå`mZ
Ý`m`mb`mH$Sy>Z njH$mambm OmñVrV OmñV {H$Vr doim VhHw$~r XoVm `oB©b ho gm§Jm.
d) Mention the classes of suits in which suits may be divided for the purpose
of territorial jurisdiction of a court.
{XdmUr Ý`m`mb`mÀ`m A{YH$majoÌmgmR>r {XdmUr ñdê$nmÀ`m Xmì`m§Mo dJuH$aU Z_yX H$am.

SA - 130
e) Meaning of Suit.
Xmdm `mMm AW©.
f) Receiver
g) Meaning of reference
{ZX}eZ `mMm AW©.
h) Meaning of review
nwZ{d©bmoH$Z `mMm AW©.
i) Meaning of Summons
g_Ýg `mMm AW©.
j) Meaning of interrogatories.
naràíZn{ÌH$m `mMm AW©.


SA - 134
Seat Total No. of Pages : 2

Fifth Year of the Five Year Law Course (Semester - X)

Third Year of the Three Year Law Course (Semester-VI) (CBCS)
Examination, January - 2023
Sub. Code : 74830/74866/67369/67339/51104/59190
Day and Date : Saturday, 21 - 01 - 2023 Total Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 01.30 p.m.
Instructions: 1) Attempt any four questions from Q. No. 1 to 7.
gy M Zm: à. H«$‘m§H$ 1 Vo 7 ‘Yrb H$moUVohr Mma àíZ {bhm.
2) Q. No. 8 is compulsory.
à. H«$‘m§H$ 8 A{Zdm¶© Amho.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb AmH$S>o nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
4) In case of any ambiguity in Marathi version of the Question Paper
due to unavailability of proper Legal Words, Pharses etc. the same
question in English Version shall be taken into account.
¶mo½¶ H$m¶Xoera eãX, dm³àMma B˶mXr CnbãY Zgë¶m‘wio àíZn{ÌHo$À¶m ‘amR>r Amd¥ÎmrV
H$mhr g§{X½YVm AmT>ië¶mg B§JO« r Amd¥ÎmrVrb VmoM àíZ {dMmamV KoVbm OmB©b.

Q1) What is Intellectual Property? Write in detail various kinds of intellectual

property. [15]
~m¡pÕH$ g§nXm åhUOo H$m¶? {d{dY àH$maÀ¶m ~m¡pÕH$ g§nÎmr~Ôb Vnerbdma {bhm.
Q2) Write Historical Development of Intellectual Property Law. Elaborate other
International Agreements, Conventions and Enforcement Mechanism dealing
with Specific Intellectual Properties. [15]
~m¡pÕH$ g§nXm H$m¶X²¶mMm Eo{Vhm{gH$ {dH$mg {bhm. {d{eï> ~m¡pÕH$ JwUY‘mªer g§~§{YV BVa Am§Vaamï´>r¶
H$ama, A{YdoeZo Am{U A§‘b~OmdUr ¶§ÌUm {dñV¥V H$am.
Q3) Explain in detail the procedure for filing Patent Application under the Patents
Act 1970. [15]
noQ>§Q> H$m¶Xm 1970 A§VJ©V noQ>§Q> AO© XmIb H$aʶmÀ¶m à{H«$¶oMo Vnerbdma dU©Z H$am.
Q4) Explain the concept trademark with its characteristics and discuss effects of
registration of trademark. [15]
ì¶mnma{ZemUMr g§H$ënZm ˶mÀ¶m d¡{eï²>¶m§gh ñnï> H$am Am{U ì¶mnma{ZemUÀ¶m Zm|XUrÀ¶m n[aUm‘m§Mr
MMm© H$am.

SA – 134
Q5) Discuss briefly historical development of copyright law and explain subject
and criteria of protection under copyright law. [15]
H$m°nramBQ> H$m¶X²¶mÀ¶m Eo{Vhm{gH$ {dH$mgmMr WmoS>³¶mV MMm© H$am Am{U H$m°nramBQ> H$m¶X²¶mÀ¶m
A§VJ©V g§ajUmMo {df¶ Am{U {ZH$f ñnï> H$am.

