Self-Evaluation Unidad 3 PDF

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GROUP: 12018

STUDENT NAME: Maria Del Carmen Torres Unapanta

Check in the boxes according to your self-observation.

How confident do you feel in every aspect?

Dimensions Unit aspects 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0

Create and Create and understand
Grammar: Past Tense Identify the parts of Create basic
understand a the structure of a
Present Perfect a sentence sentences
sentence sentence very well.

I use the
Vocabulary: Money and shopping I remember few of I have used some
majority of
I use and practice all
them of them the words learnt

70% of the
Topics: Money 20% of the audios
50% of the
information in
90-100% of the
information in the information in the
in class the audios in
audios in class audios in class

40% and my 90-100% and my

Cognitive Speaking: Money and shopping pronunciation is
70% and my
pronunciation is
pronunciation is
experiences 20% acceptable in a
acceptable in a
acceptable in a 90-
50% 100%

50% of the 70% of the

90-100% of the
Reading: Sales season content and content and
content and answer the
20% of the content answer the answer the
questions in a 90-
questions in a questions in a
40% 60%

I can write
complete I can write a
I can write a I can write a well-
Writing: Living with less complete sentence
sentences and short
structure paragraph
structure paragraph

I sometimes
I usually use the I didn´t use any
I use the translator use the
translator or translator nor
- To develop the activities: use of and information
information from
translator or
information from the
translators, use of Internet, from webpages all information
different web as it is my own
the time from a
webpages contribution

-When I don´t understand a word I check the

Sometimes I
I try to
Procedural or a topic: use of internets, dictionary or surf
participate and
ask what I don´t
participate in
I ask and participate
the Internet every class
diccionaries, understand

I did only the I did the

-The activities developed on the easiest activities activities using
I did some I did all the exercises
using a dictionary information
platform: activities checking what I learnt
or information from from the
the Intermet Internet
I have followed
-During the learning process: do I some
I have followed all the
I did the activities I did the activities guidelines
participate in class?, Do I do the guidelines given and
as I thought, not and sometimes a given and
Attitudinal following any person helps me worked
worked honestly
tasks in class or at home on time? throughout the
guidelines to complete them. honestly
Am I punctual all days? throughout the

TOTAL 1.75 /2

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