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Major Learning Objectives Review basic musical terms

Getting familiar with Soundtrap

SOLs 6.2, 6.5, 6.7, 6.16

Major Concepts Beat, Notes, Scale, Melody, Harmony,


Entrance/ Welcome Find seats, Ss start reading syllabus to

themselves, go around with names.

Transition Take out syllabus if not out already

Activity 1- Syllabus Review syllabus:

Talk through syllabus, elaborating where
needed, emphasizing expectations and
classroom procedures answer Ss questions

Transition Put syllabus in a safe place to take home

Activity 2- Get to Know You Game Get to Know You Game:

A Truth and a Lie
T demos, says two facts (one truth, one lie).
Ss decide which one they think is the lie and
go to respective sides of the room. T reveals
which is correct.
All Ss have a turn

Transition Return to seats

Activity 3- 5th Grade Review 5th Grade Review:

Define and discuss terms one at a time (Beat
[vs. Rhythm], Notes, Scale, Melody,
Harmony) from the board
For each term, play audio examples and
identify in each song. (ex: beat- find steady
beat and pat/step/move along w/ beat,
melody- sing along)

Transition Return to seats if not there, pull up Soundtrap

demo to review terms we just learned and
how they fit in with Soundtrap

Activity 4- Digital Music Exploration Digital Music Exploration- as a class

Listen and explain T demo- differentiate beat
from steady beat
Create song as a class by listening through
and picking loops together. Should pick at
least one beat, melody, harmony, maybe
other fun sounds, etc. Listen to creation

Transition T sings Tideo

Activity 5- Singing Game Singing Game:

T teaches song first by asking questions, then
Ss sing along. T teaches motions by breaking
down, first “Tideo” hand clapping, then get
into two circles, then passing windows, then
jingle at the window. Then play!

Exit Collect things and dismiss

● Seating chart
● Roster
● Syllabi- to hand out
● Audio examples- for 5th grade review
● Soundtrap: demo and class example

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