Q6) Write a full note on Infringement of copyright. [15]

H$m°nramBQ>À¶m C„§KZmda g§nyU© Q>rn {bhm.

Q7) Explain the concept ‘Patent’ & discuss the position of patent law in India.[15]
"noQ>§Q>' g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am Am{U ^maVmVrb noQ>§Q> H$m¶X²¶mÀ¶m pñWVr~Ôb MMm© H$am.

Q8) Explain the following OR Answer in One/Two Sentences (Any Five)[5×2=10]

Imbrb ñnï> H$am qH$dm EH$/XmoZ dm³¶mV CÎma Úm. (H$moU˶mhr nmM)
a) Personality Theory
ì¶{º$‘Ëd {gÕm§V
b) Trade Secrets
ì¶mnma Jw{nVo
c) Joint authorship
g§¶wº$ boIH$Ëd
d) Well-Known Trademarks
gwà{gÕ ì¶mnma {ZemU
e) Doctrine of Fair Use
ݶm¶ dmnamMm {gÕm§V
f) Right of Paternity
{nV¥ËdmMm h¸$
g) Invented Word
eãXmMm emoY
h) Inventive Step
H$ënH$ nmD$b/emoY
i) Patentee
j) Infringement of Patents
noQ>§Q²>gMo C„§KZ

SA - 137
Seat Total No. of Pages : 3

Fifth Year of the Five Year Law Course (Semester - IX)

Third Year of the Three Year Law Course (Semester -V)
Examination, January - 2023
Industrial Laws
Sub. Code: 74825/74861/67365/67335/51100/51125
Day and Date : Monday, 23- 01 - 2023 Total Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any four questions from Q.No 1 to 7.
2) Q.No. 8 is compulsory.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) In case of ambiguity in the Marathi question or ambiguity in the words/
terms used in the Marathi question, the corresponding English question
shall be considered.

Q1) What is ‘Industrial Jurisprudence’? Explain the basic principles of labour


legislation in India. [15]

Q2) Write in detail the procedure for registration of trade union under Trade Union
Act, 1926. [15]

Q3) Define Unfair Labour Practices. State the powers of court, Labour Courts
and Industrial Court including penalties under the MRTU and PULP Act,
1971. [15]

Q4) What is standing order and procedure for certification standing order? [15]

Q5) Explain various settlement machineries under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.

Q6) What is Retrenchment? Explain the conditions and procedure for

Retrenchment. [15]

SA - 137
Q7) What are the permissible deductions from the wages of employees governed
under The Payment of Wages Act 1936. [15]

Q8) Explain the following or Answer in one two sentences (any five): [5×2=10]
a) Define Award.
b) Explain Components of minimum wages.
c) Define Public Utility Services.
d) Define Industrial Dispute.
e) Who is Certified Officer?
f) Which sections related to Illegal strike and lock out?
g) Define Trade Union.
h) Explain Collective Bargaining.
i) Define the term apprenticeship.
j) Define layoff.

‘amR>r ê$nm§Va

gyMZm … 1) àíZ H«$‘m§H$ 1 Vo 7 ‘Yrb H$moUVohr Mma àíZ gmoS>dm.

2) àíZ H«$‘m§H$ 8 A{Zdm¶© Amho.
3) COdrH$S>rb AmH$S>o nyU© JwU Xe©dVmV.
4) àýn{ÌHo$‘ܶo ‘amR>r ^mfoVrb àým‘ܶo H$mhr g§{X½YVm Agë¶mg AWdm ¶mo½¶ eãX CnbãY
Zgë¶mg B§J«Or àý J¥hrV YaʶmV ¶oB©b.

