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Chapter 1

IIS Fundamentals

IIS 6: The Complete Reference

nternet Information Services (IIS) is Microsofts suite of applications for the Internet. With support for the web, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) for e-mail, IIS is much more than just a web server. Because it is fully integrated at the operating system level, it integrates well with Microsoft .NET applications, and it allows organizations to add Internet capabilities that weave directly into the rest of their infrastructure. As the Internet becomes more prevalent in our daily lives, the infrastructure behind it becomes more complicated, and the knowledge of how to support that infrastructure becomes more valuable. This chapter will introduce you to Windows Server 2003 (WS03) and the features of IIS 6. It also covers the metabase (which holds all the configuration information for IIS) and the architecture of IIS 6. Lets get started.

About Windows Server 2003

IIS 6 is the latest version of Microsofts web server, and its packaged with Windows Server 2003, which comes in four flavors: Web Server, Standard Server, Enterprise Server, and Datacenter Server. Web Server is a limited functionality version. It gives you everything you need to run a web server, including network load balancing, but it cant act as a domain controller. It also cant act as a certificate authority and issue certificates. The upside? Lower price. Standard Server is your garden-variety server operating system. It offers the standard functionality and is the version most people run. Enterprise Server gives you everything Standard Server does, plus the ability to make a four-node cluster network configuration. In addition, if the hardware supports it, you can add memory while the server is running. Enterprise Server also allows you to cluster servers together for fault tolerance, rather than just balancing traffic across servers. Enterprise Server will also be released in a 64-bit edition. Datacenter Server, the big dog of the family, supports the most processors and the most RAM, all at a greater cost. It also offers Microsofts Datacenter support program. Datacenter Server includes support for up to eight-node clusters. Like Enterprise Server, Datacenter Server will be released in a 64-bit edition.

Hardware Support in Windows 2003

The big draw of a more expensive version is its hardware support. The following table details the hardware supported by each version of WS03; as you can see, the more expensive the version, the more memory and processors it can support.

Web Max RAM Max Processors

2G 2

4G 2

32G* 8

64G* 32

*The Itanium processors support twice the RAM in these versions.

Chapter 1:

IIS Fundamentals

Installing Windows 2003

The installation of WS03 is similar to the installation of previous versions of the OS, and since this is a book about IIS, we wont go into detail about the install. However, here are a few tips to remember about installing WS03: Use NTFS partitioning Remember to use NTFS partitioning, because an IIS server is typically exposed to the outside world. Even if thats not the case, the server still needs to be secure. Use NTFS on every partition on the IIS server. Separate OS files from data files Use more than one partition. With Windows 2003, you can create a really big C drive to store everything, but why would you want to? Multiple partitions help you keep everything more organized, and if you do lose your OS partition, your data has a better chance of surviving. Use TCP/IP Since the Internet is based on TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), you must be using TCP/IP as a network protocol for IIS to work.


A Little History
Before we get started installing IIS, lets take a trip down memory lane and cover the history of IIS.

Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4

IIS 1 was available as an add-on to Windows NT 3.51. It didnt have many features, but it included the standard web, FTP, and gopher services. IIS 2 was included with Windows NT 4. It wasnt tremendously different from IIS 1. IIS was upgraded to version 3 when Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4 was installed. It included new features, such as Active Server Pages (ASP). IIS 4 was available with the Windows NT 4 Option Pack. It was a major overhaul of IIS, removed the Gopher service, and greatly enhanced the feature set of IIS. IIS 5 was included with Windows 2000 Server. It was not a major upgrade from IIS 4. IIS 6 represents a fundamental shift in the web services product offering from Microsoft. While the FTP, SMTP, and Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) services are not extremely different, the web server component of IIS 6 has a new focus on security and fundamental changes in the way it behaves at its core.

Version 5 Version 6

IIS 6: The Complete Reference

Installing IIS
In Windows 2000 Server, IIS was part of a default installation. However, in WS03, you must install IIS manually. With Microsofts new mindset of off by default, IIS is no longer part of a default installation. Heres how to install IIS: 1. In the Control Panel, click Add Or Remove Programs to open the Add Or Remove Programs dialog box. 2. Click the Add/Remove Windows Components icon on the left. The Windows Components Wizard will pop up. 3. Click Application Server, and then click the Details button. 4. The IIS components are located in the Internet Information Services area. If you click the IIS checkbox, only the default components will be installed. To install optional components (subcomponents), you must select them manually.

