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Part No.

D14 700 00010

Rev No. 02

Individual Spindle Monitoring System for Ring Frames


1 Safety Information 7

2 Introduction to Ultimo 11

3 Ultimo configuration 15

4 Overview of Software and Menus 23

5 Assignments 27

6 Views 37

7 Analysis 53

8 Reports 67

9 Preparatory 81

10 Settings 87


Safety Information

Safety Labels

Safety Labels are affixed at appropriate places on the equipment and, the safety precautions &
warnings mentioned are to be properly followed by the operator/service personnel to avoid any
nature of injury while handling or during the operation.

This label is provided to alert the user not to open when the equipment is

This label is provided to identify a terminal which is intended for connection to

an external conductor for protection against electrical shock in case of a fault, or
the terminal of a protective earth (ground) electrode.

The lightning flash with arrow head symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is
intended to alert the user within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient
magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.

This label is provided to intimate the customer that unauthorized persons not to
open / service the equipment without getting any prior approval from Premier
Evolvics Pvt Ltd., Coimbatore, India.


Introduction to Ulti mo

2.1 Importance of Single Spindle Monitoring

In earlier days, production monitoring in Ring frames was done only by taking into account the front
roller revolutions. Though this method gives the production figures, an accurate value can only be
obtained by monitoring the status of individual spindles. Also, status of individual spindles like
breaks, idle spindles, slipping spindles and rogue spindles are very essential to monitor so as to
improve the production and quality of yarn manufactured.

2.2 Productivity improvement using Ultimo

PREMIER Ultimo is an individual spindle monitoring system for Ring frames. It monitors the status of
each spindle, calculates accurate production and its related parameters of Ring frame, calculates
the twist in the yarn, identifies reasons for various production losses and intimates user, monitors
power consumption, draft in Ring frames, humidity in department and air consumed for Ring frames.
PREMIER Ultimo is extendable for monitoring production and energy in preparatory machines from
carding to fly frames.

Patrolling of operators becomes easy by monitoring the Individual spindle lights in Ring frames.
Maintenance persons can easily locate the slipping spindles, rogue spindles and idle spindles for
corrective action. Reduction in patrolling time helps to reduce the average end mending time which
inturn contributes to increase in production. Immediate attending of rogue spindles reduces the
breakage rate of Ring frames further. Identifying and correcting slipping spindles avoids production
of yarn with poor strength which causes breaks in further processes.

2.3 Quality improvement using Ultimo

Ultimo not only monitors the production, but also the quality. The important quality parameters
monitored by Ultimo are twist, draft and breakage rate. Twist variations in the yarn will lead to
strength variations directly which affects the further performance of the yarn. Breakage rate in Ring
frames increases the number of piecing in the yarn. If the piecing quality is poor, it directly affects
the Auto winding efficiency and also the quality of the cones produced. Hence by monitoring the end
breakage rate and twist and further corrective actions at individual spindles in Ring frame will directly
improve the yarn quality. Draft is another quality parameter monitored by Ultimo. Draft variations
cause count deviations which may further lead to quality rejections. A wrong draft change wheel in
Ring frame may lead to production of large quantity of material with a wrong count which may lead
to rejection of lots.


Ulti mo Configuration

3.1 A Macro View of Ultimo Configuration

Overall product configuration of PREMIER Ultimo is shown as a schematic diagram below.

Ultimo Individual spindle monitoring system consists of sensors in front of individual spindles of Ring
frame to monitor the spindle status. Individual spindle sensors calculate the speed of the traveller.
Doff sensor monitors the doff status of the machine. Each drafting roller of the ring frame contains
individual sensors to monitor the production and draft of the ring frame. All these sensors are
connected centrally to the Machine station which collects the details from these sensors
continuously in real time.

Each ring frame is equipped with a Machine display unit which shows the key information of the ring
frame such as breaks, idles, slips, rogues, end mending time, efficiency, spindle speed etc.

Each ring frame is equipped with an energy monitoring unit which monitors the current, voltage,
power and energy particulars of ring frame and transmits the data to the machine station.

A Coordinator collects these data from many such Machine stations (many ring frames). It is also
possible to keep multiple coordinators to collect data from many Machine stations if the number of
Ring frame is more.

Ultimo server PC receives the data from the coordinators and stores the data in database. Ultimo
software shows the current and past data in forms of views, reports etc. It also has the provision to
enter the details like count assignments, operator assignments, etc. Client Software can be installed
in Client PCs for authorized users to use the Ultimo software in their computers simultaneously.

A large LED TV status board mounted at vantage points of the Ring frame shed displays the key
information like kg, doffs, efficiency, idles, slips, rogues, machine running information etc.

3.2 Individual Spindle and Section Sensors

Ultimo contains sensors for individual spindles of ring frames. Individual spindle sensors work based
on differential e.m.f. principle. These sensors monitor the status of the yarn on individual spindles
continuously. It detects breaks, idle spindles (spindles unattended for a long time), slip spindles
(spindles which runs at a lower speed compared to the average spindle speed of the machine) and
rogue spindles (spindles in which end break frequency is very high compared to the overall

breakage rate). Each spindle’s status is indicated by its LED through different colour combinations.
Also each sensor measures the speed of the traveller.

In addition to spindle LED, each section of the Ring frame carries a section LED. Two colours glow
in this section LED and this differentiates whether the spindle(s) in the section contain Break / Idle or
Slip / Rogue.

The following figure shows a ring rail section with Ultimo sensors installed.

The following figure shows the closer view of spindle sensor with LED light for that section.

3.3 Individual Spindle and Section LED lights

The following table shows the meaning of individual sensor LED and section LED status.

With the above light configuration, it becomes easier for a ring frame operator to attend end breaks.
If the section LED glows white, then the operator can go and attend the spindles in that particular
section. Individual spindle lights in that section will notify the reason either as an end break or as an
idle spindle. In case the section LED glows in green colour, then maintenance corrective action is
required in that section. Individual spindle lights in that section will notify whether there is a slip or
rogue spindle.

On overall, the patrolling time of operator for each ring frame will reduce and he / she can work
effectively which in turn improves the productive efficiency of the machine.

3.4 Production, Drafting and Doffing sensors

Other than individual spindle sensors, Ultimo system contains production, drafting and doffing
sensors. Production sensor is mounted on the front roller of the Ring spinning machines on both left

and right hand sides. Drafting sensors are mounted on the other drafting rollers (usually middle and
back rollers) of the Ring spinning machine on either sides. Doffing sensor is mounted on the ring rail
of the Ring spinning machine.

The function of the production sensor is to measure the revolution per minute of the front rollers on
both sides which is taken for calculation of various parameters.

The drafting sensors in the middle and back rollers are also used to measure the revolutions per
minute of those rollers which will be used for calculating the drafts maintained between the rollers.
For a three roller drafting system, Ultimo measures both front and back zone drafts on both sides
continuously. The doff sensor monitors the doff status of the machine. With doff sensor it is possible
for the Ultimo system to count the number of doffs, doff time, long doffs etc.

