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Chapter 1
The beginning
Dor: “Alli, everything will be fine I’ll find a way for you to live”. He said to his wife that was lying on the
bed and left
“At last I have finish the clock” “with the use of this I can stop the time and she will lived”. He was
overwhelmed with his success, however the god appeared…
God: “stop what you are planning Dor, do not stop the time. If you wish to continue, I will punish you.”
Dor: “no one can stop me from my plan to save my beloved wife even if it is a god.” He said with a
determined look
God: “then you shall be punished” “on this day, you’ll vanish from this world and be imprisoned on a
cave for eternity, to repent from your sins and to realize the value of time” “there you will listen to every
person’s complains and you will help them know the importance of time. Then, and only then, you can
redeem yourself and be free from the cave.” He said as Dor vanish like a bubble
On the cave, Dor listens to every person’s complaint’s and he had been called as the Father of time, at this
state his last mission are one of his complainants Sarah and Victor. As Dor listens to them, he discovers there
Dor: “victor and sarah will be my next mission, let me know your complaints”
Sarah: “I want to live this cruel world!”
Victor: “I want to live long”
Dor: “hmm, let me hear your story, starting with you sarah.”

Chapter 2
Their story
Sarah’s story
Tonight is the night that she will confess to the boy she liked. She is very excited to see him as she started to
chant the time they will meet as she prepare what she’ll wear on their date.
Sarah: “8:30, 8:30, 8:30, 8:30 yes! I’m so excited, today is the day that I will confess, I have to empress
him, but what should I wear? Hmm, I’ll wear a jeans and a crop top and my hair should be pig tails.” She
said excitedly as she start looking for what she’ll wear. Then she heard a knock on the door and her mom
came in
Mom: “Sarah?” Her mom came in and notice the cloths on her bed. “You’re going out Sarah?” She ask as
she sat on her bed
Sarah: “Yes mom, because I have a date today”
Mom: “oh, then why are so excited and you look happy”
Sarah: “because I was planning to confess after our date that’s why I’m excited”
Mom: “alright tell me what happens on your date okay and have fun”. Sarah nodded. “By the way, after
you’ve finished preparing yourself, go downstairs because we’re going to eat already”
Sarah: “okay mom”. Then her mom left. She follows after a short while
Sarah’s already on the meeting place as she saw the boy she like approaching.
Boy: "hey, sorry to keep you waiting. The cars on the road are slow as a turtle that’s why I’m late”
Sarah: “it’s fine I didn’t wait that long actually”
Boy: “okay so let’s eat?”
Sarah: “sure”. Then they started eating. They also had a long conversation that they didn’t notice the time
Boy: "It's alredy late Sarah, I think we should be heading home now”
Sarah: “Wait, before we leave I just want to say something”sigh “today was a great day and I enjoyed
being with you, you are a great person, you make me happy, you make me smile and I want to tell you
this before it’s too late”. Sarah said as the boy look at her seriously. “I like you, not as a friend but as a
man, do you like me too?” she said feeling nervous. The boy looked shock but later on he sigh
Boy: sigh “Sarah, you are a good person and I also admit that I also had fun today but, regarding your
feelings for me I don’t feel the same way because I only see you as a friend and I like somebody else that’s
why I’m sorry for not feeling the same way” he said as he turn his back and to walk out first living sarah
alone and broken.
Sarah arrived home with a blood shot eyes as her mom keep calling her asking her what happened yet she
didn’t bother to answer and just continued rushing towards her room and locked the door. In there she
started to cry and started messing all the things on her room, she keep on shouting and scolding herself non
Sarah: “ahhhhh! Why do you to say that! Why do have to confess just why sarah why! Ahh!” she
continued venting out her anger until she sat down on the floor still crying non-stop she keeps messing her
hair and started covering her ear and continued saying “no” to herself. Her mom is outside her door knocking
non-stop calling out her name, begging her to open the door but she won’t
“No, no, no, no, no stop please stop, stop saying that, stop, no, stop!” she shouted crying then she notice
something on her side, a sharp thing from a broken object. She keep looking at it as she reach to grab it and
have think of a bold idea
“I want to live this cruel world!” she said as she rise the sharp object aiming it to her heart as she was about
to commit suicide when she fainted suddenly and the time has stop, her mom who has the keys in her hand
that is ready to open the door also stops. Then Dor appears
Dor: “don’t worry sarah I will help you but for now, you’ll be in deep sleep as your soul travel to my cave
along with victor. Speaking off victor, it’s now your turn.”