The IIS Subcomponents

As indicated in step 3 in the preceding section, youll click Details to see the subcomponents of IIS, which are shown in Figure 1-1. Choose all the subcomponents you want to install, and then click OK three times to get back to the main Windows Components screen. When you click Next, you may be prompted for the Windows 2003 CD, if its not already in the drive.

Figure 1-1.

Subcomponents of IIS

Chapter 1:

IIS Fundamentals

Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Server Extensions

The BITS Server Extensions contains two components: an Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) filter to allow BITS uploads, and the server extensions snap-in. An ISAPI filter is basically a dynamic link library (DLL) that gets first crack at incoming Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) code. ISAPI technology is covered in detail in Chapter 17. BITS allows files to be transferred in the background so as not to interrupt any active users on a system. File transfers are throttled to limit their bandwidth use. If a file is interrupted because of a broken connection, it will continue transferring when the connection is reestablished. When the file is completely transferred, the application requesting that file is notified. BITS is installed with Windows 2003 and Windows XP, and it is available as an add-on for Windows 2000.


Common Files
You must install this component or IIS wont work.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service

This component is not installed by default. The FTP service allows for the creation of an FTP server, where users can upload and download files.

FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions

Selecting this component installs the software necessary for users to upload their web sites to the server directly through Microsoft FrontPage or Visual InterDev. This allows web page authors a greater degree of control on your web server, and installing it can also be considered a security risk.

Internet Information Services Manager

This component installs the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that allows you to administer IIS. Like Common Files, its mandatory.

Internet Printing
This component installs the options that allow you to configure and share printers over HTTP. This option is the same as the Windows 2000 Server web printing options. In WS03, it is now an optional service.

NNTP Service
This component installs the News Server, which allows the creation of newsgroups.

IIS 6: The Complete Reference

SMTP Service
This installs the SMTP Service, which allows the IIS server to send e-mail. Its useful for those web sites that let visitors send e-mail.

World Wide Web Service

The World Wide Web Service is the one youve been looking for. It provides HTTP services and comprises several subcomponents.

Active Server Pages The Active Server Pages subcomponent installs the ASP DLL and other files that support ASP for your web server. This option is always installed, although it is disabled by default. Internet Data Connector Internet Data Connector (IDC) allows for database connectivity in your web site. This option is always installed. Remote Administration (HTML) Installing this option enables you to administer IIS remotely through a web browser. This is different from the previous HTML administration options for IIS, with which you could administer only the same server. Remote Desktop Web Connection This installs the ActiveX control that allows Internet Explorer web browsers to connect to a terminal server session using the pages provided. This was available in Windows 2000 as the Terminal Services Advanced Client. Server Side Includes
installed. This provides support for server-side includes and is always

WebDAV Publishing WebDAV stands for Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning. It is a set of extensions to HTTP that allows users to access and manage files on WebDAV published directories on your web server. It is always installed. World Wide Web Service This component installs the core WWW service application. Without this, many IIS components wont function.

IIS Services
Several services run to support IIS; each is listed in the services control panel for WS03. The services that appear depend on which components of IIS are installed. If a component isnt installed, the associated service will not appear in the services control panel.

IIS Admin Service This is the main administration service for IIS. All the other services depend on this service, so if this service is stopped, all other IIS services will stop as well. FTP Publishing
This is the service behind the FTP server component of IIS.

Chapter 1:

IIS Fundamentals

World Wide Web Publishing

of IIS.

This is the service behind the web server component This is the service behind the SMTP server This is the service behind the NNTP


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

component of IIS.

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)

server component of IIS.


This is the service that enables the WWW Publishing service to perform SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate functions. The WWW Publishing service depends on this service. Service dependencies allow services to be linked so that a service that needs another service wont be started without its partner. Dependencies can be viewed in the Dependencies tab of the Properties window for a service.

