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Overconsumption and consumer patriotism

Consumption has long been taken as a basic human economic activity in the capitalist
countries of Western Europe and North America, especially after World War 2. During the
9/11/2001 terrorist disaster in the United States, U.S. politicians and CEOs advised citizens
not to let the disaster stall their daily activities. The most patriotic action people can do is
create more money. Since then, the term " Consumerism Patriotism" was born to convince
people that consuming the product is patriotic and gradually this "patriotic act" spread
globally but over time this action grew excessively. Although it contributes a significant
part to economic development, it is an obsession with the environment and even the buyer
In Asia, while urbanization is rapid, especially in developing countries, consumerism
suggests that consumers' free choice determines socioeconomic structure. People's
consumption habits are mirroring those of consumers in regions such as the United States,
Europe, and emerging markets such as China and South Korea. The demand for goods and
services is increasing due to the development of information technology, people, especially
young people, have access to many cultures and fashion trends. Therefore, the act of
buying a lot and continuously goods and services is not a necessity, but the most trendy
consumption is fashion, also known as overconsumption, gradually increasing at a very
fast rate.

b. Overconsumption goes hand in hand with overproduction

Of course, increased demand means an increase in production. We have to pay the price
with the necessary natural resources, which in turn leads to resource shortages,
environmental pollution. "If the global population reaches 9.6 billion people by 2050 as
forecast, the United Nations estimates that we need the equivalent of nearly three planets to
maintain our current way of life." Ariel Muller, executive director of the Asia Pacific
Future Forum, warned of the incalculable consequences of booming consumerism in the

c. The target audience of overconsumption is mainly young people

People who are overconsumption (especially young people) are perceived as unable to
control themselves, not knowing what is a reasonable consumption threshold or what they
really need.
Gen Z and Millennials are expected to largely replace labor in the next few years, but
they are unable to balance their needs and finances. Living in a full society and the cultural
connection reaching its peak, the younger generation tends to prefer freedom and
experience. Besides, the appearance of reviewers (product reviewers) on a variety of social
media platforms also has a great impact on the spending of young people. They will
describe the uses, features and show the advantages of the product to stimulate viewers to
buy. If viewers are interested, they just need to click on the link and do a few simple steps
to buy the product they just watched.

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