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Problem And Solving assignment

Kelompok 7
- Gilbert Firmantua Manurung (613220010)
- Nadiyah (613220021)
- Maheswara Rivai Jamhur (613220032)
- Aulia Vilnail (613220041)

System Failure PC
System failure on a PC can be a frustrating and disruptive experience for
anyone who relies on their computer for work, entertainment, or
communication. There are several potential causes of system failure on a
PC, including hardware malfunctions, software conflicts, and viruses or
malware. In this essay, I will discuss the problem of system failure on a PC
and explore potential solutions to mitigate its effects.

One of the most common causes of system failure on a PC is hardware

malfunctions. For example, a failing hard drive, power supply, or
motherboard can cause the computer to crash or fail to boot up properly. To
prevent hardware-related system failures, it's important to perform regular
maintenance on the computer's components, such as cleaning dust and debris
from the fans and ensuring that all components are properly seated and
connected. Additionally, investing in high-quality hardware components can
help minimize the risk of failure due to manufacturing defects or other

Another potential cause of system failure on a PC is software conflicts.

When two or more software programs interact in unexpected ways, it can
cause the computer to freeze, crash, or display error messages. To prevent
software-related system failures, it's important to keep all software up to
date and to avoid installing software from untrusted sources. Additionally,
running regular virus scans and using a reputable anti-virus software can
help protect the computer from malware that can cause system failure.
When system failure does occur on a PC, it's important to have effective
strategies in place to address the issue quickly. One approach is to use the
built-in system recovery options that are available on most PCs. These
options can allow users to restore the system to a previous state before the
failure occurred, potentially resolving the issue without the need for
additional technical support. Additionally, seeking technical support from a
reputable PC repair service can help diagnose and address the issue
effectively, minimizing downtime and preventing further damage to the

In conclusion, system failure on a PC can be a frustrating and

disruptive experience, but several strategies can help prevent and mitigate
its effects.By performing regular maintenance on hardware components,
keeping software up to date, and using reputable anti-virus software,
users can minimize the risk of system failure due to hardware or software
Additionally, having effective strategies in place to address system failure
when it does occur, such as using built-in system recovery options or
seeking technical support from a reputable PC repair service, can help
minimize downtime and ensure that the computer is back up and running as
quickly as possible.


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