The IIS Directory Structure

The core components of IIS are stored at %systemroot%\System32\inetsrv. The directory structure under inetsrv is shown in the following table:

ASP Compiled Templates History iisadmpwd MetaBack

If you use an ASP template for your site, it is stored here. The history folder for the metabase changes, which allows you to roll back the metabase. Contains ASP pages dealing with IIS Admin authentication. The default directory for metabase backups.

For more information on the metabase, see the section The Metabase later in this chapter.

The Administration Web Site

In IIS 6, the administration web site allows you to administer your entire Windows server from a local or remote web browser. The administration web site is located at %systemroot%\System32\ServerAppliance. It runs over SSL on port 8098, by default. To access the administration web site, type in https://machinename:8098 (where machinename stands for the name of the machine you wish to administer) in your web browsers address line.


IIS 6: The Complete Reference

IIS Help Files

All the help files in IIS 6 have been moved to a central location, along with all other Windows help files. They are located at %systemroot%\help\iishelp. The best way to access IIS help is to choose Help | Help Topics in the MMC.

The Inetpub Directory

The Inetpub directory is the main content directory of IIS. Under Inetpub are all the content directories for each service installed. The default path for the Inetpub directory is C:\Inetpub. The content directories under Inetpub are shown in the following table:

AdminScripts ftproot mailroot nntpfile wwwroot

Contains some Visual Basic scripts for use in administering your IIS server The top level directory for the FTP service The top level directory for the SMTP service The top level directory for the NNTP service The top level directory for the default web site

Accounts Used by IIS

Because everything in WS03 has to run within a security context, and an account is required for access, IIS installs two accounts and one group to your account database for its use. These allow IIS to run code and worker processes and allows people to access your site. These accounts and group are discussed next.

This user account grants anonymous access to a web site when a user connects to a web page without any security information of his or her own. This user is not a member of any group other than Guests, by default.

This user account is used to launch worker processes. It is a member of the IIS_WPG group.

The members of this group can run worker processes. Any user account that runs worker processes needs to be a member of this group. This is a low security account

Chapter 1:

IIS Fundamentals


that has the rights of Network Service. Processes using the Network Service level of rights can access the server as though they were running from outside the server, so they dont have direct access to the operating system. You can view these in the Computer Management MMC, in the Administrative Tools group. Heres how to open Users and Groups: 1. At the Start menu, click Administrative Tools and then Computer Management. 2. In the Computer Management MMC, users and groups are listed separately under Local Users and Groups. 3. However, if this computer is a domain controller, users and groups are located in the Active Directory Users And Computers under Administrative Tools.


Navigating IIS
IIS is managed through an MMC snap-in. The MMC is a framework that allows for a common look and feel across applications. IIS 6 is managed by, simply enough, the IIS snap-in. The IIS MMC is located under Administrative Tools in the Start menu.

The Microsoft Management Console

The IIS Manager snap-in (or MMC), shown in Figure 1-2, allows you to manage all the FTP sites, application pools, web sites, SMTP virtual servers, and NNTP virtual servers on this machine or any other machine to which you connect. By default, you are connected to the local computer: if you right-click your local computer and choose Connect, you can choose to connect to and manage another computer.

Figure 1-2.

The IIS Manager snap-in


IIS 6: The Complete Reference

Managing a Site with the MMC

Across the top of the IIS Manager is a toolbar that allows you to perform basic functions on your site. Above the toolbar, the menu bar contains all the management commands. Its important that you understand that the MMC is a separate program from IIS, and that not all the options here deal with IIS. They may configure portions of the MMC instead. The toolbar and menu bars will change, depending on what is selected in the left pane of the IIS Manager window. Typically, the easiest way to manage a component is to use the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click a component. All valid administration commands are listed on this menu. Most of the configuration options are listed under the Properties command.

Local Computer Properties The properties for the local computer allow you to change the options that globally affect all components of IIS. To access the local computer properties, right-click computername (Local Computer) in the IIS MMC, and then choose Properties. Youll see the Properties window shown in Figure 1-3. Changing something here requires that IIS be restarted after you make the change. Two options affect IIS as a whole: Enable Direct Metabase Edit and Encode Web Logs In UTF-8.

Figure 1-3.