The following figures show the schematic of Production, Drafting and Doffing sensors.

Production and Drafting Sensors Doff Sensor

3.5 Machine Station

Machine Station is the central data collection unit for each Ring frame. All the individual spindle
sensors, production and drafting sensors, doff sensors, energy module are connected to the
Machine station. Machine Station from each machine will communicate the data to the Coordinator
periodically and continuously.

The following figure shows the schematic of a Machine station

3.6 Coordinator

Coordinator is a central data collection unit for multiple Machine stations. Data from many ring
frames are transferred to their respective Machine stations and all Machine stations transfer data
through wireless communication to the Coordinator. A mill may be installed with multiple
Coordinators based on the spindle capacity.

The following figure shows the schematic of a Coordinator

3.7 Machine and Smart Display Units

Machine or Smart display units (any one choice) are display devices mounted on each Ring frame to
display key ultimo monitoring parameters. It informs the operator and maintenance persons about
the information such as breaks, idles, slips, rogue spindles, end mending time, efficiency etc.

The following figure shows the Machine and Smart display units.

Machine Display Unit Smart Display Units

Machine and Smart Display Units helps operator to priorities on machine patrolling. For example, if
an operator looks after three ring frames, then on watching the number of breaks displayed on each
side on the display unit, he / she can prioritize which machine has to be attended first.

Various display in Machine Display Unit are given below.

Display Character in MDU Parameter Definition

Instantaneous number of break spindles or Instantaneous number
of break and Idle spindles. Option can be selected in the MDU
configuration in Ultimo software.
Instantaneous number of idle spindles

Instantaneous number of Slip spindles

Instantaneous number of Rogue spindles

End Mending time in Minutes

Instantaneous Efficiency or “Now efficiency” in percentage

In Smart display units, other additional parameters like Count and Article, Count colour codes etc
can be configured.

3.8 End Break Limit and Doff Indication Lamps

Two end break limit lamps are fixed on both sides of the machine for indicating the limit of end
breaks. If the end breaks on any side of the ring frame crosses the pre-defined limit (which can be
set in the Ultimo software), then the End break limit indication lamp glows. Optionally, pillar lamps
are available which lits-up with different colored lights for various break levels configured by user.

Pillar Lamp Doff Lamp

A doff indication lamp (green colour) available for each machine which glows when doffing takes

3.9 Status Board

Status Board is a display unit which is usually mounted on vantage points like walls in a spinning
mill. Usually Status Boards are large size LED TVs and this is connected to the Ultimo server PC. All
the key information related to the Spinning shed will be displayed in the Status Board. Some of the
key information displayed are production, gpss, momentary stopped spindles, idle spindles, machine
stop status, number of doffs, count wise production details etc.

The following figure shows a status Board with key information being displayed in it.

The screens available on the status board and time duration between two successive displays can
be configured through Ultimo software. Also, the numbers with green color indicates that the values
are under the control limits entered by the user and if a value changes to red color, it indicates that
the parameter is outside the control limit. Limits can be customized in the Ultimo software.

3.10 Server and Client Computers

Ultimo Server computer communicates continuously with the Coordinator(s) of the Ring frame shed.
Data from the Ring frames are collected by the Coordinator and Ultimo Server collects data from the
Coordinator(s) and display them in various forms.

Ultimo server contains Ultimo software where one can see all the key information. Ultimo software
can be installed in the client computers for various users in the mills.

3.11 SMS and Email Modules

Ultimo server computer is connected with a SMS module. It is usually a GSM modem which is
capable of sending SMS from GSM SIM cards. The modem is continuously powered and connected
to the Ultimo server computer so as to send alert and information. SMS to the configured mobile
numbers of the users.

Automatic E-mails are sent periodically from the Ultimo server computer to the configured E-mail
users. Intranet / Internet connection is essential for getting automatic Emails. Also, for sending

automatic Emails user need to create a new “Email ID” from where the Emails will be sent to the
configured users.

3.12 Power Module

Power Module is connected with the individual Ring frames. Power module data is collected by the
Machine Station and the data is sent to Coordinator along with the other sensors data. Power
Module of Ultimo measures key power related parameters like Voltage, Ampere, kW, kWh, Power
Factor, Frequency and Units/kg.

3.13 Relative Humidity and Temperature Module

RH and Temperature module is an optional module which can be installed

for each Ring frames. A maximum of 3 modules can be connected to each
Ring frame. With this, the prevailing Relative humidity and temperature can
be lively visualized inside the mills.

3.14 Air Monitoring Module

Air Monitoring module is used to measure the air consumption for each
Ring frame. This is an optional module which is installed in the main air
input for each Ring frame. With this, air consumption in terms of CFM,
LPM and other popular units will be available to the user as reports.

3.15 Mobile Applications

Mobile Applications are available in PREMIER Ultimo. User can see the live performance of the mills
through mobile apps installed in their android or iOS devices. Main App helps to access
information from anywhere, anytime. Main application is available in Android Playstore. For iOS
devices, installation setup will be available from PREMIER.

Additionally, a dedicated Maintenance application is available. It helps technician to attend the

maintenance related problems like slip spindles, rogue spindles, idle spindles etc. It also has the
count change, stop code and operator entry provisions.


Overview of Software and Menus

Double click the following Ultimo software login icon in desktop to open the software. User name and
password authentication is needed during login.

Few screens are restricted to users. They can be accessible in administrator login only.

The software menu structure is represented as a table below.

V ie ws Analysis Reports Assignments

 Dashboard  Doff  Production  Count and Article
 Exceptions  Doff Comparison  End Breaks  Count Assignment
 Spindles  Energy  Stops  Operator Assignment
 Sections  Trend and Comparison  Power Monitoring  Stop Code Assignment
 Section Group  Rogue  User Defined  Manual Eb Batch
 Layout  Cop split  RH & Temp.  Doffer Group
 Stops  Breaks  Stop history  Rogue reasons
 Tiles  Stop summary
 Draft  Deviations
 Energy  Overall Perf.
 Doff Stage  Rogue
 RH & Temp.  Doff
 Rogue  Doffer Group

Settings Service reports Preparatory Help

 Machines  Monitored Time Report  Views  About
 Coordinators  Version details  Dashboard  Operating Instructions
 Masters  Energy  Parameters and
 User Limits  Stops
 Utilities  Reports
 User
 Assignments
 Count
 Operator
 Stop Code
 Settings
 Machines
 Coordinators
 Service Report
 Monitored
Time Report



5.1 Count and Article

Count and Article is used to create a new count / article. This form is also used to assign the
Converted gpss conversion factor for each count article configured.

The Count and Article form will look like as given below.

The following are the steps to use this form.

