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A Research Project
'Nandini Pandit’
'PGDEJ, 2020-2021'

Eastern Regional Campus, Dhenekanal

Submitted to
English Journalism Department
Indian Institute of Mass Communication

In partial fulfillment for

The Post Graduate Diploma in English Journalism

Indian Institute of Mass Communication,

JNU New Campus, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi, Delhi 110067

Submitted By:
'Nandini Pandit’
'PGDEJ, 2020-2021'

English Journalism Department

Indian Institute of Mass Communication

Under the Supervision of

(Jyotiprakash Mohapatra, Asst. Prof, IIMC, Dhenkanal)
(13-June -2021)

This is to certify, that the research project titled, “…

bonafide work of (NANDINI PANDIT), of English Journalism
department, IIMC(Dhenkanal).
It is an outcome of his/her independent and original work done
under my supervision.

Signature of Student Signature of Research Mentor


I hereby declare that this dissertation titled, “COMMUNITY RADIO AMONG TRIBALS
OF JHARKHAND ” is a bonafide work done by me under the Supervision of Dr. Jyoti
Prakash Mohapatra.

The present work is original and has not been submitted at any University / Institution for an
award of Degree / Diploma / Certificate.

Name: Nandini Pandit

Signature of the Student Enrollment No. 2539J01

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. SANJAY DWIVEDI DG, Dr Surbhi
DahiyaProfessor Course Director in the Department of English Journalism at Indian Institute
of Mass Communication, Delhi. And the mentor of my research project Dr. Jyoti Prakash
Mohapatra, Assistant Professor at IIMC, Dhenkanal.Who had given his valuable time,
incessant support and guidance towards my research project. As a mentor, he is truly calm and
polite and served me as a pillar for my dissertation to be completed on time. My constant
queries regarding the topic haven't annoyed him and he was available whenever I needed him.

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Dr. Anubhav Mathur , Assistant Professor at
Indian Institute of Mass Communication,IIMC, Jammu. Who had also given me constant
guidance and support toward my research assignment. I express my gratitude towards him
who was never annoyed by me even though having inane and insipid questions for my
research . He provided me with good guidance through numerous consultations.

In the process of my dissertation , I would also like to thank and express my gratitude towards
my family whose constant support has helped me to complete my dissertation. They are a
pillar of my life and help me throughout the process. However, My friend whose constant
support and help also made my dissertation to be complete on time. Without their support and
guidance it would be impossible to complete my research .

Place: Delhi Name : Nandini Pandit


❏ To understand community radio as a media.

❏ To examine the participation of tribals in the organisation, production, and

distribution of programme contents.

❏ To study how community radio engages with community.

❏ To comprehend how community radio represents tribal community

❏ To understand the role of community radio in the empowerment of tribal


Community Radio is a short-range radio station concerned with expressing the content of
local communities. The term COMMUNITY derives from Latin “communism” which means
a group of people have some common traits of interest, culture, historical heritage and adapt
themselves as distinct from the majority society. First and foremost, it is a not-for-profit
organization that seeks to promote the development of vulnerable communities whose
problems have not been raised globally in relation to those of traditional communities. In
Jharkhand, there are about five community radio stations that run many programs for the local
peoples; such as developmental issues, women empowerment , education, farmers and
farming programs, musical programs, social beliefs, traits and develop a more comprehensive
way of living which entertains their community. Jharkhand is the land that is known for tribes.
These people were more inclined to be in their own tradition, culture, and language and to
make heritage alive their community engaged in community radio programs. This study
outlines how community radio works as a medium for tribals’ of Jharkhand. It also tries to
understand how the tribal community is engaged in the production, organisation, and
distribution of local content from their communities within their group. Further, the study also
seeks to understand how the tribal communities are empowered and how their cultures are
celebrated through community radio.






5. CONCLUSION 39 - 40


Radio, sound communication through radio waves, usually by the transmission of news,
music, entertainment drama dialogues, and variety of programs transmitted via single
broadcast stations to the large no. of masses that connect the individual listeners across
geographical, cultural, and even political divides. Messages are in the form of verbal
communication. Perhaps, it is sent through the invisible airwaves. Where audio accessibility
could be found but no space for visuals. Sterling Randy (2018, November 15). The technology
is equipped with radio receivers and it is a useful channel through which people communicate
in the early days.Sterling Randy (2018, November 15).

Roots Of the Radio

The existence of radio waves was first noticed in the 1860s by James Clerk Maxwell, a
Scottish physicist. However, In 1886, a German Heinrich Rudolph Hertz elucidated the rapid
variations of electric current that would exist in space in the form of radio waves. In 1886,
Mahlon Loomis, an American dentist, revealed the “wireless telegraphy.” He successfully
demonstrated the work of a meter that is connected to a kite, therefore, it caused a meter
which was connected in handy to the other kite to move. Thus, that was the first instance of
the presence of wireless aerial communication. Bellis, Mary. (2020, August 28).

