Moot IPC

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NATU along with his family including wife TANU daughter TINA and son TAPU

were living in a township. LAL was also lived in the same township. LAL was a
friend to TAPU. TAPU owed a debt to LAL of Rs.10000. TINA and LAL were in love
with each other and they used to meet often in TINA’S house on pretext to collect
the debt money in the absence of TINA’S father and brother. NATU doesn’t like
LAL’S presence in his absence. He told LAL many times not to visit his house in his
absence. LAL ignored NATU’S warning everytime. TAPU called LAL to come and
collect money from him from his house on a said date. LAL went their house at
evening 8 o’clock. On hearing whispering coming from backyard of the house, all
the family members of NATU went to see, where they saw TINA and LAL talking.
NATU on seeing them together lost his temper and started abusing him. Tapu
brought a lathi from inside and showed it to LAL and abused . When TAPU started
abusing LAL, he lost control and told him that he is still in debt so he can’t abuse
him. Due to which TAPU enraged and gave a blow to LAL on his shoulder. Then
NATU grabbed the lathi from TAPU’S hand and started beating him on head. On
hearing the hue and cry people from locality came to his rescue. They found
NATU was beating LAL while TAPU was abusing him. Till then LAL was bleeding
and was unconscious. LAL was taken to hospital by the local people where he died
after 10 days. The post mortem report confirmed that LAL had injuries on his head
and occurred much loss of blood. None of the injury independently was sufficient
to cause death. NATU and TAPU were held u/s 302 read with sec 34 IPC by the
Session Court. They went on appeal.

(Every character mentioned hereinbefore is major )

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