à. 1) ‘Am¡Úmo{JH$ ݶm¶emñÌ’ åhUOo H$m¶? H$m‘Jma H$m¶ÚmMr ‘yb^yV VÎdo ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 2) Q>o´S> ¶w{Z¶Z H$m¶Xm, 1926 A§VJ©V Q>o´S> ¶w{Z¶ZMr Zm|XUr H$aʶmMr à{H«$¶m Vnerbdma {bhm. [15]

SA - 137
à. 3) A¶mo½¶ l‘ nÕVr n[a^m{fV H$am. E‘AmaQ>r¶y Am{U nr¶yEbnr H$m¶Xm, 1971 A§VJ©V X§S>mgh ݶm¶mb¶,
H$m‘Jma ݶm¶mb¶o Am{U Am¡Úmo{JH$ ݶm¶mb¶mMo A{YH$ma gm§Jm. [15]

à. 4) ñWm¶r Am°S>©aMr ì¶m»¶m H$am. ñWm¶r Am°S>©aÀ¶m à‘mUrH$aUmMr à{H«$¶m ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 5) Am¡Úmo{JH$ {ddmX H$m¶Xm, 1947 A§VJ©V {d{dY goQ>b‘|Q> ‘erZar ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 6) [aQ>o´M‘|Q> åhUOo H$m¶? [aQ´>oM‘|Q> Mr AQ>r Am{U à{H«$¶m ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 7) no‘Q| > Am°’$ doOBg A°³Q> 1936 A§VJ©V em{gV H$‘©Mma²¶m§À¶m doVZmVyZ AZwk¶o H$nmVr H$m¶ AmhoV?[15]

à. 8) Imbrb àý ñnï> H$am qH$dm EH$-XmoZ dm³¶mV CÎmao Úm. [5×2=10]

A) AdmS>© n[a^m{fV H$am.
~) {H$‘mZ doVZmMo KQ>H$ ñnï> H$am.

H$) gmd©O{ZH$ Cn¶mo{JVm godm n[a^m{fV H$am.

S>) Am¡Úmo{JH$ {ddmX n[a^m{fV H$am.
B) g{Q>©’$mBS> Am°{’$ga.
’$) ~oH$m¶Xoera g§n Am{U bm°H$ AmCQ>er g§~§{YV H$moUVo {d^mJ AmhoV?
¶) Q´>oS> ¶w{Z¶ZMr ì¶m»¶m H$am.
a) H$bop³Q>d ~mJ}qZJ Mo ñnï>rH$aU Úm.
b) Aà|{Q>g{en ¶m eãXmMr ì¶m»¶m H$am.
d) Q>mio~§XrMr ì¶m»¶m H$am.


SA - 135
Seat Total No. of Pages : 3

Fifth Year of Five Year Law Course (Semester - X) & Third Year of
Three Year Law Course (Semester - VI) (CBCS)
Examination, January - 2023
Social Security Laws (Paper- III)
Sub. Code: 74831/74867/67370/67340/51105/51129
Day and Date : Tuesday, 24- 01 - 2023 Total Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any four questions from Q. No 1 to 7
2) Q.No. 8 is Compulsory.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) In case of ambiguity in Marathi question or ambiguity in the words/
terms used in the Marathi question, the corresponding English question
shall be considered.

Q1) What do you mean by Social Security? Discuss various principles of social

security legislation? [15]

Q2) Explain various grounds regarding employer’s liability to pay the compensation
under the Employees Compensation Act, 1923? When the employer shall not
be liable to pay compensation? [15]

Q3) Explain various provisions regarding health and safety of workers under
Factories Act, 1948? [15]

Q4) Explain various Benefits provided under Employees State Insurance Act, 1948.

Q5) What do you mean by ‘Maternity Benefit’? Explain powers and duties of
Inspectors under The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. [15]

Q6) Discuss the provisions of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act,
1986 regarding ‘Regulation of Conditions of Work of Children’. [15]
SA - 135
Q7) Define object, scope and kinds of Provident Fund under Provident Fund and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. [15]

Q8) Explain the following or Answer in One/Two Sentences (any five): [5×2=10]
a) Unorganized sector.
b) Theory of notional extension.
c) Occupier.
d) Total Disablement.
e) Objective of Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.
f) National Social Security Board under The Unorganized Workers and
Social Security Act, 2008.
g) Employers obligations under the Maternity Benefit Act.
h) Manufacturing process.
i) Objective of Employees Compensation Act 1923.

j) Objective of Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.

