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Inverse World - A large window into the Astral Sea.

The Inverse World is a large

chasm opening into the places between worlds. In here, the material world is
ghostlike and the Astral solid. Normal creatures move more or less like ghost while
Astrals find themselves wrestling with the unfamiliar concept of gravity. Rare
psionic crystals are found in abundance here and can only be obtained by trading
with the Astrals, which is hard since the material world has little they need or
Verdant Gardenia - A small untamed continent farm from civilization. Home to Fey,
elves and those who would choose to live in the world of beasts. In the centre of
the island, gigantic roots tear through he earth, surfacing and then dissapearing.
It is said that these roots come form the legendary tree of life, Yggdrasil.
Arkonia - Empire of the shortfolk. Goblins, gnomes and halflings populate these
cities with larger races only being allowed in to trade. Slightly xenophobic and
very patriotic, most Arkonians come off as rude, sometimes abrasive in the
jingoism. To a fellow shortling however, they are always willing to lend a helping
hand, or more likely, blade.
Guildea - The imaginatively named city of a thousand guilds has it all. Nearly
every major trading or service entity has a prescence here. This place is all
business. Except, for the Chroma guilds. Fun loving, adventurous and friendly, they
stand out like a flourescent owlbear in a tavern.
Road of the Lost and Divide of Life and Death - A long stretch of stone, just about
sea level. A natural bridge, winding towards the cursed continent of Mortality's
End. The Road of the lost is a solitary and lonesome walk, only ever traversed by
those seeking to atone for a great crime or shame. The end of the Road opens up
into a large and almost perfectly round island, a giant 'stage' some call it. At is
edge, a giant hole in the sea, part waterfall, part whirlpool. The Divide of Life
and Death. If one stays there on a night with no moon, a giant Mistlord emerges
from the hole. To defeat a Mistlord is considered great enough an achievement to
wipe any stain off a person's history. None but the guildmasters of Chroma have
ever ventured beyond, into the Mistlands. Many great warriors and wizards never
even breach the Divide.
Tianshang - A beautiful and peaceful land, where the rural people live in harmony
with nature and magnificent cities grow from the mountainsides. Home to a great
nation founded long ago by dragons, here nezumi, tengus, vanara, kitsune and humans
live prosperous and happy lives. But beneath the shining surface lies the merciless
gears of a massive warmachine. Once, many tribes and smaller nations also inhabited
this land but were assimilated or destroyed by the larger nation, all eventually
being brought under the banner of Tianshang. The Emperor in Jade, rumoured to be a
divine dragon in disguise, is a benevolent and wise ruler. But he will do anything
to ensure the prosperity of his nation.
IESENWERK - Victorian steampunk. Simple as gentlemen, tophats and tea and whatnot.
For all the world, you might as well have stepped into a nicer(and more stylish)
industrial revolution England. However, deep beneath the cities factories and
aerial gardens, underground laboratories toil, recreating tech the worlds of magic
could never comprehend. Computers, robots, automatic weapons. Though lack of
educated individuals, refined metals and pretty much most of the advances of the
modern world make every bit of progress painstaking and sluggish, the
Sciencemasters soldier on as best they can.
Deep Delve - At first, all thought the dwarves of Deep Delve perished to the last
as their city was found utterly deserted and in complete disarray, but some looters
found a tunnel within the city's great vault. When they came back from the depths,
there were different men. Almost literally. They were possessed by things calling
themselves vestiges. Ghosts of gods, spirits that almost were, consciousnesses
refusing to fade into oblivion. They were unearthed by diggers who had tunneled
into an ancient structure meant to hold them in check. However, the diggers
continued deeper and even the vestiges didn't know what lied beyond their prison.
They merely wanted to escape into our world again. Those who would venture in
search of the lost treasure of the dwarves usually need Binders, ambassadors
between the existing and the not-quite.
Yensa - The Sandsea. Due to magic, planar instability or just plain Cruel and
Unusual Geography, the sand in the Yensa desert is lighter than normal and is
easily shifted by the winds. Dunes roll like waves and some creatures have adapted
to practically swim through the sands. Deep in the Sandsea the city of Al-Salamb
stood as a welcome oasis in a sea of dessication. Stood, that is. The city's open
doors proved to be it's downfall when an intelligent race of Mist mutants
infiltrated it with ease and opened the gates for their more feral brethren. Now,
Al-Salamb stands in ruins, it's once beautiful gardens and lively markets abandoned
save for the odd creature or bandit seeking refuge from the sun. The riches of the
palace were mostly cleaned out by opportunistic looters early on but some say there
are hidden passages in the palace, leading to the Sultan's most prized treasure.
Aqua Lazuli - In the middle of ocean, there is a stretch of sea where dozens of
ships lie marooned upon the rocks, sandbars and corals, only their upper decks
still lying above water. The only safe trade route between the Mists, it is the
main trade route between the North and South seas. Shipwrecked sailors seldom have
to wait long for rescue. Eventually, as more and more ships crashed, they formed
warning signs for all the shallowest areas and hidden rocks and the route has
become much safer. The entire area was colonized as a resort and tradepost by the
now super rich merchant known as Mr. Shark. The dozens of wrecks have been patched
drained and refurbished. New ships specially built, brought in and moored. Nearby
islands fitted with small villages. All of this is connected by dozens of bridges,
some built properly, some cobbled together and some being a long string of
lifeboats tied together by rope.
Hanging Clouds - In past, a peaceful village was nestled in a narrow canyon. One
day, the Mist poured in, slowly, unstoppably. The only ones who were safe were the
avian Tengu and the simian Vanara, who built their homes into the walls of the
canyon. They tried to take in the other villages, building as fast as they safely
could but many still had to abandon the area were still. Eventually, the Mist
stopped pouring in and villagers returned. There was still a small pool of Mist at
the bottom but there was little life or magic left for it to twist on the canyon
floor. The Mist that tried to consume the village, ironically caused it to prosper.
The small, contained cloud of Mist drew philosophers, poets and scholars from all
over Tianshang. Hoping to unravel it's secrets. The newcomers were ever expanding
the village, building ropeways and walkways and bridges connecting the 2 walls of
the canyon. Floating gardens, hanging libraries and much more were built and now,
the city of Hanging Clouds is one of the great centres of learning and art in

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