But in reality , the radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor, who marked
the pragmatic establishment of the radio communication. The first radio was sent and received
in 1895. The first wireless signal was flashed in 1899, across the English Channel, and after
two years the letter “S” was received, which was cabled from England to Newfoundland(
Now it is a part of Canada). And it was earmarked as a first triumph to overseas radiowire
messages. Bellis, Mary. (2020, August 28).

Radio Broadcasting Begins

The speech was first transmitted by radio in 1915, across the Atlantic Ocean and across the
continent from New York City to San Francisco. In addition ,Westinghouse's
KDKA-Pittsburgh, five years later broadcasted the Harding-Cox election returns and began a
daily schedule of radio programs. The commercial radio telephony service was opened in
1927 linking North America and Europe. And in 1935, the world witnessed the first telephone
call by using a combination of radio and wire circuits. Bellis, Mary. (2020, August 28).

In 1933, Edwin Howard Armstrong invented the FM radio or Frequency-modulated radio.Till

date, 1936 , all transatlantic telephone communication of America was routed through
England. And Paris got the direct telephonic circuit. Bellis, Mary. (2020, August 28).

The first FM Antenna system was designed and allowed individual FM stations to broadcast in
1965, simultaneously from one source, was constructed on the Empire State Building in New
York City. Bellis, Mary. (2020, August 28).

Radio in India
As per the records of Times of India, on 20th August 1921, first transmission of radio was
broadcast from the roof of its building. In addition, Radio In India marked its origin in the
pre-Independence, Colonial British India Times. Arihant. (2019). Irrespective of its origin,
several experiments and inception of ametur radio clubs were conducted in cities like
Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Lahore. However, On 23rd February, 1922, first license was
granted to impart broadcasting in India. Arihant. (2019).

In November , 1923, The Radio Club of Calcutta was said to have pioneered broadcasting
function in India, followed by the Madras Presidency Radio Club which began its radio
broadcasting in India on 31st July, 1924. Arihant. (2019).

In 1927, Financial crunch compelled the clubs to congregate into one club and formed as a
Indian Broadcasting Company (IBC) Limited. Some Indian group of Businessmen,followed
the footsteps of the European broadcasting, invested some capital and came up with the two
stations in Bombay and Calcutta. Arihant. (2019).

A few years later, in 1930, the Government of India took over the two transmitters.
Thereafter, the company formed and the new name - Indian State Broadcasting Service
(ISBS). Arihant. (2019).

Subsequently, in 1936, the Indian Broadcasting Service was rechristened as All India Radio
(AIR). In addition, The Radio transmitter charge was transferred from the Ministry Of Labour
and Industries to the department of Communications.Arihant. (2019).
Prof. AS Bokahari became the head of the AIR ,in 1936, and continued his venture upto six
years. All India Radio transferred to the Information and Broadcasting, and in 1941, Became
the separate ministry after Independence.Arihant. (2019). However, During the times of
Independence, there were only 9 (AIR ) All India Radio stations like Delhi, Lucknow,
Peshawar, Tiruchirapalli, Lahore, Bombay, Madras, and Dhaka. Arihant. (2019). The first
Minister of Information and Broadcasting in Independent India was Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
Arihant. (2019).

The Motto of the All India Radio was ‘ Bahujan Hitaya: Bahujan Sukhaya’ which means it
emphasis on dissemination of the information, music, education, drama, and news.Afterwards
radio witnessed the competition with the Radio Ceylon In 1950s , Vividh Bharti was started
in 1950s. It came up with the various programmes such as: Sangeet geet, Inse Milye,
Sehatnama, Chhaya Geet.Arihant. (2019).

All India Radio (AIR) ,in 1956, officially named it ‘Akashwani’. In 1959, satellite television
was introduced; after a few years it was separated to form Doordarshan.In 1976, All India
Radio and Doordarshan was separated. It was formed into two distinct bodies - Akashvani and
Doordarshan by the Broadcasting Corporation of India in 1990.Arihant. (2019).

Some private FM stations were opened to private players in 1995, under the guidance of All
India Radio. Radio Mirchi was the first Private FM Stations set up by Times Group in
Bengaluru.Arihant. (2019). Few popular Radio Stations that function at present in India .
They were : Radio City (91.1), Big FM (92.7), Red FM (93.5), Radio One(94.3), Fever 104
FM. Arihant. (2019).

Community Radio

UNESCO defines Community Radio as a broadcast station - “ which is operated in the

community , for the community, by the community and about the community.” Yalala Nirmala
.(2015). It is a mechanism which enables individuals, communities, and demographic groups
to express , to tell their stories and to become contributors and the creators of the media world
. Interestingly, it is characterised by its programming, ownership, and it is bound to the
community through authorisation to serve.Yalala Nirmala .(2015).