 Select the Unit for count and enter the actual count value and press ENTER.
 In the Article column enter the list of article names running under that count. For example,
under 36 Nec, user can enter Combed, Carded etc.
 Enter the converted GPSS correction factor against each article run so that the parameter
converted gpss can be calculated based on the entered factor.
 Enter the nominal count
 Enter the cop length in “Material length (m) column.
 Enter approximate number of roving bobbin changes if known (not mandatory) if this value
need to be eliminated from normal breaks.
 Press SAVE button at the top to save the details.

5.2 Count Assignment

Count assignment is used to assign a new count or change a running count of Ring frames. This
assignment is very essential as the production of each machine is calculated based on the count
running in those machines.

After installation of Ultimo in Ring frames or after count change, it is necessary to assign running
counts using the Count assignment.
The Count Assignment form will look like as given below.

Count assignment includes the following steps.

 Fetch the department, running count for changing the count and the machine model.
 In the table, the “Current- count and material” shows the presently running count details of
the ring frames.
 Select the new count to be assigned for any ring frame in the “Target- count and material”
 Change the Current yarn length if required.
 Select the option for Allocation criteria. Various allocation criteria like “Previous doff”,
“Current doff”, “Next doff”, “Specific doff” etc can be selected.
 Check the “update” field.
 Like wise change the required counts for all the machines where counts are getting
 Press the “SAVE” button at the top tool bar to save the count assignments.
 Once the new counts are assigned, the changes will get reflected in various places of Ultimo
like views, reports, production calculations etc.

5.3 Operator Assignment

Operator assignment is used to assign operators for the respective Ring frames they are patrolling

For example, operator “A” can be assigned to 4 Ring frame sides of Machines 1 and 2 using this
Operator assignment form.

The Operator assignment form will look like as given below.

 Select a shift configuration which is presently running using the hit list button at the top.
 Select an effect date from which the operator is going to get assigned in specific ring
 Once the effect date is selected, the Ring spinning machines will get listed in a grid.
 Now it is possible to assign operator names against each Ring frame side.
 Select the operator and supervisor against each machine side for that date.
 Press SAVE button after selections.
 Likewise assign operators and supervisors for various shifts. Once assignments are
completed for all shifts, advance assignments can be done for future dates also by selecting
future dates from the date field.
 For example, if Operator “A” comes in first shift for one week and later comes in second
shift, then as a first step, by selecting the first shift and the first effect date (start date of first
week) he can be assigned to respective Ring spinning machines for first shift and by once
again selecting the second shift and the second effect date (start date of second week) he
will be assigned to the respective Ring spinning machines for second shift in that week.
 If operators are not assigned to Machines, then “Default” will be saved.

5.4 Stop Code Assignment

Stop Code Assignment is used to assign various reasons for Ring frame stops.

Ultimo monitors and identifies whether a Ring frame stops is for doff or for any other particular
reasons. It is possible using the Ultimo software to assign a reason for a stop. For example, a Ring
frame stopped for a regular maintenance schedule can be assigned as “Regular Maintenance”.
This kind of assignment is helpful for user to analyze various stop reasons as a summary report.

The Stop code assignment form will look like as give below.

 Select the filtering fields at the top to fetch the list of stops in Ring frames
 At the last column, press the button to open the stop code reasons list
 Select a stop code and press OK
 Likewise, select stop reasons for all stops listed and press SAVE at the top
 To split a doff into a Doff and stop, or to split a stop into two stops, press the split button
( )
 In the separate sub form opened, change the duration and select the first category of stop
or doff. Press enter
 This will add another row with remaining time for assigning to a second stop. Select a stop
reason for the split stop. For a third split, press enter. Or to save, press SAVE button at the
 Finally, press SAVE button at the top of the stop code assignment form to SAVE various
stop reasons assigned to various Ring frames.

5.5 Manual Eb Batch

Manual EB batch is used to initiate a batch change state for Ring frames when doing certain
activities like bobbin changes, spindle checking etc when the machine is running creating breaks
which user do not want to account as normal breaks and eb/100sh.

Automatic batch change facility in Ultimo is used to make the system detect automatically for any
bobbin changes or other activities in Ring frames which causes breaks and user do not prefer to
account such breaks as normal breaks or eb/100sh.

On the other hand, Manual EB batch is used when any specific work is done for every spindle or in a
very small batch of spindles continuously throughout the Ring frame for a time period. Breaks during
such activity time will not be considered as normal breaks and it will not affect the eb/100sh.

Either in automatic batch breaks or manual batch breaks, the breaks during such state of Ring frame
is accounted as a separate category called “eb batch”

For manual EB batch, “From” and “To” time is required during which user can do such spindle

The form for assigning Manual EB batch time is given below.

 Select the filtering fields at the top and press “Get machine” to list down the Ring frames list
 Press the “Start” button in the eb batch column
 The default time will be 1 hour from the current time
 Press SAVE
 Complete the batch activity within the given time
 If time extends, then press the Stop and then Start button again
 Press SAVE again to initiate the extended time
 When the batch activity is completed before the estimated time, then press STOP and then
press SAVE again

5.6 Doffer Group

Doffer group assignment is used to assign the doffer group to a set of machines in which they carry
out their work. Usually this is applicable for Ring frames with manual doffing systems.

The screen will look like as given below.

 Select Shed, Date and Shift
 Select a Doffer group name. Doffer group names can be added from Master menu.
 Select the required machines by checking the check box against each machine
 Press SAVE button
 For selecting a doffer group to all machines, check the “All” option
 To view the previously assigned details, select “Previous Assignment” hit list.

5.7 Rogue

Rogue assignment is used to assign the reason for rogue spindles so that the assigned information
will be used for views and analysis features

The screen will look like as given below.

 Select Shed and Machines
 Select a Date and Shift for rogue reason assignment
 If required, apply filter based on number of breaks and then press Get Machine
 The machines with rogue spindle numbers will be listed as a table
 Select any reason at the top and check the spindle numbers for assigning the reason
 Press Save to save the rogue reason assignment



6.1 Dashboard

Dashboard view displays all the key information of the Ring frame shed in a single screen.
Dashboard view can be used to monitor the current shift information lively and it is also possible to
view few recently completed shifts information for a quick comparison.

The numerical parameters for the Dashboard view can be collectively configured under various
template names according to user requirements. For example, maintenance personnel can monitor
slip and rogue information alone under a template name whereas a quality control supervisor can
monitor twist and end break rate alone under another template name.

A sample Dashboard view is shown below.

 Click the Dashboard Sub menu from the Views menu.

 By default the current shift data will be loaded in the Dashboard. User can select templates
and previous shifts at the top selection buttons.
 In the Ultimo dashboard, the numerical information is available at the center. On the right
side the summary of the numerical information for all the ring frames is given.
 The Dashboard view can be either auto-refreshed or manually refreshed with the selection
option at the top.
 Data can be refreshed by clicking the button at the top.

Dashboard can be viewed in three levels i.e. Machine side wise, Machine wise and count wise.

The following table describes the tools available in Dashboard view and their functions.