‘amR>r ê$nm§Va

gyMZm … 1) àíZ H«$‘m§H$ 1 Vo 7 ‘Yrb H$moUVohr Mma àíZ gmoS>dm.

2) àíZ H«$‘m§H$ 8 A{Zdm¶© Amho.
3) COdrH$S>rb AmH$S>o nyU© JwU Xe©dVmV.
4) àíZn{ÌHo$‘ܶo ‘amR>r ^mfoVrb àíZm‘ܶo H$mhr g§{X½YVm Agë¶mg AWdm ¶mo½¶ eãX
CnbãY Zgë¶mg B§J«Or àíZ J¥hrV YaʶmV ¶oB©b.

à. 1) gm‘m{OH$ gwajm åhUOo H$m¶? gm‘m{OH$ gwajm H$m¶X²¶mÀ¶m {d{dY VËdm§Mr MMm© H$am? [15]

à. 2) H$m‘Jma ^anmB© A{Y{Z¶‘, 1923 A§VJ©V {Z¶moº$m H$moU˶m n[apñWVr‘ܶo ZwH$gmZ ^anmB© Xoʶmg
O~m~Xma Amho? {Z¶moº$m ZwH$gmZ ^anmB© Xoʶmg H$Yr O~m~Xma amhUma Zmhr? [15]

SA - 135
à. 3) H$maImZm A{Y{Z¶‘, 1948 A§VJ©V H$m‘Jmam§À¶m Amamo½¶ Am{U gwa{jVVo~m~VÀ¶m {d{dY VaVwXr ñnï>
H$am? [15]

à. 4) H$‘©Mmar amÁ¶ {d‘m A{Y{Z¶‘, 1948 A§VJ©V àXmZ Ho$bobo {d{dY ’$m¶Xo ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 5) "àgy{V{df¶H$ bm^' åhUOo H$m¶? àgy{V{df¶H$ A{Y{Z¶‘ 1961 A§VJ©V {ZarjH$m§À¶m eº$s Am{U
Am{U H$V©ì¶o ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 6) ~mb H$m‘Jma (à{V~§Y Am{U {d{Z¶‘Z) A{Y{Z¶‘, 1986 ‘Yrb ~mbH$m§À¶m H$m‘mÀ¶m A{YH$mamMo
MMm© H$am. [15]

à. 7) H$‘©Mmar ^{dî¶ {Zdm©h {ZYr Am{U g§H$sU© Cn~§Y A{Y{Z¶‘, 1952 A§VJ©V ^{dî¶ {Zdm©h {ZYrMo
C{Ôï>, ì¶már Am{U àH$ma n[a^m{fV H$am. [15]

à. 8) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao EH$/ XmoZ dm³¶mV ñnï> H$am (H$moUVohr nmM) [5×2=10]
A) Ag§K{Q>V joÌ

~) H$mën{ZH$ {dñVmamMm {gÕm§V

H$) H$m¶©MmbH$
S>) g§nyU© An§JËd
B) ~mbH$m‘Jma (à{V~§Y Am{U {Z¶‘Z) A{Y{Z¶‘, 1986 Mo C{Ôï>
’$) Ag§K{Q>V H$m‘Jma Am{U gm‘m{OH$ gwajm H$m¶Xm, 2008 A§VJ©V amï´>r¶ gm‘m{OH$ gwajm ‘§S>i
¶) àgy{V{df¶H$ A{Y{Z¶‘ 1961 A§VJ©V {Z¶mo³Ë¶mÀ¶m O~m~Xmè¶m
a) CËnmXZ à{H«$¶m
b) H$m‘Jma ^anmB© A{Y{Z¶‘ 1923 Mo C{Ôï>
d) no‘|Q> Am°’$ J«°À¶wBQ>r A{Y{Z¶‘, 1972 Mo C{Ôï>


SA - 132
Seat Total No. of Pages : 3

Fifth Year of the Five Year Law Course (Semester-IX)