A Community Radio Station is owned and controlled/run by a non-governmental organization

or non-profit organization. The structure of Community Radio Station primarily provides for
memberships, management, operation and programming mostly by the members of the
community at large. Its programming merely works for the community and the positive
participation of the local community reflects their interests and to fulfill the needs of the
listenership ,which is bound to serve through broadcasting it via Community radio.Yalala
Nirmala .(2015).

Community Radio is primarily designed to operate for a small scale or local residents which
emphasize on reaching out their issues , problems and empowering the community through
awareness, education.Myers, M. (2011). It is a not-for-profit radio service which can be
summarised as follows:

● Community Radio’s purpose is to serve for the social gain and felicitate benefits to the
community, without any profit.
● Community Radio stations would be owned and should be accountable to the
community , to whom it seeks to serve.
● Community Radio should oversee the participation of the community in management
and programming.Myers, M. (2011).

History and Origin of the Community Radio

Radio Sutatenza was the first Community Radio; that was acknowledged to the world,
established in Colombia in 1947. It was the first model for community broadcasting among
rural people for their development, literacy, and liberation. Following his footsteps , Bolivia ,
in 1949 set up radio which showcased against the government and were asked by the military
for providing political information and a voice for suppressed during the times of political
upheaval. Myers, M. (2011).

In 1982, Kenya ,at Homa Bay on Lake Victoria witnessed the First Community Radio. But in
the true sense the community radio had really burgeoned since the 1990s ,both in Africa and
worldwide. Infact, a survey found that in 11 countries across Africa , local commercial radio
grew by an average of 360% between 2000 and 2006. Whereas in the same period of time the
Community Radio grew by 1,386 percent on an average. In the Democratic Republic of
Congo (DRC) there are now 250 Community Radio stations , which was merely 10 stations in
2000. Afterward , the community Radio stations saw the increase in the opening of the radio
stations from several countries Such as : Mali grew two stations per month in the year 2000.
Irrespective of it , several other places such as Asia ,Latin America have also seen burgeoning
booms in the Community Radio Stations set up.Myers, M. (2011). At the time, in 1997 Nepal
had only one community radio , but at present it has approximately 70 percent of populus who
reach out to the community stations. Since the broadcasting liberation in the 1990s Colombia
witnessed the rising of the community Stations upto 850.Myers, M. (2011). This had
occurred due to the liberalization of the airwaves, the increasing cost of the necessary
equipment, and a finding of alternatives against government controlled media.Myers, M.

Community Radio In India:

The use of Community Radio in developing countries explicitly demonstrated its tremendous
possibilities to erect grassroots democracy. In India , the public service broadcaster All India
Radio (AIR),has been playing a prominent role in disseminating valuable information among
people which could reach to the nook part of the country. In India , the government in
December 2002, announced a notion to grant community radio licence to educational
institutions.Lakhendra, Bala. (2015, Feb 18).

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB), Government of India, In 2003 Spread
the circulation for the educational sector that offers them to act as a non-commercial ,
not-for-profit radio stations to the both school and college levels. The Ministry of Information
and Broadcasting termed it as ‘Community Radio’,as the world knows it in terms of ‘Campus
Radio’. On 1st February, 2004, India’s first Radio station was operational at Anna
University,Chennai. Interestingly, on October 30, 1984, in Nagercoil the first experiment in
local radio was conducted by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.In December
,2002, The MInistry of Information and Broadcasting publicly announced the policy that
grants licence to the Community Radio Stations set up by the educational institutions.
Moreover, it recognised the potential growth and use of the medium for the improvement of
the community.Lakhendra, Bala. (2015, Feb 18).

In November,2006, NGOs and other voluntary organizations were allowed to set up and run
FM broadcasting Stations. Government of India ,further, permitted Non-profit organizations to
run the Community Radio station with a range of 10-15 km. The political parties and
organizations were not permissible to run a set up of community radio stations.Lakhendra,
Bala. (2015, Feb 18).

Community Radio's main purpose was to construct development ,participation, capacity

building in suburban areas , through awareness , education. It provides the platform to the
rural people to enhance their culture, tradition, creative talents,and promote the realm of their
community.Also, it boosts the traditional wisdom, knowledge ,etc.. Thereby, the Community
radio is meant to protect the culture , tradition, local language, which is not much acquainted
with the world. The government of India granted permission to Community Radio in which
many institutions registered them under the policy.They were: State Agricultural Universities,
Indian Council of Agriculture Research institutions, Krishi Vigyan kendras.Lakhendra, Bala.
(2015, Feb 18).

