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The Fear-Mongerer

Expanded Spell List

Spell Level Spells

1st Cause Fear, Protection from Evil and Good

2ndMind Spike, Crown of Madness

3rd Fear, Remove Curse

4th Banishment, Raulothim's Psychic Lance

5th Negative Energy Flood, Far Step

Fear and Loathing

When you give your service to the Patron of Fear and drink its ichor, your spells and
effects that involve frightening a creature gets a buff to its Saving Throw DC equal to
half your proficiency bonus rounded up.

Enfeeble Mind

At 1st level, you can enfeeble a creatures mind. As a bonus action, you choose a target
within 30 feet which can see you. You briefly enter their mind and show them their
worst fears and nightmares. They must make a wisdom saving throw or be frightened
of you. They can repeat their saving throw as an action on their turn. After this effect
ends, they also have a damage penalty equal to half their modifiers for 3 rounds as
long as youre within sightrange. You can use this a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier. The range extends to 60 feet at level 9.
Emissary of Fear

When you reach 6th level, your connection to the realm of nightmare strenghtens. You
gain immunity to the frightened condition and whenever you make a charisma skill
check, you can attempt to frighten the creature as well. The creature makes a saving
throw against your spell save dc and if it fails you gain triple advantage on
intimidation rolls against that creature.


At 6th level, you can awaken the fear inside a creatures mind. Choose a creature within
60 feet. You encase their head in a sphere of nightmarish origin. The creature must
make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save dc or gain the following effects.
If a creature is frightened of you it has disadvantage and a creature might choose to
fail this saving throw.

- Their movespeed is set to 0 and can't be changed

- They don't take actions, bonus actions or reactions

- They can't speak, hear or see

- They have disadvantage on all saving throws.

Whenever this creature is attacked by weapon-attack damage, the attack damage is halved
and the sphere is automatically transferted to the attacking creature without doing a
saving throw. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns
or whenever it takes non-weapon attack damage (from a spell or feature or something
else). If the creature is in the nightmare for more than 3 rounds, it's mind is broken,
giving it two points of exshaustion and the feature instantly ends.

Brain Sap

At 10th level, Whenever you deal spell damage to a frightened enemy or frightened
enemies, you regain health equal to a roll of your hit point die for each enemy hit.
This does not expend a hit die and only works with warlock spells
Fiend's Grip

At the 14th level you channel the twisted powers of your nightmarish patron. As an action
choose a creature within 80ft. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or be
grappled by tendrils of darkness that springs from below a dark pit. The creature had
disadvantage if its frightened by you. They take 2d8 psychic damage and 2d8 force
damage and are paralyzed and frightened of you. On each failed saving throw which
they can do at the start of each of their turns, they take another 2d8 psychic damage
and 2d8 force damage and gain a point of exhaustion which lingers after the feature is
used for a number of turns equal to the amount of turns the creature was under the
freature (minimum of 1).

This feature can be used once per long rest or be expended a spell slot to be used for a
second time each long rest. If the creature succeeds on the initial saving throw, roll a
D20 against your own spell save DC with your charisma bonus. If it succeeds, you
regain the use. If you fail, the feature is used as you try to bargain with your patron to
let you use more of its otherworldly power.

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