Tool Function / Description

This tool is used to “Zoom-in” the view level.

This tool is used to “Zoom-out” the view level.

This tool is used to print the current Dashboard view.

This tool is used to set the Dashboard view to default state.

This tool is used to configure the parameters under various template names.

This tool is used to set the limits for highlighting of exceptional values.

Tool Function / Description
This shows the last updated date and time for data from Ring frames.

At the top right corner, there will be an instant trend graph available. If the user clicks on a
parameter value, the trend of that parameter in that view condition will be plotted for the recent six
shifts. For example, if the user is viewing the number of slips for each machine side, then if the user
clicks on the number of slips value for Machine No.2 LHS, then for the recent 6 shifts for Machine
No.2 LHS the number of slips will be plotted as an instantaneous trend graph. As an another
example, if the user is viewing the kg information for each count, then if the user clicks on the kg
value for 30 Nec, then for the recent 6 shifts for 30 Nec the kg produced will be plotted as a trend
graph. Likewise, user can compare between recent 6 shifts for any parameter at any view level by
using this instantaneous trend graph.

Clicking on any parameter header will sort the entire table either ascending or descending based
on that parameter. For example, if the user clicks on the parameter header “eb/100sh”, then the
table will be sorted ascending based on “eb/100sh”. Now user can easily see the best performing
and worst performing machines or machine sides or counts based on the parameter “eb/100sh”.

6.2 Exceptions

Exceptions view is a sub set of Dashboard view. In dashboard view, present performance of the ring
frames can be seen lively through various parameters whereas in Exceptions view, only the spindle
problems are shown.

A sample Exceptions view is given below.

Tool Function / Description

This check box is used to check / uncheck the current exception spindles for
This check box is used to check / uncheck the total exception spindles for printing

 The left side of the Exceptions view contains four boxes to show spindle exceptions and
each box carries a sub box
 The outer box with larger number shows the live information of the running shift and the
inner sub-box with small number carries the total information of the shift.
 These four boxes show the information of Momentary Normal Breaks, Idles, Slips and
 For example, the number in the outer box of Slip spindles shows the present number of
spindles which are slipping and the inner sub-box shows the total number of spindles
slipped from the start of the shift.
 If the user views a previous shift data, then the outer box will carry a “-” and the inner sub-
box only carries the number of spindles slipped in that shift.
 If the user clicks the outer box or inner sub-box, then the corresponding spindle numbers
(for idles, slips and rogue spindles only) will be displayed in a separate form.
 Or otherwise, user can select either “current” or the “total” option and can print wither the
current spindle list or the total spindle list.

Rogue Clear using Exceptions view

In Exceptions view, if the user clicks the Rogue spindle numbers, it gives the list of machines with
Rogue spindles and also the option to clear the Rogue status once the spindles in those machines
are attended by the maintenance personnel.

The following screen shows the Rogue spindle list view once the single spindle view is clicked.

 In the above list, the first column is the machine side.

 The second column gives the last cleared time for rogue spindles in the machine list.
 The third column gives the details of end breaks per spindle at the moment when the rogue
list is viewed.
 The fourth column gives the Upper Limit calculated by the system for deciding the rogue
spindles at the moment when the rogue list is viewed.
 The fifth and sixth columns indicate the number of rogue spindles and the respective spindle
 In the spindle numbers, the number in braces indicates the number of breaks a spindle
created after the last rogue clear. For example, if spindle number 415 created 20 breaks
after the last clear, then it will be indicated as 415 (20). The same format is maintained in
printouts also.
 If a technician attends all the rogue spindles listed, then he can either clear the status of
rogues for all machines in one time by selecting “Select all” at the bottom and pressing the

Clear button. If any one machine rogue status needs to be cleared, then he can click the
button for that machine in the Rogue last clear column.
 For security purposes, rogue clear prompts for a password before clearing.
 Once the rogue status is cleared, then the individual spindle and section LED rogue status
will be cleared in the machine also and rogue starts recalculating after clear time.
 A detailed rogue spindle report is available separately in reports menu. It will be explained in
the later sections of this manual.

6.3 Spindles

Spindles or Single Spindle view provides the spindle wise information of each Ring spinning
machine. Spindle wise information includes Spindle Rpm, TPI, end breaks, slips, rogues etc.

Each view contains many cells and each cell represents a spindle. User can see all the spindle
information of a machine side in a single page. By clicking the “LHS” and “RHS” toggle button at the
top left corner of the grid, user can toggle and see the spindle information of both the machine sides.
A sample single spindle view is given below.

The Single Spindle view has many user friendly features available which are described below.

Current status of each spindle:

Current status of each spindle is highlighted in different colors. The colour representation of each
status is given below.

Colour of a cell Status

Rogue spindle in break status
Rogue spindle in idle status

Rogue spindle in slip status
Doff Startups
Stop Startups
Power failure Startups

Viewing the status time for each spindle:

When the cell of each spindle is clicked the relevant information like spindle number, spindle status
time etc is displayed at the right side in a box.

Viewing multiple statuses of each spindle:

On selecting the combo box at the top, it is possible to view the multiple spindle status. For example,
if “End breaks” is selected, then the number of end breaks for each spindle from the start of the shift
is displayed in each cell. Thus one can easily see the spindle with more breaks and attend the
same. When “Cumulative end breaks” is selected, then the total number of cumulated end breaks
from the last rogue clear can be seen for each spindle. Likewise, slips, rogues etc can be seen.

Filtering the abnormal values of each spindle:

While viewing the spindle wise information, one can filter the abnormal values too. For this, there is
a separate filtering tool available near the selection box at the top left side. For example, if the
selection box contains “End breaks” and if user selects “>” and enters “3” in the filter tool, the
spindles whose end breaks is more than “3” is displayed in the grid and other cell values disappear.
This facilitates the user to find out the abnormal values. Another example is to find the abnormal TPI
spindles. In this case, if the selection box contains “TPI” and if user selects “<” and enters “25.5” in
the filter tool, then the spindles whose TPI is less than 25.5 only will be displayed in the cell and user
can easily find the spindles giving low twist.

Filtering the abnormal values of each spindle:

Other than rogue clear option in exceptions view, it can be cleared in the single spindle view also by
clicking the Rogue last clear button and entering the password.

6.4 Sections

Sections or End Breaks view provides the end breaks related information of the ring spinning
machines. The view contains machines represented as an ordered layout wherein end breaks
related information can be viewed section wise, side wise and machine wise.

A sample Sections view is given below.

Each machine representation carries multiple boxes which represents a section. At the end of each
machine representation, side wise and machine wise information are shown. The meaning of each
component in a machine representation of End breaks view is explained in the below figure.

Machine and count details Number

Parameter value of
the machine side Parameter value
Parameter value of of a section
the machine
Machine side
Machine status

Any required parameter can be selected in the combo box provided above the machine
representations for viewing. For example, to see present end breaks of all machines in each section,
the parameter “MSP normal” may be selected. Previous shift information can also be viewed by
clicking the shift hit list at the top.

