Family Medicine 2023

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Family medicine 2023

1. What is a typical pneumonia characterized by?

1.Atypical clinical symptoms
2. Atypical radiological pictures
3. occurring mainly in the elderly
4.IneffecAveness of the beta-lactam anAbioAcs
The correct answer is:
A. 1,2,3,4
B. 1,2
C. 1,3
D. 4
2. In accordance with the recommendaAons adopted in Poland,
pregnant and lactaAng women should receive iodine
supplementaAon at a dose of:
A.50 microgram of iodine/day
B.100 microgram of iodine/day
C.150 microgram of iodine/day
D.500 microgram od iodine/day
3. According of definiAon family medicine?
A. Does not focus on prevenAon and promoAng healthy
B. Does not provide comprehensive and conAnuous care to
C. Does not work in contraindicaAons with other specialists and
healthcare providers
D. Does not discriminate their paAents age, sex, naAonality,
and disease type
4. Which localizaAon is not recommended among children 0-5 to
define temperature measurement:
1. Axilla
2. Forehead
3. Rectum
4. Ear drum
5. Mouth
A. 2,3
B. 1,3
C. 1,5
D. 4,5

5. Are there any vaccines which are not approved for

breasUeeding women?
A. yes, live vaccines
B. yes, whooping cough
C. no
D. no, but it is mot recommended to get vaccine
6. SCORE, evaluaAon depends on?
1. total cholesterol level
2. LDL level
3. age
4. blood pressure
5. cigareZe smoking
The correct answers is
A. 1,3,4,5
C. 3,4,5
D. 1,2,3,4,5
7. Obesity comorbidiAes include?
1. diabetes mellitus
2. obstrucAve sleep apnea
3. dyslipidemia
4. inferAlity
The correct answer is:
A. 2,4
C. 3,4,5
D. 1,2,3,4,5
8. How long do we treat moderate community-acquired
pneumonia with anAbioAcs?
A. 7days
B. 10days
C. 14days
D. 21 days
9. Typical of osteoarthriAs is everything except:
A. erosion
B. scleroAzaAon
C. geode
D. narrowing of the joint cavity
10. A posiAve schlieren’s test is useful in diagnosAcs of:
A. osteoarthriAs
B. rheumatoid arthriAs
C. scleroderma
D. Sjogren syndrome

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