In 2004, The director of Anna University’s Educational Multimedia Research centre planned
to communicate and impart quality education Through Campus community radio station. It
started with science and technology programmes which focused on marginalised women
projects that are science for women (SFW). The prudence of this programme was to engage
the women from marginalised communities and to create awareness in them about the basic
necessity of science in daily life. In this programme women were paid Rs 300 to RS600 for
producing local content on the community radio programmes. The pioneer of the community
radio station in India was the Anna Community Radio station. Apart from this,there were
already mainy FM channels available and extremely popular in a city like Chennai.Lakhendra,
Bala. (2015, Feb 18).

At present, there are more than 141 operational Community Radio Stations functioning or on
air in every state or different parts of India.Moreover, 265 were in process to set up stations in
several parts of India. In December , 2010, the Government of India sanctioned Community
Radio to start a fund on recommendation of the CRFs . Later on, the Ministry of Information
and Broadcasting combined the working group to operationalise the fund and to support the
Community Radio Stations to run smoothly , without facing the financial crisis.Lakhendra,
Bala. (2015, Feb 18).

Community Radio in Jharkhand

Jharkhand , a state which is known for its Forests and Tribes.On 15, 2000 , Jharkhand became
functioning as a separate state after being separated from Bihar. And there comes the identity
of the people of Jharkhand. The identity of being as Jharkhandi seeks for an autonomous
identity and was not merely based on the Uniqueness of the tribal culture , heritage,but it was
fiasco of development policy to interrupt in the socio-economic circumstances of both the
adivasis and non adivasis ,who resides in the region.Pavarala, V. (2003).

The state which is known for tribals, has a variety of communities such as :Munda, Santhal,
Karia, Gond, Kol , Oran , etc and there are several tribal communities who reside in
Jharkhand.Singh, P. (2018, 12 01).
In Jharkhand there are five Community Radio stations currently running . Looking at the
present scenario of the pandemic the researcher decided to go only with one community radio
of the jharkhand.

Radio Jagriti

Radio Jagriti airs the programs particularly in “Khotta” language which is very much

acquainted with the Dabri people, and it is a local language which is very popular among

them . Dabri is the village which comes under the Garhwa District of Jharkhand. Around 4

lakh people reside in this district and about 1.15 lakh listen to the Radio Jagriti. The people of

Garhwa District listen like the programs , they ask to run music of their choice, some people

especially the tribal women’ come to the radio station and ask the RJ to allow them to speak in

their tribal language which helps these womens’ to feel self-esteem and to promote spread

awareness of their culture among the people of Dabri.


Pavarala, V. (2003) carried out a study on “Building Solidarities: A Case of Community

Radio in Jharkhand,” to find out how a community-based organization has initiated radio
projects in their community, who seeks to deploy development and community empowerment;
wherein the government was dithering over legislation for the facilitation of Community radio
in India. The researcher examines how the community had initiated a radio programme in
India: ‘ Chla Hao Gaon Mein’ that is broadcast by the AIR station in the Palamu district of

A research methodology was an interview method, as the researcher wants to conduct research
on a regular basis of interaction with the village communities. The approach of qualitative
style provided the researcher to understand its audience and also the core issues of the
community problem, and to find the solution for the illiteracy, development, agriculture, child
marriage, women and gender so on and so forth. A total of 77 people had participated in the
focused group discussion across 12 villages.

After examining the community radio programme, drove by using technology.The researcher
reached an inference that, within a short span of time the programme has generated a great
deal of zeal among the villagers and their issue being noticed and taken into account for the
solution.Iit had also gathered greater significance among the economically deprived area. And
Researcher had also ideated for making the programme more participatory and to vigour
solution to them who runs the program production.

Lakhendra et al. (2015 ) carried out a study on “Community Radio In India: A Study of
its Effectiveness and Community Participation,” in order to find out how CR station is
effective and how communities participate in Community Radio’s programme in India for
its access to information , entertainment and development.

The researcher took rural and urban CR stations to examine the research which included
several CR stations of different states in India.The research approach was both quantitative
and qualitative method i.e. as an audience survey method and depth interview was being
done. In which the researcher entails that 68% of the respondents got help to some extent
and 22% of the respondents sought maximum no. of benefits from the Community Radio

The researcher in his inference found that the Community Radio is a comprehensive
instrument for the development of masses at the grassroot level of the society. In his research
the researcher connotes the government to facilitate autonomy to the CR stations for the
news broadcast.

kumar k, P. (2019). Carried out a study on “Perceived Effects of Development Functions of

Community Radio among Listeners in South India,” in order to analyze how Community radio
stations work, quality of the contents and evaluating the participation among listeners of the
Community Radio station in South India. The study examines mostly the concept of listening pattern,
participaction and what are the challenges faced by the Community Radio programme producers when
they constitute the content among different demographics groups of the society. The researcher also
tried to focus on the Educational Institution such as Community radio, Non Governmental
Organization, and owned Community radio Stations.

The Researcher used a Descriptive Analytical approach in his methodology to comprehend the
respondents effects on the community radio listenership. And also the sample size from five states of
South India. Later on researchers combined the Four states NGOs and CR station in two groups,
Broadly defined it into NGO owned Community Radio station and educational Institutional based
Community Radio Station.