Local computer Properties window

Chapter 1:

IIS Fundamentals


The Enable Direct Metabase Edit option allows you to edit the metabase while IIS is running. In previous IIS versions, the metabase was a binary file that could be accessed only with a resource kit utility. Now, as an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) file, you can edit the metabase with Notepad. You can cut and paste the configuration, save, and it will take effect immediately. This does require the metabase history to be enabled, but since thats the default, it shouldnt be a problem. The Encode Web Logs In UTF-8 option sets the web and/or FTP logs to log in the UTF-8 standard rather than in the local character set. UTF-8 is a standard for encoding text with 8-bit encoding of Unicode characters. One to six octets are used to represent each character. UTF-8 uses a universal character set and preserves the ASCII text for backward compatibility.


The Metabase
The metabase is roughly equivalent to the registry for IIS: it holds all the configuration information for IIS. In previous versions, the metabase was a binary file that could be edited only by the metabase editor, part of the resource kit. In IIS 6, the metabase is a good old XML text file (as shown in Figure 1-4) that can be edited with Notepad. Even though the metabase in IIS 6 is completely different, it is still completely compatible with the IIS 5 metabase, so all the same APIs and scripts still work.

Figure 1-4.

View of a metabase file


IIS 6: The Complete Reference

The metabase is stored in %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv and is called, appropriately enough, MetaBase.xml. The schema for the metabase is called MBSchema.xml. Because the metabase is a text file, it can easily be edited with any text editor, and it is less likely to be corrupted. Even if the metabase does experience corruption, it can easily be fixed or recovered.

Metabase History
The metabase is backed up and versioned periodically by IIS. Two version numbers are used for the metabase: a major version number and a minor version number. The name of the backup files are MetaBase_[10 digit major version number]_[10 digit minor version number].xml and MBSchema_[10 digit major version number]_[10 digit minor version number].xml (for example, MBSchema_0000000160_0000000000.xml). By default, ten copies of the metabase files are stored. This allows the metabase to be rolled back to any of these previous versions. The number of metabase versions kept is configurable by editing the MaxHistoryFiles property in the metabase. As a general rule, you shouldnt configure less that ten copies of the metabase history to be kept. Each time the metabase is saved, a backup copy of the metabase and corresponding schema are made in the history folder. IIS checks to see how many history file pairs are present, and if more files are present than the value of MaxHistoryFiles, IIS deletes the oldest pair.

History Folder Location

By default, the history folder is located at %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\history. This is configurable by changing the registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ Microsoft\InetMGR\Parameters\. Add a new string value named MetadataFile. The value of the MetadataFile key should be the absolute pathname of the location to which you want to store the metabase files (for example: D:\IISMetadata\ThisIsMyMetabase.xml). As always, editing the registry is a dangerous thing, and the usual warnings apply. Be very, very careful. When you change the location of the metabase files, make sure all the metabase files are moved to the new location, or else when IIS starts up, it will create the default metabase in the new location. The changes to the metabase location will not take effect until the IIS Admin and World Wide Web Publishing service are restarted.

Backing Up and Restoring the Metabase

While you can use history files to restore metabase configuration files, performing a backup of the metabase has some advantages. For one, metabase history files can be used only on the computer on which they were created, while backups can be restored to another computer. The metabase can be backed up on demand through the IIS MMC.

Chapter 1:

IIS Fundamentals


The metabase can be fully backed up and restored using the Backup/Restore Configuration option in the IIS MMC. To access it, highlight the computer in IIS, and choose Action | All Tasks | Backup/Restore Configuration. From the Configuration Backup/Restore dialog box shown in Figure 1-5, you can choose to back up, restore, or delete a metabase backup. All the metabase backups appear here.


The Backup Option

When you create a backup, you must specify a backup name. The backup file is located in %systemroot%\System32\Inetsrv\MetaBack. The metabase has a .MD0 extension, and the schema has a .SC0 extension. Each backup with the same name will increment the number in the extension to preserve the previous backup. The password option encrypts the backup with the password you specify. It can be decrypted only with the same password. This allows a web site to be moved from one computer to another, while keeping the metabase secure. Moving the metabase to another computer works well only if the drive configuration is the same on the new computer. Because pathnames are stored in the metabase, if your content is on a different drive, the web site wont work properly. Extra care must also be taken if the site has an SSL certificate.