Third Year of the Three Law Course (Semester) (CBCS)
Examination, January - 2023
LAND LAW (Paper- IV)
Sub. Code: 74826/74862/67366/67336/51101/51126
Day and Date : Wednesday, 25- 01 - 2023 Total Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any four questions from Q.No. 1 to 7.
2) Q.No. 8 is compulsory.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) In case any ambiguity in Marathi language, the same should be
referred by the corresponding English question.
Q1) Describe the provisions relating to use of land. [15]

Q2) Explain the procedure relating to assessment and settlement of land revenue

of agricultural land. [15]

Q3) Explain the concept of ‘Record of rights’ with reference to maintenance of

records of rights and register of mutations. [15]

Q4) Explain the provisions relating to fixation of standard rent and permitted increase.

Q5) Explain the provision relating to recovery of possession by landlord. [15]

Q6) State the provisions relating to ‘rehabilitation and resettlement award’ under
LARR act 2013. [15]

SA - 132
Q7) Give a detail account of establishment of land acquisition, rehabilitation and
resettlement authority. [15]

Q8) Explain the following (Any Five): [5×2=10]

a) Encroachment of land.
b) Revenue Surveys.
c) Boundary marks.
d) Nistar Patrak.
e) Relief against forfeiture.
f) Inspection of premises by landlord.
g) National monitoring committee under LARR act 2013.
h) Social impact assessment.
i) Apportionment of compensation.
j) Temporary occupation of land.

‘amR>r ê$nm§Va

gyMZm … 1) àý H«$‘m§H$ 1 Vo 7 ‘Yrb H$moUVohr Mma àý gmoS>dm.

2) àý H«$‘m§H$ 8 A{Zdm¶© Amho.
3) COdrH$S>rb AmH$S>o nyU© JwU Xe©dVmV.
4) B§J«Or Am{U ‘amR>r àým§‘ܶo H$mhr g§{X½YVm Agë¶mg B§J«Or àým§Mm {dMma H$amdm.

à. 1) O{‘ZrÀ¶m dmnamer g§~§{YV VaVwXtMo dU©Z H$am. [15]

à. 2) eoVO{‘ZrÀ¶m O‘rZ ‘hgwbmMo ‘wë¶m§H$Z Am{U goQ>b‘|Q>er g§~§{YV H$m¶©nÕVr ñnï> H$am. [15]

SA - 132
à. 3) h³H$m§À¶m Zm|Xr Am{U CËn[adV©ZmÀ¶m Zm|Xr R>odʶmÀ¶m g§X^m©V ‘A{YH$mam§Mr Zm|X’ hr g§H$ënZm ñnï>
H$am. [15]

à. 4) ‘mZH$ ^mS>o {Z{üV H$aUo Am{U nadmZJr {Xboë¶m dmT>rer g§~§{YV VaVwXr ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 5) O‘rZ‘mbH$mH$Sy>Z Vm~m dgyb H$aʶmg§~§YrÀ¶m VaVwXr ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 6) LARR A{Y{Z¶‘ 2013 A§VJ©V ‘nwZd©gZ Am{U nwZd©gZ {ZdmS>m’ g§~§{YV VaVwXr gm§Jm. [15]

à. 7) ^yg§nmXZ, nwZd©gZ Am{U nwZd©gZ àm{YH$aUmÀ¶m ñWmnZoMm Vnerb Úm. [15]

à. 8) Imbrb Jmoï>r ñnï> H$am. (H$moUVohr nmM) [5×2=10]

A) O{‘Zrda A{VH«$‘U
~) ‘hgyb gd}jU
H$) gr‘m IwUm

S>) {ZñVa nÌH$

B) Oár {déÕ {Xbmgm
’$) Ka‘mbH$mH$Sy>Z OmJoMr VnmgUr
¶) LARR H$m¶Xm 2013 A§VJ©V amï´>r¶ XoIaoI g{‘Vr
a) gm‘m{OH$ à^md ‘yë¶m§H$Z
b) ZwH$gmZ ^anmB©Mo dmQ>n
d) O{‘ZrMm VmËnwaVm H$ãOm