Data Collection was done by the survey method to investigate the Community Radio management. A
total of 500 samples were being taken, with 125 each from Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh , Tamil
Nadu respectively. Also the Qualitative method being used asin Focused group discussion brings
natural results from the respondents who listen to the Community Radio on a regular basis.

In his inference, the researcher found out that Community Radio is useful to the marginalised group who
learned to express themselves in front of the society. Their active participation has leveraged them for
their social well being. And the perception towards the developmental functions of Community Radio
of NGOs owned CRs had a propensity towards their community Radio Station.
Prabakar, N. (2013, Aug 19)
carried out a study on “ the role of campus community radio Anna FM in inculcating everyday
science awareness among marginalised women'', to find out how Community Radio’s “science
awareness”, helped marginalised women in the zones of Kannigapuram and Kotturpuram. With
the help of the National Council for Science and Technology Development (NCSTC). The
study examines Anna FM’s ‘Sakthi-Arivaayadi - Science for Women’ (SFW) project.who
focus on the participation of women in awareness and social cause in their life . It also
explains about health awareness, and includes the positive participation of the respondent on
the Every day Science on broadcast themes.The study further reveals that the folk women
were more confident and felt empowered to take the part in the decision of family matters. An
effectives consequence had also been over the knowledge and producing independent radio
programmes , magazines programmes, and also seeks to come up with a similar outreach
curriculum. Anna FM had incessentanly supported these marginalised womens to act as an
overarching body in society.

A total of 314 women had been chosen for the simple random sampling method of slum
tenements from Kannigapuram and Kotturpuram. The researcher took an experimental design
in which the 314 respondents were randomly assigned in par with experimental and control
groups as ‘participatory’ and ‘non-participatory’ respondents respectively

The Inferences of the study reveals that the Anns FM is wholly run for women-centric and
research also reveals that the women had been benefited from the programmes they run for .
The Results through SPF project gave a clarity to the researcher that the study which is
concerned to examine has successfully outreach the researcher desires. The SPF Has been
proved to be very effective and crucial to bring out the acute result of the concerned research.

A Research Methodology is a design which describes the procedure of study; sampling

,result ,which reports on statistical analysis of gathered information and may be derived to
interpret or solve the problems which are within the scope of a particular principle. Jansen,
Warren, D. ,. K. (2020, June).

However, Research methodology in simple terms emphasises on the “HOW” of any

particular topic ,which was chosen for research. It is all about how a researcher designs
systematically to go through a particular topic which is concerned for the research. The
concerned topic which was taken as to study will ensure the valid, reliable and credible
results that will fulfill the researcher aims and objectives which he has chosen for. Jansen,
Warren, D. ,. K. (2020, june).

Following are the points that show how the research methodology works:

● What data the researcher should collect and at the same time to ignore.
● From whom the researcher will collect it , (that comes under the sampling design.)
● How the researcher will collect the data from his sample.
● How the researcher will analyse the collected data. Jansen, Warren, D. ,. K. (2020,

Research Objectives:

● To understand community radio as a media.

● To examine the participation of tribals in the organisation, production, and

distribution of programme contents.

● To study how community radio engages with community.

● To comprehend how community radio represents tribal community

● To understand the role of community radio in the empowerment of tribal

Research Question:

To examine / explore the following question for the study.

1. What is the programme content ,subject , format run in a Community Radio station?

2. How does the Community Radio Programme empower the tribals?

3. What is the tribal opinion on the programme you offer?

4. Do the tribals show their active participation in listening to the CR programmes?

5. What are the key challenges the Community Radio Face to comprehend tribals?

6. How does Community Radio Raise Funds to run the station?

S.No Name of the Category State

Community Radio

01. Radio Jagriti 90.4 FM NGO Dabri, Giridih

District, Jharkhand

Contact Details :

1. Radio Jagriti : 9472720772 , Email

Research Design: The research design used by the researcher is the Quantitative method
,where the researcher planned to go with Ms word Doc questionnaire in an open ended and
close ended form. By seeing the current situation of the pandemic and increase in cases of
Coronavirus (COVID-19),the researcher was not able to meet the station master physically.
The researcher will connect on call for some questionnaire as in the manner of in-depth
interview, that comes under Qualitative approach .

Quantitative Method:

Quantitative Method in research emphasizes the measurements, mathematical or numerical

analysis , statistical of data collected through questionnaire , surveys ,online google doc
questionnaire which comprise of using the computer techniques. Quantitative Method
emphasized on accumulating information through numerical data and analysing it with a group
of people or to elucidate a particular phenomenon. Babbie, Earl R. ( 2010).

