Es Essay g00393758 - Jack Hand

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Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline


Module: Education Studies


An Exploration of My Personal Philosophy of Education and its Application to

the Technical Classroom

Jack Hand

Lecturer: Dr Pauline Logue

Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

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Student Name & ID: Jack Hand – G00393758

Programme: Education Studies
Assignment Title: Philosophy Statement Essay
Due Date: 30/10/2022

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Date: 27/11/2022
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline


A philosophy statement is a self-reflective statement that describes what you believe and
provides concrete examples of what you do in the classroom to support those beliefs. It is
written in the first person and should convey a professional image of your teaching. My name
is Jack Hand, I am a preservice teacher in BSc in Education (Hons) Design, Communication
Graphics & Construction at ATU Wellpark Road. In this philosophy statement I wish to
explore my personal philosophy of education and its application to the technical classroom.
This essay will be diving into my values and beliefs when teaching and how I apply them to a
classroom environment. I will discuss the theories and work of two theorists in some detail
and how I apply / intend to apply their ideologies into the technical classroom. Concluding
this essay, I will tie all this information and my key points together in a particle manor.


Since the beginning of my time in this course my values and beliefs for my teaching have
been constantly evolving. They will continue to do so because I have an interest in the
development of my teaching style and methodology to improve the quality of the material I
teach. Although my ideology is changing constantly there are core principles that I have
always valued and encouraged with my work, mainly inclusivity, respect and enjoyment. The
importance of respect in The Teaching Councils – Code of Professional Conduct (2016) is
emphasised greatly, but I have found some concepts they focus on less such as enjoyment to
be of equal importance.

Students should not be dreading going to school and dragging themselves emotionally and
physically through the day, instead school should be perceived as a healthy and enjoyable
essential part of life. John Dewey said, “I believe that the school must represent present life -
life as real and vital to the child as that which he carries on in the home, in the
neighbourhood, or on the play-ground.” I believe that studying theorists and their different
approaches to the classroom has given me a clearer idea of how I wish to project myself and
my teaching.
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

I would like to think that I have a very positive outlook on learning, I believe that the human
mind is capable of so much more than most of us can comprehend. It is such a powerful tool
how it manipulates your very concept of reality in order to benefit you subconsciously. When
children are young they have to construct their own comprehension of reality and in this time
of their development I believe they are taking in so much information which can be taken
advantage of to ensure they grow up understanding how to absorb and retain information and
figure out the best method for them to learn.


My philosophy has been influenced by some brilliant minds whose work and findings are
studied to this day such as Carl Rogers, an American psychologist who was among the
founders of the humanistic approach and Jean Piaget also had some very inspired theories of
cognitive development which I will be discussing later and deconstruct how it influences the
way in which I conduct my lessons.


Carl Rogers has been a great inspiration to my philosophy as in simple terms he believes that
each person can blossom when nurtured in the right environment of acceptance and empathy.
“The person-centred approach based on the work of Carl Rogers (1902–1987) was designed
to promote openness, growth and change in understanding the counselling processes. It is an
approach which is practical and helpful in education, because it can solve some of the
problems outside the curriculum faced by students.” (Gatongi F, 2007) I thought that Rogers
was incredibly optimistic and positive in his theories. He discussed how our self-conception
is controlled by factors such as our self-worth, self-image and ideal self.

I use this idea when I am planning lessons as I want to provide students with the same
passion for the subjects I teach as I had when in school. Creating an environment the students
can discover any passion they have for the subject in a accepting, supportive and encouraging
way is very important to me. I do not entirely agree with his theory of student-centred
learning as from my understanding it means that the child will learn when they choose to
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

learn (O’Neill, G. and McMahon, T, 2005). I feel that this can work incredibly well for a
small select group of students but not for an entire class as some students will not value their
learning and not engage with the activities. I would possibly attempt to use this in some of
my classes to gain first-hand experience on the results however in theory I feel it is lacking


Jean Piaget theory is also one of the theorists I like to incorporate into my philosophy as my
understanding of his theory is that he believes humans are capable of reaching higher
potential if they are given an environment to do so in while developing into young adults.
The theory divides cognitive development into 4 stages, firstly the sensorimotor stage is from
ages 0-2 years. It focuses on the infant’s repetitive behaviour on its own body, secondly the
preoperational stage is characterised by the development of symbolic function from ages 2-7
years. Thirdly the concrete operational stage is when a capacity of logic and reasoning is
developed roughly around the ages of 7-11 years. Finally the formal operational stage is
when the child becomes capable of abstract thinking and obscure thinking this continues from
11 years all the way through adulthood. When Piaget’s methods are used in a classroom
environment it is important to give the students a great deal of hands-on practice with their
skills that serves as the building blocks for more complex skills to begin developing.
Similarly, the wider range of opportunities for learning you off the students the stronger the
foundations of their skills will be.


Reflecting on some what I have discuses on both Piaget’s and Roges’ theories I really find
that I have an interest in helping students discover a passion for my subjects and achieving
their greatest potential in a nurturing, healthy and constructive environment. It makes sense
as I think that by a teacher sacrificing a few hours in the evenings to really be creative and
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

produce something for a lesson that will really influence a handful of students it is an
amazing use of their time as it means your time has been used in such a meaningful way.


5.1 John Dewey. (1879, January). John Dewey my pedagogic


5.2 Sprouts. (n.d.). Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development [Video].


5.3 The Teaching Council. (2016). Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers. Teaching



5.4 Francis Gatongi. (2007, June). Person-centred approach in schools: Is it the answer to

disruptive behaviour in our classrooms?

5.5 O’Neill, G. and McMahon, T. (2005) Student-centred learning: What does it mean for

students and lecturers. In: Emerging issues in the practice of university learning and

teaching I.'Neill%20and


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