Victor’s story
Victor Delamonte and his wife was waiting nervously on the test result regarding his cancer, however, the
doctor’s expression seems to be disappointed which made the couple more nervous
Wife: “how was the test doctor? Can we find a way to heal illness?”
Doctor: sigh “I’m afraid not Mrs. Delamonte, your husband’s illness is un curable and no one in this
industry have succeeded in finding the cure and I’m afraid it’s already too late for Mr. Delamonte since
he only have two months to live”. The doctor stated which made the two of them shock.
Wife: “two, two” she utter while tear falling into her eye
Victor: “two months to live” hearing that his wife started to cry even more
“Is there any other way for me to live longer?” he ask hopefully
Doctor: “I’m afraid there’s no other way to cure you illness, but, we can stop it from spreading even more
by freezing your body through cryogenic freezing, however this procedure is dangerous and may cost you
a lot of fortune in the future”
Wife: “cryogenic freezing? No, victor will not undergo such thing, I know that there will be another way
to make him live longer but not this. Not this, let’s go victor” she said as she work out victor who was silent
and in deep thoughts spoke up
Victor: “how much will it cost to have that procedures?”
Doctor: “around 10 million”
Victor: “okay send me the details that I need to do regarding the procedure I will undergo cryogenic
freezing but please do not let my why know, I’ll handle this matters my own you just need to ready
everything that you needed for the treatment” he said firmly as he heed out and follows his wife
At their house victor and his wife was lying on the bed they we’re talking about what happened earlier
Wife: “Victor, promise me that you won’t do such a thing. Promise me that you will not agree to the
doctor’s suggestion please I don’t you to do that, I know that we can still find another way but not that
kind of way that you would freeze yourself. Promise me please” she said
Victor was silent for a while then eventually agreed. When he look in his wife she was already asleep. Victor
stand up slowly he kiss his wife on the forehead. Then she go to their balcony to think about everything. He
look at his wife once again and said
Victor: I’m sorry, but I have to break my promise this time. I don’t want to live you” then he look at the
sky and said “I want to live long” as his eye started to close.
Chapter 3
Victor walk up by a little harsh tap on his shoulder, when he opened his eyes he was shock to see his niece
sarah with him, he looks confuse as he look at everything around them, it was dark and can only see a little
light enough to see his niece.
Victor: “why are you here? Where are we?” he ask still confuse
Sarah: “I don’t know uncle, I just walk up and saw you beside me sleeping that’s why I woke you up
because I scared, I don’t know what’s happening” she also said confuse
Dor: “it’s good to see new visitors on my turf, sarah and victor it’s a pleasant to meet you” he said on their
back as the two of them look at him shocked
Sarah: “who are you? And why are we here?” she ask nervously
Victor: “what do you need from us?” he ask but victor laugh at their remarks
Dor: “HAHAAHAHAHAHA I do need something from you, but, you needed my help more than I do” he
said laughing then he became serious “Sarah you want to end yourself because you got rejecting by the
boy you like” he stating sarah got shock but remained silent “victor you want to live long but you are not
planning to inform your beloved wife about your plans” victor can’t deny it because he knows it’s true
“I want to show you something that might question yourself if what you were planning to do is right. But,
it’s still up to the both of you to decide in the end. ” he said as he started to walk sarah and victor hesitated
at first but in the end they started to follow Dor. After a long walk they saw a light and they were confuse to
see a lot of people coming into a house, sarah notice that it was there house so she decided to entered and
she was shock to see the scene in fornt of her. It was a funeral of someone and the person on the urn was her
lifeless and sleeping peacefully and beside her was her mother crying
Sarah: “wha_ what is happening why am I lying there! Am I dead, what? How?” she ask confuse and
scared of the scene in front of her
Victor: “that was you when you killed yourself due to the pain of rejection and humiliation that you had
experience. Your mother found you in the room after she opened the door by force and there she saw you
lying on the floor full of blood. She tried to rush you on the hospital but no avail because you were
already dead on arrival” he stated which makes sarah breakdown as she can’t believe this
Sarah: “no, no, I’m not dead your just lying to me. I can’t be dead no” she said as she rush forward “mom,
hey mom it’s me look at me I’m alive you see mom” she said as she tries to catch her mother’s attention but
it didn’t work and her mom just walk past her
Mom: “I still can’t believe that my daughter would end up like this” crying “she fine and excited
yesterday telling me that she has a date but I did not expect that this will happen to her when she got
home, my child what am I going to do now. Why do you have to do this to yourself, you know that you
can tell your mom everything right so why!” she said crying more
Sarah: “mom? I’m sorry, I was selfish I acted rashly that time that I didn’t remember about you I’m
sorry’ I’m sorry mom forgive me mom please forgive me” she said crying trying to hug her mother but no
avail because she can’t hear nor see her. Then her mother fainted everyone panicked as they rush towards her
“Mom!” as she rush to her as well however she can’t get through because there’s so many people around her
mom, dor came to her side “Sir, help me, help my mom please help her please”
Dor: “I can’t” he said sarah cries even more “but, you can” he said then smiled
Sarah: “huh? What do mean, how?”
Dor: “only you can help yourself and your mom, and this scene you see will only happen if you die, I guess
you understand what I mean”
Sarah: “I do sir, but how can I go back?”
Dor: “eat this and you will return to your world after 10 seconds if you’re ready to go back” he said and
gave a mentol candy
Sarah: “I am. But sir may I know who you are?” she ask after she eats the candy
Dor: “I’m Dor the father of time” he said as she vanish like a bubble
Next scene victor
Victor: “Where am I? What is this place? Am I in a lab?” he ask confused to his surroundings he started
looking around until he notice something that had shock him to core. He saw himself in a cube surrounded by
the doctors and scientist
“Is that—is that” he said feeling afraid
Dor: “you” he appears which made victor look at him shock “yes, that is you victor”
Victor: “how?” he ask but suddenly remembered something “Where’s my wife where is she?” he ask
panicking looking for his wife
Dor: “this is what you wanted right? You wanted to live longer, so here are you now, in a cube still alive
and breathing. But, as for your wife.” he stop then the voice of someone speak
Doctor: “Mr. delamonte is still holding on but can he still hold it more even if he don’t have the money
anymore to continue the procedure and as for Mrs. Delamonte she had pass away long ago due to
loneliness and sadness after she found out that Mr. delamonte undergo cryogenic freezing and she did not
handle everything will.” The doctor said the made victor terrified and furious