Figure 1-5.

Backup/restore configuration


IIS 6: The Complete Reference

The Restore Option

To restore a configuration, choose that configuration, and then click the Restore button. When you click Restore, a warning will pop up, informing you that all your settings will be wiped out (theyll be restored to the saved configuration) and that all the services will be stopped and restarted. This action is not to be undertaken on a whim.

The Delete Option

To delete a metabase backup, choose the backup and click Delete. You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete, and if you say Yes, the backup is deleted.

Metabase Snapshots
Another way to back up the metabase is to use Windows Backup Utility. The Backup Utility uses the Metabase Snapshot Writer automatically to make sure the MetaBase.xml and MBSchema.xml files are successfully backed up.When the Backup Utility detects that the drive to be backed up contains the metabase, it writes the in-memory metabase to the files and prevents anything from being added to the in-memory metabase for up to two minutes. The Metabase Snapshot Writer is not used during Backup Utility restores. If you are going to restore the metabase files, make sure that you stop the IIS services first, so you dont risk data loss.

Editing the Metabase

When the Enable Direct Metabase Edit option is enabled in the Properties window (see Figure 1-3), you can use a few different methods to modify the metabase while IIS is running.

Notepad or Text Editor

A favorite for those of you who like doing things by hand, a text editor can be used to edit the metabase directly. Just open the MetaBase.xml file, make the changes, and save. Theyll take effect immediately.

IIS WMI Provider

Microsoft has a new push for all its programs to be accessible to Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). So you should be able to use WMI to access the same configuration items you could through the user interface. WMI edits the saved copy of the metabase on the disk.

Chapter 1:

IIS Fundamentals


IIS ADSI Provider

ADSI, the Active Directory Scripting Interface, edits the copy of the metabase in memory. ADSI creates an instance of the metabase object that you can manipulate programmatically. Editing the metabase is explained in further detail and some examples are given in Chapter 9.


The Metabase Schema

The metabase schema is loaded into memory with the metabase when IIS initializes. It contains the definitions for all the properties that can be written to the keys in the metabase. The schema also enforces these definitions to a certain extent. As long as a property is written as an in-schema property, it works because it has been defined. This can be overridden by using a custom property in the MetaBase.xml file, which is essentially creating your own definition for a property. The goal here is to define all the properties used, rather than limiting you to a certain few variables. While editing the metabase isnt difficult, editing the metabase schema isnt recommended.

IIS 6 Architecture
If youve worked with previous versions of IIS, youll notice some significant improvements with IIS 6. Version 6 is designed to be much more stable and secure than previous versions. As youre going through this information, keep in mind that this is referring to the web server component of IIS. In IIS 6, FTP, SMTP, and NNTP still run in the inetinfo.exe process. Previously in IIS (see Figure 1-6), everything ran in the inetinfo.exe process or out of process in dllhost.exe. An errant web site running in inetinfo.exe could take down the entire web service, causing an outage. IIS 6 separates web-server code from applicationhandling code with a kernel-mode HTTP listener, http.sys, and the Web Administration

Figure 1-6.

Diagram of web server processIIS 5


IIS 6: The Complete Reference

Service (WAS), which is a user-mode configuration and process manager (see Figure 1-7). These programs dont run any third-party code, so they cant be affected by an errant web site. The code is run in a worker process. These worker processes are run by the application w3wp.exe. Each copy of w3wp.exe is another worker process. These worker processes are separate from each other and from the kernel so that they can be isolated from the operating system. In process refers to code that runs in the same process as the parent. Out of process refers to code that is run in a separate process.

Worker Process Isolation Mode

The IIS 6 web service runs all application code in an isolated environment. This is called Worker Process Isolation Mode. This type of functionality was previously available in IIS, but it inflicted a significant performance penalty. Since everything in IIS 6 is run out of process by design, there is no performance hit. Previous versions of IIS also relied on user mode processes to route requests to each other. In IIS 6, requests are pulled directly from the kernel, completely isolating worker processes from each other. This helps when two applications need to be isolated from each other for security reasons. For now, other IIS services (such as FTP and SMTP) still run in inetinfo, just as in IIS 5. Perhaps the next version will introduce worker process isolation for these services, but at the present time, they do have the ability to affect the inetinfo process.

