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Carlos Maldonado (Dr.


Eli Arzate (Mr. Halt)

Mr. Ruiz

Biology Period 3

May 1, 2023

Cancer will be outlined in Red

Treatment will be outlined in Green

Symptoms will be outlined in Orange

Cancer Type: Lung Cancer

Video: Eli

Written Research: Carlos

Entry No. 1


Published at: 2:39 PM Pacific Standard Time

I am Dr. Maldonado, I will be writing about the disturbing discovery of Mr. Halt’s

cancer. He first came to my office after reported showing severe symptoms of illnesses such as;

chest pain, weakness, loss of appetite, and difficulty breathing. We have diagnosed him with

lung cancer and have regrettably informed his family members and relatives about the situation.

We took a look at his lungs through an x-ray and studied it to find that his cells underwent

mitosis at an accelerated rate. We took x-ray images of his lungs to find that his cells were
replicating at an accelerated rate. I am also saddened to learn this since I will have to witness a

person die from cancer. Recently, my mother died of cancer and it breaks my heart that more

people have to witness their loved one die from this infection everyday. We will be checking up

on him on a 4 month basis to monitor his health and updates, I will also be researching any

possible treatments for the cancer. The unfortunate lifespan of a person with this cancer is

about a 5-year survival rate.

Entry No. 2


Published at: 4:10 PM Pacific Standard Time

This is Dr. Maldonado updating on Mr. Halt’s lung cancer. There is both good and bad

news I bring with this update as I am writing this. The bad news is that Mr. Halt’s symptoms

have worsened to a terrifying length, he is currently being taken care of in our medical facility.

Halt’s new symptoms include; coughing up large amounts of blood, severe wheezing, and a

sharp increase in pain around the body. The cancer tumor has also gotten larger as a result of

unstoppable cell growth, uncontrolled cell division is worsening Halt’s living conditions. A

patient coughing up blood is something I thought I would have never seen ever since I sat by my

mother, both cases terrify me equally. With all the doom and gloom out of the way, the good

news is that Mr. Halt will be getting his treatment today, this is very good news for him.

Although this is good news, there are obviously side effects to Mr. Halt’s treatment includes

hair loss, fatigue, anemia, and urine & kidney problems. If all goes right, then Halt should be a

treated and happy patient soon. More updates will come soon.
Entry No. 3


Published at: 12:00 AM Pacific Standard Time

Dr. Maldonado here, Merry Christmas. I am making another update to this journal

regarding Mr. Halt’s cancer treatment. Halt’s chemo treatment has unfortunately failed, the

cancer tumor was immune to the medications that we gave him during chemotherapy. In

addition, his symptoms have worsened; He is coughing up more blood, wheezing is stronger,

and the pain all over his body is unbearable according to him. The only thing we can do to stall

Halt’s inevitable demise is provide him with another type of treatment, immunotherapy. In

immunotherapy, we will have to expose Mr. Halt to various drugs in the form of an IV infusion,

this will hopefully stall the cancer long enough for the patient to live longer. This is not the

news I wanted to bring for a holiday that is supposed to be the happiest of the year, it is not only

a pain for me but to Halt’s loved ones who received the tragic news. All I can hope for is that the

immunotherapy treatment can stall his cancer long enough for him to give his final goodbyes to

his loved ones.

Entry No. 4


Published at: 10:05 AM Pacific Standard Time

This is Dr. Maldonado updating on Mr. Halt’s lung cancer for the last time. Today at 8:23

AM, Halt was found dead in his bed, he had finally succumbed to his cancer. We have contacted

his family members and informed them about this tragic news. It pains me to see somebody else
have to suffer the same way my mother did, we tried everything to treat him the best we could.

Halt, I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, I’m sorry that your family has to see one of their most

beloved relatives die to a monster that is untamable to all. I will be continuing my research on

cancer so that nobody else has to die, I hope that wherever Halt is now he finds peace.

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