A cumulated information of recent multiple shifts can be viewed by clicking the “From” and “To”
shift details at the top and by clicking the Load button. List of worst sections are highlighted in
varying red colors where a dark red section indicating the worst section showing higher end breaks.

6.5 Section group

Section group view is used to combine multiple sections into one group for visualization. This will be
helpful in many instances. For example, in case of a long length Ring frames with dual driving
system at the middle, then the first and second half of the Ring frame performance can be seen.

A sample Section grouping view is given below.

 In the above view, the number of sections for each section group can be configured by
pressing the button.
 Once section groups are configured, each column represents a section group.
 Parameter for view can be selected from the list above the view area.

6.6 Layout

Layout view gives the current information of the ring spinning machines and the view reflects the
actual layout of the ring spinning machines installed with Ultimo.

This view provides the running, stop and doff status of the machines in the shed along with key
parameters related to production.

A sample Layout view is given below.

6.7 Stops

Stop View provides the consolidated stop information of the Ring spinning machines. This view is
available in two levels, a monthly view and a daily view. In Monthly view, the reason of stops for all
machines for the entire month is displayed. On clicking on the each machine on any day, the reason
for stops are consolidated and displayed in the “Info Box”. By clicking any date in the Month view, it
is possible to view the detailed stop information of all machines in that day.

In daily view, for each machine, the reason and time of stop is indicated as a time bar. On clicking
the time bar for each stop, the Info box shows the detailed stop information.

Stop View is very useful for planning and scheduling of stops. For example, if Ring frames are
stopped for “Regular Maintenance” then on viewing the Monthly view it is easy to find out the
subsequent Regular Maintenance schedule stops for machines on forthcoming days. As for another
example, “Traveller Change” schedule can be viewed in the monthly view and one can easily find
out the machine’s necessity fortraveller change on subsequent days.

A sample stop view at monthly level showing only power failure stops is given below.

 Select a month and a stop group to view the stops on various days in the month.
 In monthly view, days are in columns and machines are in rows.
 Click on a particular day (header of the column) to drill into the day and see the stop
timelines of that day for all machines (as shown below).
 Click on the inner area (day of a machine in monthly view or time period of a machine in
daily view) to see the stop information in Info box.
 The Info box shows the important information like stop category, stop time, stop start time
and the total stop time.

The following image show an Ultimo info box in Stop view.

6.8 Tile View or Display Board

Tile view is used to view important key parameters each in a tile along with the worst 5 machines
listed in each tile. Clicking each tile will explore to a detailed view, for example reason for deviation.

A sample tile view is given below.

6.9 Draft Monitoring

Draft view provides current zone wise draft values of each Ring frame. Based on the pulse
measurement by the individual draft monitoring sensors, the system continuously monitors the zone
wise draft of the Ring spinning machine on either sides.

A sample Draft view screen is given below.

 The average draft values for the entire shift is consolidated and displayed in a table for all
machines at the right side of the form.
 Click on the required machine to view the current draft values of that machine.

6.10 Power or Energy Monitoring

Power or Energy monitoring view displays the live power related information of ring frames. The
information includes voltage and current values of three phases, Active power, Power factor,
Frequency etc.

The dial display indicates the present values of the machine selected in the table on the right side.
The table values show the shift average for all machines. The sample screen of Power Monitoring
view is given below.

 Click on the individual rows in the table to see the detailed power information of the
respective machine.
 Click on the < button to view the numerical power monitoring table in expanded form with
detailed information.

6.11 Doff Stage Prediction

Doff stage view displays the status of running ring frames. The information includes the time
remaining for machine to doff and priority.

The sample screen of Doff prediction view is given below.

6.12 RH% & Temperature

RH% & Temperature view displays the Humidity and Temperature of individual machines from
various zones where the measurement module is installed.

The sample RH% and Temperature view is given below.

 The RH and temperature values of each module installed in Ring frame is displayed as
 RH and temperature value from various modules and the average for each Ring frame can
be viewed for all machines
 RH and temperature parameters are available in reports

6.13 Rogue view or Rogue Reasons Summary

Rogue view is used to visualize the summary of rogue spindles attended for a selected period of
time. Reason wise attended spindles can also be filtered and viewed.

The sample Rogue view is given below.



7.1 Cop Stage Analysis

Cop Stage analysis shows the behavior of parameters for one full doff running period of a Ring
frame. For example, behavior of End breaks with respect to the Spindle rpm of the Ring frame from
the start to the end of doff can be analyzed graphically.

Cop Stage analysis is available in three levels. First level is a shed wise level where the recently
completed doff information for all the Ring frames are plotted as a broad view. Second level is the
Machine wise level where the user can select doffs and analyze the behavior of parameters. The
third level is the Machine side wise level where the machine side wise information throughout the
single doff can be analyzed. An extended feature of analyzing multiple doffs is also available.

The following sample screen shows the shed wise level of a cop stage analysis.

 Select any two parameters for Y1 and Y2 axis at the top to plot the Cop stage graph.

 Select the Time wise / Length wise ( and buttons) graph toggle button to switch
over the X Axis values either as time or length.
 Click any machine’s graph to drill down to the Machine wise level.

The following sample screen shows the Machine wise level of a cop stage analysis.

 Select any two parameters for Y1 and Y2 axis at the top to plot the Cop stage graph.

 Select the Time wise / Length wise ( and buttons) graph toggle button to switch over
the X Axis values either as time or length.
 Click the and buttons to drill to next level (Machine side wise) and previous levels
 Move the mouse over the graph to read the values of the selected parameters at each cop
 The numerical parameters consolidated for the doff is given in the table at the right side of
the form. It also includes the information like total length run, time taken for the doff,
Average cop content and the production for that doff.
 Cop stage graphs can be viewed for recent 6 days. Click the machine number selection at
the top and then the date, shift and respective doff information can be selected.
 Click the last combo box for combining multiple doffs. For example if “3” is selected, then 3
doffs from the currently viewing doff are plotted in a single graph. A maximum of 6 doffs can
be adjacently plotted as a single graph. A sample cop stage analysis with six graphs
combined is shown below.

 Click the numerical button at the right side to toggle from the multiple doff graph view to
multiple doff numerical view. The equivalent multiple doff numerical view is shown below.

 The following sample view shows the side wise graphical information.

 Click the PRINT icon at the top to print the currently viewing Cop stage information.

7.2 Doff Comparison

Doff comparison is used to compare two doffs either from same machine or from different machines.

Sample Doff comparison screen is given below.

 Select the required doffs using the filter fields at the top

 Compare either machine wise or side wise using the buttons ( )

 Use the Combine option to combine same parameter graphs in one plot
 The bar chart and the table below it shows the comparison information

7.3 Energy

Energy Analysis is used to analyze the power related information for a given time period in graphical

For example, the behavior of kW from 2 AM to 4 AM can be analyzed. Likewise multiple power
related parameters can be analyzed graphically using this feature. The following screen shows a
sample Power Analysis of one shift with parameters Spindle RPM, Active Power (kW) and Current
(I) selected together.