IIS 5.0 Isolation Mode

Sometimes, worker process isolation can cause issues with applications that need to access data across instances or perform in an IIS 5 application pool environment. In this case, IIS can switch to whats called IIS 5 isolation mode. This mode operates like IIS 5 and allows these applications to perform in the IIS 5 application pool environment, while still allowing the kernel mode http.sys to queue and cache requests.

Figure 1-7.

Diagram of web server processIIS 6

Chapter 1:

IIS Fundamentals


Most web sites will work just fine under IIS 6, but a few events would force you to use isolation mode and abandon worker process recycling: Multi-instance ISAPIs that are written to be used multiple times simultaneously by different processes Read raw-data filters that would try to grab all the data before it hits a web site In-process session state variables, because they are lost every time a worker process is recycled Applications that farm out work to their own worker processes


Enabling IIS 5.0 Isolation Mode

Enabling isolation mode must be done at the root level for the Web Sites folder in the IIS MMC. This is done for all web sites on this server as a wholeyou cannot enable it on a per-web-site basis. Heres how its done: 1. Open the IIS MMC. 2. Right-click the Web Sites folder and choose Properties. 3. Click the Service tab. Note that this tab is available only at this level. 4. Place a check mark in the box to Run WWW Service In IIS 5.0 Isolation Mode. 5. Click OK to return to the IIS MMC.

Application Pools
IIS introduces a whole new way of handling applications. Application pools allow code to be run in an isolated environment. Each application pool is serviced by one or more worker process. When IIS starts, the Web Administration Service initializes the http.sys namespace routing table with one entry for each application. This routing table determines to which application pool an application should be routed. When http.sys receives a request, it asks WAS to start up one or more worker processes to handle that application pool. This isolation of processes makes the web server as a whole more stable.

Health Monitoring
The WAS is able to keep IIS healthy by keeping track of the worker processes and monitoring their health. It can control these processes to keep them from causing IIS to stop responding. WAS keeps track of worker processes by pinging them at periodic intervals. If a worker process fails to respond to a ping, WAS terminates the process and starts a new one. This enables the system to keep responding to requests, even when a worker process gets hung up. If a process crashes and the worker process hangs, http.sys will queue up the requests until WAS starts a new worker process to handle that application pool. The end user will experience a temporary loss of service with applications in that application pool, while the core web services and any other applications will continue to function.


IIS 6: The Complete Reference

Orphaning Worker Processes

WAS can also be configured to orphan a worker process instead of merely terminating it. This allows the bad worker process to be examined to determine what happened. WAS can be configured to run a command on the worker process (such as a debugger) when it orphans a worker process. Worker processes can be periodically restarted in addition to being automatically restarted on failure. This allows the system to reduce the effect of memory leaks by periodically reinitializing the environment and returning that memory to the system. When WAS restarts a worker process, it creates a new worker process and tells the existing one to finish what its doing in a certain time frame and then shut down. This allows the application to stay up, while refreshing the worker processes behind it. If the worker process does not shut down within the allowed time frame, it is terminated. Worker processes can be restarted based on the following criteria: Elapsed time Number of requests Time of day Memory usage Idle time CPU time used

Worker process isolation mode also allows for better scaling of the web server. Thousands of sites can exist on a server with this configuration. Each application pool can be throttled individually, limiting the individual application pool to a certain amount of processor time.

Web Gardens
Multiple worker processes can be set up to handle a single application pool. This is called a web garden. Web gardens allow for better multiprocessor scalability, since each worker process can have an affinity for a single processor, to increase the cache hits on that processor. If one worker process gets bogged down, the other ones can take up the slack. It also reduces the need to reboot the server, even when upgrading components, because the application pool can merely be restarted. The number of requests that should be queued for each application pool can be set in http.sys when running in worker process isolation mode. When this limit is reached, new requests to the full application pool are not processed, and the user gets an HTTP 503 error. For more details on application pools and these options, see Chapter 2.

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