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Choose the correct answer

1. The chemical used to remove chlorophyll from the leaf in experiment is ( )
A. Methylated Spirit B. Iodine solution
C. KOH solution D. Acetic acid
2. Paleontology deals with ( )
A. Embryo B. Fossil
C. Living seeds D. Fruit
3.Chlorophyll: Magnesium :: Haemoglobin:_( )
A. Sulphur B. Iron
C. Phosphorus D. Calcium
4. __ is the anchoring root that helps Cuscuta to absorb nutrients ( )
A. Pneutophores B. Tap root
C. Haustoria D. Parallel root
5. Choose the correct order of events in photosynthesis ( )
iReduction of carbon dioxide tocarbohydrates
ii. Photolysis
iii. Activation of chlorophyll
A. i,ii,iii B. ii,iii,i
C. i, iii,ii D. iii, ii ,i
6.Find the odd one different from the other three()
A. Carbohydrate B. Protein
C. Fats D. Pyrethroids
7. Complete digestion of Carbohydrates proteins and fats occur in( )
A. stomach B. Small intestine
C.large intestine D. Buccal cavity
8. Accumulation of this results in muscular pain ( )
A. Citric acid B. Nitric acid
C.lactic acid D.Hydrochloric acid
9. The correct order of steps occurring in nutrition in animals ( )
10. Match the following
1. pelletier caventou ( )A. Isolated chlorophyll
2. Joseph priestley ( )B. Plants produce oxygen
3. Jan Ingenhousz ( )C. Discovered Oxygen
4.Daniel .I. Arnon ( )D. Extracted chlorophyll A. 1-D,2-C,3-B,4-A B. 1-B,2-C,3-D,4-A
C. 1-C,2-B,3-A,4-D D. 1-A,2-B,3-D,4-A

II. What can you understand by seeing the image

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