 Click the Machine Number hit list to fetch a machine for analysis.

 Click the Date for analysis. A maximum of 4 days can be analysed.

 Click the and button to toggle between the Shift wise and Time wise analysis

 Select the From / To Time or shift by clicking the combo boxes. Press the LOAD button to
update / Load the graph.

 When multiple parameters are selected, multiple Y axis plots are made to show the graphs
for all parameters with their relevant scales.

 Y axis scales are automatically adjusted based on the values plotted.

 Click the Right side dockable bar to select the required parameters.

 Select the bottom dockable bar to see the behavior of three phase voltages and the power
factor for the selected period. The sample screen is shown below.

 The minimum and maximum voltages for the selected period are shown in the dial

 The average power factor is indicated in the Needle of the graduated bar. The acceptable
Power factor level is indicated in a green band.

7.4 Trend and Comparison

Trend graphs are used to see the behavioral trend of a parameter / parameters for machine(s) or
count(s) and Comparison graphs are used to compare parameter(s) behavior between different
machines or counts.

Trend and Comparison tool in Ultimo software is a versatile feature and any kind of trend or
comparison chart can be extracted.

The following is the blank form for trend and comparison tool. Various buttons and its functions are
explained in the sample screen below.

Count wise graph /
Trend / Overall graph option
Comparison Print button
without count split Load button
Reset button
toggle button

Trend Charts

 Select the Trend Chart icon ( )

 Select the required type of plot (Machine / Count / Shed)
 Select the required filtering fields like trend consolidation period (Shift, Daily, weekly etc),
From and To dates, Counts, Machines and Parameter(s)
 Select the Count wise / Overall Option. By default Overall option is available. If Count wise
option is selected, then the graphs are split into multiple pages for various counts. User can
navigate between pages of various counts by pressing the > and < buttons at the top of the

 After selecting all the criteria, press the Load button ( )

 The required Trend graph will be plotted in the graph area.
 Tips:
o In case of Single machine trend graphs, two parameters can be selected for
analysis where, both the parameter values are plotted in two Y axes (Y1 and Y2).
Whereas, in case of multiple machine trend graphs, only one parameter selection is
o Likewise, in case of single count trend graphs, two parameter selection is possible,
whereas if multiple count trend graph option is selected, then only one parameter
trend can be seen in one graph.
o In Case of Shed wise trend graphs (overall plot for the entire shed values) two
parameter selection is possible.

 Once graph is available on screen, move the mouse over the graph to read the data of the
 The following are some of the sample trend graphs plotted. There are various combinations
available which can be achieved by selecting required filter fields at the top.

Trend Chart – Machine wise - Five Machines – One count filtered

Trend Chart – Machine wise – Two Machines – Selected Counts

Trend Chart – Selected Counts

Trend Chart – Average performance of the overall shed plotted in a graph – 2 Parameters

Comparison Charts

 Select the Comparison Chart icon ( )

 Select the required type of plot (Machine / Count). Since the tool compares between
machines or between counts, the shed wise option is not applicable. With shed wise option,
only trends can be plotted.
 Select the required filtering fields like From and To dates, Counts, Machines and

 Select the Count wise / Overall Option. By default Overall option will be available. If Count
wise option is selected, then the graphs are split into multiple pages for various counts. User
can navigate between pages of various counts by pressing the > and < buttons at the top of
the charts.

 After selecting all the criteria, press the Load button ( )

 The required Comparison graph will be plotted in the graph area.
 Tips:
o Any two parameters can be compared with bar charts in case of Machine wise or
Count wise comparison options.
o Count / Machine numbers are available in the X axis for comparison.
o Each bar value is the average value calculated for the given time period.
o In case of comparison charts, the consolidation periods i.e. the Shift wise, daily,
weekly etc are not applicable.
 The following are some of the sample comparison graphs plotted.

Comparison Chart – Between machines – One parameter

Comparison Chart – Between machines – Two parameters

Comparison Chart – Between Counts – Two parameter

7.5 Rogue Analysis

Rogue analysis is used to visualize the reasons for rogues in all the spindles attended in the Ring
frame hall. This will be helpful to understand the major reason for rogues in the department for the
selected period.

A sample rogue analysis screen is given below.

 Select the period for viewing the rogue analysis
 Select the shed, count, machine and rogue reason filters if required
 Click the Shift wise, Date wise or cumulative button ( ) to view the rogue analysis
 The first column represents the machine number. Further columns represent the rogue
reasons. The table provides the number of rogues attended for each reason in each
 Clicking each cell dynamically changes two bar graphs on the right side
 The first graph represents the selected machine number and the major reason for the rogue
as a first bar in the bar chart
 The second graph represents the selected rogue reason and the Ring frame having highest
number of rogue spindles for the selected reason as the first bar in the bar chart
 Click on any of the chart for a larger view.

7.6 Cop Split

Cop split is used to split the doff into any number of length steps as configured by the user. Steps
can be configured equally for the full doff length or variable lengths as set by user.

A sample cop split screen is shown below.

 Selection available for providing the equal number of steps of defining steps at the top
 Information can be seen sidewise and machine wise.

7.7 Breaks Trend

Breaks trend is used to visualize the break information in a timely pattern. Time interval can be set
by the user and analyzed.

A sample screen is shown below.

 Analysis can be made for defined time interval or doing equal time split for the entire shift.
 Analysis can be made for all machines or selected machines.



8.1 Understanding Ultimo Reports

Reports in Ultimo provide the information about the past performance of Ring spinning machines in
terms of production and quality. As the purpose of views is to know the current performance, reports
serve the purpose of getting consolidated information about the past performance.

A report in Ultimo has various sections which is explained in the below figure.

Header and Report sections

Footer section

Report Types

Ultimo reports are categorized into the following types.

1. Production
2. End Breaks
3. Stops
4. Stop History
5. Stop Summary
6. Target Deviation
7. Power Monitoring
8. User Defined

9. Overall Performance
10. Rogue Reports
11. Doff Reports
12. Doffer Group
13. RH% & Temp. Report

Each report type is differentiated from the other in terms of parameters. For example, a production
report contains mainly production related parameters. A few parameters of other types are also
added to production reports which influence production. For example, the stop minutes is added to
production reports since it is essential to know the production along with the stop information in one
report. Additionally, a user defined report is also available wherein all the parameters are open to the
user for configuration as templates.

Report Levels

Ultimo reports can be viewed in the following three levels.

1. Machine Side level

2. Machine Level
3. Count Level

The following table explains the above three levels.

Report View Description

Machine Side level
In this level, each row in the report body represents
a machine side.
Machine level
In this level, each row in the report body represents
a machine.
Count level
In this level, each row in the report body represents
an article of a count.