SA – 133
Seat Total No. of Pages : 2

Third Year of Three Year Law Course (Semester - VI) &

Fifth Year of Five Year Law Course (Semester - X) (Part - III)
(CBCS) Examination, January - 2023
LAW OF CRIMES - II (Paper - I)
Sub. Code : 74829/74865/67368/67338/51103/51128
Day and Date : Thursday, 19 - 01 - 2023 Total Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 01.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any four questions from Q.No. 1 to 7.
gy M Zm … à. H«$_m§H$ 1 Vo 7 _Yrb H$moUVohr Mma àíZ {bhm.
2) Q. No. 8 is compulsory.
à. H« $ _m§ H $ 8 A{Zdm`© Amho .
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb AmH$S>o ny U © Jw U Xe© d VmV.
4) In case of any ambiguity in the Marathi question or word/terms used
then the reference of the corresponding English question shall be
àíZn{ÌHo $ _Ü`o _amR>r ^mfo V rb àíZm_Ü`o H$mhr g§ { X½YVm Agë`mg AWdm
`mo ½ ` eãX CnbãY Zgë`mg B§ J « O r àíZ J¥ h rV YaUo V `o B © b .
5) _amR>r àíZ qH$dm eãX§Ü`o H$moUVrhr g§{X½YVm Agë`mg g§~§{YV B§J«Or g§X^©
{dMmamV Ko Ê `mV `mdm.

Q1) Write in detail functionaries Under the Code of Criminal Procedure with their
powers and functions. [15]
\$m¡OXmar à{H«$`m g§{hVm A§VJ©V àemgH$s` g§ñWm Ë`m§À`m A{YH$ma Am{U H$m`mªgh Vnerbdma {bhm.

Q2) Write The meaning and importance of the first information report and explain
procedure for recording FIR under the code. [15]
àW_ _m{hVr AhdmbmMm AW© Am{U _hÎd {bhm Am{U H$moS> A§VJ©V FIR Zm|X à{H«$`m ñnï> H$am.

Q3) Elaborate the rights of the arrested person. [15]

AQ>H$ Ho$boë`m ì`ŠVrMo A{YH$ma ñnï> H$am.

Q4) What is a complaint? Explain the procedure to be followed by a magistrate on

the receiving a complaint. [15]
{\$`m©X åhUOo H$m`? {\$`m©X àmá Pmë`mda Ý`m`X§S>m{YH$mè`m§Zr Adb§~m`Mr à{H«$`m ñnï> H$am.

SA – 133
Q5) Write in detail the procedure to be followed in a trial before the Court of
Sessions. [15]
gÌ Ý`m`mb`mg_moarb IQ>ë`m_Ü`o H$moUË`m à{H«$`oMo nmbZ Ho$bo OmVo Vo Vnerbdma {bhm.

Q6) What is judgement? Explain in detail the form, contents and mode of
pronouncement of judgement. [15]
{ZH$mb åhUOo H$m`? {ZH$mb Kmo{fV H$aÊ`mMo ñdê$n, Ë`m_Ü`o g_m{dï> AgUmè`m Jmoï>r Am{U nÕV
Vnerbdma ñnï> H$am.

Q7) Explain briefly revisional power of Court and procedure to be followed by

Court. [15]
Ý`m`mb`mMr nyU{ZarjU eŠVr Am{U Ý`m`mb`mÛmao Adb§~br OmUmar H$m`©nÕVr WmoS>Š`mV ñnï>

Q8) Explain the following or Answer in one /two sentences. (any five) : [5 × 2 = 10]
Imbrb Jmoï>r ñnï> H$am qH$dm EH$m/XmoZ dmŠ`mV CÎma Xçm. (H$moUVohr nmM)
a) Preventive action of Police
nmo{bgm§Mr à{V~§YmË_H$ H$madmB©
b) Features of fair trial
{Zînj IQ>ë`mMr d¡{eï>ço
c) Summons
d) Anticipatory Bail
AmJmD$ Om_rZ
e) Proclamation
f) Search Warrant
VnmgUr nadmZm
g) Plea Bargaining
ßbr ~mJ}qZJ
h) Suspension
i) Maintenance of Wife
nËZrMr XoI^mb
j) Reference to High Court
[a\$a§g Qy> hmB© H$moQ>©
SA - 131
Seat Total No. of Pages : 3

