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The 10 Amendments

By: Harmony C Jeanniton

Amendment 1
~It’s shortened in the acronym: RAPPS

Religion: free to have any or no religion as you wish

Assemble: free to gather and protest

Petition: free to appeal to the government but peaceful

Press: free to report on news and stories that is happening

Speech: free to our opinions and express yourself weather if people agree with you or not
Amendment 2
*Rights to firearms and weapons*

This was because the british tried to take away the colonist weapons away.
Amendment 3
This is claimed as the “Most useless in modern day society”

Soldiers can’t stay in anyone's house without consent

Because it talks about soldiers can stay at your house if they want to with or without consent
and that’s what the british did.
Amendment 4
Prohibits unreasonable search and seizures

This refers to the action of seizing or repossessing something

Basically police can’t go through your stuff or your house without a warrant issued by a judge or
have a probable cause.

**Numbers 4-8 (except 7) Amendments are considered the “Rights of The Accused”**
Amendment 5
You get the right to a grand jury when you are charged with a crime,

right to a fair trial,

right to not be tried twice for the same crime (Double Jeopardy),

right to not testify on yourself (Miranda Rights).

Amendment 6
Speedy and Public trial

“You are innocent until proven guilty”

Jury will determine your innocence or guilt by listening to the story and the evidence

Who accused you of that crime can’t be anonymous they have to appear

Lawyer provided if you can’t afford one

Amendment 7
Civil law

Guarantees a trial by jury in a civil suit (jury’s opinion)

“Disagreements between people”

In federal Civil cases

And their opinion can’t be altered or changed in anyway

Amendment 8
Right to not be cruel & unusually punished

Any form of torture violates the 8th amendment

The punishment MUST fit the crime

Amendment 9
The enumeration in the constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage
others retained by the people

Meaning just because certain rights weren’t written (enumerated) in the constitution doesn’t mean
other rights that weren’t written down can’t be denied. It would be considered unconstitutional.

Ex: The right to eat Junk Food or drinking Clean Water

Amendment 10
Power not delegated to the United States by the constitution nor prohibited by it to the states are
reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

It means if it’s not in the U.S. Constitution that the federal government should be doing this
thing, then it’s saved for the states, they handle it however they want.

Ex: Education is up to each individual state it’s not in the constitution

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