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Slide one : Hey guys we are group I and we are here to present are business plan on the Leafy


Slide two : Kek - So, we started thinking about some problems that Saint John has been dealing with and
we came up with these: Read them

Slide 3: Alana

Our restaurant will serve multiple salads that are all made using 100% organic foods. We will also serve a
small selection of healthy muffins. Everything that comes out of our kitchen will be as fresh as it can be.

Our restaurant will run on 100% sustainable energy. Solar panels will be mounted on top of the roof.
This will also allow customers to see that we care about the environment.

The Leafy Greens will also support the community. You will see later on that we will be launching
programs to help the community with a lot of different things

Slide 4 : Alex

First point: (read it) We value our customers and always want to make sure that they have a place to
follow back on during tough times

Second point: (read it) If we make a mistake by messing up orders and taking to much time, we will give
them a free meal.

Third point: (Read it) Once we can afford it, we will make sure that the food we order is delivered in the
most sustainable way possible

Fourth point: (read it) We will make sure that we never forget where we started from

Slide 5 : Alex

Read the points out clockwise. Start with the strengths

Read all the strengths then say : One of the biggest strengths are going to be our innovation. This will be
showed by the food we sell and the technology that will use to make the food

Read all the weakness and then say: A lot of the restaurants uptown have been there for a long time, is
it will be a challenge to get people to try our restaurant

Read all the opportunities then say : All the tables will have a high speed internet connection and most
of the tables will have a outlet to change phones and other devices

Read all the threats then say: Retaining staff will be hard because we are asking are staff to work there
very best ever time they come to work. So people won’t like that but that will be okay.

Slide 6 : Tyler

Ask the class: Can you raise your hand if you have ate a salad during this semester?

IF NOT THAT MANY: Well, its good that are target market is not university students.

If a lot: It looks like the class is just slightly above the statistics we gathered.
About 34% of people want to eat healthy. And over the next year that number is expected to grow by
5%. Then is five years time, the number is supposed to have grown by 36%.

The market that we intended to sell most of our product too, is only getting bigger and bigger as the
years go on

Its important to note that these numbers where found on a global level because Saint John is not a big
enough city to have these numbers posted publicly

Slide 7 : Alana

Festive fruit Salad : Just like how it sounds, each piece of fruit in the salad will be cut into festive shapes.
To go along with the festive shapes, there will be just over seven different fruits in each salad. It is a
great choice for a dark dinged day to lift your spirits

Taco Salad : The salad is made a supplement of meat as it is made with Shiitake mushrooms and ground
walnuts instead of hamburger. It is topped with a perfectly crafted cilantro lime dressing. It sounds like a
lot all packed in one, but it truly invokes your taste buds

Cranberry orange muffin : This muffin is made with the use of organic cranberries and white whole
wheat flour. The final step is to zest the muffin with an orange zest.


First one: On January 2, This is when we will begin to rent the building and start preparing for the grand

Second: On February 1, The hiring process will begin and once the staff is hired they will need to be

Third: On March 1, The grand opening of the Leafy Greens

Fourth: On April 5, The business will reach the of milestone of 10 000 dollars of

Five: On August 1, We will be launching a loyalty program that we will get into later on

Six: On October 31, being apart of Chop Chop week is a great way to get generate money( Explain Chop
Chop week)

Seven: On June 3, This will be the projected day that the business begins to profit

Eight: On August 1, we will be launching the energy program that educations and supports people that
want to help the environment

Nine: On December 1, we will host the first ever toy drive to give back to the community

Slide 9 : Kek

A few ways we plan to get our business into the community is ( read them all)

The Instagram contests will work by share, tag and follow contests for entries, we choose two winners
to get 50% off their meal next time they come in
The loyalty program will mirror the program that subway implemented a few years ago, but we will up
the number of points you receive per visits

Getting on popular apps and being one of the top google searches is always a good thing for a business.
We plan to use the customers testimonies to gain more customers.

Slide 10 : We will start selling at the highest initial price our customers are willing to pay, information
which is gathered from prospective customer interviewing and from research into our competition
prices. As demand of our first initial customers is satisfied and if any more competition enters the
market, we will lower our prices to attract another, more price – sensitive segment of the population.

Read the second point then say : This can usually add up to at least 1 percent of total revenue.

Slide 11 : Tyler

The graph one the left is the amount of revenue we plan to generate for each quarter for the first year
of business

Looking at the second graph, the blue line represents the projected expenses for the business for the
first five years. The numbers all came from income statements that were prepaid, but we thought it
could look better in a graph form.

With how much we are planning the market to grow, we think it is very resemble to see this much
growth per year.

Slide 12 : Read the first paragraph on the far left

Read paragraph two then say : the atmosphere of our restaurant will give us a huge edge over them
because they focus more the food. But we focus on food but also the community feeling in our

Read the last paragraph then say : The way we plan to compete against Lemongrass is by having much
lower prices then them. A average meal at Lemongrass is around 20 to 25 dollars but at our restaurant
the average meal is 10 to 15 dollars.

Slide 13 : Tyler

(read the first point) then say: the graph shows where the money will be spent. A few of the numbers
could fluctuate such as the renovations because you can never be sure what you may find when
renovations a uptown Saint John building

The total amount spent does seem low but the leafy greens menu does not have any thing that requires
expensive equipment such as deep fryer and stuff like that

Read the second point and then leave it.

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