Third Year of Three Year Law Course (Semester - V) and

Fifth Year of Five Year Law Course (Semester - IX) (CBCS)
Examination, January - 2023
Law of Evidence (Paper - II)
Sub. Code : 74824/74860/67364/67334/51099/51124
Day and Date : Friday, 20 - 01 - 2023 Total Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 01.30 p.m.
Instructions :
gyMZm … 1) Attempt any four questions from Q.No. 1 to 7.
àý H«$_m§H$ 1 Vo 7 _Yrb H$moUVohr Mma àý gmoS>dm.
2) Q.No. 8 is compulsory.
àý H«$_m§H$ 8 A{Zdm`© Amho.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb AmH$S>o nyU© JwU Xe©dVmV.

Q1) Define 'Evidence'. Explain the Nature and Scope of Indian Evidence Act,
1872. [15]

"nwamdm' Mr ì`m»`m {bhm. ^maVr` gmjrnwamdm A{Y{Z`_, 1872 Mo ñdê$n Am{U ì`már ñnï> H$am.

Q2) What is mean by Admission and Confession? When the confession is irrelevant
under the provisions of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. [15]

H$~wbr Am{U H$~wbrO~m~ åhUOo H$m`? ^maVr` gmjrnwamdm A{Y{Z`_, 1872 À`m VaVwXtZwgma
H$~wbrO~m~ Ho$ìhm Ag§~ÜX AgVmo?

Q3) Explain provisions regarding Dying Declaration? [15]

_¥Ë`wH$mbrZ A{YH$WZ ~m~VÀ`m VaVwXr ñnï> H$am?

SA - 131
Q4) What is mean by Documentary Evidence? How the contents of documents
are to be proved under the provisions of Indian Evidence Act, 1872? [15]
boIr nwamdm åhUOo H$m`? ^maVr` gmjrnwamdm A{Y{Z`_, 1872 À`m VaVwXtZwgma XñVEodOm§Vrb
_OHw$a H$emnÕVrZo em~rV H$aVm `oB©b?

Q5) What is mean by Burden of Proof. Explain the general and special rules of
burden of proof. [15]
em{~VrMr O~m~Xmar åhUOo H$m`? em{~VrÀ`m O~m~XmarMo gm_mÝ` Am{U {deof {Z`_ ñnï> H$am.

Q6) Who is the Competent Witness? Which are the privileged communications
under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. [15]
gj_ gmjrXma H$moUmbm åhUVmV? ^maVr` gmjrnwwamdm A{Y{Z`_, 1872 A§VJ©V H$moUË`m {ZdoXZm§Zm
{deofm{YH$ma àmá {ZdoXZo åhUVm `oVmV?

Q7) Explain in detail provisions relating to Examination of Witness. [15]

gmjrXmam§À`m gmj VnmgUr g§~§{YV VaVwXr Vnerbdma ñnï> H$am.

Q8) Explain the following OR answer in one/two sentences (Any Five) :

Imbrb g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am qH$dm EH$/XmoZ dmŠ`mV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr nmM) [5 × 2 = 10]
a) Estoppel
b) Accomplice
gh AnamYr
c) Expert
d) Oral Evidence
Vm|S>r nwamdm

SA - 131
e) Fact
f) Leading Questions
CÎmagwMH$ àíZ
g) Primary Evidence
Aìdb nwamdm
h) Conclusive Proof
{ZUm©`H$ nwamdm
i) Cross-Examination
j) Public document
gmd©O{ZH$ XñVEodO


SA - 136
Seat Total No. of Pages : 3

Fifth Year of the Five Year Law Course (Semester-X)

