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Decline in Fish Population

Declining fish populations worldwide are a major environmental problem, especially

consumption fish which is a concern and debate. Fish stocks are declining at an alarming rate
due to overfishing, pollution, climate change, and other human activities. My Essay would
argue that the decline in our consumable fish populations is reduced due to human treatment
which has serious repercussions and requires immediate action to prevent further damage to
the world's oceans and marine life.

First, overfishing is one of the main causes of declining fish populations. Firdaus et al (2017,
p.134) Many fish species are caught faster than they can reproduce, which causes a decrease
in catches that ends in a scarcity of fish, and causes a decrease in fish resource stocks. Based
on calculations, it is known that in 2015 fish resource assets in Indonesian waters decreased
by 1,143,080 tons. This is exacerbated by the use of modern fishing technologies, such as
large nets and longlines, which can catch large amounts of fish in a single operation.
Additionally, the commercial fishing industry is often unregulated, leading to unsustainable
fishing practices that can damage entire ecosystems.

Second, pollution also contributes to the decline in fish populations. Industrial waste and
agricultural runoff have led to the accumulation of toxins in the oceans, which can harm fish
and other marine life. Purnawaningsih (2021) asserts "Industrial liquid waste has significantly
caused a decline in fish species in waters because it damages the food chain in the waters. In
the Brantas River, Indonesia, the fish species found have decreased from 60 species identified
in 1990, remaining 25 species, Bengawan solo the number of fish species lost reached 20
species and left less than 10 species. This pollution can also cause loss of habitat, making it
difficult for fish to find food and breed. Climate change also causes ocean acidification,
which can disrupt the growth and reproduction of many fish species.

In conclusion, declining fish populations are a significant problem that requires immediate
attention. Overfishing and indiscriminate waste disposal are behaviors that are carried out by
humans on this problem. Fish populations can cause food shortages, if fish populations
continue to decline, it could have a severe impact on global food security. The fishing
industry should adopt more sustainable practices, and governments should regulate fishing to
prevent the over-exploitation of fish stocks. Pollution reduction and climate change
mitigation must also be prioritized to ensure the health of our oceans and the survival of fish


Firdaus, M, Dewitasari, Y, Pramoda, R.,& Koeshendradrajana,S. (2017). Fish Resources

Losses Due to Mark Down Fishing Vessel Practiced in Indonesia. Jakarta, Indonesia:

Purwaningsih, A. (2021). Java Island River Fish Extinction. Western Indonesia Time,
accessed 5 April 2023, retrieved from

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