In the quantitative Method the researcher used the structured questionnaire for the survey;to

whom it goes for answering. The quantitative method is basically based on the larger sample

size to collect data from the population,so that the researcher could find the answer from the

vast population size. In a quantitative approach all the aspects are rectified in hand before the

data is being collected.Babbie, Earl R. ( 2010).

Qualitative Method:

The Qualitative Method can be defined as an in depth interview , which emphasises on the
detailed description yield by the respondents. The researcher might cause for structured or
unstructured questionnaires according to the interviewee's convenience. The main objective of
the Qualitative method is to get an acute apprehension of the dilemma that is represented by
the ideas themselves.Babbie, Earl R. ( 2010).


The population of tribals had been taken for an audience survey probably constituted by the
listeners of Community Radio from Radio Jagriti.

Research Question for an Audience Survey :

1. Sex
2. Occupation
3. Education
4. Do you have a radio?
5. Do you know about Community Radio?
6. How often do you listen to Community radio?
7. How many hours do you spend listening to Community radio?
8. Why do you prefer community radio ?
9. Have you ever participated in Cr programme?
10. If yes, what kind of a programme do you have to participate in?
11. Does listening help your community?
12. If yes, then up to what extent?
13. If not , then what should be added?
14. Does Community Radio bring changes in your area?
15. Without Community Radio how would you think to get information?
16. Does Cr help in solving problems and bring social changes in your community?
17. Does Community Radio provide a platform to express,entertain and portray your
18. Is community radio effective and participatory?
19. Is Community Radio helping to empower your community?

Analysis is the process where the researcher analyzes the methodology and the objectives

which he/she took. In this, the researcher took the interview on call from Sudir Prasad Verma,

a community radio station master, who looks after the Treasury excerpt. He was the one who

helped to get fine details of the Radio Jagriti. The researcher also sent google doc in an

open-ended questionnaire.To get the whole idea of what the researcher had taken as an

objective and also to know how they run the Radio Jagriti and how locals either rural people

adapt the channel ( Community Radio) as in , interesting ,informative, actively participating,

their developments issues how are being raised.

1. What is the programme content ,subject , format run in a Community Radio station?

Jagriti Radio broadcasts /runs their programs from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM. In which many

programs are being played every day. The Radio Jagriti mainly focus on the all caste ,greed ,

race and it doesn't particularly focus on the Tribals’.There are multitude of programs through

which every community feels connected with the music, awareness program , such as

Farming, they particularly teach them how to cultivate, how seeds could be grown why

farming is important to the rural and as well to the urban people.

Radio Jagriti airs the programs particularly in “Khotta” language which is very much

acquainted with the Dabri people, and it is a local language which is very popular among

them . Dabri is the village which comes under the Garhwa District of Jharkhand. Around 4

lakh people reside in this district and about 1.15 lakh listen to the Radio Jagriti. The people of

Garhwa District listen like the programs , they ask to run music of their choice, some people
especially the tribal women’ come to the radio station and ask the RJ to allow them to speak in

their tribal language which helps these womens’ to feel self-esteem and to promote spread

awareness of their culture among the people of Dabri.

In Radio Jagriti , there were 10 members are working currently Following are they :

1. SECRETARY: Dheeraj Kumar Verma.

2. VICE-DIRECTOR: Anjali Verma

3. DIRECTOR: Savir Ansari

4. VICE-DIRECTOR: Sulekha Kumari

5. TREASURE: Sudhir Prasad

6. RADIO JOURNALIST : Ram Prasad Verma

7. RADIO JOURNALIST : Neetu Kumari

8. RADIO JOURNALIST : Kajal Kumari

9. ANNOUNCER: Sudir Prasad Verma

These are the people who jointly work from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM, for the people of Dabri ,

Garhwa District Jharkhand. Radio Jagriti mainly focuses on farming ,and education. In the

times of corona the Radio Jagriti came with narrow broadcasting through which they spread

awareness through nukkad natak , door to door acknowledging . and sometimes they ask to sit

in the galore where they could draft the message and make women of dabri aware about

cleanliness programmes.
Here is the list of the programmes which Radio Jagriti runs from 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Serial No. Name of the Programmes Time

01 Bhakti song 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM

02 Good Morning 7:00AM - 7:15 AM

03 Delhi Samachar 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM

04 Samachar Giridih 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM

05 Subha Savera 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM

06 New Song 8:00 AM -9:00 AM

07 Ek hi Film se 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

08 Live SMS Masti 9:45 AM -10:00 AM

09 Khuch Bate Khuch Geet 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

10 Jhankar Song 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

11 Dophar Samachar 11:OO AM - 11:15AM

12 Jharkhand Geet 11:15 AM- 11: 45 AM

13 Live SMS Masti Local Bhasa 11:45 AM - 12:00 AM

14 Lokgeet 12:00 PM - 12:30 AM

16 Ayush Mantralaya Programme 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

17 Birha 1:30 PM - 2:3O PM

18 Kheti Bari 2:30 PM- 3:30 PM

19 State Samachar 3:30 PM- 3:45 PM

20 Aaj ki baat 3: 45 PM - 5:00 PM

2. How does the Community Radio Program empower the tribals’?

Ans- While talking to the station master of Radio Jagriti, the researcher was being informed
that in the populus of giridih - caste ,greed and race is a mix of people in which they
particularly do not consider only tribals’ for the development, spreading awareness and
promoting cultural programmes. They considered the wholesome of the whole community
that Hindu, Muslims, Tribals, Sikhs etc, in which sub-categories of the caste come in it . Their
focused group or agenda is to promote the whole community by disseminating information
through narrow-casting.

