Discharge Plan

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University of Cebu- Banilad

College of Nursing
Cebu City

Discharge Plan
Patient’s Name: Pahanunot, K.E. Hospital No:
Age: 25 Room No: 236A
Impression/Diagnosis: Low Segment Tranverse Cesarian Section Physician: Dr. Miel


Expected behavior of the patient when discharged. Nurses’ actions to help patients do expected
behavior when discharged.
● Before discharge, the patient is medically ● Assess patient’s vital signs and determine the
stable and has adequate social support client’s response to the condition (Doenges

● The patient will verbalize confidence in the ● Asses client knowledge perceptions about
breastfeeding of the baby breastfeeding and the extent of instruction
that has been given. (Doenges et.al., 2019)

● The patient and family members will exhibit ● Evaluate their understanding by encouraging
understanding and learning about patient’s them to verbalize what they have learned
condition and treatment plan, including details (Doenges et.al.,2019)
of any medications, ways to deal with
symptoms and distress, dates of follow-up

● The patient will continually clean and change ● Change surgical or other wound dressings,
the OS of the suture site as indicated, using the proper techniques for
changing/disposing of contaminated
materials. (Doenges et.al., 2019)

● The patient will continue to adhere to ● Emphasize the need for continued monitoring
anti-inflammatory medication of the medication regimen by the healthcare
provider (Doenges et.al., 2019)

● The patient will attend a checkup if there is ● Instruct the patient to come back for follow-up
ever bleeding in the suture site care (Doenges et.al., 2019)

M- The patient will have 500mg of mefenamic acid to ● Instruct the patient that this drug may cause
be taken once a day or as needed for pain as per the dizziness, headaches, or rashes. Avoid
doctor's order alcoholic beverages. (MIMS,2022)

E- Patient and family will be able to identify and ● Manage patient’s personal environment,
avoid environmental stressors that can affect the including stress reduction, rest and sleep,
patient’s full recovery social events, travel, and recreation issues.
Advocate avoiding any known irritants,
allergens, and sick persons. (Doenges et.al.,
● Verify environmental well-being and safety of
client/family. (Doenges et.al., 2019)
T- The patient will comply with the given medication ● Review medication regimen and possible
interactions, with other prescription drugs/
vitamins. Discuss any drug substitution or
changes in dosage to minimize side effects.
(Doenges et.al., 2019)

H- Patient will be able to demonstrate proper wound ● Protect primarily closed incisions with a
suture cleaning, and be able to confidently and sterile dressing for 24 to 48 hr (or per
correctly do breastfeeding surgeon instruction). Use a sterile technique
for a wound dressing change. (Doenges
et.al., 2019)
● Explain anticipated changes in feeding needs
and frequency. Growth spurts require
increased intake or more feedings by infants.
(Doenges et.al., 2019)

O- The patient will be knowledgeable about her ● Educate the patient of the possibility
wound/suture and the factors that will aggravate her evidenced by risk factors of the presence of
wound/suture infection, broken skin, traumatized tissues,
chronic disease (e.g., diabetes, anemia),
stasis of body fluids, invasive procedures,
and altered immune response. ( Doenges

D- The patient will follow a diet regimen as ● Although there was no specific order for the
prescribed by their respective dietician patient’s diet. They are advised to intake food
containing protein ( body recovery), iron (
production of new blood cells), and calcium.
(WebMD, 2021)


The patient and SO’s will verbalize understanding of ● Evaluate the patient’s attainment and
the condition and treatment progress toward desired outcomes. Modify
the plan of care if necessary (Doenges et.al,

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