 Victor: “no! You’re just lying to me my wife can’t be dead, she can’t leave me! No!” he shouted in
agony as he started to cry “no, my wife, why did you live me?” “Come back to me, please my love
comeback to me” he said a few minutes later he turned his head to dor “help me please, I beg you”
he said crying
Dor: “I can’t help you in this matter because you are the only person who can help yourself.” He stated
making victor confuse “the scene that you had seen just now will be your future and I guess you already
know what I mean” he said victor got up and looked at him seriously and ask
Victor: “how can I get back?” he ask dor give him the candy
Dor: “eat this and you will return to your body” victor eat the candy and he vanish after seconds.
Dor return to the cave once again. While he was waiting the god appeared on his sight
God: “dor, I saw everything what you did all those years and I have noticed that you’ve grown as a fine
wise man and you value the importance of time now. As a reward I will return your freedom, you can go
back now” hearing this dor drowned with joy and delighted from the news
Dor: “thank you for forgiving me God however I want to be with my wife once again and I know that my
time is almost up that’s why I want to be with her when it comes”
God: "dor it will be granted. On this day, I gave back your freedom and reunite with your love ones” the
god said as dor disappears
Chapter 4
Dor opens his eye as he saw the familiar surroundings and there she saw his wife style lying on the bed he
rushed towards her bed and hugs her, he cried upon seeing her once again.
Dor: “my wife at last I saw you once again. Forgave me for I was gone for too long” he stated, he startled
when he feels a soft hand brushing his her as he look up he saw her wife’s beautiful eyes that he was longing
for “my wife your awake”
Wife: “I have been waiting for you. I’m glad that you’ve return to me” she said smiling
Dor: “we will never be separated again my wife. My time will about to end as well and I want to be with
you when that happens” he said he’s wife move aside persuading him to lay down beside her. He obligate
Wife: “I know about that dor god has told me before and I’m sad about it but I’m to die with you” she
said as they both hug each other dor kiss his wife’s forehead and said
Dor: “so am I wife, so am I” he said as he and his wife fall asleep forever.

A girl in white is walking with a flower on her hands. As she walks closer she saw a tomb she kneeled down
and put the flower beside it then she cleans the dirt covering the tomb showing the words written in it
Victor Delamonte
Born:March XX, XXXX
Died: Janury X, XXXX
The girl wearing white was sarah his niece who he give money for her college education
Sarah: “hi uncle it’s been a long time, I just want to say thank you for helping me study for my college, I
owe everything that I am now to you. It is sad that you had died and that we had never bond that much
before you died but I am still thankful for your help.” sigh “Because of you I became a doctor and I also
have a great news to share to you uncle, this is one of the reason why I came here. Uncle I had succeeded
on finding the cure that can treat the illness which cause your death and I am using that cure to help
those people who has the same situation as you.” “Uncle you don’t have to worry about us anymore we
are doing fine and everything is under control, I hope you can watch us in heaven and guide as all, thank
you uncle”. She said, she stay there for a while until she decided to head back to the hospital. She promise
victor to return again with his wife.
5 years ago Sarah has been able to overcome her pain and apologies to her mother for making her worry. She
also meet her uncle victor that time before he died. His wife supported her study as she promised her uncle to
support sarah for her college. As she finish her study and become a doctor she have discovered the cure that
can cure the illness that has killed his uncle. As for dor when he died with his wife he god reincarnated along
with his wife and they now live a good life with their three children.

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