Narrow-cating means that the community radio’s Radio jockey, station master , president and
many more members of the Radio Jagriti would visit the sub village in which they garner the
attention of demographic groups ; do certain events via microphone, loudspeaker . In the time
of Corona they broadly used this way of mechanisms to educate the people of Giridih ; how to
protect the COVID-19. Since the inception of Radio Jagriti was 2008 ; it has never halted
itself to work assiduously and meticulously and selflessly to the people of Giridih. They came
up with competitions for students , which help to enhance either the skills, confidence, and to
promote literacy among childrens of Giridih.

3.Do the tribals' show their active participation in listening to the CR program?

Ans- Yes. The Station master Sudhir Prasad Verma ,who also looked after the treasury
excerpts of Radio Jagriti told the researcher while in-depth interview via call, that the tribal
womens’ are fond of participating herself to speak over the microphone and to spread about
their culture and promote their local language of their tribes that they used to spoke among

Women also participate in the narrowcasting programmes that help them to get information
about how to do household work with cleanliness and they get to know about their health and
hygiene. Men of the tribal community found little timid to take active part to portray them
among different demographic groups.
4.What are the key challenges the Community Radio Face to comprehend tribals'?

The major concern to comprehend either to construe the Tribal community is that the illiteracy
, lack of education, among them that really really ramshackle the Radio Jagriti to adapt them
not easily. However, they are trying at best to analyse and to promote education through
narrowcasting programmes. The percentage of the jerk was quite palpable earlier and in times
of corona due to pandemic . Interestingly , the awareness through certain programmes which
broadcast through Community had proven profitable to them to spurt their society at par with
the other demographic. Today the tribal community people send their children outside of the
village so they can get better and quality product studies. Which would promote their
community and that would help Community Radio and imbue them to come up with more
interesting ideas that will lend them to achieve the goal for which they are running the
Community Radio.

5. How does Community Radio Raise Funds to run the station?

Radio stations of any Community Radio still strive to raise funds to run the Radio
broadcasting . They Barely get some money from the NGOs and sometimes from the
government side if they want to circulate the information either to run the awareness in
times of pandemic, regarding health and hygiene and to take the vials for the diseases that
occured in 2019 and are protracted yet.

It Is basically a no-for- profit organisation which is meant : for the people, by the people.
Though it did not get any advertisement that would help to run the station. However , the
employees of the radio station do other work apart from the Community radio ; that helps
them to feed their family or bread to run the family.
Audience response from the tribals’ of Giridih.

A total of 22 responses said in majority that the occupation of the people is students.

That means 72% of the students, 13.6% were skilled labour, 9.1% were farmers . In

these responses the percentage of the students is higher, compared to any other

occupation This is also just because the Station master already informed about people

that they do not have smartphones because most of them were illiterate and the

researcher had sent questionnaire in the digital form to fill may be that could be the

reason for the such responses.

In sex , the 63.6% of responses had been responded from the female and the 36.4%

constituted thor participation in filling the form .some are found of not intersested to fill

the fom .and are inkling about how to do it. So the station master went to women for

responses who agreed to do such work and most of the men refused to fill the form and

then reason was given that if the link could be found of fraudulent work or either could

get the bank account details to get their money out from their bank account by

deceipeting them.
77% are around the age group 18 -25 , who responded to the form. 18.2% were the age

group 25-40 and only 1% who responded to it . This age group percentage shows that at

a very young age , youth of the giridih had a zeal to fill the form; no other age group

was found to be interested in filling the form. Which is a fiasco when the researcher

reaches out to them in times of corna and persuades them to fill the form.
Out of 22 responses the 54.5% [percentage] responded that they have radio. And around

45.5% responses come if they don't have a radio to listen to radio programmes. This

shows that the majority of the population have radio to listen to the programmes that

are broadcasted.
Here , it shows that 12 [54.5] % do not know about community radio. And 10 [ 45.5%

results shows that it shows that they know about community radio . It means that little

difference to be informed about Community Radio.

