Ini Cuma Alat CRM PDF

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Choosing Your

CRM Tools
Dimas Kharisma (22401020091)

PA 233 - Customer Relationship Management

Integrasi dan koneksi pengolahan dan

Ability ro interact with exististing Number of transaction the product

database system can support (upper limit)
Conformance to company Data volumes the product can
sanctioned open standards support
Ability to interface with inhouse Number of concurrent users that
computer telephony to support CSR can be supported

Knowing Product extensibility and

customization features
Published data model can be
Support of data and system
Synchronized strategy and and

Functionality &
customized and extendeed effort required
Ability to integrate with other Ability to send & receive data to and
applications from data warehouse

Digital business presentation Keamanan

and its advantages Web availability 24/7

Provide limited data access to non
company users
Usage individual management,
departmental, CRM screen level
Password encryption
Provision of usage, access on
reporting and restriction on a per
user basis
Talking to CRM
After understanding the required CRM functionality
and technical, arriving at short list of vendors that can
supports. The vendors should be able to support the
toolset and advise our company on the best way to
implement and deploy their product. Our company
should ask about:

Vendor Expertise
Technical & Functionality of The Product
Implementation Support
The vendor should offer an evaluation
copy of its product (software). So, our
CRM team can install and use the
product such as trials before we deal
with the given price tag.
Require core CRM capabilities that
didn't exist at the time were needed

CRM 2. Perceive retail packages as being

too expensive

Some enterprising companies have decided

to develop the crm software from scratch. It
aims to integrate the call center crm system
with marketing's campaign management
3. The combination of core functions
they require is too specialized for a
software or to change data names, they single CRM product

begin with a core product that provides the

foundation from which to customize
4. They want assurance of unique
solution - one competitor can't use
and vendor can't reference
Four main reason why do companies
develop their own homegrown CRM
system :
Using an ASP
Application Services Providers (ASP) is often used as
synonym for outsourcing. ASP develop, deliver, and
maintain packaged software applications on behalf of
their client companies using the Web as the primary
development mechanism. Nowadays ASP are bidding on
more strategic technology solutions.

Two principal types of ASP:

Web hosting firms providing customers internet

access plus a range of services, not to mention a
robust technology infrastructure.
Application providers offering customers access to
specific products and packages.
Thank you

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