For each report group, certain levels may be disabled. For example, in Count and Material wise
production report, only the Count Level is enabled and other two levels are disabled. In another
case, for a Stop Report the Machine Side level will be disabled since stop information has to be
viewed for a machine or a count wise only.

Report Groups

Ultimo reports can be viewed under five groups. They are as follows.

1. Machine wise
2. Machine group wise
3. Count and Material wise
4. Operator wise
5. Supervisor wise
6. Shift wise
7. Day wise

The details are as given below.

Report Group Description

Machine wise In this report group, each value block is consolidated
and summarized based on Machines and, values are
available either side level or machine level.
Machine Group wise In this report group, each value block is consolidated
and summarized based on Machine groups and
values are available at side level or machine level.
Count and Material wise In this report group, each value block is consolidated

and summarized based on Counts and values are
available at count level only.
Operator wise In this report group, each value block is consolidated
and summarized based on Operators and values are
available at side level, machine level or count level.
Supervisor wise In this report group, each value block is consolidated
and summarized based on Supervisors and values
are available at side level, machine level or count
Shift wise In this report group, each value block is consolidated
for all the three shifts in a day irrespective of
machines or counts
Day wise In this report group, each row indicates performance
of a day irrespective of machines or counts

A report preview is given below.

The above report preview once printed provides report output as a printed format or a soft copy (Ex:
PDF). The report output contains the following fields.

Report Header

A report header contains key fields like Date, Shift, Shift times, Count and Material, Machine group,
Operator and Supervisor. Usage of each field is optional or mandatory based on the report being
viewed. For example, usage of Machine group as a report header is mandatory since values are
consolidated and summarized based on Machine groups.

Usage of report headers plays a key role in consolidation of values and Summary. For example, if a
“Shift” is used in the Report header, then when viewing a report for a day, three value blocks with
three shift information will be split and shown. For the same day if the field “Shift” is removed then
the values are consolidated and summarized for the whole day in a single block.

As another example, if “Operator” is used in the report header then each value block shows the
consolidated performance of an operator. If the field “Operator” is removed then the values are
consolidated for all operators and summarized.

The following two figures show the usage of Report Header. First figure shows the report when
“Shift” is used and the second report shows when the “Shift” field is removed while viewing a
production report for a day.

Sample Production Report with “Shift” field included giving shift wise information

Sample Production Report without “Shift” field giving day wise information

When shift is used as header, the report is available shift wise and when the shift option is removed
then the consolidation of each row is done for the whole day. For example, the shift wise production
of machine no.1 is viewed as day wise production when shift option is removed.

8.2 Report Tools

Ultimo Report retrieving screen contains many tools for generating varieties of reports. Each tool
and its relevant function are explained below.

Tool Tool Name Function

Zoom In This tool is used to change the report level from Count wise to Machine
wise and then from Machine wise to Machine side wise.
Zoom Out This tool is used to change the report level from Machine side wise to
Machine wise and then from Machine wise to Count wise.
Portrait / This tool is used to switch over the report preview between Portrait and
Landscape Landscape report styles.

Exception This tool is used to set the exception limits / Standard targets for various
Limits / parameters in Ultimo. A sub form will be opened on clicking this tool. The
sub form for exception limits / Standard Targets is shown below.

User can enter exception limits and standard targets for various
parameters for each count article separately. These targets are used for
target deviation reports.
Restore This tool is used to restore the filtering fields to its default values and this
Defaults will clear the report being viewed.
Report This tool is used to configure user defined reports. User can select or
Configuration remove required parameters and can save under a report template
name. For example, maintenance personnel can save maintenance
related parameters alone under a report template name. A Report
configuration form will be opened on clicking this tool as shown below.

Tool Tool Name Function

Enter any name for the report to save. Now select the required
parameters by checking the check box and press “>” button to move it to
the sequence box. In the sequence box, press “^” or “v” button to move
the parameter up or down to get the required parameter order. Press “<”
button to remove any parameter from the sequence block. After arranging
the parameters under a report template name, press “Save” button in the
toolbar to save the report template.

8.3 Production Reports

Production reports contain parameters related to production of Ring frames and some additional
parameters related to production are also added. The list of parameters and its description is given
in the following table.

A sample production report with shift wise consolidation is shown below.

8.4 End Breaks Reports

End Breaks reports provide end breaks and other related information to the user. The list of
parameters and its description is given in the following table.

A sample End break report with shift wise consolidation is shown below.

8.5 Stop Reports

Stop report gives details about the stops occured in the ring frame department. It includes
information like stops, doffs, stop minutes, doff minutes, utilization etc.

Stop report contains the following parameters.

A sample Stop report for a shift is given below.

8.6 Stop History Reports

Stop History report gives the history & details of each stop happened in the Ring frame. It gives
information like type of stop group, stop details with start and end time and total time for each stop.
There are many features in stop History report. User can summarize these stops into stop groups
and can see the history report. Or user can view individual stop details and can view the Stop report.
Even user can filter any one stop group and can view the details. For example, user can select
“Doffs” alone and can see the doffs happened in Ring frame for a day in each Ring frame, time
taken for each doff with start and end time details. This will give a clear idea about doffs which took
more time to complete. Stop group can be selected from the filtering fields’ area available at the top.

The following shows a sample Stop history report.

8.7 Stop Summary Reports

Stop Summary report summarizes various stop reasons in group and code wise. It will be useful in
understanding the reason for efficiency loss due to various stop reasons. The following sample shows
various stop summary report options.

Stop Summary group wise

Stop Summary code wise

Stop Summary Machine wise

8.8 Power Monitoring Reports

Power Monitoring Report gives the summary of power related parameters like Voltages, Active and
Apparent Power, kWh, Units / Kg (Ukg), Power Factor and Frequency. The report comes with a fixed
template and it is not possible to change the report template.

Power Monitoring Report contains the following parameters. The following shows a sample Power
Monitoring Report.

8.9 Overall Performance Reports

Overall Performance Report gives the summary of performance of ring frame shed for a given period
for selected parameters. User can select the required parameters from the Overall Performance
report and can view the consolidated data as machine wise or count wise report.

In this report, using filtering fields, user can select the “From” and “To” dates for which report is
required. The user can select the report consolidation period from the options Shift wise, Daily,
Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly. Then user can select the report
type as machine wise or count wise. In case of a Machine wise report, a maximum of 3 parameters
can be selected and in case of a count wise report a maximum of 8 parameters can be selected.

The following image is a sample parameter wise overall performance report where the consolidation
is made day wise for 16 days for all machines parameter wise. In this report, each report block
shows the consolidation of a parameter for all machines for the given consolidation period. Likewise,
consolidation is made for all the selected parameters as separate blocks next to each other and
generated as a single report.

The following image is a sample machine wise overall performance report where the consolidation is
made day wise. Here the consolidation of data is done for one machine of a count for multiple
selected parameters and likewise all the machine and count data will be generated next to each
other as a single report.