The percentage shows that 40.9% don't show interest in listening to community radio,

around 18.2% show their interest in listening to community radio. 31.8% sometimes

bear to listen to community radio , 18.3 % listen teh community radio daily. Which

means the youth of Giridih do not have interest in listening to the radio.
Out of 15 responses shows that 60% of them listen to the radio one hours daily,and 40%

of the listeners 2 hours , that means that programmes that are short length are liked by

the audience.

Out of 16 responses it shows that 31.3% listen for music programmes, 25% listen to the

entertainment stuff, 18.8% listen for gathering information ,18.6% listen to the news

and 1 % listen to the cultural programmes.

Out of 20 responses the 80% shows that they have not participated in the community

Radio programmes and 20 % shows that have participated so far. It shows that youth

doesn’t bear interest as such to be part of programmes that help to exhibit their tribal


The participants who said yes ;their equal percentage to listen to a few programs such

as: 22.2 % is for Drama, radio talk , others , and 11.1 % is for discussion , folk song,
interview. This shows the conflation of listening interest for both important issues as well

as the sector of entertainment.

Out of 18 responses show that 56.6% opined that the community radio helps the

community to comprehend either construe to the locals of the giridih as a whole. 36.6%

say it may be not completely agreed or comply with the phenomena that it really does so

effectively. And 1% said it's completely discardable; that it does not help the

community through listening .

Out of 17 responses, 64.7% have said they don't have such an interesting idea to come

up with some fascinating programmes, 17.6% said that community radio helps the

community through their programmes and 17.6% said upto maximum extent it helps

the the community through their events and spreading awareness from multiples

programmes they broadcast.

Out of 15 responses the percentage was 53.3%; they indicate that cultural awareness

should be taken into consideration. So that the community radio would help to take
tribals into newer heights. 26.7% want the empowerment of women to be taken into

consideration. 13.3% spoke that there is a need for promotion of tribes. And around 1%

said there would be promotion of local language.

Out of 18 responses the percentage was 55.6% agreed that community radio helps in

bringing changes in the area where they live. 27.8% disagree that it bears bringing

changes in the area they live in. 16.7% strongly agree it is very fruitful to the society

among the locals only.

Out of 19 responses the percentage of 42.1% said that they feel neutral to get

information because they are another source to get as well these days. And 15.8% of

responses get similar responses , strongly agreeing and disagreeing at the same to get the

Out of 19 responses the percentage of 52.6% said that they are not sure that it helps in

solving the problem and bring social changes among their community to par with the

other communities who reside with them in giridih. And 42.1% affirmed that yes it

really helps in solving the problems and bringing social changes on par with others.

Out of 20 responses the percentage of 60% said they agree that they have a platform to

express, entertain and portray culture . 10% and 15% said they’d strongly disagree

and not sure and even not inkling that community radio does provide a platform for the

portal of culture.
Out of 20 responses the percentage of 70% said that they said that community radio is

really effective and participatory. 25% are residue people who still think that it does not

have such effectiveness that could bear the programmes which are being broadcast by

the community radio .


The Hypothesis which the researcher had taken was successful; that Radio Jagriti from Giridih run
the multiple programmes but they don't only focus on the specific group that is tribals of jharkhand.
Jharkhand whose identity is known for tribals. There are multitudes of things that still need to be
worked on. To make tribals’ community empowered. Still Community Radio of rural areas not
focusing as much as they are taking care of the whole caste and greed. Thus, there comes the
problem. Here , when asked to fill the form in a digital format; they firstly defy it. Eventually, the
Community Radio’s station master whose consistent effort had made her feel relaxed, nothing as
such frauds could be going to transpire with them. In the survey there the researcher found that the
youth of rural areas had filled the questionnaire form, in which many of them either bear or did not
bear to listen to Community Radio. The ratio that has occupied, it doesn’t insinuate the major
disparity. The tribal womens are found to be pretty exhilarated to speak on the microphone for
entertainment purposes. In this research it was also found that the youth bear the community only for
listening to music. When the researcher took the interview on phone call with Sudhir Prasad Verma,
sometimes found to be changing his statement. Therefore , it becomes hard to comprehend exactly
through his statement . sometimes it feels that it is a guise. However, at the end it abides that their
work is still lagging in the excerpts of tribals. They occurred with lots of programmes and events.
During the lockdown the Radio Jagriti efforts to aware the people about the diseases, pandemic rules
to be followed,etc. Through narrow broadcasting, it had made a splendid project to aware the
people of Giridih. Farming awareness programme was found to be very successful. For students
certain competitions Radio jaagriti organise where students get to indulge themselves to be
literate,inform ,and educate. Literacy rate still is a matter of concern. The participation was only
done by women not men amid the tribal group. However , it provides a platform to scale up their
voice, platform to express and many more . Yet, the researcher found there is more to go . and still
the government community needs to work hard to make the people aware of tribals, to educate , to
inform ;how they are so important amid what other communities , caste, greed and race holds
significance. Communication is the only weapon or tool to be empowered in the modern era.

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