Third Year of the Three Year Law Course (Semester-VI)
LLB (Semester - X) (CBCS) Examination, January - 2023
Sub. Code: 74832/74868/67371/71123/51106/71124/71125
Day and Date : Friday, 27- 01 - 2023 Total Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any 4 questions from question number 1 to 7.
2) Question number 8 is compulsory.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Explain the concept of tax. Discuss in detail Constitutional Provisions relating
to tax. [15]

Q2) Explain the Distinction between Tax and Fee, Tax and Cess, Direct and Indirect

Tax, Tax evasion and Tax avoidance. [15]

Q3) Explain the concept of income. Give list of 20 incomes which is not part of
total income. [15]

Q4) Explain in detail provisions related with residential status of persons under
Income Tax Act, 1961. [15]

Q5) Explain in detail different provisions related with income from salary under
income tax act 1961. [15]

Q6) Discuss in detail Permissible Deductions and Exemptions in respect of payment

and in respect of incomes under Income Tax Act 1961. [15]

Q7) Explain the concept of Supply. Discuss time and place of supply under GST
ACT 2017. [15]

SA - 136
Q8) Explain the following concepts in short (Any Five): [5×2=10]
a) Assesses
b) Short Term Capital Gains.
c) Input Tax Credit.
d) Levy of tax under GST act.
e) Different Persons Under Income Tax Act.
f) HSN Code.
g) HRA.
h) Refund Under GST.
i) RCM Supply.
j) Previous Year and Assessment Year.

‘amR>r ê$nm§Va

gyMZm … 1) àý H«$‘m§H$ 1 Vo 7 ¶mn¡H$s H$moUVohr 4 àý gmoS>dm.

2) àý H«$‘m§H$ 8 A{Zdm¶© Amho.
3) COdrH$S>o Xe©{dbobo AmH$S>o nyU© JwU gy{MV H$aVmV.
4) ‘amR>r àým‘ܶo H$mhr g§{X½YVm dmQ>ë¶mg qH$dm Agë¶mg B§J«Or àýmMm g§X^© ¿¶mdm.

à. 1) H$a {h g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. H$a{df¶r KQ>ZmË‘H$ VaVwXtMr MMm© H$am. [15]

à. 2) ’$aH$ ñnï> H$am … H$a Am{U ewëH$, H$a Am{U CnH$a, à˶j H$a Am{U Aà˶j H$a, H$aMmoar Am{U
H$a MwH$do{Jar. [15]

à. 3) CËnÞ {h g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. EHy$U CËnÞmMm ^mJ Z hmoUmè¶m 20 H$a‘wº$ CËnÞmMr ¶mXr Úm. [15]

SA - 136
à. 4) Am¶H$a H$m¶Xm 1961 à‘mUo 춺$s¨À¶m a{hdmgr pñWVr~m~V Agboë¶m VaVwXr ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 5) Am¶H$a H$m¶Xm 1961 à‘mUo doVZ{df¶H$ VaVwXr g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 6) Am¶H$a H$m¶Xm 1961 à‘mUo CËnÞ Am{U IM© ¶m g§X^m©V bmJy Agboë¶m dOmdQ>r Am{U gyQ> ¶m§Mr
g{dñVa MMm© H$am. [15]

à. 7) dñVy Am{U H$a H$m¶ÚmImbr nwadR>m {h g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. nwadR>çmMr doi Am{U ñWmZ ¶m~m~V MMm©
H$am. [15]

à. 8) Imbrb g§H$ënZm WmoS>³¶mV ñnï> H$am. (H$moU˶mhr 5) [5×2=10]

A) H$aXmVm
~) Aën ‘wXV ^m§S>dbr Z’$m
H$) BZnwQ> Q>°³g H«o${S>Q>
S>) dñVw d godm H$a H$m¶ÚmImbr H$a {ZYm©aU

B) Am¶H$a H$m¶ÚmImbr {d{dY 춺$s

’$) EMEgEZ H$moS>
¶) Ka ^mS>o ^Îmm
a) dñVw d godm H$a H$m¶ÚmImbr [a’§$S>
b) AmagrE‘ nwadR>m
d) ‘mJrb df© Am{U H$a AmH$maUr df©



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