8.10 User Defined Reports

User defined reports is an open report where all the parameters available in Ultimo can be
configurable by the user under various template names. For example, a few production parameters,
a few stop parameters and a few end break parameters can be grouped together under a single
report template and can be saved by the user.

The following is an example of a user defined report where production, stop and end break
parameters are grouped together and shown as a template.

8.11 Rogue Reports

Rogue report gives details about the rogue spindles and the number of times the particular yarn is
broken and how the spindle is qualified as rogue.

It contains many columns numbered from 1 to 16. Spindles numbered in column 1 are the most
severe rogue and needs quick attention. Spindles numbered in column 16 are less severe.

A spindle marked with “*” indicates that the rogue is repeated in previous period also i.e. the spindle
is a rogue in previous shift or day based on the type of report view.

A spindle marked with “#” indicates that the rogue is repeated in two previous periods also i.e. the
spindle is a rogue in previous two shifts or two days based on the type of report view.

New Ultimo software contains number markings like 1#, 2#, 3# etc which indicates the repetition
period. i.e. 2# means the spindle is a rogue in previous two shifts or two days based on the type of
report view.

8.12 Doff Reports

Doff report consolidates the parameters doff wise for all ring frames. Sample doff report is shown

8.13 RH% & Temp. Reports

RH% & Temp. Report gives details about the Humidity and Temperature present in the each ring
frames where the measurement module is installed. It consolidates for each module, ring frame and
also provides a shed-average for RH and Temperature. If there are three RH modules installed in a
Ring frame then the parameters for RH and Temperature will be prefixed with 1, 2, 3 which
represents the modules installed in a Ring frame for measuring RH and Temperature.

A sample Stop report for a shift is given below.



9.1 Preparatory Monitoring

Ultimo Preparatory Monitoring monitors the production and energy related parameters for
preparatory machines from Carding to Fly frame.

A dedicated menu is available for preparatory where all the views and reports of preparatory
machines are consolidated.

9.2 Views - Dashboard

Preparatory dashboard provides the live status of preparatory machine performance in one screen.
The sample dashboard is given below.

 kg and stop% for each department can be lively monitored in the tiles. Each tile represents a
 Clicking over each department tile fetches machine wise information on the right side as a
 Parameters can be selected and viewed for all machines

9.3 Views - Stops

Similar to stop view for ring frames, preparatory machine stop details can also be viewed daily or
month wise.

9.4 Views - Power Monitoring

Similar to Power monitoring view for ring frames, preparatory machine power monitoring details can
also be viewed lively for each machine in all preparatory departments. All power related parameters
like Voltages, Currents, kW, kVA, kWh, Power factor, Ukg etc are monitored.

9.5 Reports - User Defined

Similar to User defined reports explained for ring frames, in preparatory monitoring also parameters
for reports can be configured by user as templates and can be retrieved at any time.



10.1 Machines or Machine Settings

Machine settings form is used to define various ring frame and Ultimo related settings. Some
settings can be configured by the user and few settings can be configured only by authorized
personnel under administrative login. “Machine settings” sub menu is available under “Settings”

The following screen shows the sample machine setting form in Ultimo Software. Various settings
are available in tabbed form. The tab items are stacked on the left hand side of the form.

The following are few important user configurable settings available in the Machine settings sub

Setting Description Details

Number of Spindles – LHS and RHS Number of spindles on left and right side of the
Number of Sections – LHS and RHS Number of ring rail sections on left and right
side of the machine.
Spindle Arrangement of the machine The arrangement of spindle numbers on the
Ring frame with respect to the position of the
Break Limit for End Breaks Lamp (LHS Limit for number of breaks on left and right side.
and RHS) If the breaks cross this limit, the Break indication
lamp fitted on both sides of the machine will
glow in red color.
Doff prediction value % % value at which the doff prediction initiates and
the machine indication turns RED color in the
doff prediction view of status board indicating
that doff sequence is going to initiate soon.

Once the cop build achieves this percentage,

the doff lamp starts blinking indicating that the
operators that doff is going to happen soon.
Doff prediction available Enabling or Disabling the doff prediction lamp
blink option

Setting Description Details
Pillar lamp availability Enables the choice of pillar lamp (three level
lamp) instead of break limit indication lamp (red
Pillar lamp break limits When the number of breaks in the machine
crosses each level value configured here, the
respective pillar lamp light will glow.
Roller Diameter Diameter of the roller in mm on left and right
sides of the machine
Time Limit for Long doff (min) Time limit for a doff. If a doff crosses this limit,
then the doff will be considered as a Long doff.
Batch Change Limit (%) If the number of break / idle spindles expressed
as % in a ring frame exceeds this value, then
the Ring frame is treated as Batch change
status. Further breaks which occur after the ring
frame crossing this limit are treated as idles
directly thereby indicating the Ring frame in
batch change status. The status is highlighted
separately in SW in views.
Batch Change Over Limit (Spindles) This is the tolerance limit in terms of number of
spindles for batch change level which avoids
frequent switching over of batch change to
normal status by Ring frame in normal operating
Startup EB time limit (min) Time after doff until which a ring frame is treated
in startup condition. Any breaks occurring inside
this limit are treated as Startup breaks provided
the setting “New break during startup time” is
assigned as “Startup breaks”. Otherwise, only
the first breaks occurring immediately after the
start of a machine after a doff are considered as
“Startup breaks” and all other breaks further
occurring are treated as Normal breaks only.
Minimum % to decide Slip spindle % limit below which if a spindle runs slowly
when compared to the average RPM of the
machine side, is treated as slip spindle
Time in minutes to decide Slip spindle Time in minutes to check the slip spindle status
once a spindle is detected as slip. After this time
only the spindle will be declared as slip spindle.
Time in minutes to decide idle spindle A break spindle if crosses this time limit will be
declared as Idle spindle
New Break during Startup time If this option selected as “Startup break” then all
the breaks occurring during the startup time
after a doff will be treated as “Startup breaks”.

If this option is selected as “Normal break” then

only the first breaks occurring immediately after
the start of a machine after a doff are
considered as “Startup breaks” and all other
breaks further occurring are treated as Normal
breaks only.

These user configurable settings are available separately in “Machine Limit” sub menu under
settings menu.

10.2 Master Entries

Master Entries screen is used to enter basic details about mills. The screen will look like as given

Various details which need to be entered and saved in Master entries are

 Company Details : To enter the details of the company

 Department and Machine details : To enter the departments and Machine makes in mill
 Stop Groups : To enter various stop groups
 Stop Codes : To enter various stop codes for each stop group
 Employee details: To enter operator and supervisor names, operator photos etc.
 Shift Timings : To enter the number of shifts, start and end time for each shift
 Machine Setting configuration: To change the existing machine details like Machine make,
Machine number, Shed etc.
 Rogue Reasons: To enter the various reasons for rogue spindles as a master list


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